

Performance Matrix

Performance Matrix

Identify each performance matrix based on the Integration Procedures explanation. Each performance matrix must base on the Lean thinking not the environmental performance matrix. All the identify performance matrix need to clustering based on QCDAC (Quality, Cost, Delivery, Accountability and Continuous Improvement).
No QCDAC Principles Determining of QCDAC Principles
1. Quality (Q) Total features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy the given needs (internal & external)
2. Cost (C) Optimize expenses to fulfil the customer satisfaction
3. Delivery (D) On time delivery of product or services
4. Accountability (A) Ownership, responsibility and commitment in achieving company goals
5. Continuous Improvement (C) Ongoing activities through teamwork in competing towards excellent performance

The writer can place in the performance matrix into the space provide.
Below are the detailed explanations of each core element of Lean Principles.
Objectives Principles Core elements


Permanently improve company’s competitiveness by:

– eliminating waste

– consistently attending client’s requirements in variety, quality, quantity, time, price

VALUE Enhanced product / service package value Solution that enhances value for the client
Product variety
Time based competition Production lead time (order to delivery)
Product development lead time
VALUE STREAM High value adding in the extended enterprise Value stream redesign eliminating waste
Suppliers involvement in production and product development systems
FLOW Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow Dense flow , with hight adding value time, clear pathways and communication
Regular flow – paced by client / next process demand
Accurate and reliable flow
Standard work Work standardization
Low level decision
PULL JIT production and delivery Pull versus push system
No overproduction, WIP (Work In Process) reduction
Demand smoothing : harmonizing market variations and production flexibility
Reflecting product variation in short periods of production
Flexible resources Information flexibility
Equipment flexibility
Workers flexibility
PERFECTION Learning Fast problem detection
Fast problem solving in lower level and solution retention
Evolutionary learning
Common focus Leadership and strategy
Client and production focus diffusion
Human respect
Total employee involvement
Total system diffusion

Some examples of performance matrix based on lean perspective:
– Customer complains
– Attendance
– Number of ideas generated
– Level of people involvement
ISO 14001 Clauses Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.1 General Requirements
*Establish, document, implement and continually improve EMS and how to fulfil the requirements VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -To stay competitive in the market
-Able to deliver the customer needs
-To show social responsibilities towards the environment
Time based competition -Shorten implementation time with proper implementation planning

High value adding in the extended enterprise – Eliminate non value added procedures and activities towards effective implementation

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Adopting good coordination and planning activities among those involved in the system to enhance the implementation of the system

Standard work -Standardization of procedures among the involving parties
-Use database to manage data and exchange information’s

JIT production and delivery -Delivering proper and adequate information at the right time and at the right place to ease the EMS implementation process

Flexible resources -Involvement from all levels of employees provides flexibilities for the organization to drive the system

Learning -Benchmarking on successful EMS practitioners gives a learning opportunity for the involve parties
-Provide adequate training for the employees to drive the whole system

Common focus -Creating means for all workers participation in processes improvement, including sub-contractors and other interest parties
ISO 14001 Clauses Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.1 General Requirements
*Define and document the Scope of EMS VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -To stay competitive in the market
-Able to deliver the customer needs
-To show social responsibilities towards the environment
Time based competition -The organization will be more focused and easy to manage all the aspects that significant for the environment within a short period of time

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and eliminating unrelated processes, activities and procedures to ensure that management can be more focused and easier to manage all the aspects that significant for the environment

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Clearly define the scope which directly links the management system with the activities, products and services

Standard work -Scope should be simple and easy to understand by all interest parties

JIT production and delivery -Area of scope should be focused and achievable

Flexible resources -Involvement from all levels of employees provides flexibilities for the organization to drive the system

Learning -Ensure adequate trainings are available for the employees to drive the whole system

Common focus -Creating means for all workers participation in processes improvement, including sub-contractors and other interest parties
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.3 Planning Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.3.1 Environmental Aspects
*Establish, implement and maintain (a) procedure(s) to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products, or services that it can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence, in order to determine those which have or can have significant impacts on the environment VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Allows organizations to identify, evaluate and understand how its activities, products, processes and services or elements of its (aspects) affect the environment.
-Environmental aspects can be managed properly by identifying the direct and indirect aspects of the environment
Time based competition -The organization will be more focused and easy to manage all the aspects that significant for the environment within a short period of time

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the inputs and outputs from the organization’s activities, products, processes and services in order to have a better understanding and control on the environment aspects and impacts

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure that the issues that have the greatest impact on the environment are clearly prioritised and addressed in order to enable the organization to identify and evaluate current control mechanisms and decide what further steps may be needed to deal with the significant aspects

Standard work -Ensures all the aspects and impacts that significant for the environment communicated to all the interested parties, documented and available for the public

JIT production and delivery -Delivering information as necessary to those who have a direct impact on the environment

Flexible resources – Ensure flexible and up to date information’s available for all the that involved

Learning – Benchmarking on the successful EMS practitioners will enable an organization to find its environmental aspects and review it time to time as part of continuous improvement

Common focus – All the interested parties should aware and contribute to the organization direction on controlling the impacts that significant for the environment

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.3 Planning Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.3.2 Legal and Other Requirements
*Establish, implement and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value – Self-evident
-Able to identify organization’s applicable legal and other requirements
-Create awareness of the legal requirement and comply to the standard that have been set or required by the local authorities
-Avoid some of the associated costs of compliance
Time based competition -Ensure an organization up to date on the legal and other requirements day in and day out

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the applicable legal and other requirements related to the organization environmental aspects and its activities, products or services

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Evaluate and have access to applicable (current and future) legal and other requirements that relate to an organization environmental aspects

Standard work -Establish a procedure for identifying and having access to applicable legal and other requirements

JIT production and delivery -Delivering proper and adequate information at the right time and at right place create awareness among the involve parties

Flexible resources -Ensure all the information’s pertaining to legal and other requirement available and easy to access

Learning -Educate the employees on the requirements and provide necessary training to assess the current legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, that are applicable to the environmental aspects of its activities, products or services
-Perform audit to assess organizations stand point and use the audit result as a benchmark to improve or adopt related requirements to enhance the system

Common focus – All the involve parties must be committed and contribute towards legal and other requirements which is applicable for an organization


ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility
*Management shall provide resources essential to the implementation and control of the environmental management system. Resources shall include human resources and specialized skills, technology and financial resources VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Facilitate effective environmental management
-Enable the organization to identify potential resources that can enhance the environmental management system
-Ensures that personnel’s are assigned as part of the environmental management system and have a clear-cut reporting structure
-Provide contingency plans relating to ensuring the availability of appropriate resources relating to the EMS
Time based competition -Minimize time to establish the EMS by involving adequate resources
-Ensures EMS established in an effective manner

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify the essential resources and remove non valuable added resources to ensure better implementation and control of environmental management system

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures proper resources are available to drive the system more effectively

Standard work -Standardize the scope of resources in order to have a clear direction on its contribution towards EMS

JIT production and delivery -Ensures the information related to the EMS, well communicated among the involve parties and resources

Flexible resources -Ensure the availability of resources when it is needed

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners or EMS manuals and handbooks to assist in identifying the essential resources needed based on for better implementation and control of the environmental management system. It must appropriate with the organization scale and business nature

