

Market Segment Analysis-Research paper

You are Tim Horton’s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) tasked with building the brand’s segmentation strategy. In preparation for the next Executive Meeting you have been asked to do the following:
1.    Recommend one geographic location as a test market – a country, province or a city – where Tim Horton’s is already present. Provide a very brief rationale for your recommendation of this location.
2.    Identify, analyze and compare three market segments that Tim Horton’s could potentially focus a portion of their outlets on. Include in your analysis two current customer segments (currently served) and one new customer segment (not currently served). Think critically about the market segments and use the Market Analysis Framework to describe and compare the three segments in detail. You may be able to use some of your insights from your field research in Unit 3.
3.    Evaluate and compare the usefulness of each of the three different segments. Clearly identify the criteria you used to evaluate and rate the segments’ usefulness (chapter 7 in the text book provides background to this). Support your evaluation of each segment with at least one relatively recent article that either supports or detracts from the segment’s attractiveness. The articles have to be written in the last two years and from a popular or academic publication (no corporate websites, blogs or social media sites please).
4.    Finally, recommend one of the three segments in your analysis as the test segment for Tim Horton’s new channel strategy. Use the findings from your analysis in step 3 to justify your decision.

York – The profile should be singles.Midwest (Florida) – Family.California – Young hipsters.

Please be aware there are two similar, yet different market segmentation frameworks to use â?? depending on whether your segments are consumer segments (which will likely be most segments in this assignment) or business segments. If you have developed three business segments to analyze for Tim Hortonâ??s then you will use the above segmentation framework, but otherwise follow the same process.

Please also note that you cannot compare for example two consumer segments with one business to business segments. You have to make a choice of whether your segmentation analysis focuses on the consumer market or the business to business market.

Also we need more details in the following sections. And I paid for a larger word count as well.

******IntroductionLet me give you some examples of the content that you could include in each of the sections I talked about: the introduction, the analysis, the evaluation, the recommendation and the conclusion.First, the introduction. This is meant as a very brief section. We have only 1,500 words, so we can’t elaborate too much on each of these points. The 1,500 words are meant to give you practice in presenting only your key findings in the report to the decision-makers.However, an introduction always helps the reader establish an overview of what he or she is about to read. So establish the scenario. Present the context. Perhaps explain the purpose of the report â?? some of the key frameworks you’re going to be using. In this academic context we always like to see the reference back to key frameworks and concepts, so you demonstrate your mastery of the key course content.Present the key frameworks. Talk about the process of your report. You may want to briefly establish the current mission or strategy of the organization you are analyzing. In this case you might want to briefly explain how you chose the segments and how you’re going to make decisions and recommendations. Even though this may sound like a lot, it’s only meant to be about eight to ten lines to get the reader into your report.

*****The report structureWe often receive questions about how to structure the assignments and the reports. I’d like to say that if you find that you’re struggling with how to organize your information or your presentation of your findings, then the easiest way to go about it is to simply respond to the questions as they are posed in your assignment instructions and simply respond to the three major parts of the assignment as we talked about in the previous slide.If you want to organize it in a slightly more sophisticated way, here’s one way to do it. That is to include an introduction to establish the context for the reader. Take the broader view and then narrow it down so that we have a more logical and more elegant entrance way into your analysis, your evaluation and your recommendations.You might want to include a conclusion as well, which is a nice way to summarize the content, the purpose of the report and the contents of your findings and your recommendations for the reader. This provides a confident exit out of your report.

Assignment content balance – Can you please make sure the revision follows this: (See my attached power point)

On to your assignment. The first point I’d like to make is: read the assignment instructions and make sure you understand the questions. Notice that there are three major parts to your individual assignment, your market segmentation analysis. The first part asks you to analyze and compare a set of alternative market segments. The second part asks you to evaluate those segments and define their attractiveness. The third part asks you to identify and recommend, based on your analysis and your evaluation, one segment as Tim Hortons’s key target market.These three parts are weighted equally, so I encourage you to consider also balancing your assignment in three equal parts so you don’t end up with your analysis taking up 80 percent of the limited space that we have available. Make sure that you weight your content equally based on these three parts.

Assignment content balance – Can you please make sure the revision follows this: (See my attached power point)On to your assignment. The first point I’d like to make is: read the assignment instructions and make sure you understand the questions. Notice that there are three major parts to your individual assignment, your market segmentation analysis. The first part asks you to analyze and compare a set of alternative market segments. The second part asks you to evaluate those segments and define their attractiveness. The third part asks you to identify and recommend, based on your analysis and your evaluation, one segment as Tim Hortons’s key target market.These three parts are weighted equally, so I encourage you to consider also balancing your assignment in three equal parts so you don’t end up with your analysis taking up 80 percent of the limited space that we have available. Make sure that you weight your content equally based on these three parts.

I just found a website that may be helpful. we can pick three Canadian cities to chose from as this database offers us trends.http://www.environicsanalytics.ca/data.aspxStaying True to Tim Hortonsâ?�??�? CustomersThroughout all the expansion, new stores, and additional menu items, the company has stayed true to its customer. This means being a company that is â?�??�unpretentious, friendly, honest, caring and dependableâ?�??�.Part of Canadian CultureTim Hortons is a Canadian social and cultural institution. So much so that terms like â?�??�double, doubleâ?�??� (coffee with double cream and double sugar) and Tims (coffee) are part of everyday language. This success is not without recognitionas they have have even been named Marketer of the Year by Marketing magazine. The reasons they are so successful are true to their strategyâ?�??��quality products and an efficient operation.Products and ServicesBeyond coffee, the company has grown the number of items on the menu as trends have emerged that complement the core product offering. Unique signature products such as Timbits started appearing on the menu board. This followed to the current offering of other closely related products including muffins, cakes, pies, croissants, soups, sandwiches, bagels, beef stew, and chill.Including a full line-up of coffees, Tim Horton offers cans and pouches of coffee products for home brewing. This offering was in direct response to a customer demand for this type of product.Adapting Products to Customer TrendsWhen customers asked for Tims coffee to enjoy at home, the company responded by producing cans and pouches of their famous coffee for home brewing. While product development is always important to the success of the company, two things are always kept in mind when introducing a menu item: the ever-changing tastes of their customers and the stores’ ability to deliver a quality product and service.

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