

Selection Process

Selection Process

Aligning Talents and Organizational Culture

The Issue:

Martin Jones, vice-president (VP) of Regional Sales for US BancOne, was just terminated from his leadership role. This vacancy needs to be filled to ensure continuity in this key leadership position, but it is critical to select the right person who has the essential talents and experiences to lead effectively (and address the issues that Martin did not) but also to sustain the high performance, client and team focused culture that USBancOne seeks to reinforce.

As part of the recruitment process, several candidates were ranked based on their talents and experiences as well as their perceived “fit” for the culture. The vision, mission and values statements were used as a filter for selection as the possible candidates for the position (see below).

US BancOne

Vision: To be the leader in client relationships
Mission (employees): To create an environment where all employees can excel
Mission (clients): To help them achieve what matters most to them
Mission (community): To make a real difference in our communities
Mission (shareholders): To build the highest total return for shareholders
Core Values: Trust to act with integrity, honesty, and transparency, open and candid communications, treat others with dignity and fairness, behave according to ethical principles, operate with integrity and support for our colleagues
Core Values: Teamwork to work collaboratively with others; share information; respect opinions of others, listen attentively, ask for input and feedback
Core Values: Accountability to live up to commitments, accept overall responsibility for behavior, admit mistakes and learn from them, seek clarity on roles

This VP position requires managing a number of employees in the western region of the US (encompassing the 10 western states including Alaska and Hawaii). The VPHR gathered additional specific information about Martin Jones and his department through interviews with his employees and peers. Perceptions of Martin and the performance of his department:
• He is “values driven” and his staff genuinely liked him and are angry that he was fired
• He has strong ties and relationships with key leaders in a range of industries across all of the 10 states that his region serves
• Lowest turnover rate when compared to all regions in the US
• Employee satisfaction scores tend to be in the “average” range
• Region is the lowest performing of all US regions, poor results for the past 8 consecutive quarters and no growth in revenues, profits
• Integration of new technologies to track client needs and source new clients is incomplete (and should have been completed 10 months ago)
• Martin was three years away from being eligible for an early retirement package and has 30 years of employment with USBancOne

Jones’ manager (SVP of US Sales) gave her perspective on the issues that led to his termination:
• His need to be liked got in the way of his ability to facilitate changes in work processes and the use of technology with his employees
• He thought that if you lived the values then performance was not as important (the leader needs to shape the culture, performance would follow was his mantra)
• He couldn’t make tough decisions to move or “terminate” people who clearly were not performing
• He said he supported the new technologies and how they would facilitate growth in sales, but clearly through his behavior, he did not implement
• He had not built relationships with his peers and colleagues across the regions and in other strategic business units of the bank, so no one really supported him and he did not reach out for help to those peers who were successful in areas where his region needed support
• New client business was often “left on the table” due to lack of coordination among client managers and leaders in different business units across the 10 states in the region
• He would blame “corporate” for not being successful and absorbing his time with too many meetings and initiatives
• He should have been fired a long time ago, but everyone left him alone because he had been with the company so long

The SVP of US Sales stated that the new person to replace Jones needs to:
• Do a major turnaround – people, profitability, client growth (existing and new)
• Build a new senior team in the region and the teams who support them – exit people who can’t deliver and don’t perform to standard
• Recruit, hire and develop people who can deliver results and be role models for the values that support the culture
• Get buy-in for the new technologies and processes that need to be implemented and utilized, have a more disciplined approach to development of the business
• Build trusting relationships with peers across other regions of the bank and can be trusted by staff, peers, management, and clients
• Be a strong candidate for the SVP of US Sales position (since the current SVP plans to retire in the next 2 – 3 years)

Your Assignment:

• Establish 5 – 7 differentiating selection criteria for the position
• Rank the candidates (based on the following data that you have on each of them) in terms of relative fit for the job (1 = best fit, 3 = poorest fit)
• Identify the specific training and development strategies that you recommend for the first 6 months of the person you selected for the position (be specific about OJT, informal training, specific assignments, mentoring relationships, etc.)
• Develop a communication plan (if you did not select the internal candidate) to retain and keep her motivated
Position Posting: Vice President of Sales, Western Region

Business Unit Description

Over 1,200 retail locations across the 10 Western United States which represents 31% of the total revenue base for US BancOne. Our premier Retail Banking division is the key to long-term success and viability for US BancOne. The teams of retail professionals at the branches provide a range of financial services to clients, from savings and checking accounts to mortgages, small business credit solutions, and investment products for financial planning.