Common focus -Ensure adequate resources available at the right time and place


ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility
*Roles, responsibilities and authorities shall be defined, documented and communicated in order to facilitate effective environmental management VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Encourage participation at all levels within the company including top management, middle management and operational staff
– Clearly define and communicate each person’s role within the system
– Describes the authority that an individual has and all individuals are aware of what decisions they can make, especially in an emergency environmental situation.
Time based competition -Reduce the time to identify the roles and responsibility within the organization

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify and define the roles, responsibilities and authorities to facilitate effective environmental management

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Clearly define and communicate the roles, responsibilities and authorities to facilitate the EMS and to ensure effective implementation of EMS

Standard work -Standardize the procedures and documents to address clearly the roles, responsibilities and authorities to facilitate the EMS and to ensure the interest parties understand well on their roles, responsibilities and authorities

JIT production and delivery -Ensures the information on the roles, responsibilities and authorities communicated properly between the interested parties to avoid miscommunication

Flexible resources -Ensure the availability of resources when it is needed

Learning -Ensure adequate training is available for the employees to make them understand on their roles, responsibilities and authorities to drive the whole system

Common focus -Understand one’s roles, responsibilities and authorities in an organization to facilitate the EMS
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility
*Personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts shall be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Development of multi skilled employees
-Enhance one’s capability to ensure that the task performed by the personnel have adequate knowledge and experience

Time based competition -Facilitate the implementation of EMS and reduce the establishment time of EMS

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify the personnel’s that involve directly or indirectly to the processes that can cause significant environmental impacts and define their training needs

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Choose and clearly justify the need/purpose of education, training and/or experience for the personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impact

Standard work -Standardize the procedures and the related documents to the training and education

JIT production and delivery -Ensures proper training or education available to the right personnel at the right time to avoid any misconduct on the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts

Flexible resources -Availability of multi skilled workers/personnel across the organization to have better control of the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts

Learning -Acquire appropriate service from professional trainers or organization to educate/train the personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts

Common focus -Awareness of the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts and ensure related training are available to perform those tasks



ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.1 Structure and Responsibility
*The organization’s top management shall appoint (a) specific management representative(s) who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined roles, responsibilities and authority for
a) ensuring that environmental management system requirements are established, implemented and maintained in accordance with this international standard
b) reporting on the performance of the environmental management system to top management for review as a basis for improvement of the environmental management system VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure the EMS is well established, implemented, and maintained
-Drives the system by ensuring that momentum and enthusiasm for environmental improvement is spread throughout the company and those recommendations on how to improve the organization’s environmental performance are made to management.
-Reference point of EMS for an organization

Time based competition -Reports on EMS performance over time and works with others to modify the EMS when necessary

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify and define the roles, responsibilities and authority of organization’s MR to ensure that EMS performing as per what defined in the standards and reporting the performance to top management for review as a basis of EMS for improvement

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Development of responsibility matrix to effectively communicate the environmental responsibilities to all employees

Standard work -Documentation on the job descriptions of a management representative in order to have a clear understanding of his/her roles, responsibilities and authority


JIT production and delivery -Ensures the MR’s roles and responsibilities communicated to everyone in a clear and concise manner

Flexible resources -MR must be a check or reference point for an organization where he/she can provide all the necessary advice/ solution for environment related issues

Learning -Acquire adequate trainings to enhance one capability and keep him/her updated on the changes or revisions related to EMS

Common focus -Ensure that the MR understands his/her roles, responsibilities and authority towards the effective environment management system

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.2 Competence, Training, and Awareness
*The organization shall identify training needs and require that all personnel, whose work may create a significant impact on the environment, have received appropriate training VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Minimize the risk towards environmental related issues
-Development of multi skilled employees
-Enhance one’s capability to ensure that the task performed by the personnel have adequate knowledge and experience
-Appropriate training can be delivered especially where a gap in competence has been recognised and a training need has been identified and potential environmental impacts are associated with particular responsibilities
Time based competition -Minimize the time taken to identify competency through proper training /competency analysis

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify the degree and scope of training for each employee and other related parties based on their specific job function, knowledge, understanding, experience, abilities and qualifications

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Choose and clearly justify the need/purpose training for the personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impact and training requirements should be more detailed based on their responsibilities

Standard work -Standardize the training requirement or needs based on individual responsibility against EMS
-Ensure that records are retained and documented by organisation to demonstrate by means of a combination of education, training and experience these persons are competent to perform their tasks if it has the potential to cause a significant environmental impact

JIT production and delivery -Ensures proper training available for the right personnel at the right time to avoid any misconduct on the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts
-Establish criteria for measuring the competence of individuals performing tasks, which can or may cause significant environmental impacts

Flexible resources -Availability of multi skilled workers/personnel across the organization to have better control of the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts

Learning -Consider training and qualification requirements for the environmental management staff and trainers
-Acquire appropriate service from professional trainers or organization to educate/train the personnel performing the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts
-Consider EMS skills during recruiting and new employee selection
-Supplement competency with training aids wherever possible and practical

Common focus -Awareness of the tasks which can cause significant environmental impacts and ensure related training are available to perform those tasks
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.2 Competence, Training, and Awareness
*shall establish and maintain procedures to make its employees or members at each relevant function and level aware of a) the importance of conformance with the environmental policy and procedures and with the requirements of the environmental management system; b) the significant environmental impacts, actual or potential, of their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved personal performance; c) their roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with the environmental policy and procedures and with the requirements of the environmental management system, including emergency preparedness and response requirements; d) the potential consequences of departure from specific operating procedures VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Create awareness among the involved parties on the environmental related issues
-Minimize the risk towards environmental related issues
– Engage employee’s interest on how they can contribute to the overall environmental improvement effort
-Reduction in the consumption of raw material and resources such as energy, fewer accidents and incidents and greater efficiency overall management system
-Development of multi skilled employees
-Enhance one’s capability to ensure that the task performed by the personnel have adequate knowledge and experience

Time based competition -Enable organizations to educate and train its employees effectively and minimize the duration of the employee’s development process

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and eliminating unrelated procedures to ensure that the established procedures effective in promoting awareness related to EMS among the involve parties

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Establish appropriate procedures especially where a gap in competence has been recognised and a training need has been identified and potential environmental impacts are associated with particular responsibilities

Standard work -Standardize the procedure for all the employees or members at each relevant function and level

JIT production and delivery -Ensures the procedures are well communicated and available to all the related parties in order to have an effective EMS

Flexible resources -Involvement from top to bottom level and other interested parties of an organization in understanding the EMS requirements enhance the system

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners or EMS manuals and handbooks to develop the procedures
-Review the procedures regularly to ensure that the establish procedures are up to date and align with all the requirements in the EMS

Common focus -Awareness of the EMS requirements and ensure related procedures in place to address all the EMS requirements


ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.3 Communications
*With regard to its environmental aspects and environmental management system, the organization shall establish and maintain procedures for:
a) internal communication between the various levels and functions of the organization;
b) receiving, documenting and responding to relevant communication from external interested parties VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure effective function of the EMS internal and external to the benefit of the organisation by demonstrating to regulators, customers and the community at large that the organisation has made a commitment to improving its environmental performance
-Identifies who are the organization’s or firm’s audience and what message they are sending them
-Ensure organization projects the right kind of image, which reflects the concerns and interests of its business as a whole.
-Promotes a “greener” image in the market place
-Demonstrate the organization’s commitments to the environment and to continual improvement and raising awareness of such issues
-Establish a line of communication that clearly defines emergency responsibilities
-Improves employee motivation and participation
Time based competition -Facilitate the organization to establish the EMS more effective in a short period of time through proper communications and information sharing with the internal and external parties

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify the organization external and internal audience in order to have a solid and effective communication with the internal and external parties.

