

Decision Analysis & Report of Company Case Study – T1

Assignment Requirements



For this task, you will use the “Shuzworld” case study which is attached. As the operations consultant for Shuzworld, you have been asked to provide recommendations in a memo/report after you analyze the problems given in the task prompts, applying the appropriate decision analysis tool to help you with your recommendations.

The software tools (Excel OM & POM for Windows) to perform the required decision analysis are also supplied as separate attachments. The software includes multiple decision analysis tools used to complete the tasks and produce the necessary results.

There are several additional necessary tools, videos and reading / study materials that are larger than the 10MB limit for file attachments that I can provide by sending you a Dropbox link to access them. Please advise with an email address.


Prepare a memo/report by doing the following:
A.  Recommend how to improve the current workflow in the plant.

1.  Justify your recommendation through a quantitative analysis, utilizing the appropriate decision analysis tool.

a.  Submit a copy of the output from your decision analysis tool of choice.

i.  Explain why you chose the decision analysis tool you used.
B.  Analyze the initial and ongoing costs needed for the new sandal line being introduced, utilizing the appropriate decision analysis tool.

1.  Discuss the impact of costs on the decision to continue producing the new line.

2.  Submit a copy of the output from your decision analysis tool of choice.

a.  Explain why you chose the decision analysis tool you used.
C.  Recommend a staffing plan for the assignment of machine operators on a manufacturing shift at the Shuzworld Shanghai plant that will increase cost-effectiveness, utilizing the appropriate decision analysis tool.

1.  Submit a copy of the output from your decision analysis tool of choice.

a.  Explain why you chose the decision analysis tool you used.


D.  Outline short-term scheduling techniques and rules that can be used to achieve efficient movement of units through Shuzworld’s production systems.


E.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.



*** Install the software tools (Excel OM & POM for Windows) to perform the required decision analysis. The software includes multiple decision analysis tools used to complete the tasks and produce the necessary results. You must supply the resulting appropriately labeled output files, which indicates the section of the paper they are pertinent to, from the analysis tools along with the paper in case changes are necessary.

The above references asking for output and explanation are required and the explanation wanted is regarding the choice of the decision analysis tool “technique” and methodology used not the specific software chosen i.e. Excel OM or POM



Task work is evaluated on three items:

  1. Identify potential solution Techniques and explain why you selected it.
  2. Use the selected Technique to solve the problem showing a correct analysis with sufficient of how it was derived.
  3. Summarize Findings and make a Recommendation based upon your analysis

For this task, you will use the “Shuzworld” case study which is attached. As the operations consultant for Shuzworld, you have been asked to provide recommendations in a memo/report after you analyze the problems given in the task prompts, applying the appropriate decision analysis tool to help you with your recommendations.
The software tools (Excel OM & POM for Windows) to perform the required decision analysis are also supplied as separate attachments. The software includes multiple decision analysis tools used to complete the tasks and produce the necessary results.
*** The assignment is explained in detail in the “Assignment Description” document supplied. The task has multiple sections and sub-sections. Each of which must be specifically labeled and addressed such as in the supplied example paper and per the detailed specifications outlined in the “Assignment Description” and “Assignment – Tip Sheet” documents.
There are several additional necessary tools, videos and reading / study materials that are larger than the 10MB limit for file attachments that I can provide by sending you a Dropbox link to access them. Please advise with an email address.

• If you don’t want to or will not;
1. Follow the directions in this and the attached documents and
2. Read the supplied case study and reading materials from reference text and
3. Watch the supplied tutorial and tip videos and
4. Install the supplied Windows Excel OM or POM QM tools you will need to solve the task problems and produce the resulting output and
5. Use the reference the reading materials attached
Then – Don’t take this assignment.
• I need PhD level content and writing at the Platinum level that answers and addresses every one of the tasks and each of the sub-tasks and bullets formatted in separate and distinctly labeled sections as shown in the supplied example document.
• I don’t need a title page, table of contents, bibliography or a long pointless introduction.
• Each of the items in the requirements section below must be followed
• The assignment in detail is explained in the “Assignment Description” document supplied.
• Important Tips on how to complete the assignment and the required reading needed to successfully complete each section is outlined in the “Assignment – Tip Sheet” document supplied
• The criteria each of the sections of the paper will be evaluated against to be accepted is supplied in the document “Assignment Evaluation Criteria”
• All the needed reading material, tools and tutorials to complete the assignment and required reference material is included

Key Points

  • If you don’t want to or will not;
    1. Follow the directions in this and the attached documents and
    2. Read the supplied case study and reading materials from reference text and
    3. Watch the supplied tutorial and tip videos and
    4. Install the supplied Windows Excel OM or POM QM tools you will need to solve the task problems and produce the resulting output and
    5. Use the reference the reading materials attached

Then – Don’t take this assignment.

