

MGB220 literature review

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Use the following citation for referencing varialbes used in the quant survey or in rleation to sections of the literature review that are not referenced by anyone else:

Newton, C.J. (2014). MGB220 Human Resource Decision Making [Lecture Notes]. Retrieved from http://blackboard.qut.edu.au/

I will upload additional files including lecture notes.

This report need some graphs that I will provide later.

Department 1


Organisational Culture Questions (Participant Comments)


What words come to mind when asked to describe the ‘feel’ of this department as it is now?


1 – the environment is characterized by ‘trying’ everyone tries to work as a team generally, a nice, committed team – if you don’t work as part of the team, you stand out – team workers, that’s who were are and that’s how we do things here – a bunch of nodes all connecting to each other, with no middle

2 – this place is really committed – everyone looks out for you and the team – everyone is like a brother, sister, Mum, or Dad in a way.

3 – it’s all about teamwork – we have fun too, but it is about teamwork and helping each other to learn, get the job done and enjoy working here

4 – it’s cohesive and pleasant – an air of friendship – a very social place to work- supportive

5 – flexibly rule-based, policies and guidelines adhered to but there is flexibility – we look out for each other and all work well together is a really cohesive way

6 – it’s like a family – there is pressure like any workplace but family comes first, our real family and our work family – management look out for you– it’s stable, warm, friendly, exciting-

7 – everyone helps each other out when they can here, it’s an example of great teamwork – we really try to help people develop in their jobs and do the best they can do – we rely on teamwork as often there are staff shortages in some areas and we need to help out

8 – it’s really friendly – open door policies in that anyone can be accessed at any time, you can walk in and feel relaxed with your boss – really supportive environment, from bosses to colleagues

9 – it’s so team-oriented – so supportive, and even fun– warm, friendly – everyone jumps in to give a hand wherever needed – some odd socks but not many– happy work environment – could say ‘extended family’

10 – friendly, close-knit – sharing of information– positive overall – some negative people but not many – family-like they take the time to run proper induction programs which encourages a team based approach and also gives you a sense of belonging



Experience of Stress


Can you tell me about events that are usually stressful at work for you?


1 – people on the floor not answering a phone because they are busy…I need them to be available otherwise I have to take a message, or delay the customer more – reception can have many calls on the line for a long time – end of month can be stressful in administration because there are so many reports and numbers to compile

2 – biggest stress is when you call for a supervisor and they just give the customer what they want anyway, even if the rules state otherwise, it’s a lack of employee support in front of the client. It’s just not right, we have a culture here of support and caring for each other and then the supervisor goes and does this in front of the client.

4 – not being able to get someone in another area when you have an aggressive client, usually they are off helping someone else but sometimes I need the help too

5 – staff shortages sometimes mean we have too much to do, you see, if someone in the next department has to look after a sick kid we can’t always cover that section, it’s hard to do everything.

6 – Trying to encourage teamwork when there are staff shortages is stressful – everyone is so busy.

7 – being friendly with a manager and then hearing people complain about that manager..I usually stand up for the manager which means it can be uncomfortable at work – when things don’t go the way they should at work (maybe because of absenteeism and we are busy)….when ask for help and can’t get it because everyone is busy or the staff aren’t there. Part timers help out other people and then can’t get that favour back in return because are not there all the time…I feel like I miss out on the ‘pay-back’ sometimes, and I need help often just like them.

8 – The battle for resources with other staff (such as people coming in and using my computer when I need it too – they take a long time sometimes)

9 – team member conflicts really stress me out (they will still help you out, but not happily – some have a whine about having to help you)

when team members are not following the values it is stressful as it is all about being a team

10 – sometimes management don’t follow through on what they say they will do (like on how to deal with a difficult client) – no one really makes a decision on the spot which can be stressful.


What are the most common things that trigger the experience of stress at work?


1 – management who don’t follow through when off to do something about an issue (such as a customer wanting an unreasonable refund) – being let down by other team members

2 – some people not being where they should be, it means I have to cover them and don’t know where they are

3 – disgruntled clients who get what they want anyway when the supervisor comes into it

4 – absenteeism is fairly high because they are off looking after family or something which can mean that you only have one person for an aisle that should have five people

6 – customers expecting too much service when it is clearly very busy – there are not enough staff to cover all the customers

7 – not getting help when you need it – not getting teamwork from other team members – coordinators not taking action when they should (such as with complaining customers – give them too much)

8 – customer aggression which management then support by giving them what they want anyway –

some people take on too much and then get stressed – they try to be martyrs

9 – customer complaints trigger stress because usually have to get a supervisor and then the supervisor doesn’t always back you up.

