

US History


1.Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the Native American Agricultural Revolution?

a.Cultivation skills necessary to grow maize, squash, and beans spread north from Mexico.

b.The availability of a more reliable store of food helped liberate nomadic groups from the insecurities of hunting and gathering.

c.The peoples living in the Southwest acquired cultivation skills long before the bands living along the Atlantic coast.

d.The shift to basic crops caused Native Americans to lose inherited immunities against communicative diseases such as smallpox and measles.

2. With regards to Spanish colonization, it can be said that:

a.the Spanish Crown remained largely indifferent to mundane affairs in the New World, and there was very little correspondence between the continents.

b.Spanish men, intolerant of racial differences, did not intermarry with Indians and blacks for fear of producing mestizos and mulattos.

c.instead of developing its own industry, Spain became dependent on the annual shipment of bullion from America.

d.the Treaty of Tordesillas ended Spanish colonization.

3. According to the Calvinist doctrine of predestination:

a.God was destined to be absent from human affairs.

b.the Lord chose some persons for salvation, while condemning others to eternal damnation.

c.scripture taught that men and women were saved by works alone, not faith.

d.God spoke through the pope and through priests, who could intercede for the souls of ordinary people.

4.After decades of religious turmoil, Protestantism became the permanent, established religion in England during the reign of:

a.Queen Mary.

b.Queen Elizabeth I.

c.King James II.

d.King Henry VIII..

5. Which of the following factors did NOT serve to encourage English colonization in the New World?
a.a large, well-trained army
b.the defeat of the Spanish Armada
c.the publications of Richard Hakluyt the Younger
d.wealthy gentlemen willing to finance expeditions

6.What most Indians desired most from the early European explorers was peaceful trade.



7. Advances in maritime technology allowed the Portuguese to navigate successfully against African winds and currents and made them early leaders in the European slave trade.



8. Which of the following statements about most of the conquistadores is NOT true?

a.They were interested in creating permanent settlements.

b.They were eager for personal glory and material gain.

c.They cruelly exploited Indian laborers.

d.They began by concentrating on the major islands discovered by Columbus.

9. Aztec leader Montezuma initially thought that the Spaniards were gods, representatives of the fearful plumed serpent, Quetzalcoatl.


10. The encomiendo system:

a. kept the Portuguese out of Mexico .

b. allowed Spanish landowners to control Indian villages.

c. benefitted the Native American populations of Spanish America .

d. allowed Mayan and Incan leaders to become very wealthy through the labor.

11. Conquistadores tended to be:

a. people of respected families but without much wealth.

b. peasants and poor craftsmen

c. wealthy and prominent nobles

d. the urban poor of Spain

12. The Protestant Reformation in England :

a. began more for political reasons than because of disagreement about religious doctrine.

b. was almost undone when Elizabeth tried to reimpose Catholicism.

c. was led by John Calvin.

d. occurred prior to the voyages of Columbus.

13. The defeat of the Spanish Armada:

a. helped lead to English naval supremacy.

b. led to the execution of Christopher Columbus.

c. gave France virtual control of Brazil .

d. was King Henry VIII’s greatest military achievement.

14. The Pilgrims created the Mayflower Compact because they thought that:

a. Pilgrim laws should extend through all the colonies.

b. they were north of their patent jurisdiction and they had no legal authority to form a government.

c. the king wanted to separate the authority of the crown from the colonies.

d. it was the best way to achieve commercial success.

15. Which of the following factors explains why the Virginia Company chose the site of Jamestown for its first colony?

a. A large gold mine was nearby.

b. The soil was rich, fertile, and well-drained.

c. The site could be easily defended against a surprise attack by the Spanish or Native Americans.

d. The area’s drinking water was pure and clean.

16. Two people who kept the Jamestown colony alive were:

a. Lord Baltimore and John Smith.

b. John Smith and John Rolfe.

c. William Bradford and Powhatan.

d. Miles Standish and John Rolfe.

17. Quakers believed in all of the following EXCEPT:

a. the equality of each person.

b. the “Inner Light.”

c. predestination.

d. pacifism.

18. Sir EdwynSandys transformed the Virginia colony by instituting all of the following reforms EXCEPT:

a. urging the settlers to diversify their economy.

b. guaranteeing a head right to every colonist who covered his own transportation cost to America.

c. promising an elective representative assembly called the House of Burgesses.

d. extending the category of freeman to all adult males who had become members of the Congregational Church.

19. Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the early stability of the Massachusetts Bay Colony?

a. The settlers moved to Massachusetts as nuclear families.

b. The Massachusetts Bay Colony attracted thousands of settlers within the first decade.

c. The Puritans learned about hunting and agriculture from Squanto and Massasoit.

d. The settlers were bound together by a common sense of purpose.

20. Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts when he preached:

a. the omnipotence of God.

b. predestination

c. extreme separatism of church and state.

d. Antinomianism

21. Bacon’s Rebellion:

a. brought indentured servants and small farmers together against the colony’s rich planters and political leaders.

b. had the support of nearby Indian tribes.

c. resulted from changes in the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina that discriminated against Puritans.

d. led to the burning of Charleston .

22. The Plymouth colony:

a. absorbed the Massachusetts Bay colony.

b. was absorbed by the Massachusetts Bay colony

c. was founded as a royal colony.

d. was founded as a proprietary colony
23. Which of the following ideas was NOT set forth in William Penn’s Frame of Government?

a. liberty of conscience

b. due process of law

c. universal suffrage

d. no taxation without representation

24. Georgia settlers demanded changes to the early colony. Which one of the following demands did the trustees NOT grant?

a. the right of women to inherit land

b. a local assembly

c. no cap on land ownership

d. slaves

25. The description of Massachusetts Bay Colony as a “city upon a hill” relates to the Puritan founders’ idea that the colony should:

a. be separate from the world..

b. be located on a readily defensible site.

c. be a refuge for all religious dissenters.

d. be a model holy commonwealth and staging area for reform of Old England.

26. Early Virginia settlers were primarily families.

a. True

b. False

27. Which of the following statements about New England and the South is correct?

a. New England had a stronger regional identity than the Southern colonies, based on common values.

b. Virginia and the Carolinas had a stronger regional identity than the New Englanders, based on slavery .

c. There was a stronger sense of commonality between Virginia and Massachusetts than between them and the newer colonies, based on a sense of being the original colonies.

d. There was no sense of identity among the colonies–each went its separate way.

28. Which of the following was the most culturally diverse in the mid-17th century?

a. the Pequot tribe.

b. New Amsterdam.

c. Virginia.

d. Massachusetts.

29. A constant economic problem for the colonies was:

a. a surplus of labor which boosted unemployment, since it made jobs scarce.

b. their inability to find a market for their goods.

c. the need for more workers.

d. the need to modernize their factories.

30. The established church in the southern colonies was:

a. the Congregationalist (Puritan) church.

b. carefully controlled by a massive hierarchy of bishops and the religious hierarchy.

c. often lax in its religious and moral standards.

d. well-equipped to battle Puritans.

31. ALL the following were principles of mercantilism EXCEPT:

a. a nation should increase its store of gold and silver.

b. a nation should limit foreign imports and encourage the development of domesticmanufacturing.

c. a nation should seek to specialize in the economic goods it could produce best, and depend on trade with other countries for what it could not easily produce.

d. colonies should be a source of raw materials and a market for finished goods from the mother country.

32. Regarding education among New England Puritans:

a. the literacy rate in 17th-century Massachusetts was substantially higher for women than for men.

b. colonists regarded education primarily as a responsibility of the church.

c. the Massachusetts legislature ordered towns containing 15 or more families to open a tax-supported elementary school.

d. the Massachusetts General Court imprisoned parents who did not teach the catechism to their children.

30. 17th-century Chesapeake planters could be best described as:

a. Anglican dissenters.

b. planters from Barbados.

c. men who arrived in the colonies with considerable capital and whose families intermarried to maintain their political authority.

d. egalitarian reformers interested in a classless society.

33. Mercantilism can be best defined as a system that:

a. discouraged new ship-building in England.

b. called for direct trade between the British colonies and foreign countries.

c. encouraged foreign imports.

d. sought to establish the economic self-sufficiency of the British Empire.

34. Which of the following was NOT a contributing factor to Bacon’s Rebellion?

a. Indians, fearing white encroachment, attacked outlying plantations and killed a few colonists.
b. Lord Berkeley refused Bacon an official military commission and denied him the right to attack Indians.

c. Poor whites and black slaves in Virginia had legitimate grievances with a colonial government they thought was corrupt.

d. Nathaniel Bacon was an embittered indentured servant who could buy no land.

35. The Half-Way Covenant allowed grandchildren of persons in full communion to be baptized even though their parents could not demonstrate conversion:

a. True.

b. False.