  • I need PhD level content and writing at the Platinum level that answers and addresses every one of the tasks and each of the sub-tasks and bullets formatted in separate and distinctly labeled sections as shown in the supplied example document.
  • I don’t need a title page, table of contents, bibliography or a long pointless introduction.
  • Each of the items in the requirements section below must be followed
  • The assignment in detail is explained in the “Assignment Description” document supplied.
  • Important Tips on how to complete the assignment and the required reading needed to successfully complete each section is outlined in the “Assignment – Tip Sheet” document supplied
  • The criteria each of the sections of the paper will be evaluated against to be accepted is supplied in the document “Assignment Evaluation Criteria”
  • All the needed reading material, tools and tutorials to complete the assignment and required reference material is included



General Instructions:


For this task, you will use the “Shuzworld” case study which is attached. As the operations consultant for Shuzworld, you have been asked to provide recommendations in a memo/report after you analyze the problems given in the task prompts, applying the appropriate decision analysis tool to help you with your recommendations.

The software tools (Excel OM & POM for Windows) to perform the required decision analysis are also supplied as separate attachments. The software includes multiple decision analysis tools used to complete the tasks and produce the necessary results.

*** The assignment is explained in detail in the “Assignment Description” document supplied. The task has multiple sections and sub-sections. Each of which must be specifically labeled and addressed such as in the supplied example paper and per the detailed specifications outlined in the “Assignment Description” and “Assignment – Tip Sheet” documents.

There are several additional necessary tools, videos and reading / study materials that are larger than the 10MB limit for file attachments that I can provide by sending you a Dropbox link to access them. Please advise with an email address.



  • The task has multiple sections and sub-sections. Each of which must be specifically labeled and addressed such as in the supplied example paper and per the detailed specifications outlined in the “Assignment Description” and “Assignment – Tip Sheet” documents. You must provide substantial articulation of response with good clarity, organization and mechanics.
  • Install the software tools (Excel OM & POM for Windows) to perform the required decision analysis. The software includes multiple decision analysis tools used to complete the tasks and produce the necessary results. You must supply the resulting appropriately labeled output files, which indicates the section of the paper they are pertinent to, from the analysis tools along with the paper in case changes are necessary.
  • Minimize the amount of time or words consumed in introductory “fluff” or setup; the report should be focused on strategy and analysis. Don’t waste pages and/or words on unnecessary introductions.
  • Charts, tables and/or graphs can be used to illustrate a point but should be used judiciously and not be over utilized or used unnecessarily.
  • You can use a mix of references from the suggested source material listed below and internet based research with the majority of references coming from the required references list detailed below.
  • The majority of any references used should come from the texts, articles and URL’s listed below in the suggested reference sources.
  • For any references used outside of those supplied, use only texts published in the United States or websites based in the USA.
  • There are additional supporting documents required for completion of this task. The documents are attached to this request as separate files in MS Word, MP4, EXE and PDF format.
  • The additional source material attached separately must be reviewed and thoroughly and thoughtfully considered and addressed to meet the criteria for the report.
  • No more than a combined maximum total of 18% of the paper can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly.
  • The paper will need to pass and an automated originality checking tool.
  • Label each section of the paper including the sub-bullet points and put all of the content into those sections.
  • The paper must flow in the order of the sections detailed in the task specifics below, labeled as outlined in the first bullet above.
  • The paper must have all in-text citations and references in APA version 6 format with a references page attached.



Detailed Assignment:
*** The assignment is explained in detail in the “Assignment Description” document supplied. The task has multiple sections and sub-sections. Each of which must be specifically labeled and addressed such as in the supplied example paper and per the detailed specifications outlined in the “Assignment Description” and “Assignment – Tip Sheet” documents.


*** Install the software tools (Excel OM & POM for Windows) to perform the required decision analysis. The software includes multiple decision analysis tools used to complete the tasks and produce the necessary results. You must supply the resulting appropriately labeled output files, which indicates the section of the paper they are pertinent to, from the analysis tools along with the paper in case changes are necessary.

The above references asking for output and explanation are required and the explanation wanted is regarding the choice of the decision analysis tool “technique” and methodology used not the specific software chosen i.e. Excel OM or POM



Task work is evaluated on three items:

  1. Identify potential solution Techniques and explain why you selected it.
  2. Use the selected Technique to solve the problem showing a correct analysis with sufficient of how it was derived.
  3. Summarize Findings and make a Recommendation based upon your analysis



Hints, Tips & FAQ:


For any references used, please use the suggested sources from the suggested list below for this task as the majority references used. No non-USA foreign sources. Reading material is supplied.


