

4 Peer Responses – Due In 6 Hours


Respond to four (4) of your classmates postings.

Rosies Post:

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) purpose is to assure, both in advance and by periodic reviewing that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of the human participating as subjects in the research. (US Food and Drug Administration Institutional Review)  The IRB has a responsibility to approve or disapprove all activity that is obtained and that is given enough information to provide notified consent. All research activities involving human subjects must be reviewed and receive a written, unconditional approval from the IRB before performing research. The IRB seeks to protect researchers as well from adverse consequences of research with human subjects so that they comply with federal regulations and guidelines.

Researchers should avoid exposing participants to physical or mental danger. If the potential for such distress exists in a research investigation, then the participants should be fully informed, the potential research findings should be sufficient importance to warrant the risk and no possibility should exist of achieving the results without the risk. (Monette, Sullivan, & DeJong, 2017) When a participant gets involved with a research, all risk should be considered prior to any testing could be performed. Before the research is considered, the participant should be aware of all risk and the benefits that may result from the research. The participant should be presented a legal contract and disclosure of the agreement of what the participant may endure through the research or better yet what the participant may be exposed to.


Monette, D., Sullivan, T. & DeJong, C. (2017). (9th ed.). Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu

. Retrieved from http://www.fda.gov/RegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm126420.htm

Janices Post:

To protect a research participant from harm, the IRB uses procedures which are consistent with sound research design and do not unnecessarily expose subjects to risk; and when appropriate, by using procedures already being performed on the subjects for diagnostic or treatment purposes.  The IRB makes sure that the risks to subjects are reasonable in relation to anticipated benefits, that the selection of subjects is equitable, informed consent will be sought from each prospective subject or the subjects legally authorized representative, informed consent will be appropriately documented, when appropriate, the research plan makes adequate provision for monitoring the data collected to ensure the safety of subjects, and when appropriate, there are adequate provisions to protect the privacy of subjects and to maintain the confidentiality of data.

The basis of the screening research application is for the IRB to determine whether the research is exempt and if it is not to gain permission to conduct the research.

The researcher responsibilities in terms of the IRB guidelines are getting informed consent, telling potential research participants all the aspects of the research.  Avoiding deception, tell participants the true hypothesis.  The Right to privacy, give false names and false places to protect the privacy of the research participant.  Researchers should also avoid exposing participants to physical or mental distress or danger.


Monette, D., Sullivan, T & DeJong, C. (2017). Applied social research (9th ed.). Retrieved from

Janices Post:

The identity and face of the students being video taped should be blocked out as a right in protecting their privacy.  On the way to school it is noted that some children change into different clothing to what they left home in.  These children are the one’s being laughed at or are the loners on the walk to the school bus stop.  It is while walking home you see the changes in behavior, some students making fun of others just to impress their friends.  You also see the quiet individuals being pushed to the back of the line, sometimes causing them to sit in seats where they are slapped at the back of their heads by the bullying individuals.

Long-term bullying can be detrimental to the health and mental welfare of those being bullied.  Some victims become so angry that it causes them to eventually lash out, which sometimes will result in body harm or even death to the bully.  School counselors, teachers, and other staff members have a ethical obligation to create a safe environment for the school children.  Some children are already going home from school to unsafe conditions, so school should be a safe haven for them.  Another ethical factor is confidentiality.  Students should feel like they could come to you and confide in you, if you are going to help them, you should know how to help without exposing them to the public, information should only be released on a need to know basis.  School children also have the right to privacy, they have the right to determine under what conditions you give others access to your personal information, researchers even though given permission, the researcher has to abide by their wishes to maintain their privacy

Markaylas Post:

The profession I currently work in is within education. I currently work with students preschool thru 5th grade.I have witnessed a lot of bullying. Bullying of student on student and student on adult.  Ethics is the study of what is proper and improper behavior, of moral duty and obligation (Drewry, 2004). The text describes social researchers, ethics involves the responsibilities that researchers bear toward those who participate in research, those who sponsor research, and those who are potential beneficiaries of research. It also covers many specific issues. According to the text there are basic ethical issues arise in social science research which are informed consent, deception, privacy (including confidentiality and anonymity), physical or mental distress, problems in sponsored research, scientific misconduct or fraud, and scientific advocacy. Another issue that arises often is protecting vulnerable clients and withholding treatment for research purposes. Regarding this particular proposed research I believe privacy would be the main concern at hand. When dealing with children they are not legally eligible to consent to be on video capturing their social interactions. You would need permission from their parents to be able to video tape their kids. Within ethics the right to privacy is one of the key values and ethical obligations mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. According to the text privacy refers to the ability to control when and under what conditions others will have access to your beliefs, values, or behavior. I believe attempting to virtually videotape the kids by collecting social research raises the issue of privacy and confronts investigators with the dilemma of threats to privacy are warranted by the research conducted. You will also face deception because you didn’t collect the proper consent.  It can be argued that their confidentiality was exposed because for example there could be a student whose family is in witness protection and your research exposed them to danger. When dealing with minors and not getting  consent you run the risk of a lot of ethical issues and implications. 


Monette, D., Sullivan, T. & DeJong, C. (2017). Applied social research (9th ed.). Retrieved from  


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