

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please work on Assignment #7 and you can follow the past student example bellow. Thank you!
In Part 1 of the assignment, I am asking you to describe your health communication strategy, health education strategy and environmental change strategy in about 2-3 paragraphs. This is where you will describe what exactly are your strategies. I do not want to read that you are just handing out flyers ( what information are on these flyers, why did you decide on that information, how many flyers are you distributing ( this should be listed on assignment 5), where  will you be handing out these flyers, why did you select these locations, who is handing out the flyers, what time are you handing out the flyers ( ie nights, weekends, etc.) why did you choose these particular times, etc.
I want you to break down your strategies as a way obtain a visual on what you will be doing to ensure that your proposal is successful. ( 2-3 paragraphs for each strategy)

Assignment  #7

Pilot Program Implementation

This provides the funder with a better idea of the nuts and bolts of your pilot program.  What are all of the strategies and activities that your program will involve?  KEEP IN MIND: the allotted time frame for the proposed program will be 9 months (first three months should be your planning phase only; the remaining 6 months are your pilot program’s implementation and evaluation phases). 


Answer the following three questions related to your program ( please review your prior assignments):

1)    In 2 paragraphs each, describe your programs:

a.    health communication strategy (How are you outreaching your program?):

b.    health education strategy ( Talk to me about how you will educate your target group on the chronic illness)

c.    environmental change strategy ( Describe something you would like to see long term due to your program)

HINT: YOU SHOULD BE GOING BACK TO ASSIGNMENT 5 to assist with this part of the assignment

2)        In bullet points, list 8-10 activities that will occur during your PLANNING PHASE:
            (Activities that must happen before beginning your program)

3)        In bullet points, list 8-10 activities that will occur during your IMPLEMENTATION PHASE:
            ( Activities that must happen while your program is running)

– recruitment of participants (how will you get them to attend/participate in your intervention?
– advisory committee formation and meetings (recruiting members, meetings to be held)
– Incentives (purchasing/acquiring; distributing)



Below are Pilot Program (assignments 1-6) info needed  it for the assignment # 7

Pilot Program Assignments # 1-6

Assignment #1

List and Briefly Describe TEN health promotion initiatives that you know of or have seen around you.  Start with initiatives that are New York City-based (in your neighborhood, places you frequent, in subways, at your work place, on buses, etc.). You can then search initiatives in other cities. The initiatives should be designed to promote individual or community health.
1.    Prevention Agenda 2019-2024: New York State’s Health Improvement Plan
This is a promotion plan that is termed as local actions and a state blueprint determined to improve the wellbeing and health of the New Yorkers. It is also committed to improving the health wellbeing of all people despite the existing disparities.
2.    Redesigning New York’s Medicaid Program
This is an initiative that was termed by Governor Cuomo, as essential for New York State to revise their Medicaid program to be able to achieve their goals of providing top-notch health services to their citizens.  And also, to provide sustainable health cost to all people.
3.    Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program
DSRIP is a mechanism in the NY state that will use to impose MRT (Medicaid Redesign Team) as per the waiver amendment.
4.    The New York State Health Innovation Plan
This initiative, with various other stakeholders, helped in the New York Department of Health was granted $99.9 million by the CMMI (Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation).
5.    Population Health Improvement Program (PHIP)
PHIP is determined to boost the Tipple Aim-better care, and they will ensure every person within the state has the best health services at fair prices.
6.    Regulatory Modernization Initiative
The healthcare structure is occasionally changing. There are always changes in the policies of reimbursements alternating the way the providers are paid. There is also the formation of customer-driven care supported by the new technology. Hence the medical advances are allowing the change to the ambulatory theories. 
7.    Hunter College New York City Food Policy Center
                  This is an initiative by the name Big Apple that is meant to ensure the      residents of New York are eating healthier.
8.    Healthy Families Brooklyn
                  This is a health initiative that works in association with health advocates to ensure the residents of New York City are receiving better health services. It provides every person despite their background, has the accessibility of proper healthcare.
9.    The Walkers for Wellness, New York City
                  This is New York City health programs that join the walking club sand the healthier nutrition to faith-based initiative walk for a future healthy New York residences.
10.    Citywide Cut the Salt Campaign New York City
                  This is a nutritional initiative that is determined in fighting highs amounts of salts in the dishes more so in the restaurant within New York City. The city had already banned products associated with a high volume of calories and dirks with a high amount of sugar, but the remaining issue is the amount of sodium in the food.

