

Assessment Task 3

Assignment Requirements


Hi, thank you for doing my assignment and I really need to get this 6 or 7 to pass. The assignment should be written in Australian English.

ASSESSMENT TASK 3 – Research Paper
DUE DATE: 6 June 2014, 4 pm
Weighting: 40%
Length: 1,500 words (This word count does not include the references)
• To draw together your knowledge and understanding of the research about a specific topic;
• To develop your skills in synthesizing the academic literature and research;
• To encourage you to use book chapters, books and academic journals as sources of ideas and evidence;
• To develop and present arguments using both analysis and evaluation;
• To develop your skills in writing;
• To communicate in an academic style.
Task Outcome:
• A research paper reporting the teaching practices and strategies that can be used to support the learning of a student with a disability in the inclusive classroom. You should refer to a group of students in one of the following categories of disabilities used by Education Queensland: autism spectrum disorder (ASD), hearing impairment (HI), intellectual impairment (II), physical impairment (PI), speech language impairment (SLI) and vision impairment (VI). The research paper should report on teaching practices and strategies suggested in the academic literature. The research paper must also provide evidence about why these teaching practices and strategies are appropriate for the group of students you have selected. This latter component (the justifications for the practices and strategies) is very important.

First read the Criteria Sheet for Assessment Task 3. Then read the following.
• Decide which disability group will be the focus of your literature search.
• Identify and read any sections in the textbook that refer to your selected group.
• Consult the academic literature and research (2005+), that is, academic journals and text books or text book chapters. Be careful there is a lot of information on the internet but it is not considered academic literature.
• In the academic literature identify the teaching practices and strategies that writers and researchers suggest should be used in teaching these students.
• Record why writers and researchers have suggested that these practices and strategies are appropriate for this group of students. These reasons will form your justifications.

Outline of the Research Paper
In the Introduction (first part) you should introduce the reader to the topic. Tell the reader the main ideas and the order in which the ideas will be presented. Include here what your conclusion(s) will be in relation to the topic.
Body (Don’t use the term Body in the written product. Create your own headings and subheadings.)
The second part comprises the most important part of the Assessment Task. It will be ½ of what you write. In this part you are building a case through the use of argument(s).Provide the justifications. Use the literature to support your statements.
The conclusion
The third part is the conclusion. No new information, citations or quotes should be included in these 1 or 2 paragraphs as this is a summary of the main ideas presented in this Assessment Task.
Presentation of Assessment Task 3 (For electronic submission):
• Assessment Task 3 should be word processed on A4 paper and double-spaced.
• Leave at least a 2 cm margin on each of both sides so that margin notes can be made on your assignment during marking.
• Please include your name and student number, the Assessment Task number, the topic “Research Paper”, the body of the text, and the references. Also insert a page number at the bottom of each page.
Aboriginal Students
Please note Aboriginal students are NOT one of the groups on the list as a disability category for the state of Queensland — they are NOT people with a disability and therefore are NOT part of the Assessment topic. While I appreciate Aborigine students with Otitis media have some hearing difficulties this assessment task is focused on the students with disabilities per se. I think you will be able to identify teaching strategies and practices if you focus on students with hearing impairment who receive support due to their disability in Queensland’s classrooms.
Person First Language
Throughout this course — consistent with non-discriminatory practice – and aligned with UQ’s policy — make sure you use person-first language. See also APA. That is the “Child/Student” comes first, before the “disability”. Please read the Assessment Guide re Person-first language. Note this is part of the Communication criteria.
Should I report the age range??
[Read this whole statement not just the first sentence].
It may be helpful to mention the age range at the start of the Research Report. But actually I imagine/think that some students might use age/development as one of their reasons why a particular strategy is useful/appropriate/effective. Thus you might use age/development as an argument for why teachers use one of the teaching practices/strategies with that particular group and find literature related to development and that group that supports the argument

EDUC3701 – Assessment Task 3
Teaching practices and strategies
The topic should address teaching practices and strategies that can be used and are consistent with addressing the primary characteristics of the disability you have selected – the characteristics are those that relate to academic learning in the classroom (not other characteristics e.g., walking).
The two phrases teaching practices and teaching strategies are often used interchangeably in the literature and therefore I have referred to both. This task makes no distinction between them. They can be treated the same.

