

The effects of interaction history and communication channels on closeness and trust in friendship.

The following sections of conversation take place between you and a friend. The friend is an imaginary person; they are a similar age to you and the same gender as you. The following sentences will describe how you met this person and a brief history of how close you are to them and some of the context on how often you interact with this person.

You met this person initially at university; you were studying the same course. This was about four years ago. As you were involved in lots of the same projects you spent a lot time doing the research together and partying to celebrate the results of the course work. You spent most of your free time together with many different activities.In fact, most of your best experiences from that time involved your friend. On numerous occasions, you gave each other vital support during your course and you shared most of the really important things that happened to you. You knew almost always what the other one was up to and concerned with. As a result, you became very close at the time. You have kept in touch since completing the university course and regularly meet up for social events.
Below is a section of the social interaction that you have had over the last few months.


* 1)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 2)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 3)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important
2 Page 2 of 12
In the following, you will see a summary of 3 different scenarios of what could happen to this friendship. It will be some extracts of communication that happened between you and your friend over the last 6 months.

Please read carefully through this summary. It is important that you form an impression of the current state of your friendship based on this information. After that, when you go to the next page, you will be asked a number of questions regarding these excerpts.
3 Page 3 of 12



I wanted to write you to say that I truly feel for you and know exactly what you’re going through because I’ve been there. I also wanted you to know that I am so proud of how strong you’ve been and how you have handled the situation so far. You have always been a strong person; and this situation will bring out that inner strength.

Face to face conversation:
You make me feel so much better. It’s great to know that I am not the only one who experiencing this problems of misunderstanding with parents. Thank you for your advices.

Landline phone conversation:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.
Congratulation on moving to a new home. Hope you will be very happy there.

Face to face conversation:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.



Landline phone conversation:
It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Can’t wait to see you there. Have so much to tell you about.

Facebook message:
Don’t worry much about it. It is not such a big deal as you think. Give it a time and in a few weeks you won’t even remember about it. Trust me on this.

Skype chat:
I am having fantastic time here. It remind me of our first trip together. It’s a shame you are not here with me.

Let me know if you need my help. I am always there for you if you need me.


Twitter post:
Nobody will ever find another person more special than you are. I would fall apart if we ever said goodbye or if anything ever happens to our friendship. Everyday it just grows stronger and stronger.

Face to face conversation:
Through tears and smiles, laughter and heartache, you’ve been a part of my life. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I look forward to the time we share.

Landline phone conversation:
It is fantastic idea to go on holidays together. I am sure we will have fantastic time together.

Facebook messages:
I heard about your Award. My congratulations and best wishes. Well done.



It is long since I heard from you. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Kindly remember your friend by immediately responding to my letters.
I heard about your promotion from a friend of mine, who lives in the same locality in which you live, but whom you, by the way, do not know. I congratulate you upon your having secured promotion so early.

Facebook message:
Received your letter and noted its contents. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t write to you earlier. In fact, my duties kept me so busy that I found little time to remember replying to your letters. Please rest assured you will have no cause for complaint in future I am very much thankful to you for your kind congratulations upon my promotion.

Landline phone conversation:
Was great to see you. Need to meet up more often. It’s been ages since I saw you last time.

Face to face conversation:
You didn’t change at all after all this time. Tell us your secret.

Facebook message:
Great to hear from you. Let me know when you will have time to meet up. A lot to catch up.


Face to face conversation:
How was your time away? Did you have a good time? It seems like you have been away for a long time. Missed you a lot.

Skype chat:
You play a major part in my life, you are the most important part of my life and you are the closest thing to my heart. I treasure your soul like no other. You will always hold a special place in my heart where only you can touch. I hope you know how much I need you there.

Twitter post:
The most treasure that person can have in life is real friends. I have one so I am reach.

Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do.

Facebook message:
Ever since I met you… A part of you grew into me, like you were my mirror image.
But I think I like having a little bit of you in me.


