

Discussions 1-2

Please write a response to each section, at least 2 paragraphs &  at least 1 cite per section 1 & 2. Please write a short response to sections A-C for each section. Responses do not need citations.

1) Topic: The Role of Reflection in Professional Development

Educators and educational leaders benefit from opportunities to reflect on their professional experience and professional practice. Review the Module 1 reading, Developing Future Leaders: The Role of Reflection in the Classroom by Roberts (2008) and discuss why reflection is important in the professional development of educators and educational leaders. What role, if any, will reflection play in your professional development? How might it benefit you? Respond to at least 3 classmates posts.

Please write a response to these posts:

A) In the 21st Century the pride of most School districts is the mix of cultures and st variety of back grounds, this is extremely important in the sense that is what creates critical ideas and brings the best out of people. Reflection is a important role in leadership today due to the fact that it allows Educators to create a bond with the learners and provides a positive environment that sprouts progress. Self reflection is about asking yourself questions that are designed to give insights into how you work, what  you excell in, and what needs improving. Its also about being aware of making changes or rationalizations.

All in all reflection is a powerful tool that is often skipped in professional development but is a valuable key in becoming a all around better instructor and listener. Reflection is something that can be taught but also something that comes with time and self talk.

Reflection is important in the development of educators because it helps carve a good leader. As you go on through your career you start asking yourself questions that may help you analysis your self and tense help you get through those students that seem to be in their own personal bubble, it allows you to open up your views and helps put you in other peoples shoes so to say and it can be a very critical skill in creating assignments that unveil to a certain style of learner. Critical reflection creates introspective learning from values, beliefs, and experiences that contribute to views of ones self, other people, and the diversity in students.  Reflective practice in teaching is arguably one of the most important sources of personal professional development and improvement. skilled instructors are first to admit that no matter how good a lesson is, their practice can always be improved and revised. Not only is Reflection important in the understanding of the different styles of learners but also important in creating powerful lesson that is flexible and easily molded to keep all types of learners glued and attached.

As far as reflection to my self as a professional in education ,it is truly a critical skill as it helps me connect to more students and creates that bond the influences trust and respect in a classroom. Coming from all corners of the world from being a Army brat I have been lucky to experience and be exposed many different cultures and beliefs in each one. as time went on i used this time wisely to reflect on myself and ask what made a impact on me, who impacted me and of course how. Utilizing these skills I have learned has molded me as a educator now and understanding how i can become a more efficient instructor and have impacts on my students by crawling in their shoes. Becoming a valuable instructor brings great self satisfaction and one should try everything to help improve themselves and never stop trying. Aside from being flexible reflection plays a big role in understanding yourself and giving yourself the proper training that is needed to be the best version of yourself.

References: Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130

B) Reflection is very important in the role of being an educator or educational leader because nothing is ever perfect. Everything method and plan of action can always be improved and with reflection, it opens the doors to new methods and ideas. Everyone can learn from the next person as far as developing new techniques and enhancing or improving the way they may do things.

As a new coach, I have already had impacts of reflection in my new career. I never stop learning and being able to work with experienced coaches and further developing my skills is exciting to me. Knowing the I am in a profession that is best learned through the reflection of experience educators makes reflection a tremendous factor for educators, educational leaders, as well as myself.

Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130.

C) According to Roberts (2008), “Reflection, or the process of critically thinking about our behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and values, has been identified by numerous researchers as an important part of the learning process, be it formal or informal” (p. 117).  It is a key competency for educators and educational leaders because our “experience leads to observation, reflection about the experience, and ultimately the development of new insights or conclusions which shape different action in the future” (Roberts, 2008, p. 117).  Without reflection, educators and educational leaders would not be able to adapt to their diverse students or the constant changes that occur in our complex world.

Reflection is essential in my professional development.  I appreciate my past educators that forced me to reflect throughout my education because I know it is the reason I am constantly reflecting to improve my practice.  Roberts (2008) states “The ability to reflect is not necessarily an inherent attribute, but it must be cultivated over time, and unless one is actively engaged in the practice of reflection, it is doubtful that this capability will develop on its own” (p.  125-126).  Reflecting was cultivated in me over time and I greatly benefit from it.  I am able to improve my instruction and curriculum every day, week, and year because I am constantly reflecting.  After each day, lesson, chapter, and year, I reflect on what went well that I can sustain and what needs improvement. 

It is also my duty to ensure I cultivate reflection in my students, so that they can become effective leaders when they enter the working world, just like my teachers did for me. 