Assignment # 2
Getting Familiar with Logic Models

1. What is the first step in creating a logic model for a health promotion program?
The first step is hypothetically stating the problem that the health promotion program is meant to solve- that is, formulating a specific challenge for the team in question.
2.    Write down a hypothetical problem statement that includes the following components:
a.    children, b. obesity, c. South Bronx and, d. Increase
Obesity poses the most serious public health challenge of the 21st century and in South Bronx, the prevalence of children with excess body weight is on the rapid increase.
3.    List at least three things to keep in mind when developing a program goal.
1.    The programs priorities- that is, the overall purpose of the health promotion program.
2.    The intended outcome based on the general terms of the program.
3.    The specific target population of that the program intends to serve.
4.    Why is it important to list available resources as part of our logic model?
            Listing the available resources helps determine the extent to which the program can be implemented to achieve the intended goals and outcomes.
5.    List the six types of resources commonly used in health promotion programs:
1.    Human resources include; the technical and expert staff, stakeholders, consultants and volunteers.
2.    Financial resources include; operating budget and clear financial records.
3.    Technology which entails; computers and communication infrastructure.
4.    Other equipment such as relevant data-collection systems, office machinery and family assessment instruments (FAI)
5.    Space- that is, the office and other facilities.
6.    Materials which includes; office supplies and insurance
6.    Define program activities:
Program activities are steps taken towards the implementation of the program- that is, ways in which the programs resources are utilized to achieve the intended outcomes and goals.
7. What might some activities be for a program that aims to increase awareness of the dangers of binge drinking on a college campus?
Developing products such as promotional materials that help educate and increase awareness of the dangers of binge drinking. 
Providing services such as health screens, training, and counseling for students who engage in binge drinking.
8.    Describe what a programs outputs are:
    Outputs are the measurable, tangible and direct results of program activities and often include quantities.
9.    What might some program outputs be for your binge-drinking awareness program?
1.    Number of students who engage in binge drinking
2.    Hours of training provided
3.    Focus groups held
10.  What is a program outcome?    List three things to keep in mind when developing your programs outcomes?
The program outcome expresses the intended changes or results realized after the complete implementation of the program.
1.    The outcome should be measurable
2.    The outcome should represent the impacts that occur due to program activities and services.
3.    The outcome should be within the scope of the programs control and within the models time frame.
11.    List the question that one should ask for the following:
          a.    Short-term outcomes:
What change is expected to occur either immediately or in the near future?
b.    Intermediate outcomes:
What change is expected to occur after short-term outcomes and before the long-term  outcomes?
c. Long-term outcome:
what change is expected in the long run?

Assignment #3

Developing your Program Rationale PART I

Includes the following section:

Statement of the Problem

Complete the following:

1.  Name of your agency or hospital or school (Must be a venue in the BRONX NY):

Montefiore Medical Centre in the Bronx New York.

2.  Name of the FUNDER to which you are submitting your Pilot Program Proposal:

New York Department of Health as they are in charge of ensuring the highest quality of health care is provided in all medical centers.

3.  Target Population (Include all relevant information, e.g. age group, race/ethnicity, sex):

The project will target specifically African American adult men over the age of 55. This target population is based on the fact that over three-quarters of stroke cases in the United States is experienced by individuals over the age of 65. At the same time, African Americans are more prone to stroke cases, as compared to another ethnicity.

4.  Health problem faced by this population that your proposal will address:

Use the following section title (Problem Statement) and answer the questions below:


(Please use Data Source document on Blackboard for assistance)