10 – it’s hard to take staggered lunches, sometimes there is just one person left for a whole department – lack of understanding from management regarding the levels of staffing –

number of customers is increasing and therefore there are more unhappy customers as the staff are not there to help.



Department 2


Organisational Culture Questions (Participant Comments)


What words come to mind when asked to describe the ‘feel’ of this department as it is now?

1 – friendly – professional– accepting – a strong work ethic – innovative – we can work autonomously – not always fun but we usually have some control over what we are doing even if we are doing it fast – we can be a bit creative in how we go about our job

2 – work hard but looked after by employers – good long term prospects– vibrant and innovative – we can say what we feel and do things the way we want to do them mostly

3 – it’s upbeat and alive although quite disorganised as we are always changing that way we do things or what we are doing – it’s vibrant and quite innovative in that regard – we are very sales focussed

4 – I think of young and free when I think of this place – easy going – friendly – expanding – growing – responding to the market place – this forces us to be creative and innovative in what we do and how we do it.

5 – this is a dynamic department – innovative in that we are always finding and trying new ways of doing things – we strive to stay number one at what we do

6 – we are under pressure – it’s a family and team like orientation – it can be fun – it’s dynamic nad vibrant and innovative

7 – it’s excitement here, I feel like new things are happening in the department, all the time – it looks to the future and changes with the future outlook

8 – it has a client orientation – they do a lot for the employees, the leaders are quite supportive – it’s definitely not bureaucratic, thank goodness – we can say what you feel and this can be invigorating

9 – it’s frustrating as things are changing so often with disagreement over what should be done first – good rewards though as I get paid fairly well and there is a lot of flexibility in my work and how and when I do my work

10 – long hours here, we are under pressure to get the job done properly – it’s vibrant and innovative – lots of deadlines to meet but we are encouraged to be innovative – we are told to take the reins.


Experience of Stress


Can you tell me about events that are usually stressful at work for you?


1 – organising the workload is really challenging and sometimes seems like an impossible task – at times you have to focus and it can be hard to do that with all the talking and discussion that happens around here. It is inescapable though as all that talking a discussion has to happen – some changes at work can be stressful but they are small usually, and the are usually for the better, it is just that you get used to doing something one way and it often changes quickly but that is the environment we are in, things change all the time.

2 – massive workload, I don’t know how we get through it – some people who work here are too relaxed so it can be hard to get others to sense the urgency in meeting a deadline, they just seem to cruise and it makes it look like they don’t know how urgent things are

3 – there is a lack of direction and leadership in what to do in some situations. I think that is because things change so quickly that we can’t get a stable and set way of doing things, but it is frustration when there is no one really driving every process that we have to follow –

not enough rewards (other than money), we want non-monetary rewards here too like at other workplaces – changes in direction of product development, everything changes, all the time – interruptions to workflow due to other companies doing something different and we then have to follow to be competitive

4 – changes in the telecommunications industry, it is constantly changing. They announce one thing, we work like dogs getting it ready, then something happens and they announce a change so all that work was a waste of time and we have to start again – having to do different jobs all the time and not feeling trained….this happens almost every day, we really have to think on our feet and often wonder if we are doing things right.

5 – doing lots of different jobs by their deadlines…sometimes I am flying by the seat of my pants – interruptions such as questions, phone calls from clients……phone calls from stores – multi-tasking (having to know lots about a lot of different jobs and tasks

6 – work load – coping with increased growth, we are just growing so quickly and it feels like it is getting away from us sometimes – projects that are difficult to finalise due to industry requirements or equipment shortages – because things change so quickly I often feel like we are disappointing our clients, either we are too busy or the product that we said they could have they can no longer have because of a change in the telecommunications industry – having to manage new tasks and procedures

7 – it’s usually happy stress here, not to kind of stress everyone else thinks of – the things that casue our version of stress are things being out of my own control (like stock not ready – someone not available) – interruptions and phone calls are a bit stressful

8 – interruptions at work with phone calls and clients –try to fit everything in on any one day is a stress, leaving things not finished at work when going home – emails and finding time to reply to them – too many tasks (they aren’t hard) – workload

9 – adapting to new growth and change (such as procedures, business) – sometimes our tasks can be boring and feel uninvolved, like we just have to do then but they aren’t exciting or anything – having to be able to do lots of different tasks and not know them all fully

10 – people who don’t do their jobs (has a follow on effect) – relying on incompetence


What are the most common things that trigger the experience of stress at work?