You may refer to the textbook or other books and educational dictionaries but the best is to refer to definitions used by authors in articles or books. If you wish to use a definition then you may use: “Teaching practices and strategies are instructional techniques or methods teachers use in the classroom to foster student academic learning” (van Kraayenoord, 2014).

Reference for the above quote:
van Kraayenoord, C.E. (2014, May 13). Re: Teaching practices and strategies [Online Discussion Board comment]. Retrieved from:https://learn.uq.edu.au/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_15174_1%26url%3D

Remember throughout the focus is on “teaching” – what the practices or strategies the teacher uses when providing instruction in order for students to learn in a classroom, that is what the teacher does, how the teacher does something, and how the teacher teaches the use of X to get an academic learning outcome.

NOT examples of teaching strategies and practices
Approaches are not teaching strategies and practices
Please note there are many approaches to teaching or models of teaching such as UDL, curriculum differentiation, cooperative learning etc. These are approaches to instruction and are NOT teaching practices and strategies. In fact teachers use teaching practices and teaching strategies to implement the principles of UDL, differentiation, or develop cooperative learning.

Some other ideas that are NOT examples of teaching strategies and practices
(a) “working closely with child’s parents and specialist support staff” is NOT a teaching strategy – because it is not about what a teacher does in the classroom AND is not an instructional technique or method that leads to an academic learning outcome.

(b) “providing a visual aid” is not a teaching strategy. Read again the definition above or in other sources. A teaching strategy and/or practice means that something pedagogical is going on. So the question would be “what teaching strategy is being used with the visual aid?” That’s what you would write about.
(c) “using Inspiration” This is about what the learner is doing – NOT the teacher, so this is not a teaching strategy.

How many Teaching Practices or Strategies
I think that reporting in depth on 2-4 teaching practices and strategies is appropriate.

EDUC3701 Assessment Task 3
A Research Paper and undertaking searches using educational databases
“Google” will not lead you to databases which is what you will need for information to develop a Research Paper. Google might provide you with some tip sheets etc but these do not provide sufficient information about actual teaching strategies or practices for a university task and further you do not know if they are research-based or evidence-based suggestions for teaching practices and strategies. Even Google Scholar is better but the best, as you know, is to use the educational databases on the UQ library site.
Department of Education sites and disability organisations might provide you with some tip sheets etc but these usually contain ideas such as “use X or Y” rather than referring to actual pedagogical practices and they do not provide sufficient information about actual teaching strategies or practices for a university task. Once again you do not know if they areresearch-based or evidence-based suggestions for teaching practices and strategies only those found on databases will do this.
These educational databases are under a tab on UQ library Home page – see Databases. The best are ERIC and PROQUEST.
For example I go to the database “Proquest” and look for “Proquest education journals”. I always go here first for all my own research articles.
In the database search engine I type in the key words (e.g., the specific disability) and other key words and phrases – Note – I always use “Advanced search and also use the parameters: “last 3 years” (that means I will looking at the most recent 2005+), “peer-reviewed” and “scholarly journals” (then I know it is has been through a rigorous process of review), and “full-text” (I want the whole text, not just an abstract).
That search will came up with a number of articles. I then look at the ones with titles that look like they are “in the ball park”. I read the abstracts. One might catch my eye. I decide to look at that one first. What words are used by the authors to describe what a teacher would do? I am looking for verbs, action words. When I find these words there might be some I need to look up an educational dictionary to see what exactly they mean. So I am looking for teacher behaviours that the teacher uses when teaching. If there is a teaching strategy or practice mentioned that is of interest then I look in the references to see if there are other articles that mention that practice. If not I now use that phrase and plug that into my next Advanced search – so now it is specific disability + key words (the Banana Technique) + “last 3 years” + “peer-reviewed” + “scholarly journals” + “full-text”. Let’s see what comes up…!!!


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