I am very grateful to you for all you help. I can’t imagine going through all of this without you. Thank you for being there for me.

You brought unimaginable joy and warmth to my life. You’ve made me feel like a better person, able to take on the world. I think we were destined to become friends, and I’m grateful for whatever brought us together.

We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.

Facebook post:
Had a great time over weekend meeting my old good uni friend. It was fantastic to recall old times. Thank you for being there for me.

Face to face conversation during the coffee:
It is such a wonder how when it comes to us, we treat each other differently, I have never managed to treat other friends the way I treat you! I have never managed to accept their faults, nor bear with some qualities of theirs which contradict to my own.. we should not be harsh on people nor judgmental, but I am ashamed to say I have not achieved this with some people, and proud to know I can never judge you, nor feel agitated about anything you do or say.. isn’t it a wonder?


Skype chat:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.
4 Page 4 of 12



Now, please rate the communication with your friend over the past 6 months.

strongly disagree
1 mostly disagree
2 somewhat disagree
3 neutral
4 somewhat agree
5 mostly agree
6 strongly agree
There are lots of different forms of communication with my friend.

Most of the communication with my friend was very positive.

My friend and I have lots of exchanges using communication technologies.

My friend and I still manage to meet up frequently.

We rely on a very small number of communication channels.

In general, the communication with my friend was enjoyable.


Imagine that these 6 months of communication lie in between your first rating of your friendship and now. In other words, what you have just seen is a representative selection of all the communication that occurred between the two of you from the initial story (6 months ago) and now.


* 5)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 6)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 7)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important
5 Page 5 of 12
Time to take a little break! Before you continue, please do the following: Count backwards in increments of 3 and enter the numbers in the box below until you have reached 0. So, if you start at 12, you would enter 9, 6, 3, 0.

Start at 97.
Once you are finished, continue with the next page.
6 Page 6 of 12



For this part of the study, forget about the communication excerpts you have seen so far. To refresh your memory, have another look at what happened in your friendship. Below is the story so far.

You met this person initially at university; you were studying the same course. This was about four years ago. As you were involved in lots of the same projects you spent a lot time doing the research together and partying to celebrate the results of the course work. You spent most of your free time together with many different activities. In fact, most of your best experiences from that time involved your friend. On numerous occasions, you gave each other vital support during your course and you shared most of the really important things that happened to you. You knew almost always what the other one was up to and concerned with. As a result, you became very close at the time. You have kept in touch since completing the university course and regularly meet up for social events.

In the following, you will see a summary of communication that happened between you and your friend over the last 6 months. Please read carefully through this summary. It is important that you form an impression of the current state of your friendship based on this information. After that, when you go to the next page, you will be asked a number of questions regarding these excerpts.
7 Page 7 of 12



Landline phone conversation:
Received your letter and noted its contents. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t write to you earlier. In fact, my duties kept me so busy that I found little time to remember replying to your letters. Please rest assured you will have no cause for complaint in future I am very much thankful to you for your kind congratulations upon my promotion.

Was great to see you. Need to meet up more often. It’s been ages since I saw you last time.

Face to face conversation:
You didn’t change at all after all this time. Tell us your secret.

Congratulation on moving to a new home. Hope you will be very happy there.

Landline phone conversation:
Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do.


Landline phone conversation:
Great to hear from you. Let me know when you will have time to meet up. A lot to catch up.

Face to face conversation:
How was your time away? Did you have a good time? It seems like you have been away for a long time. Missed you a lot.

Landline phone conversation:
Thank you for helping me to move house. Don’t know how I would do that without you.


Landline phone conversation:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.

Face to face conversation over a coffee:
You make me feel so much better. It’s great to know that I am not the only one who experiencing this problems of misunderstanding with parents. Thank you for your advices

Landline phone conversation:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.

Face to face conversation:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.


Landline phone conversation:
It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Don’t worry much about it. It is not such a big deal as you think. Give it a time and in a few weeks you won’t even remember about it. Trust me on this.