2 – changes in the way of doing things (some procedures and ways approaching work)

3 – changes in direction (such as Telstra changes in products available) – industry led interruptions to work and projects – having a project stopped after heaps of effort and work

4 – changes in the telecommunications industry – changes in technology – having to do different jobs – not feeling trained or ready for changes

5 – having decisions overturned without good reason – interruptions from phones and issues as they arise – waiting for responses to queries within the organisation

6 – workload – meeting deadlines – multi-tasking ‘fatigue’ (multi task so much we are often waiting on ourselves to finish a task before we are ‘meant’ to get to it ourselves)

7 –it is frustrating because have to work weekends with no extra pay – we have difficulties getting along with a manager (a bit of that – not too much) – there are just constant phone calls and interruptions

8 – interruptions at work with phone calls and clients, it never stops it seems – it is hard to manage time here, we just have so many challenges trying to fit everything in and sometimes we have to leave things not finished at work when going home, I hate that, I really like to get everything done properly otherwise you just think about it at home – emails and finding time to reply to them – too many tasks (they aren’t hard, just too many of them)

9 – workload – there is just so much to do and such little time to do it but we have to.

lack of initiative sometimes (people rely on others rather than reading about it)

10 – people who don’t do their jobs (has a follow-on effect as if the person before you hasn’t finished their role properly) – I get tired of relying on incompetence here sometimes.



Department 3


Organisational Culture

What words come to mind when asked to describe the ‘feel’ of this department as it is now?


1 – ambitious – fast paced – profit-driven – do the job and do it quickly, accurately and efficiently, that how we do things around here

2 – it’s all about accuracy and efficiency, we have to get it right and do it quickly

3 – understaffed, exhausting, unhappy, no support, yet we have to be so efficient – there are targets that we have to meet, no room for errors.

4 – it’s competitive – challenging, about getting the job done and moving onto the next thing – it can be process driven but we have to follow the process to get the job done quickly and make money

5 – fast paced – stressful – target-oriented – meet and exceed you sales targets – that’ it, it is simple, meet you targets and more.

6 – it’s all work, no time for play, or helping others if they are sad or have family problems, you can help to get the work done but that is about what we are here, workers – we are interactive with colleagues and clients but only about work stuff – it’s goal oriented, meet the target, make money, and make a profit. Simple as that!

7 – we are all about a profit focus – asset building – profit-making – that’s what this department is.

8 – we are friendly and mostly happy – it’s pretty comfortable here – other people’s stress and negative energy and attitudes can be a downside, they whinge about having to make their targets but they should just do it and get over it.

9 – we are professional here – friendly but segregated, you know, not overly friendly outside of our immediate colleagues – everything is done properly here and to the regulations, and quickly, we move fast to meet your goals and targets

10 – friendly, happy, interesting, some procedures – we lack effective communication even though we are a small department


Experience of Stress


Can you tell me about events that are usually stressful at work for you?


1 – time management is a huge stress here, we get customer complaints and have so much to do – meeting targets, we have such high targets – there are not enough staff to help and support us to meet the targets

2 – sales targets, it is not possible to reach the targets sometimes – complaints from within and from clients – they flow through the line – it’s hard to meet the targets and always follow the rules

3 – customers, there are so many and it is hard to meet their needs and demands – workload – staff members

4 –busy business periods (cyclical) – not meeting sales targets – uncooperative staff – inadequate tools to do the job sometimes, we are expected to be accurate and efficient but then we don’t have the software to help us.

5 – customer volume – customer traffic – selling products – try to sell all the time –

meeting targets – not enough time – filling out forms

6 – not meeting targets – tracking targets every day – doing extra to get the targets but just playing the game – having to complete all the work so quickly – not having other staff or branches available when they are needed – other people in a bad mood because they are busy or have stuffed up – abuse from a client – making mistakes that cost money

7 – abuse from clients – mistakes the cost money, I hate that especially as it is so against what we are supposed to be like.

8 – not understanding procedures fully – running the risk of missing deadlines – too many things happening at once

9 – too much work to handle at one time

10 – when the internet is down and we can’t get access to the systems we need to to get the job done – setup problems disrupt normal flow of work and cause stress – too much to do in too little time – staff shortages make everyday issues stressful sometimes – primary measure of performance is dollars made which is stressful


What are the most common things that trigger the experience of stress at work?


1 – time management, that is, trying to get everything done in the time we have, it’s impossible – lack of staff – customer expectations

2 – complaints from other departments and customers

3 – not enough time – too much work – meeting targets and doing the job right

4 – dealing with complaints – not meeting sales targets – uncooperative staff

5 – customers – busy days (with customers and not getting enough time to process it quickly)

6– not meeting targets

7 – Thursdays, this is when most of the deadlines are for the Saturday and Sunday papers – it’s impossible to meet the process deadlines and then keep selling to make more money

8 – work overload – rushing to meet deadlines and customer needs

9 – information technology not working (e.g., the computer system going down) – lack of staff and resources to meet the large weekly deadlines

10 – deadlines – small staff levels – when one person is away it can be stressful to do their work – quite high non-attendance at times


Department 4


What words come to mind when asked to describe the ‘feel’ of this department as it is now?