Purpose of the Position

To lead effective and profitable sales growth and client service in the region. Lead the growth in the region’s market share and profitability through building a strong culture in which employees thrive and serve the needs of clients. To work closely and cooperatively with corporate staff to integrate new products, services, technologies and processes to serve our clients and optimize the effectiveness of our employees. To consistently enhance USBancOne’s reputation with customers, regulators, and government agencies with responsibility for the financial services industry.

Accountability of the Position (Key Outcomes and Responsibilities)

Establish a vision and clear goals for the region, inspire commitment to the vision and goals and empower all employees in a manner that puts the best interests of USBancOne and its clients first. Develop, communicate and manage an aggressive regional sales plan aligned to the national strategies and based on a deep understanding of regional market conditions, customer segments, and resource requirements, drive the sales, business development and sales management processes in the region.

Build a customer focused high performing sales team in the region that focuses on maximizing profitability, growth and customer loyalty; implement rigorous hiring and development practices to ensure that new employee and current sales team members all support USBancOne’s values and professional standards. Ensure that all delegated accountabilities and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood; that measures are established for all accountabilities so that progress (or lack thereof) can be easily assessed and actions can be taken to address performance problems as well as to share “best practices” so that others can learn from high performing team members.

Lead employees through organizational changes and initiatives and provide coaching and mentoring to staff to help them learn the new approaches and utilize the new tools effectively. Support all employees in their ongoing professional growth and development to ensure long term development and learning.

Understand customer needs, identify cross selling opportunities, manage risks appropriately and operate in align with federal and state regulatory requirements. Develop close partnerships with key business leaders throughout the region and work with employees to develop integrated sales plans to manage the client relationship and build long term partnerships. Model the values of USBancOne in all interactions (internally and externally).
Competencies, Skills, Attributes

Highly developed leadership skills; experience in change management and turnaround situations or managing large project implementations. Proven ability to develop and manage a world-class sales force in a highly competitive business environment including:
• A track record for delivering business results and growth in market share/penetration
• A staffing and development process used to recruit and retain high performing sales staff
• A well-honed and highly successful coaching process to give feedback to all employees (and will take action to move people out of roles when they are not performing)
• Demonstrated client relationship management processes and use of technology to track client relationships and growth in market share

Expert knowledge in business and financial planning is required; demonstrated financial discipline and cost management ability. Able to manage relationships across offices and regions; able to work collaboratively to achieve business goals and meet client needs. Able to motivate staff to respect risk management principles and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements; implements and utilizes systems to manage all aspects of operational, regulatory, market, credit, and reputational risks. Able to translate strategies into measurable business goals and plans and communicate those goals to employees at all levels in the region.

Trustworthy, relationship builder, team player/able to build teams, accountability, client focused, adaptable and willing to use and integrate new technologies.

Candidate 1: Jacqueline (Jackie) Webb (internal candidate)

Current Position: Senior Director, Client Relationship Management, Marketing Division

Background: Jackie was the only internal candidate to make the short list. She worked for the bank during summers while completing her degrees, initially as a teller, and then in the marketing division and full time for one year between her undergrad and graduate degrees. Jackie was recruited to work for the World Bank from the London School of Economics, and assigned to the World Bank offices in both Geneva and Washington, DC, for a total of four years

Her desire to return to the San Francisco area where she grew up prompted her to apply for an open position in USBancOne. Initially she was hired as a senior analyst in January of 1998 by the Regional Corporate office in San Francisco. There she learned many of the businesses and client products/services. In that role, she led a number of strategically important enterprise wide initiatives that focused on using technology to meet clients’ banking needs more conveniently through offering a wider range of on line retail banking services. In 2001, Jackie was promoted to USBancOne’s Small Business Division to help implement a new go-to-market strategy that she had developed. She became the general manager, Small Business Sales and Operations in early 2002. In January of 2004, Jackie applied for and secured her current role in the Marketing division.