Landline phone conversation:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.

Landline phone conversation:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.

Face to face conversation:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.


Landline phone conversation:
It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Can’t wait to see you there. Have so much to tell you about.

Landline phone conversation:
I am having fantastic time here. It remind me of our first trip together. It’s a shame you are not here with me.

Let me know if you need my help. I am always there for you if you need me.

Face to face conversation:
You play a major part in my life, you are the most important part of my life and you are the closest thing to my heart. I treasure your soul like no other. You will always hold a special place in my heart where only you can touch. I hope you know how much I need you there.


Nobody will ever find another person more special than you are. I would fall apart if we ever said goodbye or if anything ever happens to our friendship. Everyday it just grows stronger and stronger.

Face to face conversation:
Through tears and smiles, laughter and heartache, you’ve been a part of my life. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I look forward to the time we share.

Landline phone conversation:
It is fantastic idea to go on holidays together. I am sure we will have fantastic time together.

I heard about your Award. My congratulations and best wishes. Well done.

Face to face conversation:
It is long since I heard from you. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Kindly remember your friend by immediately responding to my letters.
I heard about your promotion from a friend of mine, who lives in the same locality in which you live, but whom you, by the way, do not know. I congratulate you upon your having secured promotion so early.
8 Page 8 of 12



Now, please rate the communication with your friend over the past 6 months.

strongly disagree
1 mostly disagree
2 somewhat disagree
3 neutral
4 somewhat agree
5 mostly agree
6 strongly agree
There are lots of different forms of communication with my friend.

Most of the communication with my friend was very positive.

My friend and I have lots of exchanges using communication technologies.

My friend and I still manage to meet up frequently.

We rely on a very small number of communication channels.

In general, the communication with my friend was enjoyable.


Imagine that these 6 months of communication lie in between your first rating of your friendship and now. In other words, what you have just seen is a representative selection of all the communication that occurred between the two of you from the initial story (6 months ago) and now.


* 10)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 11)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 12)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important
9 Page 9 of 12
Time to take a little break! Before you continue, please do the following: Count backwards in increments of 2 and enter the numbers in the box below until you have reached 0. So, if you start at 10, you would enter 8, 6, 4, 2, 0.

Start at 50.
Once you are finished, continue with the next page.
10 Page 10 of 12



As before, forget about the communication excerpts you have seen so far. To refresh your memory, have another look at what happened in your friendship. Below is the story so far.

You met this person initially at university; you were studying the same course. This was about four years ago. As you were involved in lots of the same projects you spent a lot time doing the research together and partying to celebrate the results of the course work. You spent most of your free time together with many different activities. In fact, most of your best experiences from that time involved your friend. On numerous occasions, you gave each other vital support during your course and you shared most of the really important things that happened to you. You knew almost always what the other one was up to and concerned with. As a result, you became very close at the time. You have kept in touch since completing the university course and regularly meet up for social events.

In the following, you will see a summary of communication that happened between you and your friend over the last 6 months. Please read carefully through this summary. It is important that you form an impression of the current state of your friendship based on this information. After that, when you go to the next page, you will be asked a number of questions regarding these excerpts.
11 Page 11 of 12



Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do.

Facebook post:
Had a great time over weekend meeting my old good uni friend. It was fantastic to recall old times. Thank you for being there for me.

Skype chat:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

I wanted to write you to say that I truly feel for you and know exactly what you’re going through because I’ve been there. I also wanted you to know that I am so proud of how strong you’ve been and how you have handled the situation so far. You have always been a strong person; and this situation will bring out that inner strength.

Facebook messages:
I make me feel so much better. It’s great to know that I am not the only one who experiencing this problems of misunderstanding with parents. Thank you for your advices.


Skype chat:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.
Thank you for helping me to move house. Don’t know how I would do that without you.

Facebook messages:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.

