

Do TNCs undermine the capacity of states to regulate economic activity in their respective societies?

Do TNCs undermine the capacity of states to regulate economic activity in their respective societies? Is the danger to sovereignty and democracy as grave as anti-capitalist protestors believe?    Type of document: Dissertation Chapter – Discussion    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced)    Category: Business

Order Instructions:
Two question i should answer the my opinion. this is discussion question.

1)) Do TNCs undermine the capacity of states to regulate economic activity in their respective societies? Is the danger to sovereignty and democracy as grave as anti-capitalist protestors believe?

2)) I would like you to think about what the major alternatives to neo-liberal global capitalism might look like. Should non-economic criteria be included in the rules of the global economy?


Organizational culture is fundamentally about symbolic meaning and as such cannot be managed.Discuss.    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 7 (Double Spaced)    Category: Management

Order Instructions:
no other details.


what major changes in political structures, social and economic life, occured during each of the following the sui dynasty, the tang dynasty and the song dynasty    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 1 (Single Spaced)    Category: Education    VIP Support: N/A
Language Style: English

Order Instructions:
need to have introduction, body and conclusion along with references


PTSD    Type of document: Research Paper    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 8 (Double Spaced)    Category: Psychology

Order Instructions:
This assignment is for a Research Study Critique on PTSD.The Research Study Critique must contain:

I. Introduction
II. Literature review
III. Methods
IV. Results
V. Discussion


Talking Points/Legislative Letter Assignment    Type of document: Coursework    Academic Level:Master
Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)    Category:   Nursing