1.    In bullet points, list at least 5 statistics related to the problem your program will address (should include both national-level and local level statistics).  Include name of source and full web 
    One in every four deaths in the United States is due to heart diseases, with over 795,000 of stroke cases.
    Over 6,000 individuals die of a stroke in New York State each year. (New York government: https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/cardiovascular/heart_disease/)
    In the United States, Stroke and heart problems rate third as a cause of death, with over 140,000 deaths due to stroke each year and about 600,000 first time attacks, and the leading cause of long-term disability. (stroke statistics: http://www.strokecenter.org/patients/about-stroke/stroke-statistics/)
    Approximately three-quarter of all cases of stroke is seen in individuals over the age of 65. At the same time, the chances of experiencing heart diseases double after the age of 55. (stroke statistics: http://www.strokecenter.org/patients/about-stroke/stroke-statistics/)
    The leading cause of hospitalization in the Bronx among individuals above the age of 65 is usually heart diseases and ischemic heart disease. This statistic is also seen in the whole New York region (New York Government: Bronx: https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/data/2000nhp-bronx.pdf.)
2.    In bullet points, provide two factors (determinants) that contribute to the health problem you have chosen.  One should be behavioral.  One should be nonbehavioral. Include name of source and full web link after each in parentheses.

    Nonbehavioral: Age; as people age, their heart wall thickens, increasing the chances for heart problems. (Gupta, J & Shea, M. (2019). Effects of Aging on the Heart and Blood Vessels. https://www.msdmanuals.com/home/heart-and-blood-vessel-disorders/biology-of-the-heart-and-blood-vessels/effects-of-aging-on-the-heart-and-blood-vessels)
    Behavioral: Smoking tobacco is a major behavioral cause of stroke. The nicotine in tobacco makes the blood pressure rise and also builds up fats and blood thickening, which causes clots. Most African-Americans smoke tobacco, cigarettes and bhang, which increases their risk of getting a stroke. (https://www.webmd.com/stroke/guide/stroke-causes-risks#1)

Assignment 3( part II)
Chapter Three and the HWS Project 

Part 1.  Use Chapter 3 to answer the following questions:

1.    Why is it important to use a model when planning a health promotion program?

        Models ensure that there is evidence-based planning in all phases of healthcare planning program

2.    What components seem to be common to all the models presented in Chapter Three?  (Note that the names of the components may not be the same, but the concepts are). 

        There are different models, though some components are similar in all of them. This included the     

        assessment of the problem and the community under study, developing an action plan and 

        evaluation of the program after execution

3.    How does an understanding of the Generalized Model for Program Planning (GMPP) help you understand all planning models? 

The components like assessing needs or setting goals and objectives can clearly be seen in the generalized model for program planning as they are basic components that are seen in the other models.

4.    What are the Three Fs of Program Planning?
Regardless of the model, the three F’s of program planning include
1.    Fluidity 
2.    Flexibility
3.    Functionality

Part 2.  Applying what weve learned in Chapter Three to the Hobart and William Smith Colleges Alcohol Education Project (also referred to as HWS Project).  Locate online at: http://www.alcoholeducationproject.org/hws.pdf )

1.    Describe how the HWS Project used health communication to influence students high-risk drinking behaviors.

            The HWS Project communicated by the posters and advertisement style messages in the campus newspaper The Herald  to the students the actual cases of drinking behaviors that were normal, as a means of alienating the common misconceptions.

        Using the GMPP as your guide, answer the following questions: 

2.    Needs Assessment:

      a.  What student needs (or problems) do you think the HWS Project addressed?   
          Excessive drinking and alcohol use among college students
        b.  What kind of data had HWS been collecting for several years that informed their 
project and provided a before snapshot? 
They carried out national research on the prevalence of heavy alcohol drinking among
different higher education institutions. 
3.    Setting Goals and Objectives:

a.    Write what you believe is the goal of the HWS Project:

                        To decrees heavy alcohol drinking and create a comprehensive social norms campaign
              that  showed the actual drinking behavior of individuals in institutions of higher learning

b.    What were the five activity categories that were used as means to achieve their program goal? 
          Collection of data, printing media campaign, electronic media campaign, curriculum           
            development and co-curriculum activities.
4.    Developing an Intervention:

a.    Developing an intervention involves creating the programs units or components.  List five program units produced for the HWS Project.  (**An example of a program unit would be the Silent Numbers campaign poster series.**)

1.    The silent number campaigns
2.    The healthy choices are on the Rise campaign,
3.    Reality check campaign,
4.    Campus factoids in the heralds,
5.    Screen saver program

    Implementing the Intervention

Implementing an intervention usually involves a task timeline a way to identify and prioritize program tasks.  Appendix A presents the task timeline for the HWS Project. 

a.    Make two general observations about the HWS Project after having read the

1.    All activity categories have been allocated their timeline, description, and URL where possible
2.    Some of these activities will be carried concurrently

5.    Evaluating the Results

One way to assess a program is to conduct an impact evaluation.  This form of evaluation focuses on immediate, observable effects of a program such as a change in perception. 

a.    List two findings related to changes in student behavior after exposure to the HWS project.