It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Facebook messages:
It is such a wonder how when it comes to us, we treat each other differently, I have never managed to treat other friends the way I treat you! I have never managed to accept their faults, nor bear with some qualities of theirs which contradict to my own.. we should not be harsh on people nor judgmental, but I am ashamed to say I have not achieved this with some people, and proud to know I can never judge you, nor feel agitated about anything you do or say.. isn’t it a wonder?


Twitter post:
Can’t wait to see you there. Have so much to tell you about.

Facebook messages:
Don’t worry much about it. It is not such a big deal as you think. Give it a time and in a few weeks you won’t even remember about it. Trust me on this.

Skype chat:
I am having fantastic time here. It remind me of our first trip together. It’s a shame you are not here with me.

Facebook messages:
You play a major part in my life, you are the most important part of my life and you are the closest thing to my heart. I treasure your soul like no other. You will always hold a special place in my heart where only you can touch. I hope you know how much I need you there.

Twitter post:
Nobody will ever find another person more special than you are. I would fall apart if we ever said goodbye or if anything ever happens to our friendship. Everyday it just grows stronger and stronger.


Through tears and smiles, laughter and heartache, you’ve been a part of my life. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I look forward to the time we share.

Skype chat:
It is fantastic idea to go on holidays together. I am sure we will have fantastic time together.

Facebook messages:
I heard about your Award. My congratulations and best wishes. Well done.

It is long since I heard from you. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Kindly remember your friend by immediately responding to my letters.
I heard about your promotion from a friend of mine, who lives in the same locality in which you live, but whom you, by the way, do not know. I congratulate you upon your having secured promotion so early.

Facebook message:
Received your letter and noted its contents. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t write to you earlier. In fact, my duties kept me so busy that I found little time to remember replying to your letters. Please rest assured you will have no cause for complaint in future I am very much thankful to you for your kind congratulations upon my promotion.


Was great to see you. Need to meet up more often. It’s been ages since I saw you last time.

Facebook messages:
You didn’t change at all after all this time. Tell us your secret.

Skype chat:
Congratulation on moving to a new home. Hope you will be very happy there.

Great to hear from you. Let me know when you will have time to meet up. A lot to catch up.

Facebook messages:
How was your time away? Did you have a good time? It seems like you have been away for a long time. Missed you a lot.

Twitter post:
The most treasure that person can have in life is real friends. I have one so I am reach.


Facebook messages:
Ever since I met you… A part of you grew into me, like you were my mirror image.
But I think I like having a little bit of you in me.

Skype chat:
I am very grateful to you for all you help. I can’t imagine going through all of this without you. Thank you for being there for me.

You brought unimaginable joy and warmth to my life. You’ve made me feel like a better person, able to take on the world. I think we were destined to become friends, and I’m grateful for whatever brought us together.

Facebook messages:
We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.
12 Page 12 of 12



Now, please rate the communication with your friend over the past 6 months.

strongly disagree
1 mostly disagree
2 somewhat disagree
3 neutral
4 somewhat agree
5 mostly agree
6 strongly agree
There are lots of different forms of communication with my friend.

Most of the communication with my friend was very positive.

My friend and I have lots of exchanges using communication technologies.

My friend and I still manage to meet up frequently.

We rely on a very small number of communication channels.

In general, the communication with my friend was enjoyable.


Imagine that these 6 months of communication lie in between your first rating of your friendship and now. In other words, what you have just seen is a representative selection of all the communication that occurred between the two of you from the initial story (6 months ago) and now.


* 15)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 16)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 17)

The effects of interaction history and communication channels on closeness and trust in friendship.