Abbreviated Resume: Jacqueline Webb

1994 Masters in Economics, London School of Economics, London England
1991 Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics & Statistics, University of California, Berkeley

Professional Experience: USBancOne 1998 – present
January 2004 – present
Senior Director, Customer Experience & Communication, Marketing Division
• Led initiatives related to transforming online customer experience in all delivery channels of retail banking. Worked across all regions of USBancOne to engage all relevant participants in cultural and operational changes required to position the bank as a premiere retail bank.
• Diagnosed root causes of customer dissatisfaction and choice to leave the bank; segmented the issues into employee and operations related challenges and recommended solutions. Received approval for 80% of suggestions, achieving buy-in from all business units and regional groups.
• Developed innovative training programs for front line staff that minimized time away from customers; improved both customer and employee satisfaction ratings during this time frame.
August 2000 – January 2003
General Manager, Small Business Sales & Operations
May 1998 – August 2000
Senior Analyst, Corporate Strategy, Office of the Chairman
August 1994 – November 1998
Intern, World Bank, Washington DC, Geneva


Additional Information:
Jackie is currently viewed as one of the Bank’s highest potential level 10s. She has received high performance ratings over the past six years and has been the recipient of numerous internal awards based on her superior contributions to the organization. While this new position would be Jackie’s first front line role, this experience would fill an important development gap for her. At her most recent performance review she has asked for this type of opportunity to round out her experience. She has also expressed disappointment in the bank’s tendency to consistently hire from the outside when higher level leadership roles are filled at USBancOne.

Data from initial interview of Jacqueline with VPHR
Strengths relative to this position:
• Highly intelligent, superior analytic and strategic thinking skills.
• Willing to learn, has taken every opportunity to learn new skills/perspectives
• Very high energy level, expects a lot of herself and others
• Positive can-do attitude, engaging and gets things done
• Quick study, has grasped complex and diverse business issues with ease
• Superior knowledge of financial needs and delivery preferences of retail banking customers (currently leading initiative to enhance quality of customer experience)
• Successfully developed strategies, objectives and sales programs for several business segments, key contribute to the sales measurement systems in use
• Operationalized and executed a sales program that results in aggressive growth, successfully lead a roll-out of sales processes across regions
• Respected and well liked by her team, Employee Commitment Index (ECI) is among the highest in the bank
• Very principled, good examples of doing the right thing rather than just being expedient
• Good influencing skills, successfully delivered initiatives across regions despite competing agendas and political turf issues
For consideration:
• Minimal front-line experience, really “knows” sales has not “done” sales
• Had hired several professional staff, but never fired anyone
• While her roles had clearly influenced the direction of the business, most of her interactions have been with corporate and regional leaders
• Has led “thought” turnaround not people/business turnaround
• Could personalize issues, on a few occasions she has gotten emotional when addressing resistance to the initiatives she was putting forward, nothing significant but given her analytic focus, it was noticeable
• She is very intelligent and thinks quickly, the question is could she bring slower staff along with her
• Once she raised concerns over her supervisor’s seemingly improper use of his expense account, the matter was resolved as a “misunderstanding”
• Jackie is the niece of one of the bank’s Board members, and this Board member has already commented about “Jackie’s great interest in the position” when he saw the hiring manager during a bank social gathering two weeks ago
• Jackie is five months pregnant and it is not clear how long a maternity leave she would take
Candidate 2: Henry Winslow