Roberts, C. (2008). Developing future leaders: The role of reflection in the classroom. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(1), 116 130

2) Topic: Transformative Learning

Read Chapter 6: Transformation Through Educational Experiences in the Stories of Transformative Learning text by Kroth and Cranton (2014). What role has transformative learning played in your ability to complete the Master of Education Program? What is the role of transformative learning for your students? Within your professional practice as an educator or educational leader, how will you foster transformative learning? Respond to at least 3 classmates posts.

A) Transformative learning has assisted me in completing my masters program because when I first began the courses, there was a lot that I didnt know or that I didnt share the same perspective on. It is important for everyone to experience transformative learning and absorb all you can in every perspective you can take from it. For my athletes transformative learning is always there and I see every time one of them gets that aha moment when running drills. This is very important and play a role in each of the young childrens lives because they are still developing and learning many new ways of doing things. As an educator, I foster transformative learning into everyday learning by working in groups or as a team. People learn from others experience and requiring students to work in group will enhance the ability to develop new insight and perspective on other ways of learning. My student learn what they can from me as do I from my student and that creates a revolving door for transformative learning.

B) Transformative Learning occurred throughout my Master of Education program.  According to Kroth and Cranton (2014), “Transformative learning occurs when a person encounters a perspective that is at odds with his or her current perspective. This discrepant perspective can be ignored, or it can lead to an examination of previously held beliefs, values, and assumptions.  When the latter is the case, the potential for transformative learning exists, though it does not occur until the individual changes in noticeable ways” (p. 3).  As I read through the course material in each course and module, I reflected on the material, as well as my experiences in education, as a student and a teacher, transformative learning took place.  Just as I reflected on the new material in this course and my experiences, my students can do the same, which will lead to transformative learning.  As teacher and educational leader, it’s important to allow time for my students to reflect and share their experiences in order to facilitate transformative learning.  Also, if I model for my students how I reflect and how I learn or change my perspectives then I will encourage students to do the same.  What I ask of my students, I must also be able to to do and model for them. 


Kroth, M., & Cranton, P. (2014). Stories of transformative learning. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense.

C) Transformative learning is a very critical skill that one acquires after truly finding out what your strongest and weakest strength are. There are many examples of stories talking about the transformation of someone through education and its all sounds false when in reality it is much to real and happens much more than we believe. Transformative learning by definition means is the expansion of consciousness through the transformation of basic worldview and specific capacities of the self, (Dirks, J. 2017) with this said many can say that its just a changing of ways and its true but much more complicated than that.

Transformative learning is a theory I heard growing up not knowing what it was I later soon came to realization it was in fact true. This theory has changed my way of thought positively and has fuel my desire to achieving higher education and working towards a masters degree by looking back at my past and remembering all the Roads and Path I went down shaping me into the person I am today. Growing up having several step moms I learned many ways and different view points and have seen the direct impact that the lack off education posed. I knew I wanted to achieve greatness and self-satisfactory and I knew I had to get some discipline, I later went on to Join the army and Becoming an analyst where I learned the importance of schooling and transparency , I later served my term and I knew I wanted to become a educator to help those that were once in my shoes, I later applied to an only University and been working my way up to where I am now, those fears and times of uncertainty have motivated me to strive and acquired my Degree and become the most proficient I can be and help those like me.

Transformative learning and using as a tool is easier said than done, taking a student from point A to point B can be huge and varies from student to student due to different backgrounds, culture and other reasons. Thats why there needs to be a baseline to keep everyone on board and on the same page while chugging along with the discussion and lesson. Finding the right balance is key to foster and cultivate Transformation through education. A few exercises and ideas that I incorporate into my existing classroom that initiate transformative learning include Skills and task that expose limitation of learners current knowledge, drills that produce Self-reflection and giving new opportunities for progression that leads to Self-confidence. Incorporating these skills are vital in providing a excellent service and creates bonds that flourish ideas and critical thinking skills. Tying all these skills together and a few more I believe it can create ground for progression in later life through education.


Dirks, J. (2017). The Transformative Dimensions of Global Learning Experiences: An Overview. NAFSA Global Learning Colloquium on Assessment. Michigan State University. Retrieved from https://www.nafsa.org/sites/default/files/ektron/files/underscore/2017colloquia/2017_assessment_drikx_dimensions.pdf

Kroth, M., & Cranton, P. (2014). Stories of transformative learning. Retrieved from https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.trident.edu


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