



We are going to apply what we’ve learned in Interpersonal Communication to the film “Win Win” (2011, directed by Thomas McCarthy, Rated R).

For this project, I would like you to work in groups of up to 5 members (and at least three unless you talk with me first) to answer the following questions about the movie. Your answers should be typed in 12-point font and double-spaced, including a cover page with the names of all group members. Please number and separate each essay question. Papers are due no later than 1pm on Monday June 10th. Late papers will be accepted only due to documentable sickness or death.

Paul Giamatti … Mike Flaherty
Amy Ryan … Jackie Flaherty
Bobby Cannavale …Terry Delfino
Jeffrey Tambor … Stephen Vigman
Burt Young … Leo Poplar
Melanie Lynskey … Cindy
Alex Shaffer …Kyle
Margo Martindale … Eleanor
David W. Thompson … Stemler

The film is available at most video stores and streaming services. You can access the script. Might I suggest you meet with each other outside of class to watch the film again to write the paper.
Questions: Remember, your answers are to reflect your knowledge gained from the course. Please take the time to clearly articulate the concepts, give specific examples from the movie, and explain how the example relates to/illustrates the concept. Be sure to apply course terms, cite any sources, and include a reference page.

Choose 3 types of lies from those (Some lie benefit the hearer, some lies help you get to know someone, some lies protects your privacy, some lies help you avoid conflict some lies make your look better some lies help you avoid yourself from distress some lies help you get revenge on someone some lies help you hurt some for no reason some lies protect you or your livelihood and some lies amuse you) and give examples from the movie to illustrate the types. Include a discussion about whether or not the lies were high or low stakes, and whether or not the lie is “simulation” or “dissimulation”. Be sure to define the terms, cite sources, and be specific in your examples. It is okay to do this question in list format.

1. Make a case proving if you think Mike and Jackie’s marriage qualifies as “Masters” or “Disasters” (start by defining). Be sure to use specific examples of their verbal and nonverbal communication to illustrate your argument. You can discuss any aspect of relationship maintenance including repair strategies, bids and supportive and defensive communication, trust, expression of emotion etc.. to illustrate your argument. In this answer include one example of a defensive causing statement (could be one to 4 sentences in length); label the defensive behaviors and then rewrite to be more supportive.. Label the supportive language.

2. Examine conflict in the movie. Pick a scene. What type of conflict (class notes) or combination of types is the conflict? What conflict management style is used by each character (justify your answer with verbal and nonverbal examples)? Using the grid, make an argument as to why this style is appropriate for the conflict. Does their approach work? Why or why not? Any suggestions for your characters if you could talk to them?

3. Open question: There are a number of other course terms and concepts illustrated in this movie that you could apply to either family or friendship. You could look at listening, perceptions, gender, power, self-disclosure, etc. Pick either family or friendship and analyze the movie, relationships, or a character in terms of that concept. Be sure to include a quick rationale for your choice.
Some suggestions:
• Pick a relationship: Who has the power? What sources of power do you see in this relationship? How are power differences illustrated both verbally and nonverbally – give examples from both sides (power and powerlessness)? Do the characters attempt to make their relationship more egalitarian? How?
• Choose a scene to rewrite with communication skills suggested in this course. What is the scene? Why rewrite it? What or how would you rewrite it? Consider assertive messages, Gibb’s, conflict styles.
Your paper is worth 50 points and you will be graded on the following:

15 points CONTENT AND ANALYSIS: Do you meet the requirements of the assignment? Do you apply course terms? Does your writing reflect careful thought? Do you raise important issues/ask good questions? Do your conclusions show insight and depth? Do you avoid the simple answers and display a complexity of cognition? Do you support your statements with reasoning, avoiding “ranting”? Do you fully develop your ideas?

15 points EVIDENCE AND DEVELOPMENT: Do you provide examples to illustrate your points? Do you develop your ideas and explain things thoroughly? Do you provide support from materials we’ve used in class? Do you cite your sources?

10 points ORGANIZATION: Does the paper follow a logical order? Is there an introduction, well-developed body, conclusion, and smooth transitions?

10 points STYLE AND MECHANICS: Is your paper free of typos/punctuation/spelling errors? Are there run on sentences or awkward wording? Is there careful paragraph construction? (A paragraph is a development of a single idea.) How is sentence structure? Does the writer have a “lively sense of communication”? Does a personal voice com



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