



Chapter 19: The Digestive System
Read “Disease in Context” on pages 429 and 450.
Adam’s case: The Picture of Health
Adam’s Colonoscopy

a. Summarize Adam’s physical examination per Dr Michaels.
b. Write a brief note on “Colonoscopy”, including its application, principles, preparation, procedure, duration, risk, and possible follow-up.
c. What do you understand by “Medical Imaging”? Give 3 examples of medical imaging techniques applicable to a study of the Digestive System (or Gastro-Intestinal Tract, GIT) and compare the principles of the 3 examples. Which of these is most sensitive and why?

Conference 8 Topic 2 due by 2-24-2013
Chapter 20: Metabolism, Nutrition and Body Temperature
Read “Disease in Context” on pages 454 and 470, and the entire Chap 20.
a. Why is diabetes mellitus (DM) an endocrine disorder? How then can this disorder be managed?
b. Define the terms: nutrition, catabolism, anabolism, “essential” nutrient, energy currency of the cell, and glycemic effect

c. 1 gram fat yields 9 Kcal of energy; 1 gram of carbohydrates yields 4 Kcal; 1 gram of proteins yields 4 Kcal;
An individual’s typical daily intake of energy should comprise: 55-60% from carbohydrates, 30% or less from fat and 15-20% from proteins.
These are nutritional facts for healthy living.
Problem: How many grams of each of carbohydrates, fat and proteins are needed to comply with a 2400 Kcal daily diet?
(Please show your working and calculations)

Conference 8 Topic 3 due by 2-24-2013

Chapter 21: The Body Fluids
Read “Disease in Context” on pages 474 and 483 and the entire Chapter 21.
Margaret’s Second Case: A Fluid balancing Act / Margaret Learns to Avoid Dehydration
Margaret had obvious nutrition-related health problems resulting from fluid imbalance, medications and age
a. List 6 of these problems, the etiology (cause) of each, including the nutrient in question.
b. How did the ICU nurse, Angela help to resolve these problems?
c. Write a short note on the role of Lactated Ringer’s Solution in ICU fluid therapy
Conference 8 Topic 4 due 2-24-2013

Chapter 22: The Urinary System
Read Disease in Context on pages 488 and 507 and the entire Chapter 22.
Adam’s Second Case: Urinary blockage / Adam’s Prostrate Surgery to Prevent Kidney Damage.

a. Discuss Adam’s Prostate hypertrophy to include symptoms, diagnosis and intervention.
b. The urine-making unit in the kidney is known as a nephron (close to a million nephrons per kidney). List 7 parts of a nephron and the associated capillary networks (2 networks). What is the role of each network?
c. Briefly discuss the constituents and characteristics of normal urine, including: the specific gravity, color, volume, pH, organic and inorganic constituents
d. What is cystitis? Why is it more common in females than males? Which other kidney disorder is more common in females?
e. What is incontinence. State the prevalence of incontinence in elderly people (p.506)



