


from product development, to pricing and distribution, to branding and promotions. If a company has an idea or invention, you are the experts at presenting that
product to consumers and maximizing profits.

SITUATION: You have been approached by a potential client that is taking pitches from
multiple marketing agencies. The company has traditionally been a beverage
manufacturer, but it recently cornered the market on a special type of coffee bean.

Here are a few of the coffee beans characteristics:
Provides 4 times the energy of regular coffee beans
Clears your body 100% in 3-4 hours (meaning no jitters, no buzz, and 4 hours
later you can sleep like a baby, even if you are normally caffeine-sensitive)
Legal in every country and every sport
Tastes like the highest quality coffees on the market
Patent-protected (nobody else can grow this variety of bean)

DELIVERABLE: A video presentation of your marketing campaign along with a
presentation deck (i.e. PPT, Prezi, etc). Campaign presentation will be 7-8 minutes long.
I will provide some more instructions in Canvas on options for filming the presentation.
Stay tuned on that, for now concentrate on forming teams and creating your campaign

DETAILS OF THE MARKETING CAMPAIGN: Create a marketing campaign to help the
company launch this product. Campaign must include the following components:
A primary target group with high potential: Include a demographic and
psychographic description. Describe the segment as vividly as possible.
Product format and design: What should the product be? Coffee beans can be
made into a number of different products, and your job is to target your target
market most effectively. Should this company produce and market a traditional
coffee drink? Some other kind of coffee-flavored drink? Shots? Gel? Food
products? You decide. Pick one kind of product only. Also, how will the package
look and feel? Does it reflect your target market?
Distribution partners and channels: Where will the product sell and why are these
the best places for your target audience to find the product? Provide details.
Slogan: Time to get creative and capture the essence of your brand. Think this
One print ad: Include headline, visual, and copy. Could be magazine, newspaper
or billboard. Define where these ads would run, when, and how often. Also,
explain why you chose what you chose.
One TV ad: Presented using storyboards or acted out in person (this needs to be
rehearsed, if so). Define where these ads would run, when, and how often. And,
as above, why?
One social ad: Us the adparlor.com to make a mockup of your ad.
Finally, you need to discuss how the marketing choices you have chosen will bring the
client the highest return on investment (ROI) for their company.
All group members must participate!

A couple of things to remember
1) Remember that you are not selling the client on the product, they already know what it
is. You are showing them that you have put together the best campaign for selling
consumers on their product. You are convincing them that you have chosen the best
target audience, the best distribution strategy, and have put together the best
promotional campaigns. You are trying to win the account for your agency.
2) Be sure to maintain visual consistency between different parts of the campaign. The
print, TV, and social ads should have the same look and feel and hit on the same key
messages about the product. That way, when people see the campaign across different
media, the repetition will start to sink in and theyll remember the product. If ads from
each medium have their own look and feel, itll seem to the consumer like three different

Here are some good resources and tips for making effective presentations. Hope this helps.


Remember that the first step before you even think about writing ads is to:

Be clear about who your target audience is.
Be clear about what 3-5 messages you want to communicate with them (these messages will remain consistent throughout your ad campaign, regardless of the ad medium).
But let’s say you have figured those two things out and it’s time to actually make the ads. Where do you start? Often, this is where we get stuck. Staring at a blank screen knowing what we want to say, but not sure how to say it.

It’s easy . . . use the 6 tactics below and you almost can’t go wrong. Use one, or combine several of them – which is even better. The key is to decide which tactics will best fit your product and appeal to your customers. Another consideration is whether you are in a very competitive category. If you are, then tactics 1-3 are essential. Marketing is done in a competitive world, so sometimes framing your competitor’s drawbacks is almost as important as framing your benefits.

Here are the 6 tactics.

1. UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION: What does your product (or service) offer that nobody else does? Example: Enterprise Car Rentals will bring the rental car to your house.

2. COMPARATIVE: How does your product stack up against the alternatives? Tell people about that. Example: Verizon has largest LTE network.

3. DEMONSTRATION: Better yet, show the product in action. Example: laundry detergent commercials showing whiter whites and brighter brights.

4. TESTIMONIAL: Let satisfied customers tell your target audience about the product. Or let a celebrity tell your target audience about your product. Example: There are now infomercials that even have the testimony embedded in the title, like “Chuck Norris Uses Total Gym” or “Heidi Klum Uses (some makeup that I don’t remember)”. Testimonials are common-place on radio, where the host actually gives the commercial over the air talking about how they use the product.

5. FSH: Fear, sex, humor. I called these the primal tactics – since they are pretty universal. I’m not your dad, so I’ll skip the social commentary about any of these tactics. They work. Case closed. It’s up to you to decide whether to use them. Examples: For fear, you see this in most political. For sex and humor, pretty much any beer commercial. Using them and using them effectively are two different things. Making a commercial sexual for the sake of making it sexual, or being jokey for the sake of getting laughs – without telling a story about your product and benefits – is dumb and a waste of everyone’s time. Except for teenage boys. They’ll think the commercial is awesome. But they don’t have any money and won’t remember who was advertising. So yeah, be smart about the use of this tactic. Make sure its use actually relates to the benefits of your product in some memorable way.

6. HOOKS: Slogans, jingles, and music. Get stuck in their brain, and your marketing will go a long way. Examples:


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