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -They ensure two-way communication process by allowing information to flow from the top-down, the bottom-up, from in to out and from out to in

Standard work -Development of standard procedure to address and record all the communications with the internal and external parties

JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the environmental aspects and subject pertaining to EMS well communicated to internal and external interest parties to avoid miscommunication

Flexible resources -Participation of employees from all levels to enhance the EMS performance
-Availability of communication resources such as regular newsletters, published environmental reports and posting information in a local library website, press release and so on enhancing the organization EMS communication with its interest parties

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to establish an effective communication among the interested parties
-Communication should be a continuous process to ensure the updates on the organization EMS performance or any subject related to environmental can be communicated effectively time to time without any breakdown

Common focus -Always aware of the EMS communications within the organization and also the communication with external interested parties

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.3 Communications
*The organization shall consider processes for external communication on its significant environmental aspects and record its decision VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Demonstrate the organization’s commitments to the environment and to continual improvement and raising awareness of such issues
-Comprehensive management of a firm’s environmental aspects
-Avoid problems with regulatory agencies and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and also helps in setting aspects, objectives and targets.
Time based competition -Facilitate the organization to create a constructive image among the competitors over time

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and eliminating unrelated processes pertaining to communication to enhance the external communication
-Communicate relevant EMS information to the external interest parties and ensure the communicated information benefits all the interested parties.

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Establishing external communications strategy by selecting an approach that fits the organisation’s culture and strategy

Standard work -Establishing a process to address the organization communication method with external interested parties and records its decision

JIT production and delivery -Ensure all the significant environmental aspects communicated to the external interest parties to avoid miscommunication

Flexible resources -Availability of communication resources such as the website, press release and so on enhance the organization EMS communication with its interest parties

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to establish an effective process to communicate with external interested parties

Common focus -Always aware and consider the importance of external communication related to the organization EMS performance and commitment
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.4 EMS Documentation
*Ensures that the organization has documented the system in either electronic or paper form such that it addresses the elements of the standard, describes how the organization conforms to each element, and provides direction to related documentation. However, documentation must be provided such that enough is available to ensure the effective planning, operation, and control of processes related to the significant aspects, and to demonstrate conformance to ISO 14001. Such documentation at a minimum includes policy, objectives and targets, a definition of the scope of the EMS, and other main elements VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures that organization’s EMS is operating as originally intended, establish a series of documents to describe the core elements of the system and how each element relates to each other.
-Promote the consistent application of the system by providing clear information to people carrying out tasks.
-Enable external parties (such as the certification body) to understand how the organizations EMS is structured before they can verify that it meets the requirements of ISO 14001.
-Act as a “road map” explaining how each element of the system fits together
Time based competition -Minimize the time to seek information related to EMS by ensuring all the information related to EMS available and provide clear direction to information seeker on how to retrieve the it

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and eliminating unrelated information from documentation process in order to keep the documents simple, clear, effective and easy to understand

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure that the information documented are accurate, consistent with the organization’s commitment to the EMS.
-Ensures effective planning, operation, and control of processes related to the significant aspects, and demonstrate conformance to ISO 14001 by providing relevant documentation

Standard work -An application of a standard format which works well for an organization and cross-refer it to other systems, which may meet the organization’s EMS standard requirements (for instance, procedures for non- conformity and corrective actions under quality or health and safety systems

JIT production and delivery -Ensures elements of the EMS through existing procedures that are in place through organization quality management system or health and safety management system in

Flexible resources -Ensures most up-to-date version of documents is available for the interested parties and also ensure that the interested parties have an easy access to the documents whenever needed

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to document the system in either electronic or paper form to address all the important EMS elements
-Development of documentation based on the organization preliminary EMS assessment results

Common focus -Ensure all the task, operation or EMS related issue’s cover with documentation in order to have better control of the system
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.5 Control of Documents
*Organization is required to control documents, such as system procedures and work instructions, to ensure that current versions are distributed and obsolete versions are removed from the system. There is a requirement for a document control procedure that ensures documents are approved prior to issue, are reviewed and updated as necessary, changes to versions are identified, that the current versions are available at points of use, that they are legible, identifiable, and that obsolete ones are so noted to avoid unintended use. It is acceptable to use documents of internal origin in the EMS, but those must be identified as being essential to the EMS and their distribution controlled VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures up to date information is provided to the people who need it, where all the controlled documents are situated, at what issue level they are and the right documents are available at the right place and the right time
-Ensures everyone is working with the right information.
-Ensures employees have all relevant environmentally significant procedures and practices identified in a single source
-Ensures procedures and responsibilities for creating, modifying and controlling documentation are properly defined
-Ensures a document review process is established to avoid obsolete documents still being in circulation and current versions of documentation not being available

Time based competition -Effective document control minimizes the time taken in finding the related document when needed
-Enable the interested parties to get up to date information at the right time and the right place which ease to manage the EMS

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify the documents that need to be controlled and eliminate all the unrelated documents and non value added activities to ensure efficiency in controlling the related documents

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the documents and procedure are available for related interest parties and ensure that the documents are approved prior to issue, are reviewed and updated as necessary, changes to versions are identified, that the current versions are available at points of use, that they are legible, identifiable, and that obsolete ones are so noted to avoid unintended use

Standard work -Standard procedures and responsibilities established and maintained concerning the creation and modification of the various types of document

JIT production and delivery -Ensures information accessible to all the interested parties that may need it and any obsolete information withdrawn
-Identifying changes to versions of documents that the organisation issues, for example, by tracking changes or a revised index and also ensure the organization have better control of external documents including how they are identified within the organization system and how they will be distributed

Flexible resources -Limiting distribution and ensure all documents available in the same place and require the same action to keep them up to date, all documents issued should be logged and controlled on a master list

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks in order to establish document control
-Frequent audit the control documents enable an organization to identify its performance and plan for enhancement of the system through proper continuous improvement programs
-Documents and procedures as training mediums to develop the interest parties

Common focus -All the interested parties should be aware of the control documents and always ensure that they are working with the right document all the time
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.6 Operational Control
*Identify those operations and activities associated with the identified significant environmental aspects in line with its policy, objectives and targets VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure that the organization’s environmental policy is followed and its objectives are achieved, certain operations and activities must be controlled
Time based competition -Enable the organization to understand its activity before developing operational controls and this will lead to an effective EMS management and at the same time minimize the time to establish the process through proper planning and coordination