Current Position: VP, Retail Banking, Bank of the US
Background: Henry originally planned to pursue a career in the military, but between his undergraduate and graduate degrees he worked for a large law firm and became interested in international law. He developed unique skills related to the international monetary system and honed his understanding of financial services. After completing his law degree, he was recruited to work in McKinsey & Co. Management Consulting group in San Francisco as a specialist in financial services and hospitality industries. One of his clients was Bank of the US and he was recruited to work for them in a high profile group that was formed to investigate forming partnerships with international banks and expanding the markets that the bank could serve. Two years into this assignment, however, the venture was terminated and he was put into an accelerated management development program. He served for 12 months in the audit and risk departments and was then selected from the bank’s high potential pool to work as an Acting VP, Office of the President and CEO from October 2001 – October 2002. In November 2002, Henry was promoted to RVP, for Bank of the US in the Western Region. In this position for the past 8 years, he has consistently pushed against the conservative practices of the bank which he believes have made a negative impact on the growth in the region but also nationally for the bank. Henry believes he should have moved more quickly through the ranks of Bank of the US, but they tend to hire externally for higher level executive positions. The bank focuses on promoting people who show “potential” rather than looking at their actual experience. Henry has led all aspects of Bank of the US’s sales and retail banking operations in the Western Region. Henry was told during his last performance review (in March) that he would receive the opportunity for a promotion in the next few months, but that promise was lost in the noise of a massive restructuring that the bank did in July to streamline operations and reduce costs. Of most concern to Henry is that his executive mentor and sponsor were “exited” during the restructuring in July.

Abbreviated Resume: Henry Winslow
1994 LLB (Law Degree), Stanford University
1991 Bachelor of Arts, Government, Harvard University
Professional Experience:
Bank of the US
Regional Vice President (November 2002- present), Western Region
• Led all aspects of the bank’s retail business, executed a dramatic turnaround in the region (from last to first place in revenue and profits) within the first 18 months. Sales volumes increased 60% significantly exceeding profitability and cost management targets
• Assessed existing branch locations and resource allocations, closed branches in four unprofitable locations and piloted new state of the art branches (including online banking and enhanced technology to meet customer needs)
• Significantly upgraded Regional talent pool, exiting 35% and reassigning 13% of the workforce; designed and implemented a comprehensive assessment process (which as now been adopted by the bank nationwide)
• Used available Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools and Risk Management expertise to mine more affluent customers in the region, greatly increasing the number of profitable customers and reducing credit losses
• Negotiated successful referral program with peers in other regions to grow the bank’s customer base nationally
• Led the “measure and manage” project for the retail banking division nationally, redesigning the sales metrics and compensation process to align employee incentives with the bank’s values and commitment to customers
October 2001 – October 2002
Acting Vice President, Office of the President & CEO, Bank of the US
March 2000 – October 2001
Accelerated Management Program, Bank of the US Corporate
February 1998 – March 2000
Executive Director, International Banking, Bank of the US special projects group
January 1996 – February 1998
Management Consultant, McKinsey & Co, San Francisco
Data from initial interview of Henry with VPHR
Strengths relative to this position:
• Extremely bright, versatile problem solver and decision maker, voracious learner
• Driven, results oriented, huge capacity for work
• Executed turnaround of Western region for the bank, moved areas from last to first place in 18 months
• Exited 35% of sales staff and reassigned 15% to move them into positions that better fit their talents
• Designed hiring profile/recruitment process for sales staff now adopted by the bank nationally
• Increased sales volumes by 60% for the last two years, significantly exceeding profitability and cost management targets
• Worked closely with customer relationship management (CRM) area and Risk Management to hone prospecting skills and reduce losses for the bank nationally
• Contributed to and piloted new sales training program for the region that led to national initiative to “measure and manage” more effectively
• Key contributor to bank initiatives within his division and nationwide
For consideration:
• Hint of intellectual arrogance during initial interview (lack of political astuteness?) when talking about Bank of the US’s superiority in market position relative to competitors
• Difficult to understand what Henry’s actual accomplishments were during the international banking special project, even when probed the details were unclear
• Believe that Henry cares about people, but he doesn’t seem to always show it
• Intense, could be overpowering with more reticent team members
• May not always give credit to others; seems to be a one-man show on occasion
• Activity level on the job was extraordinary, he accomplished a lot in a short period of time during the turnaround and in building subsequent processes to support ongoing growth
• Enthusiastic, engaging, but during the initial interview, he interrupted and wanted to speak rather than listen
Of interest:
• A preliminary and very discreet reference was obtained by a former peer of Henry’s who is now and SVP at USBancOne. The individual confirmed Henry’s long-term potential, superior results and high-potential status, he is clearly ambitious and willing to work for results, his staff enjoys working for him and he is respected by his peers and superiors.

