

Academic Advisor Training Syllabus-Research paper

Project Scenario: Assume the hypothetical role of a Student Affairs professional within a university setting. You have been asked by your supervisor to prepare one 50-minute training session for a new team of academic advisors, who will be hired and onsite by the next semester, and an advance reading list that they will have read prior to the training. Your goal is to train the team of academic advisors on one learning objective that you will develop with an individual identity focus or a social identity focus as justified by student development theory.

As you have read in your Final Project instructions, one of the components of your project will include a one-page training syllabus that outlines the 50-minute training session on one, focused objective that is related to either student individual identity development or social identity development.

For your Week Five submission, you will begin with the training objective and reading list you completed in Week Three to develop the one-page training syllabus. The training should be focused on one key issue that the academic advisors will commonly encounter in their first term of service as related to the training objective. Be sure to keep in mind that your training session is limited to 50 minutes, and time at the beginning of a new term in a busy academic setting is valuable, so the focus of the session is essential.

No title page for the syllabus is required, but any sources consulted should be included on a separate References page in your submission. If developing a one-page training syllabus is new for you, consider using a Syllabus template to help you get started using an appropriate syllabus format.

This was week 3 submission with the respond from the instructor

Risk and Protective Factors for Successful Identity Development
Identity refers to self- definition of an individual which concentrates on enduring self-characteristics. In established identities, the individual explains the sources of the self- defined characteristics amicably, as well as the influences behind the origins (Wasserman et al, 2003). In a complete identity, there is clarification of a person’s standards, ethics, and morals, and the person has a future occupation commitment. Majority of the development theorists view identity development as a way through which an individual can elaborate the present as the bridge to the future from the past. This training aims at exploring student individual identity development. The objective is exploring the protective and risk factors responsible for successful identity development.
According to Siner (2011), influences on individual identity development in students are by interacting, multiple protective and risk factors. Risk factors refer to conditions and factors which link to heightened risk for thoughts and behaviors such as suicidal behavior and suicide. Recent research reviews indicate that there are several factors, which hinder students from successful individual identity development. On the other hand, protective factors are the experiences and factors which minimize the risks for suicide and substance abuse, and protect students from a wide array of social problems. It is imperative that students are monitored by the adults around them so that they identify risky behaviors and rectify them before they become extreme. Moreover, the adults should mentor and counsel the students to ensure positive identity development.
A successful achievement of identity is developed via embracing traditional values, and consequently expressing them through a contemporary way. Hence, students require a parent’s influence for traditional values, as well as friend’s influence for contemporary expression. It is, however, worth noting that extreme influence from friends and parents interferes with the personal commitment of students (Siner, 2011).
Parenting styles and influences from teachers profoundly affect identity achievement in students. A parenting style that emphasizes high communication and high standards encourages the adolescent student to explore in supportive environments. On the other hand, a parenting style that focuses on low communication but high standards may impact on healthy identity potential exploration. It is worth noting that permissive parents who never set standards for their adolescent students are promoting a diffused identity without clear commitments (Wasserman et al, 2003).
Protective Factors
Several clusters of protective factors appear as recurrent themes in the majority of longitudinal studies involving students who were successful in overcoming enormous odds. It is worth noting that some protective factors act as internal resources, which the student brings to their encounter through stressful life occurrences. However, others are external support sources in the community and family. Resilient students, as a whole, engage with adults, other people, and peers alike. They possess effective problem- solving and communication skills, as well as the capability of recruiting substitute caregivers actively; they possess an exceptional skill or talent which the peers’ value and they believe that their actions can make massive positive difference in others’ lives and their own, as well (Siner, 2011).
External factors also contribute to resilience. Affectional ties are extremely vital since they encourage initiative, autonomy, and trust in a student. These ties result from alternate caregivers, extended family members, and teachers. Moreover, there are support systems found in communities that reward and reinforce the competencies of these youngsters, as well as offer them positive role models. These include peer friends, mentors, teachers, and caring neighbors. Data reviewed from previous research indicates that protective factors possess a more generalized impact on the adaptation of children, as opposed to stressful life events and risk factors (Werner, 1990). The buffering processes which shape resilience are present in students from all races and various social contexts.
Majority of studies have established that students who are resilient enjoy school, irrespective of whether it is high, grade, or nursery school. Some of the students may not be gifted exceptionally; however, those who demonstrate the greatest resilience dedicate all their abilities to good use. These children make school a home far from home, and a refuge from the disordered household. There exists an outstanding similarity in characteristics of school and home environments, which are associated with bigger student’s resilience from divorced families (Siner, 2011). In the two settings, the vast adaptive behavior degree among students was linked to a more nurturant and responsive atmosphere, as well as a more predictable and organized environment. This consistently enforced and clearly defined responsibilities, rules, and standards. Indeed assignment of responsibility, rule enforcement, organization, and structure are more significant for divorced families’ students compared to non- divorced families. Control and structure are considered more salient for resilience fostering in boys. On the other hand, responsibility assumption and nurturance were more vital for girls (Wasserman et al, 2003).