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Enable the organization to identify the operations that need to be covered by documented procedures and how those operations should be controlled is a critical aspect of developing an effective EMS
-Concentrate on the critical points of the activity that need to be managed to ensure consistent control or improvement of environmental performance

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all information related to operational control provided to the interested parties is accurate and reliable to avoid deviations from organization’s environmental policy, objectives and targets

Standard work -Development of standard procedure to capture all the elements and requirements of operational controls intended by the organization in order to ensure the organization consistent and align with its commitment to the environment

JIT production and delivery -Ensures the organization provide an accurate information on the controls applied to those operations and activities associated with the identified significant environmental aspects in line with its policy, objectives and targets

Flexible resources -Encourage the involvement of employees from all levels and external interested parties to establish and implement all the commitment intended in an organization operational control
-Ensures all the information available at the right time and at the right place

Learning -Documents and procedures as training mediums to develop the interest parties
-Audit results on the organization operational control enable the organization to identify its environmental performance and also enable the organization to identify the gaps and improve its time to time
-Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how the operational control establishes and implemented in an organization

Common focus -Ensure all the interested parties aware of organization’s intended operational controls and provide necessary cooperation to enhance the system

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.6 Operational Control
*The organization shall plan these activities, including maintenance, in order to ensure that they are carried out under specified conditions by
a) establishing and maintaining documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from the environmental policy and the objectives and targets;
b) stipulating operating criteria in the procedures;
c) establishing and maintaining procedures related to the identifiable significant environmental aspects of goods and services used by the organization and communicating relevant procedures and requirements to suppliers and contractors VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Organizations able to identify which operations should be covered by documented procedures and how those operations should be controlled
-Leads organization to understand its activity and concentrate on the critical points of the activity that need to be managed to ensure consistent control or improvement of environmental performance
-Provides consistency when staff changes occur, and clearly identifies to staff members what their job responsibilities are by ensuring that the operating methods and procedures are available in the written instructions for those activities.
-Reduce or minimize non-conformance or a high risk of environmental impact.
-Ensures that procedures should cover those situations where the absence of procedures which could lead to deviations from the environmental policy objectives and targets

Time based competition -Minimize the time taken to establish the system through with proper planning, coordination and procedures

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify operations that require control, by considering what kinds of maintenance and calibration may be appropriate
-Mapping and eliminating non value added activities and procedures to ensure effective implement of operational controls

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure all the activities planned are well coordinated and effective enough to cover all the elements that stated in the clause

Standard work -Development of standard procedure to capture all the elements and requirements of operational controls intended by the organization in order to ensure the organization consistent and align with its commitment to the environment

JIT production and delivery -Ensures relevant procedures are available for all the identified processes/ operations that could have significant environmental impacts and the complexity of the procedure depends on the impact of the operations on the environment
-Ensures organization control all the identified operations that could have significant environmental impacts through appropriate maintenance and calibration wherever applicable

Flexible resources -Ensure the availability of procedures for all the identified operations that could have significant environmental impacts and all the interested parties have to access to it

Learning -Ensure adequate trainings are available for the employees to make to understand the operations that have significant impacts on the environment, create awareness of the risk , the need of procedures to cover those operations, and the level of competency needed to handle those operations

Common focus -All the interested parties must understand their activities and concentrate on the critical points of the activity that need to be managed to ensure consistent control or improvement of environmental performance
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
*Establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) to identify potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact(s) on the environment and how it will respond to them VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Provide immediate guidance on how to minimise the environmental impacts associated with uncontrolled events
-Enable an organization assess the potential for accidents and emergencies
-Prevent incidents and organization’s associated environmental impacts
Time based competition -Ensure organization aware of its potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact on the environment and how it will respond to them
-Minimum time will be required to respond to emergency situations and accidents that can have an impact on the environment since its already been identified and all the emergency preparedness are in place

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact(s) on the environment

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact(s) on the environment identified and all the measures available to confront those situations

Standard work -Establish standard procedure to capture all the potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact(s) on the environment and how it will respond to them

JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact(s) on the environment communicated to all the interest parties and how to response to those situation

Flexible resources -Ensure all the needed information such as procedures, emergency equipment’s and so on available and all the interested parties have access to it


Learning -Using the principles of risk assessment the organization should identify the potential for accidents and emergency situations of all processes and activities. In addition to normal operations, the organization should also consider abnormal operating conditions (such as start-up and shutdown).
-Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to identify potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have an impact(s) on the environment
-Ensures proper training is available for all the interested parties in order to have better control of emergency situation and accidents that can have impacts on the environment

Common focus -All the interested parties must be aware of the potential emergency situations and potential accidents and response to those situations accordingly
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
*Organization shall respond to actual emergency situations and accidents and prevent or mitigate associated adverse environmental impacts VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Create awareness among the interested parties on how to react or respond during emergency situations
-Enable the organization to identify its gap on responding to emergency situations and keep it updated on its recourses, information’s, facilities and etc to face any emergency situation related to the organization
Time based competition -Enable an organization to assess its responding capability towards emergency situations and accidents in terms of time taken, availability of recourses and information’s, facilities and so on

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and eliminate all the non value added responding activities or processes which involved during actual emergency situations and accidents

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure accurate information related to actual emergency situations and accidents are available for the interested parties in order to have better control of those situations

Standard work -Establish standard procedure on how the organization responds to the actual emergency situations and accidents and prevent or mitigate associated adverse environmental

JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the resources, information’s, facilities and etc to face any emergency situation are in place during actual emergency situations and accidents and well communicated to all interested parties

Flexible resources -Ensures that key roles and responsibilities of the interested parties are defined and well communicated in order to have better control of emergency situations

Learning -Review of procedures when there is an actual emergency situation and accident to assess the organizational gap on responding to those situations and improve it accordingly
-Ensures proper training is available for all the interested parties in order to have better control of emergency situation and accidents that can have impacts on the environment

Common focus -Teamwork from all the interested parties is a must to ensure the organization have good control of actual emergency situations and accidents and prevent or mitigate associated adverse environmental impacts

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
*Organization shall periodically review and, where necessary, revise its emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents and emergency situation VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Enable the organization to identify its preparedness and keep it updated on its recourses, information’s, facilities and etc to face any emergency situation related to the organization
Time based competition -Enable an organization to identify its gap in preparedness and response procedures on each review and rectify or improve it continuously

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify the all the value added activities and processes related to emergency preparedness and response procedures which need to be reviewed

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure the procedures reviewed according to accurate information related to emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents and emergency situation

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure which periodically reviewed and revised the emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of accidents and emergency situation

JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the resources needed are available during the reviewing and revising process of the emergency preparedness and response procedures

Flexible resources -Ensure all the resources, information’s, facilities and etc available and assessable by the interested parties during emergency situations

Learning -Review of procedures when there is an actual emergency situation and accident to assess the organizational gap on responding to those situations and improve it accordingly
-Ensures proper training is available for all the interested parties in order to have better control of emergency situation and accidents that can have impacts on the environment

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware of the organization’s emergency preparedness and response procedure and their responsibility when there is an emergency situation