The following sections of conversation take place between you and a friend. The friend is an imaginary person; they are a similar age to you and the same gender as you. The following sentences will describe how you met this person and a brief history of how close you are to them and some of the context on how often you interact with this person.
You met this person initially at university; you were studying the same course. This was about four years ago. As you were involved in lots of the same projects you spent a lot time doing the research together and partying to celebrate the results of the course work. You spent most of your free time together with many different activities.In fact, most of your best experiences from that time involved your friend. On numerous occasions, you gave each other vital support during your course and you shared most of the really important things that happened to you. You knew almost always what the other one was up to and concerned with. As a result, you became very close at the time. You have kept in touch since completing the university course and regularly meet up for social events.
Below is a section of the social interaction that you have had over the last few months.


* 1)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 2)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 3)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important
2 Page 2 of 12
In the following, you will see a summary of 3 different scenarios of what could happen to this friendship. It will be some extracts of communication that happened between you and your friend over the last 6 months.

Please read carefully through this summary. It is important that you form an impression of the current state of your friendship based on this information. After that, when you go to the next page, you will be asked a number of questions regarding these excerpts.
3 Page 3 of 12



I wanted to write you to say that I truly feel for you and know exactly what you’re going through because I’ve been there. I also wanted you to know that I am so proud of how strong you’ve been and how you have handled the situation so far. You have always been a strong person; and this situation will bring out that inner strength.

Face to face conversation:
You make me feel so much better. It’s great to know that I am not the only one who experiencing this problems of misunderstanding with parents. Thank you for your advices.

Landline phone conversation:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.
Congratulation on moving to a new home. Hope you will be very happy there.

Face to face conversation:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.



Landline phone conversation:
It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Can’t wait to see you there. Have so much to tell you about.

Facebook message:
Don’t worry much about it. It is not such a big deal as you think. Give it a time and in a few weeks you won’t even remember about it. Trust me on this.

Skype chat:
I am having fantastic time here. It remind me of our first trip together. It’s a shame you are not here with me.

Let me know if you need my help. I am always there for you if you need me.


Twitter post:
Nobody will ever find another person more special than you are. I would fall apart if we ever said goodbye or if anything ever happens to our friendship. Everyday it just grows stronger and stronger.

Face to face conversation:
Through tears and smiles, laughter and heartache, you’ve been a part of my life. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I look forward to the time we share.

Landline phone conversation:
It is fantastic idea to go on holidays together. I am sure we will have fantastic time together.

Facebook messages:
I heard about your Award. My congratulations and best wishes. Well done.



It is long since I heard from you. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Kindly remember your friend by immediately responding to my letters.
I heard about your promotion from a friend of mine, who lives in the same locality in which you live, but whom you, by the way, do not know. I congratulate you upon your having secured promotion so early.

Facebook message:
Received your letter and noted its contents. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t write to you earlier. In fact, my duties kept me so busy that I found little time to remember replying to your letters. Please rest assured you will have no cause for complaint in future I am very much thankful to you for your kind congratulations upon my promotion.

Landline phone conversation:
Was great to see you. Need to meet up more often. It’s been ages since I saw you last time.

Face to face conversation:
You didn’t change at all after all this time. Tell us your secret.

Facebook message:
Great to hear from you. Let me know when you will have time to meet up. A lot to catch up.


Face to face conversation:
How was your time away? Did you have a good time? It seems like you have been away for a long time. Missed you a lot.

Skype chat:
You play a major part in my life, you are the most important part of my life and you are the closest thing to my heart. I treasure your soul like no other. You will always hold a special place in my heart where only you can touch. I hope you know how much I need you there.

Twitter post:
The most treasure that person can have in life is real friends. I have one so I am reach.

Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do.

Facebook message:
Ever since I met you… A part of you grew into me, like you were my mirror image.
But I think I like having a little bit of you in me.


I am very grateful to you for all you help. I can’t imagine going through all of this without you. Thank you for being there for me.

You brought unimaginable joy and warmth to my life. You’ve made me feel like a better person, able to take on the world. I think we were destined to become friends, and I’m grateful for whatever brought us together.

We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.

Facebook post:
Had a great time over weekend meeting my old good uni friend. It was fantastic to recall old times. Thank you for being there for me.