Candidate 3: Margaret (Meg) Brown

Current Position: District Vice President, First Northern Bank

Meg grew up in San Francisco, where her father owned a small print shop. She worked for her father for two years after she graduated with a business degree from San Francisco State University. At the suggestion from the local branch manager of the First Northern Bank where her father did all his banking, Meg started her career in banking. She quickly moved up the ranks from customer service to Branch Manager. Over the years she spent in First Northern Bank, she has held positions in Human Resources, Commercial Banking and Risk Management, and Retail Banking.
In 1996, First Northern Bank sponsored Meg to complete her EMBA in recognition of her strong leadership capabilities and to supplement her rather weak academic background. Meg was in the process of receiving a promotion to a larger and more senior role in First Northern Bank when her husband became seriously ill. At that point, Meg decided to stay in San Francisco close to her husband’s doctors and her extended family for support. During this time, her prior role was already filled with a new person, so Meg worked on special projects during this time while her husband was going through his treatments. After he recovered, Meg had no clear role or position at First Northern Bank and for the first time in her career she was open to talking to headhunters to see what other options were available for her.

Abbreviated Resume: Margaret Brown

1975 Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, San Francisco State University
1996 EMBA, University of California, Santa Cruz
Professional Experiences:
Special Projects: First Northern Bank (March 2009 – present)
• Examined the correlation between employee and customer satisfaction
• Macro planning for replacement of segment’s aging executive population
• Facilitated the roll out and integration of new technology/CRM tools to branch employees
District Vice President, Western Region (March 2000 – March 2009)
• Assumed leadership for troubled western region, restructured the regional territories, merged two smaller districts into a larger service area to reduce FTE and roll out new sales processes simultaneously
• Formed Employee Association to ensure employee voices are heard during major transitions, to augment communication strategy and get the input/insight into regional dynamics and build marketing strategy
• Assessed staff for sales versus servicing skills, finding jobs for all employees displaced in the process, introduced a disciplined sales process to the region, personally traveled to all branches in the region, to provide individual coaching and support to assist all levels of employees in making the needed changes.
• Initiated “Customer First Award” available for all employees in the district to support the transition to the new processes, identifying those employees who most closely modeled the values of how the bank wants to build relationships with customers
• Built strong alliances with peers across the bank nationally and was well respected by upper management
General Manager, Credit, Western Region (October 1998 – March 2000)
General Manager, Small Business Banking, Western Region (August 1996 – October 1998)
General Manager, Service Effectiveness, Western Region (June 1995 – August 1996)
Director, Retail and Private Banking Services, Main Branch (August 1992 – May 1995)
Human Resources Officer, Corporate, (June 1990 – July 1992)
Branch Manager (1985 – 1990)

Data from initial interview of Margaret with VPHR

Strengths relative to this role:
• People management and ability to motivate is a strength
• Able to build trust, trusted advisor to senior management and staff alike
• Clearly saw the correlation between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction
• Track record for turning around under performing units
• Grounded in First Northern Bank way: doing more with less, employees for life, if humanly possible
• Did not shoot from the hip, down to earth, honest and open
• Achieved results through people and teamwork
• Results focused, takes time to understand the variables
• Strong on process, cutting time and money where possible
• Mature, strong communicator
For consideration:
• While capable of meeting immediate business and “values” needs, may be a less viable succession candidate due to lack of formal education
• Not clear if she could take the necessary tough stand without the usual First Northern Bank “safety net” for employees (generous severance packages)
• Whether she was committed to leaving First Northern was unclear, or if she just feels sidelined right now; her ability to adjust to USBancOne’s culture was unclear
• Significant front line experience, but candidate lacked analytical/strategic depth
• She is a lifer at First Northern, and felt that if she was going to leave she needed to do it soon. She was concerned about the adverse publicity that USBancOne had generated over the last few years and her perception that it “chews up and spits out executives” as Meg saw it given all the executive turnover during the past few years
• During the interview (her first in 26 years), she admitted she was very nervous about starting over again at age 50 and was worried about starting over in a new corporate culture
• Her husband still required some follow up care visits and First Northern Bank had always been supportive of her taking time off when she needed to be with her husband. She wondered if USBancOne would be as helpful and supportive of her.




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