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.4 Implementation and operations Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness and Response
*organization shall also periodically test such procedures where practicable VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure the organization is fully prepared and up to date in-terms of resources, information’s, facilities and etc to face any emergency situation related to the organization
Time based competition -Enable an organization to identify its gap in preparedness and response procedures on each review and rectify or improve it continuously

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify the procedure that needs to periodically test by eliminating all the non value added activities and processes

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure the proper test method and procedure available for those procedures that need to be periodically tested

Standard work -Establish a procedure that emphasis on the frequency of the test and the method or procedure to carry out the test on those situations where need to be periodically tested

JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the resources, information’s, facilities and etc. are available for the interested parties to periodically test such procedures

Flexible resources -Encourage the involvement of employees from all levels and external interested parties to understand their role and responsibility during emergency situations

Learning -Conduct regular drills to train all the interested parties and get their feedback on the effectiveness of the organization’s plans or procedures
-Ensures proper training is available for all the interested parties in order to have better control of emergency situation and accidents that can have impacts on the environment

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware of the organization’s emergency preparedness and response procedure and their responsibility when there is an emergency situation

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement
*The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures to monitor and measure, on a regular basis, the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment. This shall include the recording of information to track performance, relevant operational controls and conformance with the organization’s environmental objectives and targets VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Enable the organization to gauge its environmental performance in meeting its policy commitments
-Ensure the organization monitor its key characteristics of operations and activities that can have significant environmental impacts and also how well it meet its objectives and targets
-Monitoring helps organization manage its business better where pollution prevention and other strategic business opportunities are identified more readily when current and reliable data is available
-Enable organizations to analyse root causes of problems, identify areas where corrective action is needed and improve performance or increase efficiency
Time based competition -Enable organizations to establish an effective environmental management system by tracking its environmental performance and improve it on a regular basis

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all key characteristics of an organization’s operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment including the recording of information to track performance, relevant operational controls and conformance with the organization’s environmental objectives and targets

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensure the identified key characteristics of an organization’s operations and activities are accurate and proper coordination are available in terms of what, when and how to monitor and measure those key characteristics

Standard work -Establish procedures on how, what, when to monitor and measure and who are responsible parties for those key characteristics
-Establish a procedure to include the recording of information’s to track performance, relevant operational controls and conformance with the organization’s environmental objectives and targets

JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the procedures to monitor and measure available for the key characteristics of organizations operations and activities that can have a significant impact
-Ensures organization focus its resources and involve competent staff on the most important measurements to an organization’s business

Flexible resources -Ensures the availability of monitoring and measuring equipment’s for those operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment

Learning -Ensure measuring and monitoring reports applicable to the operational staff and meaningful for management to understand its performance towards the environment and continuously improve to meet organization’s environmental objectives and targets

Common focus -Ensure all the interested parties aware of the key characteristics of its operations and activities that can have a significant impact on the environment and record down all the necessary information related to the key characteristics

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.1 Monitoring and Measurement
*Organization shall ensure that calibrated or verified monitoring and measurement equipment is used and maintained and shall retain associated records VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure that the information gathered is accurate and reliable
-Ensure that the monitoring and measurement is in up to date condition, reliable and meet all the applicable standards
Time based competition -Ensure the monitoring and measurement equipment’s are up to date and reliable to use for data gathering or monitoring purpose

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identify all the related monitoring and measurement equipment’s and ensure it is calibrated or verified

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures the equipment’s accurate, well maintained and reliable to use for monitoring and measurement purpose

Standard work -Establish a procedure for equipment calibration or verification to ensure that the information gathered is accurate and how to retain the records

JIT production and delivery -Ensures only calibrated or verified equipment’s used for monitoring and measurement purpose

Flexible resources -Ensure right equipment’s are available for the right activity at the right time

Learning -Proper training on the calibration and managing the monitoring and measurement equipment’s to ensure the equipment’s are up to date and reliable to use

Common focus -Ensure all the interested parties only use calibrated or verified monitoring and measurement equipment to perform the monitoring and measurement task


ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance
*Requires the organization to have a procedure(s) to periodically evaluate its compliance with applicable legal requirements as defined in 4.3.2. The organization will need to keep records of these periodic evaluations VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure that an organization meets its commitment to compliance with legal requirements that it have made in its environmental policy
-Avoid from penalized by the local authorities
-Create awareness among the employees on the applicable environmental legal requirement for their organization
Time based competition -Keep an organization updated on the legal requirements amendment and its need

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the applicable legal requirements of an organization that need to be addressed in the procedure

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the applicable legal requirements of an organization which have been identified are accurate and up to date

Standard work -Establishment of a standard procedure on how to periodically evaluate an organization’s compliance with applicable legal requirements

JIT production and delivery -Delivers updated information related to an organization’s applicable legal requirements for the interest parties and ensures it is available at the right time and the right place

Flexible resources -Ensures the information related to applicable legal requirements are available and all the interest parties have access to it

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to develop and establish a procedure related to periodically evaluate an organization’s compliance with applicable legal requirements

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware of the applicable legal requirements of of an organization and how to evaluate it to ensure the organization meets its commitment to compliance with legal requirements that it have made in its environmental policy

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.2 Evaluation of Compliance
*Requires organization to evaluate compliance with other requirements to which it subscribes. The organization may wish to combine this evaluation with the evaluation of legal compliance referred to previous requirements to establish a separate procedure(s) VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Provide flexibility for the organization to combine or to have separate procedures between legal compliance and compliance of other requirements which is applicable
Time based competition -Keep an organization updated on the other requirements amendment and its need

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all other requirements of an organization subscribes

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all other requirements to which an organization subscribes identified, accurate and up to date

Standard work -Establishment of a standard procedure on how to combine the evaluation of an organization’s compliance with applicable legal and other requirements or establish a standard procedure just to cover evaluation of an organization’s compliance with other requirements

JIT production and delivery -Delivers updated information related to an organization’s other requirement for the interested parties and ensures it is available at the right time and the right place

Flexible resources -Ensures the information related to other requirements are available and all the interest parties have access to it

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to develop and establish a procedure related to evaluate compliance with other requirements

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware on other requirements which an organization subscribes and how to evaluate it to ensure the organization meets its commitment to compliance with legal requirements that it have made in its environmental policy

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.3 Non-conformances, Corrective and Preventive Action
*Organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for dealing with actual and potential nonconformity(ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action. Procedure(s) shall define requirements for
a) identifying and correcting nonconformity(ies) and taking action(s) to mitigate their environmental impacts,
b) investigating nonconformity(ies), determining their cause(s) and taking actions in order to avoid their recurrence, c) evaluating the need for action(s) to prevent nonconformity(ies) and implementing appropriate actions designed to avoid their occurrence, d) recording the results of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken, and e) reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken. VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Enable an organization to identify the problem, improve, assign to a positive action and ensure they are implemented through tracking and evaluation
-Prevent major incidents from occurring and at the same time the possible causes can be identified and eliminated
-The organization will have a better view of what they’re lacking off and what are stopping them from implementing the EMS effectively
-Development of problem solving capabilities among the interested parties
-Educate the employees to focus on preventive actions, rather than displacing or correcting the original problem

Time based competition -Promotes continuous improvement activities among the organization by reviewing and improving organizations actual and potential nonconformity (ies) in planned intervals