1.      There is a reduced rate of the negative impact of drinking including property damage, inefficiency in work, memory loss and unprotected sex
2.    There was a decline in the number of arrests due to alcohol violations.

Assignment # 4

Program Rationale
Part Two

Includes the following sections:


Complete the following:


1.    In sentence format, give TWO to THREE reasons WHY this health problem needs to be addressed (Think:  improved quality/quantity of life; money saved; needs of population better met, etc.)

The stroke problem needs to be addressed to promote healthy lifestyles that reduces human health risk factors.
  The stroke problem it should also be addressed to protect the world population from the financial and emotional strains they undergo when dealing with stroke patients.


1.    Write the name of your proposed pilot program.

Fight a Stroke the Biggest Killer in Modern Age.

2.    Write ONE goal for your proposed program.
                  Start your goal with the word, To: (e.g. To increase; To decrease; To promote, etc.)

                  To decrease the rates of strokes among African American males 55 and older in the Bronx.

3.    BRIEFLY describe your pilot programs intervention components in 2 sentences each:

a.    Health communication strategy (Outreach Technique):

    Facebook activity at lunch time to address direct message to African American males 55 and older in the Bronx to change eating habits by reducing animal fats to lower cholesterol.
    NYC transit Bus and Subway posters direct message to African American males 55 and older in the Bronx to address regular body exercises to keep fit and prevent cases such as obesity.
b.    Health education strategy:
    Weekly Workshops at Community Health Centers in the Bronx to educate African American males 55 and older on the need to seek regular checkups to ensure they are in good health condition.
c.    Policy-related or environmental change strategy:

      Addressing the environmental factors that affect health such as polluted air that causes respiratory problems among other complications.
      Addressing individuals to avoid stressful environments like at work or school, since they  add risks to heart diseases, which eventually cause stroke.

4.    List two or more Healthy People 2020 objectives that your pilot program would help to meet.

            HDS-3    To reduce stroke deaths.
            HDS-7    To reduce the proportion of adults with high total blood cholesterol levels
            HDS-10.1 To increase the proportion of adults with hypertension who meet the recommended guidelines for body mass index (BMI). 

5.    In 3-4 sentences, describe ONE SIMILAR PROGRAM that is currently being implemented to    address this problem. Include the programs name, goal, and activities.   

          Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a program that addresses stroke prevention and the division for heart diseases. The main goal of the program is to address high blood pressure, its causes, and diagnosis, treatment and prevention measures. Their major activities involve creating awareness to the public on how they can control high blood pressure and reduce risks of getting a stroke. (https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fs_state_hbp.htm)

    6.  Explain how your pilot program would positively impact the current and future needs of your target population:
          Stroke awareness program would help mobilize most people, especially Americans to fight against high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor that contributes to stroke. The program would encourage people to seek regular medical checkups to be aware of their health status. Also, the program addresses how lifestyle such as food and body exercise contributes to stroke. Therefore, creating the awareness would help the target population live healthy lives and consequently live long Chapter 2-  Questions 1,2,8 and 9 on page 37

Q1.  What is the reason for creating a program rationale?

        Creating a program rationale helps get support from decision makers, thus meeting the goals and conducting the organizations mission
Q2.  Why is the support of decision makers important in planning a program?

        Support from decision makers ensures effective measures are conducted and aligns to the organizations values and practices.

Q8.  Who would make good planning partners?

          Good planning partners would be people that are motivated and interested in helping a large population and also have resources to invest in the program.

Q9.  Who should be selected as the member of a planning committee?

        Members of the planning committee would be 5 people including the chair. The chairperson would be one that initiates the idea and assembles other group members.

Assignment # 5

Goal & Objectives

1.    Write down your program goal on the space provided below.  Start your goal with the word, To: (e.g. To increase; To decrease; To promote, etc.)

Program Goal:
( Note: This should be the same goal from Assignment 4)

To decrease the rates of strokes among African American males 55 and older in the Bronx.