Read the Requirements section and pay attention to the section labeling first bullet point for how to format the document


Perform the tasks and sub-tasks and answer all of the questions raised in the proper section as outlined in the detailed assignment section above. If that isn’t done the paper will be returned.


Some Required Source References:


  • Heizer, J., & Render, B. (2010). Operations management (10th ed.). New Jersey: Pearson. ISBN: 9780136119418.
  • Shuzworld Case Study attached separately
  • Excel OM or POM for Windows – Applications attached separately



Decision Analysis – T1 Tip Sheet

Layout Strategies

Proper job layouts must support a business’s competitive priorities: process, flexibility, customer contact, and quality of work life.

At the conclusion of this section, you will be able to

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a good, process-oriented facility layout
  • Assess the effectiveness of a balanced production flow in a repetitive or product-oriented facility.

I.            Read the following chapter in Operations Management

  1. chapter 9 (“Layout Strategies”)


    II.            Study Questions:

  1. What are the seven layout strategies presented in chapter 9?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of process layout?
  3. What are the three forms of work cells?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of work cells?
  5. What is the objective of Assembly Line Balancing?
  6. What is a heuristic? Name the five that can be used in assembly-line balancing.
  7. What is cycle time? How is it calculated?


  1. Study Problems:
    1. Example 4 (page 364) – Balancing the Assembly Line. Solve using Excel OM and POM – compare your results to those in the sample.
    2. Example 5 (page 365) – Determining Line Efficiency.
    3. Solved Problem 9.2 (page 370). Choose Excel OM or POM and solve. Compare your results to those in the problem.


  1. Review videos on – Assembly Line Balancing:

Look at all the supplied tutorials and instructional Videos for both Excel OM and POM for Windows regarding Layout and Assembly Line Balancing

V.            Task 1A – Assembly Line Balancing

  1. Read the Shuzworld Case Study
  2. Run Analysis and write this section of the memo/report.


  1. Read the following module from Operations Management
    1. Module E (“Learning Curves”)


  1. Study Questions:
    1. What are some of the limitations of learning curves?
    2. What are the three approaches to solving learning curves in Module E
    3. Explain the concept of the “doubling” of experience.
    4. What techniques can a firm use to move to a steeper learning curve?


  1. Study Problems:
    1. Example E2 (page 773) – Using Learning curve Coefficients. Solve using Excel OM and POM (both use the Logarithmic Approach) – compare your results to those in the example.
    2. Solved Problem E.1 (page 778). Choose Excel OM or POM and solve. Compare your results to those in the problem.


  1. Review videos – Learning Curve:


  1. Look at all the supplied tutorials and instructional Videos for both Excel OM and POM for Windows regarding Learning Curves


X.            Task 1B – Learning Curve

  1. Read through (“The Maui Sandal Project: Launching a New Product”) in the Shuzworld Case Study
  2. Use analysis tools to forecast the costs for the new line of sandals? Using the output of the analysis tool you selected, determine the best solution. Use batch 50 for determining the costs. Provide a recommendation based upon your analysis. Be sure to include the tool’s output with a brief explanation of why you chose this technique.


  1. Read the following module from Operations Management
  • chapter 15 (“Short-Term Scheduling”)


  1. Study Questions:
    1. What is the overall objective of scheduling?
    2. List the four criteria for determining the effectiveness of a scheduling decision.
    3. Name five priority sequencing rules. Explain how each works to assign jobs.
    4. When is Johnson’s rule best applied in job-shop scheduling?
    5. What is the objective of the assignment method? Describe when the assignment method is used.
    6. List three short term scheduling techniques.


  1. Study Problems:
    1. Example 4 (page 592) – Assignment Method. Solve using either Excel OM or POM (both use Linear Programming) – compare your results to those in the example.
    2. Problem 15.4 (page 611). Choose Excel OM or POM and solve. (Solution will be posted on the JGT2 Cohort Facebook page on Friday).


  1. Review video of Analysis Tools Excel OM & POM – Assignment Method:
    1. Look at all the supplied tutorials and instructional Videos for both Excel OM and POM for Windows regarding Assignment Method and Short-term Scheduling


  1. Task 1C & 1D – Scheduling
    1. Read through (“Meeting Production Challenges: Lowering Production Costs”) in the Shuzworld Case Study
    2. Which tool should you use to develop a staffing plan to maximize processing efficiency? Using the output of the analysis tool you selected, determine the best solution. Provide an explanation of why this is the best solution. Be sure to include the tool’s output with a brief explanation of why you chose that tool.
    3. What scheduling techniques help improve movement of goods through the assembly line process? (This is task assignment 1D).


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