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identifies all the actual and potential nonconformity (ies)
-Identifies the methods and requirements for dealing with actual and potential nonconformity (ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the identified actual and potential nonconformity(ies) provided with accurate and reliable corrective action and preventive action

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure for dealing with actual and potential nonconformity (ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action
– Establish a standard procedure on the requirements for identifying and correcting nonconformity(ies) and taking action(s) to mitigate their environmental impacts, investigating nonconformity(ies), determining their cause(s) and taking actions in order to avoid their recurrence, evaluating the need for action(s) to prevent nonconformity(ies) and implementing appropriate actions designed to avoid their occurrence, recording the results of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken, reviewing the effectiveness of corrective action(s) and preventive action(s) taken

JIT production and delivery -Delivers adequate information related on dealing with actual and potential nonconformity(ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action for the interest parties where nonconformity(ies) identified, documented and assigned corrective actions and ensure they are implemented through tracking and evaluation

Flexible resources -Encourage the involvement of employees from all level and all the related interest parties on dealing with actual and potential nonconformity(ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action

Learning -Availability of proper training on dealing with actual and potential nonconformity(ies) and for taking corrective action and preventive action
-Records and evaluation reports used as the basis for tracking and recognizing opportunities for continuous improvement for the EMS and for the environmental performance of the organization
-Encouraging all staff to play an active role in reporting non- conformities or observations and also near-miss incidents

Common focus -All the interested parties must play an active role in reporting non- conformities or observations and also near-miss incidents in order to mitigate organizations environmental impacts and avoid their recurrence

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.3 Non-conformances, Corrective and Preventive Action
*Actions taken shall be appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and the environmental impacts encountered VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Lead an organization to come out with concrete action which prevents non-conformities
Time based competition -Enable an organization to have a better solution through proper planning within a short time period

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and eliminate all the non value added activities or actions that cannot solve the problems and the environmental impacts encountered

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures that the information on the actions taken are reliable and align with the problems and the environmental impacts encountered

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure to study or review on the action taken to ensure it is appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and the environmental impacts

JIT production and delivery -Delivers adequate information to the interested parties on the actions that needed to be taken for the problems and the environmental impacts encountered

Flexible resources -Ensures all the resources and information’s needed are available for interested parties to assist the action taken for the problems and the environmental impacts encountered

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to carry out actions which are appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and the environmental impacts encountered

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties must ensure that all the action taken shall be appropriate to the magnitude of the problems and the environmental impacts encountered
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.3 Non-conformances, Corrective and Preventive Action
*Organization shall ensure that any necessary changes are made to environmental management system documentation VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensure the organization that corrective action has taken place, and that it has been effectively implemented
Time based competition -Keep an organization updated on the changes made to environmental management system

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identifies all the changes that have taken place in the environmental management system due to non-conformances, corrective and preventive action

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the information’s gathered are accurate and reliable to use as reference and documentation purpose for the interested parties

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure to capture all the changes that have taken place in the environmental management system due to non-conformances, corrective and preventive action

JIT production and delivery -Delivers adequate information to the interested parties on the changes that have taken place in the environmental management system due to non-conformances, corrective and preventive action

Flexible resources -Ensures all the documented information and records are available for the interested parties to assist them in the EMS documentation

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to document the changes that have taken place in the environmental management system due to non-conformances, corrective and preventive action

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties are aware of the changes made to EMS documentation

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.4 Control of Records
*Organization shall establish and maintain records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of its environmental management system and of this International Standard, and the results achieved VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Demonstrate that previous activities have been in compliance with the environmental management system, legislation and of this International Standard
-Documented proof of an organization’s activities as it relates to EMS practices
-Determine the extent to which an organization’s objectives and targets have been met, in line with its environmental policy
-Helps an organization to track their performance in terms of competence, training and awareness records and the results of audits and management reviews
Time based competition -Minimize the time taken in finding the related records when needed through effective management of records

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the records that needed to establish and maintain as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of its environmental management system and of this International Standard, and the results achieved

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the records which established and maintained are accurate, complete and related to EMS practices of an organization

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure for establishing and maintaining records to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of its environmental management system and of this International Standard, and the results achieved

JIT production and delivery -Delivers all the needed records to the interested parties at the right time and the right place

Flexible resources -Ensures all the records are accessible and available for the interested parties

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to establish and maintain records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to the requirements of its environmental management system and of this International Standard, and the results achieved
-Ensures proper training is available for all the interested parties on establishing and maintaining all the needed records to sustain the EMS

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties are aware of the importance of the records establishment and maintenance

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.4 Control of Records
*Organization shall establish, implement and maintain a procedure(s) for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Documented proof of an organization’s activities as it relates to EMS practices
-Enable an organization to produce evidence at which the organization’s EMS is operating as specified in its procedures
Time based competition -Enable the interested parties to get up to date information’s at the right time and the right place which ease to manage the EMS

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identifies records that need to be stored, protected, retrieved, retained and disposed
-Defines how the records are kept, retain duration, retrieved and disposed

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the related information for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records are complete and reliable

Standard work -Establish a procedure to document all the related information for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records in order to have better records management and maintenance

JIT production and delivery -Delivers information related to the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records of interested parties at the right time and the place

Flexible resources -Ensures that all the interested parties have the access to the information on identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records in order to have better management of records and maintain uniformity of the records

Learning -Ensures that all the interested parties have the access to the information on identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records in order to have better management of records and maintain uniformity of the records

Common focus -Ensures that all the interested parties have the access to the information on identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records in order to have better management of records and maintain uniformity of the records

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.4 Control of Records
*Records shall be and remain legible, identifiable and traceable VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Enable an organization to have better control and maintenance of the records
Time based competition -Minimize the time taken in finding the related records when needed

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the records needed by an organization based on its EMS practices
-Eliminates non value added information and details of the records

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures that the records gathered are complete, reliable, legible, identifiable and traceable

Standard work -Establish a procedure on how the records can be and remain legible, identifiable and traceable

JIT production and delivery -Delivers records to the interested parties when needed

Flexible resources -Ensures that all the interested parties have the access to the information on identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records in order to have better management of records and maintain uniformity of the records

Learning -Ensures proper training is available for all the interested parties on how to ensure or maintain the records in order to remain legible, identifiable and traceable by the organization or the interested parties
-Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to maintain the records in order to remain legible, identifiable and traceable

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware on the records management and maintenance

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.5 Internal Audit
*Organization shall ensure that internal audits of the environmental management system are conducted at planned intervals to
a) Determine whether the environmental management system
1) Conforms to planned arrangements for environmental management including the requirements of this International Standard, and 2) Has been properly implemented and is maintained, and
b) Provide information on the results of audits to management VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures whether an organization’s system is operating according to the commitments of its policy and in accordance with specified requirements of procedures and instructions.
-Enable the organization to identify its weaknesses in terms of EMS and how to improve it.
-Enable the organization to measure the effectiveness, capabilities and functions of its EMS.
-Create awareness of EMS among the employees and at the same time it will help them in preparing themselves for the External audit or certification audit.

