


Week 1 Tips

Welcome to Week 1 of NRSE 4600. For many of you, this will be your last class. I congratulate all of you on your success thus far and in the future.  There is a lot information in this post.  Read it.  Failure to read and use this information can affect your grade. It will make both of our lives and this course easier. 

All of you should review the announcements and e-mails sent to you by Professor Kibble-Leu and myself regarding the expectations for the Clinical Practice Project. As you know, each project assignment builds on the previous one. Your project needs to be meaningful and completed in the next five weeks. It may just be a piece of the larger, project pie, but implementation must occur within the five weeks of this course.

The correct implementation of APA is essential to your complete success in this course.

You will find the week one project Goals and Objectives template in the module one assessment area (this template is different from the one you submitted for approval prior to the course). Please review the rubric, follow the directions, and complete the template. The week one template is due Sunday end of day (11:59 PM) . For your projects you will be using the Quality and Safety Education for Nurse (QSEN) graduate competencies. Please thoroughly review the qsen.org site and select a competency (only one) that will support your project. Once you have selected the appropriate competency, rewrite the definition in your own words. Then review the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA’s) listed under the competency. For this first week the As you reflect on what you hope to accomplish, choose two statements from each of the KSA columns and reword. Remember to cite the source.

Correct referencing for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses website

The correct citation should be QSEN Institute (2019) or (QSEN Institute, 2019) and the following is the appropriate format for the institutes reference entry:

QSEN Institute. (2019).Graduate QSEN competencies.http://qsen.org/competencies/graduate-ksas/

Graduate QSEN Competencies


Click here for the AACN 2012 updated Graduate level Competencies OVERVIEW. The overall goal for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project is to meet the challenge of preparing future nurses who will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems within which they work.

Hint on using the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), U.S. National Library of Medicine (check out the links) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) library for your literary search.

-They have a wide range of nursing & medical journals & are a great resource!

-However, when citing your article (not abstract) you need to look at the upper left corner to find the Journal name & data as well as the name of the authors. Use that info in your reference then the NCBI URL in your Retrieval statement.

-You will lose APA points if you do not follow this format.

A clinical log is required for this course. The clinical log will be added to your grade book and must be complete for you to successfully pass the course. The log template can be located in the week 1 assignment area. For you clinical log you will provide:

Minimumof 3 hours with preceptor,Maximumof 6 hours on research of topic, aminimumof 1-2 hours in direct patient engagement and theremainder- 10-11 hours in implementation of your project, Total of21 true hours

Each entry will need a brief description, the following are the 4 areas you will document on your log with an example:

Preceptor:discussed project development

Research:Reviewed literature on EBP for prevention of falls

Direct Patient Engagement:Educated patients using new patient education tool reduced falls on unit by 2%, (specifically describe the nursing/patient engagement andhow you impacted the patient outcomes)

Implementation:development of patient education tool, developed staff education, teaching other staff on new tool

Writing papers and completing weekly assignments will not be counted as time for the log. Your preceptor must sign off on all 21 hours; all entries on the log must be initialed by your preceptor.

Discussion post-good writing involves providing an introduction and a conclusion; this includes your initial discussion posts. Two to three sentences (for the DB only) is acceptable. An introduction introduces what you will discuss, and a conclusion provides a brief synopsis of the content of your discussion. Please note 0.25 points will be deducted for each missing introduction and conclusion initially. In the event subsequent assignments do not include an introductory and concluding paragraph (two to three fully developed sentences) points will be deducted in increasing increments.

In this course the discussions are worth 30 points. Your initial post should be substantive, detailed, and include supportive evidence-peer reviewed evidential support. The initial post requires 2 references, and responses require 1 reference. Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues. Please make sure to post replies on separate days from the initial post.

Direct quotes-when an assignment requires APA references and citations it does not mean direct quotes. In this final course, you should have the ability to synthesize your readings and paraphrase the source. Please do not use direct quotes.

Module 1 Assessments:

1. Learner Responsibility Assessment – complete the assessment to demonstrate understanding of your responsibilities in the course.

2. Self Introduction – introduce yourself and respond to one other student. The purpose of this DB is for you to get to know your peers. It is not graded.

3. Discussion Board: What is your definition of Nursing Excellence?

Thoroughly review the learning activities and provide a well developed discussion (note the point value of this assignment) answering the assignment questions.

4. Project Goals and Objectives – follow the directions carefully. Familiarize yourself with the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies and related Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSA’s). Focus on the competencies for your project. For example, do you need to improve patient-centered care, safety, etc. Week 1 template requires a minimum of four (4) total references: one (1) references from required course materials and three (3) peer-reviewed references from your project research. All references must be no older than five years. Be sure to refer to the grading rubric with every assignment. We follow the rubric for grading. This is important. Follow assignment directions and always refer to the rubric so important assignment elements are not missed.

APA Format-APA format is required on all written assignments.

Please note – Paraphrasing and Page Number Use-Do Not use Page Numbers

Please refer to the 6th Edition of the APA manual, page 171, section 6.04

…you are encouraged to use a page or paragraph number to help the reader locate the relevant passage in “a long or complex text”. We do not cite long or complex text. For example, scientific equations, etc. Please do not use page numbers when paraphrasing. Page numbers are only required for direct quotes (direct quotes are not to be used in this class), or when paraphrasing long or complex text.

Retrieval statements – Do not use the OU library as a retrieval statement. When do I use the doi? What if there is no doi number?

From the APA Manual

Here is an algorithm you may find helpful when using an electronic source (any reference material you get from the Internet).

Am I using an electronic source (journal, newsletter, magazine, book report)?

No = Reference as per the APA manual Reference Components (pp. 183-187)

Yes=Does my source have a doi?Yes= Includein reference as per pp. 187-192. See the following example

Ferguson, S. (2013). The global quest for nursing excellence.The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(11), 555-556. doi:10.197/01.NNA.0000434514.27739.e2

Does my source have a doi? = No

Perform search for doi onhttp://www.crossref.org

Did I find the doi? Yes= include in reference as per pp. 187-192

Did I find the doi usingcrossref.org?=No

If no doi has been assigned to the content, provide the home page URLof the journal or of the book or report publisher. See the following example

Author, A. (2015). How to format a reference entry without a digital object identifier.Journal of Formatting, 47(12), 720-721. http:www.journalof formatting.org

If you are accessing the article from a private database[My note: this includes the OU online library, EBSCO host, etc.]you may need to do a quick web search to locate this URL(pp. 191-192).

The OU library is not an appropriate retrieval statement source-use the home page URL. Again, do not use the OU Library or proxy as a retrieval statement or you will lose points. The retrieval statement should point to the source for anyone to access. If the reader is outside of OU they cannot access using the OU library.

Again, and this is important, using the OU library as a retrieval will result in lost points. The retrieval statement, preferably a doi, should take the reader (any reader) directly to the article. The OU library will not.

Please let me know if you have questions about this as I am happy to help you,

Please note the Plagiarism Announcement. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. You must not represent anothers as your own.

Late Assignments-late Discussion Board assignments are not accepted after Sunday.


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