

History 1378 Paper


HIST 1378

Paper 1- Due Thursday February 9, by 11:59 pm (electronic submission in blackboard)


PROMPT:  Over the course of the late-19th century, the United States began its ascent to becoming the world power it was during the American Century. Using at least one example from EACH social, economic, and foreign policies, what philosophical and ideological developments had the most impact on turning America into the global powerhouse it was by 1900? Why?  Make sure to pick three separate ideologies and clearly explain their significance in a cohesive, argument-driven essay. Provide specific evidence from both lecture AND the course textbook (Davidson, U.S.: A Narrative History) to support your position.

In developing your paper, you must have an argument that addresses the assignment question and underline that argument. If you cannot clearly explain your position, and underline that argument, how do you expect your TA to know your argument? Your paper will be penalized if you do not underline your argument. You must cite your evidence (material you are using from lecture or the textbook) with footnotes (see styles below). Any use of internet sources or texts not assigned for this course will result in an F on the assignment and may be grounds for Academic Misconduct. 

REQUIREMENTS: Your paper must be:

3 full pages in length (no longer)

12 pt font

Times New Roman 


and have 1 margins (be sure to check the default settings in your word program)


1. The Paper is due at or before 11:59 pm on Wednesday February 9. You will submit this paper to the blackboard Paper Assignment 1 link on the lecture course home page. 

2. Be sure that you receive an emailed receipt from Turnitin confirming your submission. If you do not get a receipt- your paper is not submitted and late penalties will apply. Your electronic submission will note the time you uploaded your paper. 

3. If you wait until 11:58 pm to begin the upload process, do not be shocked when you encounter problems with heavy internet traffic and then your paper is late. Procrastination is not a valid excuse to avoid penalties. 

4. NO emailed papers to the TA or instructor will be accepted. 

5. Late papers will be penalized 10 points per 24 hours, a 10-point penalty will be assigned beginning at 12:01 am September 26, 20 points, beginning at 12:01 am September 27, and 30 points, beginning at 12:01am September 28. Papers will no longer be accepted after 11:00 pm September 28.


Please read the below Academic Honesty Pledge. All Students are responsible for knowing the Universitys Academic Honesty Policy and following the specific Academic Honesty Pledge outlined below. 

Academic Honesty Pledge:

This document is intended to remind any students who wait until the last minute to work on a college assignment: Do not make a poor and regrettable decision that will tarnish your academic credentials and academic future (i.e. do not use someone elses ideas/paper and call it your own).

I acknowledge that:

– The ideas included in this paper are mine, and mine alone

– I did not use any internet sources to help me write this paper

– I did not seek nor provide assistance to current students in any of Tillerys History courses while writing this paper

– I did not seek the assistance of former students of Tillerys history courses to write this paper

– I did not pay someone to write this paper for me

– I understand if any part of this paper is plagiarized, I will be caught

– The penalty for violating the academic honesty policy in this course: 0 on assignment, F in course

All students are responsible for upholding the academic integrity of the University educational environment. Students who fail to uphold this academic integrity will be referred to the Universitys Academic Affairs officer within the Provost Office.


For lecture: Tillery, Rise of the New Industrial Order, August 28, 2019, Lecture.

For textbook: Davidson, pg. # .


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