Time based competition -Leads an organization to continually improve the system, and ensure its cost-effectiveness by systematic identification and reporting of EMS

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify the requirements of EMS that an organization need to comply in line with the international standards
-Identify all the EMS elements based on an organization business nature and scale that need to be implemented and maintained
-Identify all the information for audit results that need to be addressed to the management

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the EMS requirements, EMS elements and information gathered are accurate and reliable in order to ease the EMS internal audit activities

Standard work -Establish a procedure to document all the requirements related internal audit of an organization (depends on the organization business nature and scale)

JIT production and delivery -Delivers all the EMS requirements, EMS elements and information to the interested parties at the right time and the right place

Flexible resources -Ensures all the EMS requirements, EMS elements and information available and all the interested parties who needed it have access to it

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how an internal audit is carried out by considering the EMS requirements, elements and information of an organization
-Benchmark on previous audit results of an organization to enhance its EMS
-Availability of proper training for the interested parties to ensure the effectiveness of the system

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware of the importance of internal audit and provide a full commitment during the audit processISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.5 Internal Audit
*Audit programme(s) shall be planned, established, implemented and maintained by the organization, taking into consideration the environmental importance of the operation(s) concerned and the results of previous audits VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures effective implementation of EMS through proper planning and execution of audit programmes
-Leads an organization to continually improve the system, and ensure its cost-effectiveness by systematic identification and reporting of EMS.
Time based competition -Leads an organization to continually improve the system, and ensure its cost-effectiveness by systematic identification and reporting of EMS

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify the audit programme(s) by considering the environmental importance of an organization and information from previous audit results

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures that all the planned or identified audit programme(s) are in line and accurate with the EMS requirements, by considering the environmental importance of an organization and information from previous audit results

Standard work -Establish a procedure to document, how an audit programme(s) shall be planned, established, implemented and maintained by the organization, taking into consideration the environmental importance of the operation(s) concerned and the results of previous audits

JIT production and delivery -Delivers all the information related to the audit programme(s) to the interest parties to execute and maintain it for EMS enhancement

Flexible resources -Ensures all the information related to the audit programme(s) available and all the interest parties who needed it have access to it

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to plan, establish, implement and maintain audit programme(s)
-Availability of proper training for the interested parties to ensure the effectiveness of the system

Common focus -Ensures all the interest parties aware on the importance of audit programme and their involvement in those programme(s)

ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.5 Internal Audit
*Audit procedure(s) shall be established, implemented and maintained that address
– the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting results and retaining associated records,
– the determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures effective implementation of EMS through the establishment of proper audit procedures
-Standardize the requirements for audit based on the nature of organizational operations, the significant environmental aspects/impacts, the results of its monitoring programme, and the results of previous audits.
Time based competition -Enable interest parties to get up to date information’s on the audit procedure(s) and ease to manage the EMS

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting results, retaining associated records, determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods which need to be addressed in the audit procedure(s)

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the Information gathered for audit procedure(s) are accurate and reliable to use by the interest parties

Standard work -Establish standard procedure on the responsibilities and requirements for planning and conducting audits, reporting results, retaining associated records, determination of audit criteria, scope, frequency and methods which need to be addressed in the audit procedure(s)

JIT production and delivery -Deliver and communicate the audit procedure(s) to all the interest parties in order to have or carry out an effective audit activities

Flexible resources -Ensures the audit procedure are available for the interested parties
-Participation of employees from all levels to enhance the EMS performance

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to establish, implement and maintain audit procedure(s)

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware of the availability of the audit procedure and its importance towards the EMS


ISO 14001 Clauses
4.5 Checking Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
4.5.5 Internal Audit
*Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures the reliability of the audit results of an organization
-Enable the organization to identify the gaps in the EMS
Time based competition -Involvement of competent auditors reduces the time factor in audit activities

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Identifies auditors that have been exposed to the system to ensure smooth audit activities

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures that the auditors are objective, impartial and aided by a technical expert

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure to define the selection criteria of auditors and conduct of audits in order to have a better control of the audit activities

JIT production and delivery -Ensures competent auditors are available for the audit activities

Flexible resources -Participation of employees from all levels to enhance the EMS performance

Learning -Ensures proper trainings related to audit activities are available for all the interested parties

Common focus -Ensures all the interested parties aware of their roles and responsibility of audit activities
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.6 Management Review Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
*Top management shall review the organization’s environmental management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. Reviews shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the environmental management system, including the environmental policy and environmental objectives and targets. Records of the management reviews shall be retained VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Enable an organization to assess how changing circumstances might influence the suitability, effectiveness or adequacy of its EMS
-Ensure the commitment from top level management in terms of resources, capital and so on.
-Ensure that the EMS is still living up to the original commitments which the organization set in the environmental policy
-Ensures that the EMS is still effective in meeting an organization’s business need and is kept within budget
-Ensures strategic Environmental Management activities designed to identify environmental opportunities, to anticipate change, and to respond to emergent trends.
Time based competition -Ensures continual environmental improvement through the proper management review of existing systems of an organization

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Determines the interval of management review through EMS performance of an organization
-Mapping and identify all the opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the environmental management system, including the environmental policy and environmental objectives and targets

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures proper planning are in place to carry out the management review at planned intervals and reliable information related to an organization’s environmental performance are available for review

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure for an organisation’s top management (at intervals it determines) review on its environmental management system, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The procedure also must include assessment on the opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the environmental management system, including the environmental policy and environmental objectives, targets and also how to retain the management review records

JIT production and delivery -Ensures that the management review carried out on the planned intervals and all the relevant information are available for the interested parties

Flexible resources -Ensure all the information related to the management review are available and interested parties have access to it

Learning -Benchmark on the management review result to assess opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the environmental management system
-Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to determine the management review intervals and how to access opportunities for improvement and the need for changes to the environmental management system

Common focus -All the interested parties should aware of the importance in determining the management review intervals, accessing the opportunity for improvement and how record down the management reviews for future reference
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.6 Management Review Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
*Input to management reviews shall include
a) results of internal audits and evaluations of compliance with legal requirements and with other requirements to which the organization subscribes,
b) communication(s) from external interested parties, including complaints,
c) the environmental performance of the organization,
d) the extent to which objectives and targets have been met,
e) status of corrective and preventive actions,
f) follow-up actions from previous management reviews,
g) changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other requirements related to its environmental aspects, and
h) recommendations for improvement VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Ensures whether an organization’s environmental management system is operating according to the commitments of its policy and in accordance with specified requirements of procedures and instructions.
-Enable the organization to identify its actual performance towards the environment and encourage the organization to involve in the continuous improvement program based on its performance.
-Reduce risks to the organization and the environment, reduce liabilities, and are rationalized by a cost benefit analysis
-Enable an organization to identify the problem, improve, assign to positive actions and ensure they are implemented through tracking and evaluation
-Prevent major incidents from occurring and at the same time the possible causes can be identified and eliminated
Time based competition -Ensures continual environmental improvement through the proper management review of existing systems of an organization


High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the inputs related to an organizations EMS performance that need to be included in the management review

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures all the information that need to be reviewed in management review are adequate an in line with an organization’s commitment to the environment

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure to address all the inputs that need to be included in management review