1 – Safe in terms of employment – procedural, just follow the procedure and you’ll be safe – don’t think outside the square too much

2 – Great place – boring and process oriented – positive outlook generally though – feel we are perceived positively – structure makes it easy to do your job, you know what you should be doing, when to do it, and how to do it

3 – led by a directive boss – process orientation here, just follow the process that is set out – everyone knows what’s expected – everyone knows what they should be doing and where they should be – there is a friendly element – a customer focus

4 – mostly friendly – very organised – most time we have a bit of fun – follow processes and get the job done –

5 – structural – hierarchical – process orientation – friendly – no real morale, we are a bit like an assembly line which is a bit sad

6 – good – friendly – learning environment – make own rules to a very small degree, but not much, but I like that

7 – it’s very structural, we all know what everyone should be doing, we all know who the bosses are too – our department is extremely process heavy

8 – money, process and procedure orientation – – chain of production – success of a day manager is dependant upon the success of the night fill – 24 hour operation – process oriented –

more process orientation here than is other departments

9 –strong processes and procedures designed to meet goals – friendly

10 – there’s an assumption that the steps will be followed, an expectation that we can perform many different tasks which is stimulated by some job rotation – follow procedures especially for cash handling – procedures and standard processes are necessary otherwise we are ‘up the creek’ –

use the procedures as a benchmark and make them fit/innovate from there – everything gets done to cover the next person, like a chain reaction – everything follows in order


Experience of Stress


Can you tell me about events that are usually stressful at work for you?


1 – high workload – a lack of time to get things done…not enough warning from managers when have to do extra tasks…it’s hard to plan my own workload when they don’t give me and us enough time to fit it all in.

2 – When a new policy directive is given but it then reverts to the old way anyway…it just highlights unsuitable and inflexible policy…the changes don’t work everywhere – having your performance linked to the way others in the chain perform their tasks is stressful as sometimes we don’t have control over additional duties

3 – trying to answer the phone when it rings a lot – customer abuse because there are not enough staff – high work demands and massive time pressure – pressure to get things ready for the next person who starts after you

4 – lack of staff , there just aren’t enough people her to do it all – sometimes have to finish off previous days cash takings in the morning of the following day – feel like there is a lack of time – high work demands and the procedures don’t work with these high demands, almost impossible to follow the procedures

5 – stringent time limits hard to comply with – policy not really in touch with the work…work has to be done their way or no way – changes to policy and procedures don’t always fit the situation –

staff shortages and time pressures lead to a lack of control over own jobs

6 – trying to do more than one job at once – hard to pick the priority sometimes – lack of staff training, some people don’t know the procedures and this causes problems down the line – some of the other departments are slow which can have an effect down the line –

lack of staff to complete the tasks allocated – absenteeism is high …some people will take one sick day per fortnight

7 – lack of time to complete things and meet customer expectations – low staffing levels – egislation and procedures can cause strain as some of them are so detailed and timely

8 –staff problems get worse when casuals do not show up as they should and when they do they don’t know the procedures

9 – following procedures and getting used to new technology –

10 – helping other people to get through is stressful as it takes you away from your tasks – getting called away to do other tasks – not enough time to do all the jobs – staff personality clashes – other letting personal problems interfere with their work


What are the most common things that trigger the experience of stress at work?


1 – lack of staff to meet the high work demand – long queues with customers glaring at you

2 – a few managers are authoritarian – meeting paperwork needs to prove that processes have been followed

3 – trying to answer the phone when it rings a lot – customer abuse because there are not enough staff – high work demands and massive time pressure – pressure to get things ready for the next person who starts after you – less staff, more customers – this trend is stressful as it is so hard to meet all the concurrent demands

4 –being called out onto registers prevents staff from controlling their own quality of work – sometimes get into trouble because of this as procedure has been breached

5 – stringent time limits hard to comply with – policy not really in touch with the work – work has to be done their way or no way – changes to policy and procedures don’t always fit the situation

6 – too many sick days especially with the casuals who appear to be uncommitted and don’t care – full time equivalents are more committed and don’t have as many sick days – managers yelling at staff – being given unreasonable tasks in the time allowed or available – customer pressure to be quicker at the registers

7 – lack of time to complete tasks – customer complaints about slow service and long queues – being called to the registers with still the same amount of work to do

8 – people not completing their allocated tasks properly – some people aren’t cooperative when there is a need to get a particular task completed – departments work against each other sometimes rather than with each other which can make it hard to get the job done fully

9 – staff shortages and being called up to the registers – usually registers are not factored into the tasks that need completing that day


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