

Research Quantitative

Assignment Requirements


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 Assignment Guidelines:

Write a 6-page paper that includes a design of a quantitative data-collection procedure for the research question you developed based on the scenarios presented in Module 1. Specify the following:

  • Section I: Research question; null and alternative or directional hypotheses; variables include the following:
  • Section II: Research design and approach, with justificationinclude the following:
    • States the problem, including well formulated research questions and a testable hypothesis

• Describes the design and approach appropriate for the research question(s)
• Provides a rationale for using the design and approach, and
• Provides an explanation showing how the design derives logically from the problem:

  • Section III: Population and sampling strategy, with justification include the following:


• Describes the setting
• Describes the target population and the sample drawn,
• Describes the sampling procedures used and includes a rationale for use


  • Section IV: Instrumentation and materials; whether you will develop or locate an instrument; the criteria you will set for your instrument include the following:


    • A summary of the types of data to be reported
    • Your choice of charts, tables, and/or graphs as a presentation strategy
    • A rationale for your choice of data presentation strategy


  • Section V: Data collection and analysis; type(s) of quantitative data you will collect to answer the research question; methods for protection of human subjects; administration procedures that will ensure standardization and ethical practices include the following:


    • A description of the statistical analyses to be used
    • A rationale for selecting these analyses, based on the research question and hypotheses and the nature of the data to be collected


CHOSEN Scenario 2:

Eastside School District is a large district composed primarily of urban schools and enrolls a high percentage of students for whom English is a second language and have special education needs. These students’ families are highly diverse in terms of their national origin and economic status. For many of these students, becoming proficient in academic English, is critical to their success in school and their preparedness for postsecondary study.


The school district has recently implemented new English as a Second Language curricula in its elementary, middle, and high schools. Implementation has been quite expensive, involving the purchase of instructional materials and computer software, teacher and staff training, and the use of consultants to guide implementation. The district would like to study the effectiveness of the new curricula specifically for special education students that are ESL, looking at issues such as the impact on student English language proficiency; student academic progress overall; student, family, and teacher satisfaction with the curricula; and implementation issues. You can choose to investigate one or more of these issues at a grade level of your choice.


Upon reading the two proposed scenarios (Kim, 2004), the second one was chosen. The research question proposed is based upon the newly implemented curricula of English as a Second Language (ESL) in the Eastside School District. According to Creswell (2012), “research problems are the educational issues, controversies, or concerns that guide the need for conducting a study”.

Proposed research topic: ESL curriculum implemented to highly diversified students in special education on all grade levels located within a large and urban district.

Problem statement:The educating of highly diversified ESL special education students on all grade levels with new curriculum is both expensive and requires considerable training for all staff involved. These same students, in order to prepare for postsecondary education, must become proficient in English. At this time, the effectiveness of the newly implemented ESL curriculum for these students is unknown. This research will potentially provide districts to successfully implement ESL programs with highly diversified ESL special education students.

Research question:Does the newly implemented ESL curriculum to students in special education affect their progress in the area of language development based on reading and writing?

Independent variable:new ESL curriculum

Dependent variable:students in special education identified as requiring ESL

Null hypotheses:There is no significant improvement in the reading and writing grades of the students in special education receiving the newly implemented ESL curriculum.

Alternative hypotheses:There is significant improvement in the reading and writing grades of the students in special education receiving the newly implemented ESL curriculum.

Design: Experimental Design: Quasi Experimental

Chosen are the pre-post test design and matching treatment groups to like control groups such as grade level. Another words, choosing grades 3, 6, and 9 with one class from each grade being the control group while the other 3, 6, and 9 grade class will not receive the treatment. This will control for the possibility that factors not related to the intervention are responsible for the difference between the pre-test and post-test results. In addition, classes generally have the same, if not close number of students.



Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2007). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (Laureate custom ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Kirkpatrick, L. A., & Feeney, B. C. (2013). A simple guide to IBM SPSS Statistics: For versions 20.0 (12th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Triola, M. F. (2012). Elementary statistics technology update. (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.


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