Face to face conversation during the coffee:
It is such a wonder how when it comes to us, we treat each other differently, I have never managed to treat other friends the way I treat you! I have never managed to accept their faults, nor bear with some qualities of theirs which contradict to my own.. we should not be harsh on people nor judgmental, but I am ashamed to say I have not achieved this with some people, and proud to know I can never judge you, nor feel agitated about anything you do or say.. isn’t it a wonder?


Skype chat:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.
4 Page 4 of 12



Now, please rate the communication with your friend over the past 6 months.

strongly disagree
1 mostly disagree
2 somewhat disagree
3 neutral
4 somewhat agree
5 mostly agree
6 strongly agree
There are lots of different forms of communication with my friend.

Most of the communication with my friend was very positive.

My friend and I have lots of exchanges using communication technologies.

My friend and I still manage to meet up frequently.

We rely on a very small number of communication channels.

In general, the communication with my friend was enjoyable.


Imagine that these 6 months of communication lie in between your first rating of your friendship and now. In other words, what you have just seen is a representative selection of all the communication that occurred between the two of you from the initial story (6 months ago) and now.


* 5)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 6)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 7)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important
5 Page 5 of 12
Time to take a little break! Before you continue, please do the following: Count backwards in increments of 3 and enter the numbers in the box below until you have reached 0. So, if you start at 12, you would enter 9, 6, 3, 0.

Start at 97.
Once you are finished, continue with the next page.
6 Page 6 of 12



For this part of the study, forget about the communication excerpts you have seen so far. To refresh your memory, have another look at what happened in your friendship. Below is the story so far.

You met this person initially at university; you were studying the same course. This was about four years ago. As you were involved in lots of the same projects you spent a lot time doing the research together and partying to celebrate the results of the course work. You spent most of your free time together with many different activities. In fact, most of your best experiences from that time involved your friend. On numerous occasions, you gave each other vital support during your course and you shared most of the really important things that happened to you. You knew almost always what the other one was up to and concerned with. As a result, you became very close at the time. You have kept in touch since completing the university course and regularly meet up for social events.

In the following, you will see a summary of communication that happened between you and your friend over the last 6 months. Please read carefully through this summary. It is important that you form an impression of the current state of your friendship based on this information. After that, when you go to the next page, you will be asked a number of questions regarding these excerpts.
7 Page 7 of 12



Landline phone conversation:
Received your letter and noted its contents. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t write to you earlier. In fact, my duties kept me so busy that I found little time to remember replying to your letters. Please rest assured you will have no cause for complaint in future I am very much thankful to you for your kind congratulations upon my promotion.

Was great to see you. Need to meet up more often. It’s been ages since I saw you last time.

Face to face conversation:
You didn’t change at all after all this time. Tell us your secret.

Congratulation on moving to a new home. Hope you will be very happy there.

Landline phone conversation:
Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do.


Landline phone conversation:
Great to hear from you. Let me know when you will have time to meet up. A lot to catch up.

Face to face conversation:
How was your time away? Did you have a good time? It seems like you have been away for a long time. Missed you a lot.

Landline phone conversation:
Thank you for helping me to move house. Don’t know how I would do that without you.


Landline phone conversation:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.

Face to face conversation over a coffee:
You make me feel so much better. It’s great to know that I am not the only one who experiencing this problems of misunderstanding with parents. Thank you for your advices

Landline phone conversation:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.

Face to face conversation:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.


Landline phone conversation:
It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Don’t worry much about it. It is not such a big deal as you think. Give it a time and in a few weeks you won’t even remember about it. Trust me on this.


Landline phone conversation:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.

Landline phone conversation:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.

Face to face conversation:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.


Landline phone conversation:
It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Can’t wait to see you there. Have so much to tell you about.

Landline phone conversation:
I am having fantastic time here. It remind me of our first trip together. It’s a shame you are not here with me.

Let me know if you need my help. I am always there for you if you need me.