Order Instructions:
NU 610
Guidelines for Talking Points/Legislative Letter Assignment
The Talking Points/Letter is an assignment that has two parts – the development of a “talking points” document and a letter to your Legislator. Be sure to review the guidelines for the Talking Points and Legislative Letter before you begin.
Be sure to note that if you are writing your Senator or Representative in Washington, DC, you must address a bill for the 113th Congress and not the 112th or earlier sessions. If you decide to write your Legislator that represents you in your State Capitol, then be sure you choose a bill that is currently being discussed in your Legislature. If your State Legislature is not in session, then you need to choose a federal bill.
Also, be sure to remember that you cannot ask your Federal Legislators – Senator and/or Representative in the House of Representatives – to vote on a bill that your State Legislators vote for in your State Capitol. Your State Legislators cannot vote on a bill that is under consideration in Washington, DC. Your Senator (Federal) cannot vote on a bill that is under consideration in the House of Representative and your Representative for the House of Representative cannot vote on a bill under consideration in the Senate. (The same is true for your State chambers). You can ask your Senator to consider sponsoring a similar bill that is under consideration in the House of Representatives in the Senate Chamber if there is a bill before the House that you would like to see in the Senate or vice versa. Be sure to check the sponsors and co-sponsors of the bill to see if there is bipartisan support. Note what bills Democrats and/or Republicans support and which ones they co-sponsor. Check to see if your Representative is in line with the other Representatives in your state. The same is true for your Senators. The assignment includes a title page, the legislative letter, talking points and a reference page, followed by merged turnitin report. All must be submitted as a single document. The assignment requires that you have a running head and page number for all pages, even though when you send to your Legislator you will remove the title page, running head and page numbers.
Guidelines for Legislative Letter
The purpose of this letter is to become actively involved in the legislative process as it relates to health policy advocacy. For this assignment, you will be asked to select a bill that impacts nursing, the patients that nurses care for, or a health related issue.
You should address the letter to one of your elected officials using their correct title. You may use the resources listed in the course to find out whom your elected Senator or Representative is if you do not know. In addition, the letter should include the short title and number of the bill as well as any companion bill in the other branch of the legislature.
If the legislator you are writing to is a co-sponsor of the bill, you should thank them for supporting this bill, if you are in favor of it. If the legislator is not a sponsor, you should ask them to consider supporting the bill. (Do a similar statement if you or your legislator opposes the bill.)
Next, you should identify yourself as a nurse in their district. You may also state that you are pursuing an advanced nursing education and should indicate any other meaningful liaisons to organizations that are related to the bill and tie in those memberships to show your interest and expertise in the area of the bill (i.e. for a bill that would allow Medicare reimbursement for a type of cancer screening you could state, “I have been a member of the American Cancer Society for five years and have become aware of how significant this type of screening would be to the patients in the Alabama.”)
You must make a statement of support or opposition and a give few general statements or reasons supporting your view.
You should also give a short “down home” story related to the problem that the bill is addressing. In other words, relate a short case study of a patient that you have taken care of that would have benefited from this bill, or perhaps a family member or friend who might have had a better outcome if this legislation were in place. Do not make up any stories, however. You should always be truthful.
You should refer them to the statistics in your “Talking Points” page that will accompany the letter.
Be sure to give your contact information at the top of the letter (use standard business letter format including the date). The letter should be single spaced, no more than 2 pages in length, and should close with your name and title. You should also indicate that the legislator may contact you for any questions or information needed related to the bill. Refer to grading rubric on last page.
Guidelines for Talking Points
The purpose of the Talking Points is for you to become familiar with a current health care policy issue that will enable you to “speak as an expert” as it relates to a specific health problem or concern.
Your talking points should zero in on the concern or problem addressed in the bill and should include bullets as defined on the grading rubric. All politics are local, so you must be able to point out why your particular legislator should sponsor the bill to help his/her own constituents.
You must include on a separate page (for the instructor only – not for sending to your legislator) an APA reference list that cites where you obtained the information you cited in your talking points.
Refer to grading rubric on last page.
Please note: Up to 20% of points will be deducted from grade for lack of scholarship.
Scholarship Expectations
You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the advanced practice nurses and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nurses who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nursing in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.
Organized and logical progression of idea; effort and attention to detail is evident; communicates effectively in all aspects of discussion. Correct grammar, spelling, and word choice. Liberal number of references. References are current. Appropriately paraphrased, and acknowledged. Correct use of APA. Correct title page use.
NU 610 Legislative Letter/Talking Points Grading Rubric
Legislative Letter
Business format (single spacing) including date, and title/address of representative
Includes students name/contact information
Title and number of bill with indication of your support or opposition. Title and number of companion bill, if indicated.
Student’s nursing role.
Student’s links to healthcare/nursing organizations.
Two general statements/reasons supporting your view.
Short, personal “down home” story addressing the bills impact.
Referred the legislator to the “Talking Points” page.
Talking Points
The page is titled with the name of the bill, brief description of bill, and is no more than one page in length (single spaced).
At least 6 bullets/points but no more than 8 are included. Must have separate (different) reference for each bullet point.
At least 1 bullet/point on national statistics concerning the number of patients/nurses that the issue affects.
At least 1 bullet/point on regional/state statistics concerning the number of patients/nurses that the issue affects.
At least 2 bullets/points on the impact of the problem as it relates to monetary costs, or days lost in work, or pain and suffering for those affected are included.
At least 1 bullet/point addresses the estimated impact of the bill or an alternative solution to the problem if you are opposed to the bill.
A final bullet/point includes either an extra point concerning one of the cited categories above or addressed another point which was significant to the issue.
PDF document in correct order – title page, legislative letter, talking points, reference page followed by merged turnitin report.
Total Points


Social Performance, Part 1    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 5 (Double Spaced)    Category: Business

Order Instructions:
Assume you are the new CEO of a medium-sized public corporation in your city. After reviewing the
organization and its culture, you decide that the company’s social performance is good, but some
changes should be made to help the company to improve in this area.
Write a 4-6 page paper in which you:
1. Describe your company and analyze the various primary and secondary stakeholder groups, their
roles, and relationships.
2. Recommend ways the stakeholders can influence the destiny of your business.
3. Create a plan on how you would encourage stakeholders to form a coalition to help you achieve
your goals. Include a discussion of the specific assistance you think the coalition could provide.
4. Anticipate any challenges in encouraging stakeholders to form a coalition to help you achieve
your goals and the steps you would take to overcome these challenges.
Your assignment must
follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Recommend ways stakeholders can influence the destiny of both business and society.
• Analyze the various primary and secondary stakeholder groups, their roles, and relationships.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in business and society.
• Write clearly and concisely about business and society using proper writing mechanics.


