

Discussion 4 Follow Up

– #1 Write a paragraph responding to: 
I again somewhat disagree with one of the points alluded to in the discussion prompt.  This claims that HR is becoming a strategic partner, when in fact, most research and industry professionals explain that HR is a strategic partner; no longer becoming, but is.  As an example, Wickham (2021) explains that HR has already transcended beyond a simple personnel management function and is an important part of successful organizational strategic planning and execution.  The references listed in the lecture are a bit dated, spanning from 2015 to 2018; arguably HR may have been still transforming at that time.

How HRs Role Can Impact Organizational Change Management:

As the role of organizational HR evolved, one thing remained constant; HR retains close relationships with the employee population.  This fact lends itself to two actions HR can provide that assist with organizational change management, they are to lead communication efforts and to remain focused on talent management.

Communication:  Lowisz (2020) reiterates the well-known fact that people are generally resistant to change, and for that reason, HR should be strategically responsible to the themes and messaging surrounding organizational change.  Managing the communication, both from the top down and from the bottom up, helps to ensure that all personnel are informed with all aspects of the organizational change.  From the top down, employees will better understand the reasons for change and the expected outcomes.  From the bottom up, senior leaders will be able to gage and meter the rate of change based on employee action/reaction.  HRs role as the strategic communicator will help manage organizational change.

Focus on Talent Management:  Talent management is among the most important HR functions within an organization.  From experience, often operational strategic planners fail to recognize the HR ramifications of decisions.  Meaning, do current jobs align with the changes, do we still have the right personnel to enact changes effectively?  The list goes on.  Research supports the theory that HR adds the personnel equation to change management through effective talent management by ensuring the organization continues to have the right people, in the right job, with the right skills, at the right time, to continue to accomplish the strategic mission after organizational change has occurred (Komm, et. al., 2021).     

HR Data/Information and Analysis/Reports that Assist with Organizational Change:

The list of HR relate data and reports HR has the ability to provide is endless.  Muller (2022) offers that HR has the ability to provide data to explain why employs are leaving the organization; is a rapid, ineffective communicated change part of the reason?  I will continue the thought with personal experience of something I am currently working.

Personal Experience Example of How HR Date Supports Change:

My organization is in the middle of significant change.  Vision 2028 provides six actionable issues required to meet the vision, which is a touchstone to 2035.  All of these actions require personnel.  Many implied tasks come from these directives.  At my level, I conducted a personnel analysis of one segment of the personnel requirements and found there are issues with the number of qualified personnel we have to accomplish the mission.  That was the first report, or metric.  The question was, why is this occurring.  Looking at all variables, such as recruiting, retention, training, and availability qualified personnel to transition to the area I was researching, one data point stuck out.  The factor I may have discovered is the cost to the member to attend training.  Law requires personnel to relocate to the location of the training academy if the school is over a certain period of time.  Our personnel gaps were in the jobs that support the Vision 2028 initiatives.  Compiling data from several sources led to me drafting a proposal that is pending congressional review, if approved, law will change, and I believe we will fix the training disconnect and solve the problem.  This issue has been discussed for years, but never had any traction nor was there any desire to attempt to change this specific status quo.  In this case, addressing the issue by analyzing personnel data and being able to explain how one small HR related change can fix an operational problem seems to have some momentum.  Time will tell.  The take away is operational strategic planners thrive on data, analysis, and metrics.  However, raw data means very little.  It is the HR professional that has the ability to shape the raw data into something that is tangible, actionable, credible, and important to the operational side of the organization.  HR is an important strategic business partner.

Komm, A., Pollner, F., Schaninger, B., & Sikka, S. (2021, May 19). The new possible: How HR can help build the organization of the future. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/the-new-possible-how-hr-can-help-build-the-organization-of-the-future

Lowisz, S. (2020, July 15). Council post: How HR can lead organizational change. Forbes. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2020/07/16/how-hr-can-lead-organizational-change/?sh=5c3ae7081da0

Muller, D. (2022, February 1). Want real HR change? look to data and analytics. HR Executive. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from https://hrexecutive.com/want-real-hr-change-look-to-data-and-analytics/

Wickham, N. (2021, April 6). HR as a strategic partner: The what, why, and how of strategic HR. Quantum Workplace. Retrieved April 12, 2022, from https://www.quantumworkplace.com/future-of-work/hr-as-a-strategic-partner#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20strategic%20HR,mission%20of%20the%20C%2Dsuite.

– #2 Write a paragraph responding to: 
How HRs role in an organization can impact its involvement during the change management process:

An organizational change affects employees in many ways. Since HR is in the business of supporting employees their roles in change management can be in many different capacities and can have significant importance and impact.

SHRM claims that organizational changes have a much better chance of success if HR is involved from the beginning in the planning stage (Harbert, 2021).

HR can influence the impact of change on an organizational change in many ways. These are few mentioned by SHRM, 2022:

Improving employees’ understanding of change.
Increasing communication between management and employees.
Identifying and mitigating risks.
Enhancing employee satisfaction.
Boosting trust between management and employees.
Improving employee skills and proficiency through change-related training initiatives.
HR can also play a dual role during change management by initiating and leading the change and by acting as a facilitator (SHRM, 2022).

Provide an example of data/information that HR can collect and analyze/provide reports to assist in making organizational changes:

A study done on data collected from employees regarding job salary and promotions showed a positive effect and correlation with job satisfaction and readiness to accept and support organizational change (Shah et al., 2017). This confirms the general idea that money motivates employees towards performance which can create loyalty to the organization, Sha et al., (2017). If employees are loyal to their employer, chances are they will support, embrace more easily adjust to organizational change, Shah et al., (2017).

Understanding an employees readiness to support an organizational change in a positive manner can provide insight and guidance to managers in support of their decisions regarding planning, strategy, and methods to keep employees engaged and motivated throughout the change process (Shah et al., 2017).

Additional research and investigation regarding employee attitude and behavior in relation to organization change is encouraged to further understand how these factors influence change in a positive manner (Shah et al., 2017).

Harbert, Tam. (2021, March 11). How to manage change. SHRM. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/spring2021/pages/managing-change.aspx (Links to an external site.)

Shah, N., Irani, Z., & Sharif, A. M. (2017). Big data in an HR context: Exploring organizational change readiness, employee attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Business Research, 70, 366378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.08.010

SHRM. (2022, March 11). Managing organizational change. Retrieved March 11, 2022 from  https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/managingorganizationalchange.aspx

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