Face to face conversation:
You play a major part in my life, you are the most important part of my life and you are the closest thing to my heart. I treasure your soul like no other. You will always hold a special place in my heart where only you can touch. I hope you know how much I need you there.


Nobody will ever find another person more special than you are. I would fall apart if we ever said goodbye or if anything ever happens to our friendship. Everyday it just grows stronger and stronger.

Face to face conversation:
Through tears and smiles, laughter and heartache, you’ve been a part of my life. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I look forward to the time we share.

Landline phone conversation:
It is fantastic idea to go on holidays together. I am sure we will have fantastic time together.

I heard about your Award. My congratulations and best wishes. Well done.

Face to face conversation:
It is long since I heard from you. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Kindly remember your friend by immediately responding to my letters.
I heard about your promotion from a friend of mine, who lives in the same locality in which you live, but whom you, by the way, do not know. I congratulate you upon your having secured promotion so early.
8 Page 8 of 12



Now, please rate the communication with your friend over the past 6 months.

strongly disagree
1 mostly disagree
2 somewhat disagree
3 neutral
4 somewhat agree
5 mostly agree
6 strongly agree
There are lots of different forms of communication with my friend.

Most of the communication with my friend was very positive.

My friend and I have lots of exchanges using communication technologies.

My friend and I still manage to meet up frequently.

We rely on a very small number of communication channels.

In general, the communication with my friend was enjoyable.


Imagine that these 6 months of communication lie in between your first rating of your friendship and now. In other words, what you have just seen is a representative selection of all the communication that occurred between the two of you from the initial story (6 months ago) and now.


* 10)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 11)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 12)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important
9 Page 9 of 12
Time to take a little break! Before you continue, please do the following: Count backwards in increments of 2 and enter the numbers in the box below until you have reached 0. So, if you start at 10, you would enter 8, 6, 4, 2, 0.

Start at 50.
Once you are finished, continue with the next page.
10 Page 10 of 12



As before, forget about the communication excerpts you have seen so far. To refresh your memory, have another look at what happened in your friendship. Below is the story so far.

You met this person initially at university; you were studying the same course. This was about four years ago. As you were involved in lots of the same projects you spent a lot time doing the research together and partying to celebrate the results of the course work. You spent most of your free time together with many different activities. In fact, most of your best experiences from that time involved your friend. On numerous occasions, you gave each other vital support during your course and you shared most of the really important things that happened to you. You knew almost always what the other one was up to and concerned with. As a result, you became very close at the time. You have kept in touch since completing the university course and regularly meet up for social events.

In the following, you will see a summary of communication that happened between you and your friend over the last 6 months. Please read carefully through this summary. It is important that you form an impression of the current state of your friendship based on this information. After that, when you go to the next page, you will be asked a number of questions regarding these excerpts.
11 Page 11 of 12



Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, because at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do.

Facebook post:
Had a great time over weekend meeting my old good uni friend. It was fantastic to recall old times. Thank you for being there for me.

Skype chat:
I am so happy to have found such a great friend in you. You have stood by my side always, in both my good and bad times. Without you by my side, I would not have achieved all this success and joy. I thank you for being there for me as my best friend.

I wanted to write you to say that I truly feel for you and know exactly what you’re going through because I’ve been there. I also wanted you to know that I am so proud of how strong you’ve been and how you have handled the situation so far. You have always been a strong person; and this situation will bring out that inner strength.

Facebook messages:
I make me feel so much better. It’s great to know that I am not the only one who experiencing this problems of misunderstanding with parents. Thank you for your advices.


Skype chat:
I’m here if you ever need to talk about anything, or even if you just need a friend to spend some time with to take your mind off things.
Thank you for helping me to move house. Don’t know how I would do that without you.

Facebook messages:
It was fantastic night out just like we did when we were at Uni. It’s cheered me up greatly. We need to do that more often.

It’s a relieve that you understand me in what I did and why I did that. For some people it’s difficult and they become very judgmental about it.