The favorite teacher is the positive role model who is encountered most frequently, outside family circles. For resilient youngster students, the outstanding teacher is not only an academic skill instructor but a positive role model and confidant, as well. When students identify themselves with a role model, they become more confident and develop positive individual identity. Studies have tried exploring the teacher’s role as protective buffers in students’ lives who had grown up in homes stained by parental mental illness, poverty, domestic strife, and alcoholism. The studies coincide that mentors and teachers have an extremely vital positive influence on children at risk. A follow- up study conducted on 24 Nazi Holocaust child survivors revealed that the survivors had a lot to attribute to the woman who was their nursery school teacher (Siner, 2011). She provided care and warmth, and taught them to be compassionate always.
In another follow- up study, women and men in their midlife were the participants. They had spent the early childhood years, as well as infancy with the mothers in a maximum- security prison as the Greek Civil War was happening. Majority of the children’s fathers had been killed since they were resistance fighters while the mothers awaited execution. Therefore, fellow prisoners sustained these children, particularly professional women. The children were taught how to play, sing, and read, and this sustained their spirits and health until liberation. These children are presently middle aged and have matured into caring and competent parents with established roots in the respective communities.
Risk Factors
Child delinquency results from ineffective identity development in students. Child delinquency risk factors operate in domains such as the child’s school, peer group, family, media, neighborhood, and the individual child. Majority of professionals agrees that not a single risk factor is responsible for unsuccessful identity development in students. Assisting students to develop positive individual identity is vital in reducing the crime rate, as well as a crime- related tax dollar expenditures (Werner, 1990). More significantly, it helps students shun delinquent behavior consequences by escalating the chances that they lead productive and law- abiding lives.
Irrespective of the fact that there are some similar risk factors among delinquents, the combination and patterns of risk factors differ. Professionals possess immense knowledge in regard to protective and risk factors which are relevant for intervention and screening (Werner, 1990). For instance, majority of the professionals agree that, during the early life of a child, the most key risks emerge from individual and family factors. Individual factors include temperament difficulties, sensation seeking, hyperactivity, and birth complications. On the other hand, family factors include poor child- rearing practices, substance abuse, and parent criminal or antisocial behavior. As the child matures and is integrated in the society, novel risk factors which are related to the community, school, and peer influences emerge, and they play an extremely monumental role. It is difficult for a child who failed to develop a positive identity while in the family as a result of negative parental and sibling influences, to do so after integration in the society (particularly at school). First, such children have low self- esteem and are unable to relate well with others. Teachers should be keen, therefore, to identify such children and assist them remedy their identity. Although this is extremely hard, it is worth a try.
Annotated Bibliography
Siner, S. (2011). A Theory of Atheist Student Identity Development. Journal of the Indiana University Student Personnel Association, 2 (7), 14-21.
The paper proposes an identity development theory for atheist college student. There is an analysis of the parallels that exist between LGB (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) and atheist college students as participants in marginalized, salient, and invisible minority group. The paper applies the 1998 Small’s theory of atheist faith development in students to the 1998 Fassinger’s theory of identity development among LGB students. With the use of this conceptual framework, the paper focuses at explaining how the manner in which atheist students develops group and individual identities.
For the purpose of this paper, this reference was vital in that it discusses theories which are vital for identity development in students. It analyses the factors that are responsible for development of identity in the two groups. These factors are exploration, awareness, commitment/ deepening, and synthesis/ internalization.
Wasserman, G. A.; Keenan, K.; Tremblay, R. E.; Coie, J. D.; Herrenkohl, T. I.; Loeber, R. & Petechuk, D. (2003). Risk and Protective Factors of Child Delinquency. U. S. Department of Justice: Child Delinquency Bulletin Series.
The Bulletin is a constituent of OJJDP’s Child Delinquency Series. It presents the Study Group on Very Young Offenders results. Moreover, it provided the latest information regarding child delinquency, analysis of statistics on child delinquency, factors responsible for highly young offending origins, as well as a description of the early intervention approaches and programs which are successful in preventing delinquent behavior development. To achieve this, there is a keen focus on protective and risk factors.
This reference was extremely useful in the research done on this paper. It has comprehensive information on the protective and risk factors responsible for identity development. It offers succinct elaborations of how role models, mentors, teachers, caregivers, and siblings contribute to the identity development of a student.
Werner, E. E. (1990). Protective Factors and Individual Resilience (Chap. 4, 115- 132). New York: Cambridge University Press.
This reference covers individual resilience and protective factors comprehensively. The results of several longitudinal studies have also been analysed. Protective factors responsible for identity development during various stages in life are discussed. The stages discussed are infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Protective factors that play a role within the family (maternal competence, siblings, grandparents, and caregivers) have been explored comprehensively. Moreover, there is a discussion of the protective factors that are most essential in the community. These include friends, school, mentors, and teachers. This reference has been extremely useful since the explanations offered are comprehensive and clear. The article covers all the protective that surround a student and which play a role in identity development.

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