36. In the 17th century, town life was more important in Massachusetts than in Virginia.

a. True.

b. False.

37. John Locke’s contract theory of government argued that:

a. men have certain rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property.

b. governments were formed when strong men seized authority as kings to protect natural rights.

c. kings have a “divine right” to rule their subjects as long as their subjects prosper.

d. the only legitimate governments are ones that allow all adults, regardless of sex and race, to vote.

38. While the English Civil War ______, the Glorious Revolution ________:

a. was fought over the issue of slavery … was fought over the issue of the “divine right of kings.”

b. briefly established a republic in England … established the supremacy of Parliament over the King.

c. was fought between rival claimants to the throne of England … overthrew the powerful elitists who dominated England.

d. was fought over religious issues … had nothing to do with religious preferences.

39. Once impact of the Glorious Revolution on England’s American colonies was:

a. inspiration for Bacon’s Rebellion.

b. more freedom for Roman Catholics.

c. inspiration for the overthrow of Governor Andros.

d. the danger of permanent Roman Catholic rule from England.

40. The right to vote for members of the colonial assemblies was:

a. greatly restricted because of high property qualifications.

b. open to women in most colonies.

c. extended to a greater proportion of the population than anywhere else in the world.

d. restricted to only the very rich because of slavery.

41. Which of the following was NOT an advantage that the French had in their settlements in North America?

a. Their claims gave them access to important waterway systems.

b. The population that had settled in their lands exhibited greater ethnic diversity.

c. Authority was more centralized, which gave an advantage in military confrontations.

d. With some exceptions, they generally had better relations with the Indians..

42. Which of the following statements does NOT describe backcountry living conditions during the 18th century?

a. Some poorer immigrants found land was cheaper farther away from the coastal waterways.

b. Settlers occasionally clashed with nearby Indian communities.

c. Settlers found themselves constantly stifled by a meddlesome, bureaucratic colonial government.

d. Religious institutions became more important to isolated communities.

43. Who or what is an entrepôt?

a. greatly restricted because of high property qualifications.

b. a wealthy New England colonist who was exposed to and welcomed the latest in European ideas and culture

c. a site of large-scale manufacturing with a high population of free urban wage-laborers

d. a place of intermediary trade and shipping center where bulk cargoes were broken up for distribution and agricultural products were readied for export

44. Which of the following reasons is NOT an example of the difference between the theory and reality of British politics in the 1700s?

a. The British king was an absolute monarch, and the constitution had conceived of no checks on the power of the crown.

b. Some representatives served electoral districts that were less populous than others and were elected by a handful of eligible voters..

c. Only property-owning adult males could vote.

d. There was no concerted effort at separation of powers between the crown and houses of Parliament..

45. Where did the majority of New France colonists settle?

a. within ethnically heterogeneous urban areas

b. at the mouth of the Mississippi River

c. along the St. Lawrence River

d. along the Atlantic Coast

46. Which of the following was known in Europe as the War of the Austrian Succession?

a. King Philip’s War

b. the Seven Years War

c. King William’s War

d. King George’s War

47. Scots-Irish immigrants comprised the largest group of non-English colonists to settle in 18th-century British North America.

a. True

b. False.

48. The Enlightenment in America was more radical than its European counterpart because colonial thinkers generally rejected the tenets of traditional Christianity.

a. True

b. False

49. The Great Awakening:

a. stressed the order and predictability of the universe.

b. stressed Calvinistic predestination.

c. attempted to lead people in England and America to salvation through Christ.

d. was restricted to only the wealthy.

50. By 1755 the center of British-French conflict on the North American continent was the:

a. Ohio Valley.

b. Great Lakes.

c. Mississippi River.

d. Connecticut River valley.

51. The Albany Congress:

a. was the first official body to consider independence from Great Britain.

b. signed the Peace of Utrecht, thus ending Queen Anne’s War.

c. unanimously accepted the Plan of Union.

d. met to consider precautions against the French threat.

52. The most decisive battle of the Seven Years War took place at:

a. Louisburg.

b. Quebec.

c. Fort Duquesne.

d. Haiti.

53. Which of the following did NOT result from victory in the French and Indian War?

a. Relations between Britain and its American colonies improved, due to the generous Proclamation of 1763.

b. France lost its colony at Quebec.

c. Spain gained control of Louisiana.

d. Britain experienced debt problems.




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