Facebook messages:
It is such a wonder how when it comes to us, we treat each other differently, I have never managed to treat other friends the way I treat you! I have never managed to accept their faults, nor bear with some qualities of theirs which contradict to my own.. we should not be harsh on people nor judgmental, but I am ashamed to say I have not achieved this with some people, and proud to know I can never judge you, nor feel agitated about anything you do or say.. isn’t it a wonder?


Twitter post:
Can’t wait to see you there. Have so much to tell you about.

Facebook messages:
Don’t worry much about it. It is not such a big deal as you think. Give it a time and in a few weeks you won’t even remember about it. Trust me on this.

Skype chat:
I am having fantastic time here. It remind me of our first trip together. It’s a shame you are not here with me.

Facebook messages:
You play a major part in my life, you are the most important part of my life and you are the closest thing to my heart. I treasure your soul like no other. You will always hold a special place in my heart where only you can touch. I hope you know how much I need you there.

Twitter post:
Nobody will ever find another person more special than you are. I would fall apart if we ever said goodbye or if anything ever happens to our friendship. Everyday it just grows stronger and stronger.


Through tears and smiles, laughter and heartache, you’ve been a part of my life. I can’t imagine getting through a single day without hearing your voice or seeing your smile. I look forward to the time we share.

Skype chat:
It is fantastic idea to go on holidays together. I am sure we will have fantastic time together.

Facebook messages:
I heard about your Award. My congratulations and best wishes. Well done.

It is long since I heard from you. I hope you are enjoying yourself. Kindly remember your friend by immediately responding to my letters.
I heard about your promotion from a friend of mine, who lives in the same locality in which you live, but whom you, by the way, do not know. I congratulate you upon your having secured promotion so early.

Facebook message:
Received your letter and noted its contents. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t write to you earlier. In fact, my duties kept me so busy that I found little time to remember replying to your letters. Please rest assured you will have no cause for complaint in future I am very much thankful to you for your kind congratulations upon my promotion.


Was great to see you. Need to meet up more often. It’s been ages since I saw you last time.

Facebook messages:
You didn’t change at all after all this time. Tell us your secret.

Skype chat:
Congratulation on moving to a new home. Hope you will be very happy there.

Great to hear from you. Let me know when you will have time to meet up. A lot to catch up.

Facebook messages:
How was your time away? Did you have a good time? It seems like you have been away for a long time. Missed you a lot.

Twitter post:
The most treasure that person can have in life is real friends. I have one so I am reach.


Facebook messages:
Ever since I met you… A part of you grew into me, like you were my mirror image.
But I think I like having a little bit of you in me.

Skype chat:
I am very grateful to you for all you help. I can’t imagine going through all of this without you. Thank you for being there for me.

You brought unimaginable joy and warmth to my life. You’ve made me feel like a better person, able to take on the world. I think we were destined to become friends, and I’m grateful for whatever brought us together.

Facebook messages:
We need to catch up. It is been a while we didn’t talk.
12 Page 12 of 12



Now, please rate the communication with your friend over the past 6 months.

strongly disagree
1 mostly disagree
2 somewhat disagree
3 neutral
4 somewhat agree
5 mostly agree
6 strongly agree
There are lots of different forms of communication with my friend.

Most of the communication with my friend was very positive.

My friend and I have lots of exchanges using communication technologies.

My friend and I still manage to meet up frequently.

We rely on a very small number of communication channels.

In general, the communication with my friend was enjoyable.


Imagine that these 6 months of communication lie in between your first rating of your friendship and now. In other words, what you have just seen is a representative selection of all the communication that occurred between the two of you from the initial story (6 months ago) and now.


* 15)
Based on this information, how close would you feel to this friend?

not close at all
very close

* 16)
How strong would you rate your friendship to be?

very weak
very strong

* 17)
How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important

How important would this friendship be to you?

not important at all
very important



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