Ways of Knowing “Nursing Assignment”    Type of document: Coursework    Academic Level:Master
Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)    Category:   Nursing

Order Instructions:
This assignment is designed to begin thoughtful reflection on the various ways of knowing and their influence on your nursing practice. Review the readings and keynote for this unit and then ponder the following questions. In 500 hundred words or less (excluding references):

1. Explain how the ways of knowing influence your current practice and how you see the
ways of knowing evolving your advanced nursing practice. (Answer this question in terms
of the role/degree you are currently seeking)

Provide specific examples for each type of knowing from current or previous experience
in a practice environment and examples of each type of knowing applied to your advanced
nursing role and degree.

2. Identify your preferred paradigm and give supporting rationale for each. Think long and
hard about the empiricism and interpretative paradigms. Think about who you are and
who you want to become in your advanced nursing role. Which paradigm best defines
you? How did you come to your understanding? How does your preferred paradigm relate
to your chosen role?

Despite these being personal questions, you are to write your responses in 3rd person (this DNP or MSN student, this author).

Most assignments in the college of nursing are written in 3rd person and scholarly articles in refereed journals are generally written in 3rd person so it is important for you to practice this skill.

Reference the post liberally. Always use primary sources, rather than secondary sources when available (and most are available). For instance, if Chinn and Kramer talk about Barbara Carper’s fundamental patterns of knowing, then go to Carper’s work and read for yourself. Do you agree with Chinn and Kramer’s understanding? If so, credit Carper for her work and credit Chinn and Kramer for their interpretation, if relevant to the discussion. The deep dive is an important aspect of scholarship. Remember, you are scholars “students of advanced learning”.

No cross post is required.

Grading Rubric
Points Criteria
3/3 Explain how the ways of knowing influence your current practice and how you see the ways of knowing evolving your advanced nursing practice. (Answer this question in terms of the role/degree you are currently seeking).

Provide specific examples for each type of knowing from current or previous experience in a practice environment and examples of each type of knowing applied to your advanced nursing role and degree.
2/2 Identify your preferred paradigm and give supporting rationale for each. Think long and hard about the empiricism and interpretative paradigms. Think about who you are and who you want to become in your advanced nursing role. Which paradigm best defines
you? How did you come to your understanding? How does your preferred paradigm relate to your chosen role?
5/5 Total Points


Organizing at Dell Computers    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)    Category: Management

Order Instructions:
Organizing at Dell Computers

We all remember Dell Computers and most of us may have used them. It wa a very successful company. It was known for shipping directly to the consumer, which enabled very competitive prices.
But times changed in the PC industry. Dell Computers experienced major losses.

But Michael Dell, its founder, returned to the helm and is mastermining a turnaround.

Our main focus is the organizing happening nowadays at Dell Computers.

Assignment Expectations

Please write a three to four page paper. Please answer this main question:

Can Michael Dell be successful in turning around Dell Computers? What are some of the main initiatives (related to Organizing) that Dell has implemented in order to turn Dell Computers around?

Required Readings!
Dell’s Extreme Makeover
Edwards, C. (2009) Dell’s Extreme MakeOver. Business Week, New York, N.Y., October 15, 2009

Please also visit Dell Computers site and conduct further research, for instance by reading some of the latest news about the company.

Helpful Tips!
•    Please first read in-depth the Background Materials.
•    Identify key concepts (main aspects of Organizing, such as design/structures, teams, etc), make a list of them, and study them.
•    Read the case in Business Week in-depth and conduct additional research, if necessary.
•    Identify facts in the case that match the concepts of organizing such as:
•    Apply these concepts to facts in the case in order to develop your arguments.
•    Use Tips for Good Writing! Make sure to have an introduction, a main body with as many sections as identified concepts of reorganization design, etc (see my hints), and conclusions

These are some suggestions about some of the Dell initiatives!
•    Organizational restructuring based upon customers into business groups
•    A newly hired executive team
•    New Culture
•    New Strategies to reach customers and how they reflect in organizing (such as opening stores, etc). remember they used to ship directly to customers in their good old das!

In order to develop good business communication skills, it is recommended you write papers using the following structure, using headlines and titles.

