

  • law
  • January 17th, 2013

The legal restrictions of race and whiteness -Essay

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No computer excuses, no printing excuses, NO EXCUSES, if you don’t turn it in YOU WILL FAIL THIS PORTION OF THE TEST.

To get credit for the essay you
1. MUST submit a copy of the essay at turnitin.com; the sections close ½ hour before
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2. MUST bring a HARD COPY to the final exam

Discuss how the court system in the late 19th century and early 20th century constructed the legal restrictions of race and whiteness. Use specific examples from U.S history to support your argument.
Review and refer to the following articles to answer this question:
John Higham – The Evolution of Thought on Race and the Development of Scientific Racism                     Gjerde, 291
Ian F. Haney-Lopez- The Evolution of Legal Constructions of Race and “Whiteness”                          Gjerde,299
[Document] Thind v. U.S: The U.S Supreme Court Clarifies the Meaning of “White,” 1923
Gjerde, 288
Format                            Citation
12-Point font                         In-text citation
Normal Character Spacing                     No – excessive quoting
Times New Roman                          No bibliography – in class sources
Double Spaced                         only
1” margins all around
STAPLE YOUR PAPER            Body
EXACTLY 2 FULL PAGES – NO MORE         Grammar and Spelling
Check Grading Standards on eCompanion        Thesis statement
Topic and transition sentences
Tips on Completing your Essay
Review the question; what is it asking you? Read the required documents
Analyze what you read- don’t just read them, think about them, take notes; what is the author’s argument? What does he or she say? How does it relate to the question I am asking you?
Think about the question and the readings to what you have learned in class by thinking about the articles listed below, but also go back to the first week of class- all the Critical Race Theory we’ve reviewed (Omi and Winant, Bonilla Silva, McIntosh, Lopez). Review the lectures on Plessy v. Ferguson and the construction of racial boundaries through segregation.
After reviewing the readings and lectures- develop a thesis statement that answers the question.
Then choose some examples that support your thesis. Explain the examples then tie everything together in your conclusion section.
Take the time to WRITE out an Outline (trust me write it out- and jot down notes- don’t just go straight into typing it, you’ll get some great ideas together).
Your conclusion section should not have any new information or examples- it serves as a summation of the rest of your paper.
Do not rely on direct quotes; when you use direct quotes cite them properly. Direct quotes counts towards the originality of your paper.
Avoid first person in your essay, “ I think,” “I believe,” – I know it your thoughts, you’re writing it ?
Avoid telling me any stories about yourself- stick to answering your question- there’s no time for these stories.
You are writing a synthesis paper
“This type of paper expects you to use your writing to show that you have understood all the readings included in the assignment, and you are expected to synthesize the readings, to bring them together, in some interesting way around a central question. One key to successful synthesis papers is to bring your own voice and ideas into the paper sufficiently to actually direct the flow of the paper. If you find yourself just pasting together summaries of the readings in some kind of order, stop! You should find yourself, instead, identifying some interesting question that has grown out of your reading (you instructor may actually specify the question) and answering it. Your answer will usually become the thesis statement that directs the paper. You will use your reading, then, to develop your thesis–showing your reader what you mean by it and why you believe it is true.” [http://www.esc.edu/esconline/across_esc/writerscomplex.nsf/0/f7ae18b5ba15ee8b852569cf0062429c?OpenDocument]


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