JIT production and delivery -Ensures all the inputs that has been identified, available for the interested parties for review

Flexible resources -Ensure all the inputs related to the management review are available for the interested parties to ease the review process

Learning -Benchmark on few successful EMS practitioners, EMS manuals and handbooks on how to identify and include the inputs to the management reviews
-Availability of adequate training for the interested parties on how to determine and prepare the inputs for the management review

Common focus -All the interested parties should aware on how to identify the inputs for the management reviews and its importance to determine the performance of an organization EMS
ISO 14001 Clauses
4.6 Management Review Lean Principles & Core Elements Integration Procedures Performance Matrix/Indicators QCDAC
*The outputs from management reviews shall include any decisions and actions related to possible changes to environmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the environmental management system, consistent with the commitment to continual improvement VALUE

Enhanced product / service package value -Promotes systems sustainability and ensure whether it is functioning effectively and adequate to meet the aims, intentions and commitments that an organization has made in its policy
-Ensure the commitment from top level management in terms of resources, capital and so on
-Ensures strategic Environmental Management activities designed to identify environmental opportunities, to anticipate change, and to respond to emergent trends.

Time based competition -Ensures continual environmental improvement through the proper management review of existing systems of an organization

High value adding in the extended enterprise -Mapping and identify all the decisions and actions related to possible changes to environmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the environmental management system, consistent with the commitment to continual improvement

Dense, regular, accurate and reliable flow -Ensures that all the decisions and actions related to possible changes to environmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the environmental management system, reliable, accurate and consistent with the commitment to continual improvement

Standard work -Establish a standard procedure on how to address the outputs from management reviews and carry out necessary changes to environmental management system based on what an organization’s management have decided in the management review

JIT production and delivery -Ensures the outputs from the management review well communicated between the interested parties in order for them to make possible changes in environmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the environmental management system, consistent with the commitment to continual improvement

Flexible resources -Ensures all the outcomes of management review available for the interested parties in order to encourage them to enhance the EMS of an organization

Learning -Benchmark on the management review outcomes to enhance the environmental management system of an organization
-Records of management review used as the basis for tracking and recognizing opportunities for continuous improvement for the EMS and for the environmental performance of the organization

Common focus -All the interested parties aware of the management review outcomes and involve in the environmental system enhancement activities where necessary

Malaysian Queer Poetry
Submission for “The Order of Nature”
1. Two poetry submissions are needed to be compiled in ‘Malaysian Queer Poetry Collections’
2. Write two poems that explore the theme of queer as it is experienced in Malaysia.
3. Poems must be original and unpublished in print or online.
4. Poets are asked to explore the title and theme: ‘The Order of Nature’ as it is lived and experienced in Malaysia.
5. This can be from various aspects of lesbian, gay, bi, transgender or queer experiences including love, sex, and relationships, family and community, discrimination and acceptance, coming out, transitioning and self-discovery, youth and aging, hopes and fears, science, God, laws and “truth” etc.
6. Allowed to use profanity, foul language (high lexis is encouraged too)

Criteria of the poems:
1. High quality of writing
2. Originality and creativity in dealing with the theme.
3. IMPORTANT: References to Malaysian LGBT experiences.
4. Each poem should not exceed 120 lines in length (count includes line breaks)

• to get the idea of what Malaysian LGBT writing is like, It is highly recommended for you to refer to a book edited by Jerome Kugan – ‘Body 2 Body (A Malaysian Queer Anthology)’ ISBN: 9789834359690
Also because Jerome Kugan will be the judge choosing the best poetry submission
** Webpage: http://mataharibooks.blogspot.com/2009/07/body-2-body-malaysian-queer-anthology.html

Suggestions for POEM 1
1. For poem 1, I would like to explore from lesbian point of view. This is a suggestion of the storyline:
– Explore the theme of inner-conflict and religious view in Islam regarding queer.
– Choose a suitable title
– Religious lady, age about mid 40’s. wears hijab(a symbol), teach Quran in the neighbourhood.
– Lust for someone to touch her and caress her (inner desire) after the death of her husband. She develop feelings for woman- contradicting with her physical attribute (a muslim, religious, supposed to be a role-model)
– Conflicting question arise between what is wrong and right
– Starts to question her moral and faith- is she a hypocrite? Starts having war with herself.
– Put a lot of rhetorical questions

Suggestions for POEM 2
1. For poem 2, I would also like to explore from lesbian point of view. This is a suggestion of the storyline:
– Explore the theme of hypocrisy, lust and sin/repentance
– Write in the form of two-voices poem (from teacher’s point of view, and another from her second personality-a lustful lesbian)
– Choose a suitable title
– A teacher, sweet and demure (supposed to be a role-model but secretly lead a double life)
– Secretly have an affair with her student
– Write it in a very erotic manner, and very graphic on their sexual scene.
– Teacher beat herself up-consumed by guilt for corrupting the student. Tried to repent but fail miserably.
– Probably could end the poem with an indication that she favours the lesbian side of herself and the student’s vagina is the best she ever tasted.


Where does the subject matter come from for the artist. Possibilities include: perception (from life), photographs, imagination, the media (TV, Movies, magazines, the internet etc.) memories, drawings, or other art.

With abstract work often the subject matter is the formal elemnts and their arrangement.

What is the media of the work? Oil paint, Marble, charcoal on paper or some more esoteric media like lipstick, chocolate syrup, or elephant dung. How is the material used? Are there special or common tools in use or processes that produce specific or accidental results. What is the surface of the work like.

Now that you have described what is depicted it’s time to describe how the work is formally constructed through the use of the elements of design and the principles of design. Look for points, lines, shapes, masses, textures, values and color. How are the elements used.

Lines, what are their directions, sizes, color, weight

Shapes, are they geometric, biomorphic, hard edged, soft edged, a combination of these.

Masses, how are they created, are they geometric, biomorphic, etc.

Texture, what are the actual textures of the materials, are there implied or illusionistic textures.

Color, is there an overall color scheme, are the colors natuaralistic, blended, broken, or solid.


How are the elements arranged? How is unity created, are there repetitions? What are those repititions? Is there variety? Is there a certain perspective or point of view? What is the scale of the work, life size, smaller, monumental. Are certain things emphasized, is there a hierarchy as to how your eye moves through the picture or is the more a sense of an overall field. What type of balance is used, symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial? How is the work composed? Do the elements or subjects arrange themselves into larger groupings or shapes.


What type of space does the work involve. In 2 dimensional work how is the illusion of 3 dimensions created? Overlap, transparency, placement, a sense of light and shadow, linear or atmospheric perspective. In 3 dimensional work, is there space within the piece, how does the work interact with the space around it or it’s site.


How is the work displayed. Is it site specific, framed, pinned to the wall, on a pedestal, what kind of pedestal, what kind of frame?


As you can see there is a lot that can go into the description of a work of art. Though you could probably talk about almost all of these things with almost any work, you should ask yourself which are the most important to the understanding or perception of a particular work. Try to gage the importance of the things you describe and talk about them accordingly.



Begin with the basic info as above and describe the work using these guidelines. Do not get into meanings, just description. Write in essay form. At least 2 pages in Word, 12pt type, 1.5 spaced.






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