Introduction (road map, explain main issue and list and main points)

Main Body: Develop each point in the Introduction, applying theory to facts, in subsections (one subsection per main point).

subsections should be based upon main Dell organizing changes, such as new structure in business groups/units with added responsibilities, new hiring policies, etc. as wel as a discussion section!

Conclusions: Summarize main paper points


The Capital Asset Pricing Model    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)    Category: Business    VIP Support: N/A
Language Style: English (U.S.)    Allow night calls: No    will upload files: No
Writing Style: APA    Email: [email protected]    Phone: USA –             1-254-251-6906       (mobile)
Order Instructions:
1. For each of the scenarios below, explain whether or not it represents a diversifiable or an undiversifiable risk. Please consider the issues from the viewpoint of investors. Explain your reasoning
a. There’s a substantial unexpected increase in inflation.
b. There’s a major recession in the U.S.
c. A major lawsuit is filed against one large publicly traded corporation.

2. Use the CAPM to answer the following questions:
a. Find the Expected Rate of Return on the Market Portfolio given that the Expected Rate of Return on Asset “i” is 12%, the Risk-Free Rate is 4%, and the Beta (b) for Asset “i” is 1.2.
b. Find the Risk-Free Rate given that the Expected Rate of Return on Asset “j” is 9%, the Expected Return on the Market Portfolio is 10%, and the Beta (b) for Asset “j” is 0.8.
c. What do you think the Beta (?) of your portfolio would be if you owned half of all the stocks traded on the major exchanges? Explain.

3. In one page explain what you think is the main ‘message’ of the Capital Asset Pricing Model to corporations and what is the main message of the CAPM to investors?
Assignment Expectations:
The Case report should be a two-page report. Please show your work for quantitative questions.

Required reading
Required Readings:
I personally recommend reading up on the basic concepts behind the Capital Asset Pricing Model first before worrying about the formula. But still many of you are eager to learn the formulas first, so here are a few links below. But don’t fixate on the formulas, spend an equal if not greater amount of time reading up on the basic concepts:

Investopedia (n.d.). Capital Asset Pricing Model, retrieved August 31, 2012 from: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capm.asp

MoneyChimp, (n.d.) CAPM calculator, retrieved August 31, 2012 from:http://www.moneychimp.com/articles/valuation/capm.htm

QFinance, (n.d.) Capital Asset Pricing Model, retrieved June 2012 from: http://www.qfinance.com/asset-management-calculations/capital-asset-pricing-model

Value Based Management, (n.d.) Capital Asset Pricing Model, retrieved August 31, 2012 from: http://www.valuebasedmanagement.net/methods_capm.html

To gain a deeper understanding of the CAPM and associated concepts beyond just the formula, read:

Damodaran, A. (n.d). Picking the right projects: Investment analysis. Retrieved August 31, 2012 from:


Medical Genetics Assignment    Type of document: Essay    Academic Level:Undergraduate
Number of Pages: 3 (Double Spaced)    Category: Education

Order Instructions:
FBMS522 Medical Genetics assignment, December 2012.

1.    The assignment is worth up to 40% of your marks for the Medical Genetics module. It consists of three structured questions, and a review of a congenital trait. All four questions are compulsory.

2.    The task is designed to make you apply genetic concepts, and to make use of appropriate sources. The set texts might be helpful for questions 1-3 (all are in the Library as reference copies). Other useful resources for question 4 are the website Genetics Home Reference, which provides links to Pubmed and OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man). GeneCards publishes expression data. Note, however, that some of the assignment requires the use of deduction, and The Answer will not always be found by looking around the web.

3.    Please type up your answers in a new document, using complete sentences with explanations where appropriate. Correct English and clarity of expression are important for this assignment. Normal advice about plagiarism applies.

4.    You will need to learn the ‘Progeny’ tool for question 1: this is easy to do, and brief instructions may be found in the Formative Task which is still on the module website.

5.    You will need to use the ensembl.org database for question 4: see Lecture 6 outline.

6.    Question 2 on linakage relies on material from Lecture 7. See supplementary notes in the Study Material tab.

7.    Queries about the task should be directed to the Discussion board on the module site. You are encouraged to discuss approaches to the assignment with each other, but there is no point in either giving or accepting ‘the right answer’. How do you know if it’s right ?