2.    For each strategy below, write one PROCESS OBJECTIVE:
Health Communication Strategy
Process Objective:
By the Summer 2020 – 40 posters will be posted on NYC transit Buses in the Bronx to encourage male 55 and over on regular health checkups to benefit stroke problem.
Health Education Strategy
Process Objective:

By the end of Summer 2020 100 African American
males 55 and older would have attend weekly workshops on stroke prevention at Montefiore Medical Center.


3.    For your pilot program’s Health Education Strategy, write one LEARNING OBJECTIVE:

Learning Objective:
At the end of the stroke prevention workshop 85 % of participants will  be able to identify the 4 main causes of stroke. 


4.    For your pilot program’s Environmental Change Strategy, write one  ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVE:

Environmental Objective:

By the end of 2020 all Family Health Clinics at the Bronx will offer free EKG exams for all patients.

Answers to questions 1-7

Q 1. What is a mission statement? Why is it important? How is it different from a vision statement?
According to McKenzie, et al. (2017), a mission statement is a brief avowal in a program that represents reasons for its existence, general objectives it intends to achieve and the ways it will use in achieving them. It also presents the products it will provide and clients to be served based on a defined locality. Every organization needs a mission statement since it acts as the guide to be followed towards achieving its objectives clearly by incorporating all the required parties like workers, clients, and the managerial team. The growth, improvement, and change in a corporation resulted in the simultaneous alteration of its mission statement as a way of ensuring that trace is maintained concerning the objectives set. Mission statements help in addressing the intentions of an institution; hence, they act as the defining tool of identity. A mission statement is not similar to a vision statement since it relates to the general purpose of the program. In contrast, a vision statement focuses on organizational strategic planning and future levels.

Q 2. What is (are) the difference(s) between a goal and an objective?
A goal is a general focus which can be attained through constant proceedings in a specific path; hence, it is a long time while an aim is to a short-term ambition thus form a platform where goals can be achieved. Goals are performed after an infinite time frame, while objectives have time limits in attaining them. The attainment of goals requires usual engagements contrary to purposes where specific ways should be approached to realize them.

Q3. What is the purpose of program goals and objectives?
Program Goals and objectives are broad intentions that need to be achieved by set programs
based on the missions. The point for these programs is to stipulate the blueprint that needs to be followed in realizing the intentions set.

Q4. What are the different levels of objectives?
Objectives happen in three levels to help attain the required profit; operational, intermediate and strategic level. The strategic level defines the relates to the top management where long term plans are set, and steps needed to achieve the strategies put in place. Timeframes are set concerning the values and norms of the program. This level relates to the mission and goals of the program. The intermediate level focuses on the objectives which are short term. On the other hand, the operational level focus on actions done on specific timeframes.

Q5. What are the four different types of objectives found in learning Objectives hierarchy?
According to McKenzie, et al. (2017), there are four objectives. Process objectives which define the way programs are executed based on the daily plans hence, helping in setting up the required models. The impact objectives relate to the instant effects that can be observed. The outcome objectives important to achieve the goal. The four types of objective in a learning objectives hierarchy are: awareness objectives, knowledge, attitude and skill development objectives to enhance health behavior. Environmental goals based on the social aspects while the behavioral intention that can help in dealing with health problems

Q6. What are the necessary elements of an objective?
    An objective should be based on a particular condition under which an action is performed. It should present particular deeds or behavior that can be seen, and a certain extent of the conflict should visible to define desirable performance demands.
Q7. What are the characteristics of a SMART objectives?
The characteristics of a SMART objectives; Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. Specific objectives are those which are clear and direct; hence, not complicated. A particular approach should be put in place to gauge evolvement towards
attaining the goals; measurable. Objectives set should ones which can easily be accomplished by using the available resources hence should be achievable. The health program should set realistic goals and objectives which are part of the mission statement at a certain period of time.

Assignment #6

Theoretical Background


The Ecological Perspective is a framework often used to inform program planning.  For
each of the areas below, identify the following:

1.    Two to three factors that serve as BARRIERS to behavior change in your target population
2.    Two to three factors that could SUPPORT your target populations efforts to change their behavior. 