a. Discuss Adam’s Prostate hypertrophy to include symptoms, diagnosis and intervention.
Adam’s symptoms were as follows: The urgency and frequency to urinate increased, hesitation is starting to urinate, volume decrease, low stream volume, and bladder still felt sort of full after urination.
Dr. Michaels diagnosed Adam with benign prostatic hypertrophy
The urologist inserted a resectoscope inside Adam’s urethra. The electrical loops on the end of the resectoscope removed pieces of his prostate and cauterized blood vessels in a manner to control bleeding. Enough pieces were removed to restore normal urine flow and it would take him a f ew weeks to recover and be back to normal.
b. The urine-making unit in the kidney is known as a nephron (close to a million nephrons per kidney). List 7 parts of a nephron and the associated capillary networks (2 networks). What is the role of each network?
glomerulus – ball of capillaries inside the glomerular capsule
afferent – small blood vessel that supplies the glomerulus with blood
efferent – small vessel that carries blood away from the glomerulus (peritubular capillaries)
Glomerular (Bowman) Capsule – filtering device for the nephron (glomerulus capillaries)
decending limb – carries fluid to the medulla
asending limb – carries fluid away from the medulla
c. Briefly discuss the constituents and characteristics of normal urine, including: the specific gravity, color, volume, pH, organic and inorganic constituents
Normal urine is yellowish in color and is made of roughly 95% water and 5% dissolved gases and solids. The pH ranges between 4.5 – 8.0, but freshly colored urine is about 6.0. The specific gravity of urine ranges from 1.002 to 1.040. The normal constituents include nitrogenous waste products, electrolytes, and pigment. The abnormal constituents include glucose, albumin, blood ketones, white blood cells, and casts.
d. What is cystitis? Why is it more common in females than males? Which other kidney disorder is more common in females?
Cystitis is when the bladder is inflamed and it’s more common in women because the urethra is shorter. Other kidney diseases that are more common in women is urethritis.
e. What is incontinence. State the prevalence of incontinence in elderly people (p.506)
Incontinence is the lack of control over discharging urine. Elderly people have a high chance of developing this (over 60%).
a. Why is diabetes mellitus (DM) an endocrine disorder? How then can this disorder be managed?
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is considered an endocrine disorder because it is caused by a hormone imbalance; DM involves the hormone insulin, which can cause various complications throughout the body (Cohen, 2013). Insulin regulates metabolism and digestion, and is essential to the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for conversion into cellular energy (ATP); DM impairs glucose absorption, resulting in decreased or complete lack (in DM1) of ATP (A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia, 2012).
This disorder can be managed by monitoring the blood glucose level; when the blood glucose level drops below normal levels, an insulin injection can be administered. The injected insulin will then perform the same duties that insulin produced in the body would perform; it regulates metabolism and digestion, allowing glucose to be absorbed for conversion later into ATP (energy).

b. Define the terms: nutrition, catabolism, anabolism, “essential” nutrient, energy currency of the cell, and glycemic effect.
• Nutrition- this is the act or process of nourishing or being nourished, or the sum of the processes by which food substances are takes in and utilized (Merriam-Webster, 2011).
• Catabolism- this is the metabolic breakdown of substances into simpler substances, as in the digestion of food and the oxidation of nutrient molecules for energy (Cohen, 2013).
• Anabolism- this is the metabolic building of simple compounds into more complex substances needed by the body (Cohen, 2013).
• “Essential” nutrient- where nutrient is considered a protein or amino acid, these are nutrients (9) that cannot be made metabolically and must be taken in as part of the diet (Cohen, 2013)
• Energy currency of the cell- this is known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and is the energy storing compound found in all cells (Cohen, 2013).
• Glycemic effect- this is the measure of how quickly a food raises the blood glucose level and stimulates the release of insulin (Cohen, 2013).

c. 1 gram fat yields 9 Kcal of energy; 1 gram of carbohydrates yields 4 Kcal; 1 gram of proteins yields 4 Kcal;
An individual’s typical daily intake of energy should comprise: Law, Essay ( number of bids: 9 )
Topic: Do you consider that the doctrine of promissory estoppel operates satisfactorily in English law?55-60% from carbohydrates, 30% or less from fat and 15-20% from proteins.
These are nutritional facts for healthy living.
Problem: How many grams of each of carbohydrates, fat and proteins are needed to comply with a 2400 Kcal daily diet? (Please show your working and calculations)
In order to comply with a 2400 Kcal daily diet, a person needs:
• 330-360 grams of carbohydrates
(2400*.55=1320/4=330, 2400*.60=1440/4=360)
• 80 grams of fat or less
• 90-120 grams of protein
(2400*.15=360/4=90, 2400*.20=480/4=120)
A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): A.D.A.M., Inc.; ©2005. Diabetes [updated 2013 Feb 18; cited 2013 Feb 19]; [about 1 p.]. Available from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/diabetes.html
Cohen, B. J. (2013). Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, 12th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
nutrition. 2011. In Merriam-Webster.com. Retrieved Feb 18, 2013, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nutrition







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