8.    The assignment must be submitted via the Turnitin tab before 10 am on 4 February 2013. This is essentially a take-home examination paper, and you should dedicate an appropriate amount of time and effort to it. You have almost 7 weeks; you cannot complete it on Sunday after tea the day before the deadline.
Question 1. Inheritance, and mutation mechanisms (21 marks).
This question is based on real data from a large Dutch family. The proband is a 33 year old woman. The geneticists would like to find the genetic basis of the family trait.
1.     Draw the pedigree described in the following paragraph, using the ‘Progeny’ tool. Save your pedigree as a JPEG file and embed it in your Word file. Assume that all family members affected with a metabolic disorder express the trait. For this pedigree, number all members of each generation, even if they have married into the family. As a self-check; if you have drawn the pedigree correctly, the proband will appear as II.6 ; her younger sister’s third son will be III.12. Note that inm male-female couples, the male is conventionally placed on the left.
“A family is attending the genetics clinic. Several members suffer from metabolic disorders; Diabetes mellitis (DM) or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG). IFG and IGT are considered as ‘pre-diabetes’ and in ~ 70% of cases lead to the full form. The proband has DM and is married. She has three sons, who all have IGT. The eldest is married with one daughter, who is healthy. The proband has two older siblings (a brother and a sister) and a younger sister, who are all married; the first two have diabetes, the younger sister has IGT. The proband’s brother has a healthy daughter. Her elder sister has two chidren, of either sex, both with IGT. Her younger sister has four sons all with IFG or IGT. They are all married with one healthy daughter each. The proband’s father is healthy, while the proband’s mother had diabetes and is deceased. “
2.    What is the apparent inheritance pattern for this trait? Explain your answer, with reference to the transmission between generations, and the variable symptoms.
3.    Name one other trait with the same inheritance pattern, and state the name of the gene locus responsible for this trait.
4.    Assume that the locus responsible for the ‘glucose metaboloism’ character in this pedigree can be occupied by two alternate alleles. Assign symbols to these alleles. Give the genotypes of the proband and her husband. If the pedigree was different, and II.2 expressed the trait and was heterozygous, what would be the phenotype of III.1, and why ?
5.    What is the risk that the proband’s next child will express the trait if it is a boy, or a girl?
6.    What is the risk that the next child of II.1 will express the trait, and why ?
7.    The daughter of III.12 does not yet show any symptoms. Is this because she is too young?
8.    The geneticists extracted leucocyte DNA from cases and controls, and carried out a PCR reaction to amplify regions of several different candidate genes. All the affected family members carried a G->A substitution in the coding region of ND-1, which converted the codon GGG to AGG. Is this a transition or a transversion? Did the amino acid change as a result? Was this substitution conservative or nonconservative?
9.    Deamination is a spontaneous mechanism that could have given rise to the mutation described in 8 above. Explain this briefly, and the substitution that would occur in the next round of DNA synthesis. What DNA repair mechanism would need to have failed for this to occur ? A tautomeric mutation mechanism is also possible, as discussed in lecture 3; suggest how this mechanism would produce the G-> A substitution in the next round of DNA synthesis, and why DNA repair would not be engaged in this case.
10.    If the mutation had been a gene deletion instead of a point mutation, could this have arisen during meiosis in the mother? Explain your answer.
Question 2 . Linkage and positional cloning (32 marks).
Pedigree 1 below shows a real family in which several members suffer from degrees of hearing impairment from mild loss in one ear to complete deafness.
1)    From the pedigree alone, what is the apparent inheritance pattern for this form of hearing impairment?

2)    What is the genotype of the gametes produced by II.1 and II.2 ?

3)    What frequency of heterozygotes and homozygotes would you expect to see among the children of II.2 ?

4)    If II.3 had been unaffected by the trait, how could the genotypes of his children be explained, assuming no other changes in the pedigree?

5)    Does the trait appear to be typically mendelian ? Explain your answer (you may argue for and against the proposition if you wish).

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