

Leisure Mapping Essay – Sociocultural Perspective in Kinesiology Leisure Mapping Essay – Sociocultural Perspective in Kinesiology

Leisure Mapping Essay – Sociocultural Perspective in Kinesiology Leisure Mapping Essay – Sociocultural Perspective in Kinesiology

Length: 7 pages double-spaced + references page + time map + title page, 12pt Times New Roman, one inch margins all around, numbered pages (except title page and time map); thesis-based essay structure required, paragraphing required, no underlining or boldface; research required; non-superficial discussion and analysis expected, drawing on and elaborating themes and key ideas from the course with the aid of research sources; length limit strictly observed – your essay will not be read beyond the first seven pages and the grade will be based solely on these seven pages together with the references page and time map.
Grading criteria: Clear, effective time map; clear, insightful analysis of time map in terms of ideas and themes of the course using research sources; correct APA in-text citations and APA references page; correct number and types of sources; effective organization of information; grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and format
Purpose of assignment: To raise awareness of sociocultural factors that influence the quality and distribution of leisure activity and recreation in our lives.
1) Create a time map of your daily activities over the course of a typical seven day week in your life. To create the time map, divide up each day of the week into twenty-four one-hour units. Record what you do in each of the hourly units. At the end of the process, you will have an hour-by-hour record of what you did on
each day of the week. The format of your time map is left open, but it must have your name on it and be neat, legible and word-processed on 8.5 x 11” sheets of paper (same size pages as the essay).
2) Write a seven-page essay in which you critically analyze your time map, paying particular attention towards time for leisure and recreation (broadly defined). In the body of your essay, begin by summarizing briefly what you believe your time map tells you about your life in general. Next, drawing on information from your research sources (see step 3 below), describe and critically discuss the activities that comprise your leisure and recreation. What dominant sociocultural factors (e.g. social, political, economic and/or environmental) facilitate or constrain your leisure and recreation and how? Finally, write a short introductory paragraph in which you briefly introduce the essay topic and state your thesis (in a sentence or two) about which dominant sociocultural factors constrain or facilitate your leisure and recreational activities, and a short conclusion paragraph in which you emphasize what you believe to be the most important points in the essay. Place the introductory paragraph before the body of the essay and the conclusion paragraph after the body of the essay. The introductory paragraph and conclusion paragraph taken together should make up no more than about one page of the essay.
3) Conduct research to locate six academic sources (two books, two journal articles, and two government sources) that you believe help you to critically discuss your time map (see step 2 above). Loosely paraphrase relevant information from your sources (no direct quotations or close paraphrase allowed) and provide APA in-text citations for the paraphrased information. Provide full bibliographic details of your six sources in an APA references list at the end of the essay. The references list must begin on page eight and not exceed one page double-spaced. If you are unsure about how to conduct research or about how to do APA citations and references, consult your Critical Skills Manual, which came as part of your KINE1000 course kit.
4) Complete the title page (see sample in the Course Outline) and then place the title page at the front of the essay, your time map at the back of the essay and then staple the whole together in the top left corner (no paperclips, bull clips, folders or scrunched up corners allowed). Hand in at lecture on the due date. Also submit an electronic copy of your essay to Turnitin by the due date.






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