1. Intrapersonal Factors (knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits):

    African American males consider themselves as healthy as long as they do not have a chronic condition. This consideration makes it difficult to explain to them that they are susceptible to strokes.
    Secondly, African Americans believe heart-related health issues are problems of the whites and do not worry much about such health problems.

    In dealing with stroke problem this people are being offered information by professionals that are creating awareness on their exposure and risks.
    Setting personal health goals is also reducing the risk of getting stroke is associated with males over 55 in the Bronx who are of African American descent.

2. Interpersonal Factors (family, friends/peers that provide social identity and support):

    Life in the Bronx is unpredictable and so death by a stroke does not seem like much of an issue.
    At that age, males choose to avoid burdening others with health issues to show their independence.

    They can join fitness clubs and gyms to improve their health.
    Surround themselves with family and friends willing to talk about the risks of strokes and care plans.

3. Institutional Factors (rules, regulations, policies which may constrain or promote behaviors):

    Insurance policies avoid insuring at-risk individuals making it difficult to access decent health care plans.
        Bias against people who are at a disadvantage economically and socially exists within the healthcare setting

    Implementation of Medicare and Medicaid healthcare options helps alleviate risks of strokes
    Nursing homes can take care of stroke victims and reduce the burden on family and friends.
    The availability of medication to treat and prevent strokes is helping African Americans deal with this problem.

4. Community Factors (social networks and norms that are formal or informal among individuals, groups and organizations):

    Lack of sufficient knowledge explaining links between health habits and heart disease.
    Accepting obesity and high blood pressure as health conditions associated with growing older
    Campaigns to create awareness on health issues and how to deal with them early
    Establishing regular health checkup programs



Theoretical Background: Underlying your project is a theoretical background that
shapes your goal and objectives, and will help to convince others to support it.  Your
intervention is to be based upon a behavior change theory/model.  This section
should include a description of the model you’ve chosen and how it applies to your

Please Note:  If you select the Trans theoretical Model ( Stages of Change) please be sure to describe  how your intervention( program) will move your target population from one stage to another. This means that I do not want to see all 5-6 stages. I would like to see how you get participants from Pre Contemplation to Contemplation or from Contemplation to Preparation,
The plan to help African American males above 55 years decrease the rates of strokes can be achieved by integrating the plan with the Transtheoretical model. This model of behavior change evaluates the readiness of an individual towards change and then provides the appropriate strategies to achieve that change. In this case, the efforts to reduce cases of strokes are becoming a concern and a majority of the target population is realizing that this is a problem for them.
According to (McKenzie, 2018) in this intervention strategy, the target population has to move from the contemplation to the preparation stage of the change process. The male population is recognizing the issues associated with strokes and is realizing the problem is prone. This realization has made them open to the idea of learning more about the causes. The strategy has been to inform through awareness campaigns on social media, at social halls, and even health drive initiatives in the community. As a result, this has sparked an interest in the programs and people are willing to listen and learn. Considering that the older population is affected, it has been up to the younger generation to learn and inform them and even help them make necessary adjustments.
            The preparation stage has been characterized by an increase in males aged over 55 attending fitness centers. The push towards improving personal health has been notable and, in some cases, regular checkups are being witnessed in health institutions. All these trends prove that people are taking significant strides toward caring for their health. Home-based work out routines are also becoming increasingly popular and diet regulations towards ensuring the African American male population understands the need to focus on personal health improvements. All these efforts are gradually going to reduce the stroke cases witnessed so far.

        McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., Thackeray, R.  Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating
  Health Promotion Programs: Primer. 7th ed., Pearson, 2017.

Please work on Assignment #7 and you can follow the past student example bellow. Thank you!
In Part 1 of the assignment, I am asking you to describe your health communication strategy, health education strategy and environmental change strategy in about 2-3 paragraphs. This is where you will describe what exactly are your strategies. I do not want to read that you are just handing out flyers ( what information are on these flyers, why did you decide on that information, how many flyers are you distributing ( this should be listed on assignment 5), where  will you be handing out these flyers, why did you select these locations, who is handing out the flyers, what time are you handing out the flyers ( ie nights, weekends, etc.) why did you choose these particular times, etc.
I want you to break down your strategies as a way obtain a visual on what you will be doing to ensure that your proposal is successful. ( 2-3 paragraphs for each strategy)



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