

Algorithmic alert correlation


For this assignment you will have to conduct a literature review and draft a report around a particular topic.  Identifying the required literature based on a topic, produce notes, develop a technical report based on the literature review.

The specs are the following:

Paper length: 3 pages, this is a report not an essay, no paragraphs only bullet points. (this is a min length, there is no max)

References: 5 papers


You will have to identify one of the following topics that you would like to work on:

– Algorithmic alert correlation

Paper identification

Once you have identified the topic you will have to focus on a specific Network Layer (physical, link, internet, transport, application) for your 5 papers. It is acceptable if some techniques apply to multiple layers but your focus should be that all papers should discuss things around the area that you will select. Note that you are allowed to focus on a technology (WiFi, mobile networks, wireless sensors), which can have implications for multiple layers.

No papers older than 10 years (use filters to restrict these out). All papers must be from peer-reviewed journals, conferences or books from respectable academic publishers (Wiley, Pearson, O’Reilly, Springer, ACM, IEEE etc.), if you are not certain, please ask.

Technical Report

The focus of your report should be in relation to the presented techniques/approaches/tools/algorithms from these papers that achieve a goal (e.g., efficiently detecting invaders in a private network).

In your report, you need to build a classification of these techniques where they overlap. You can invent your own classification that makes the most sense. The classification can be made based on the technique, the data used, algorithmic complexity etc. Use the one that makes more sense in presenting the results.

The report should compare and contrast the techniques presented in your 5 papers. If they contain 5 techniques that is fine, if they contain more you can include them but you do not have to (that is not a mandatory requirement).

Comparing means that you have use elements on how each technique is better than another and what are the weaknesses (if any) for each technique. Examples of aspects are: distance limitations, protocol limitations, time complexity, traffic, efficiency, accurasy, human required intervention or full automation etc. You need to compare at least 3 aspects for each technique.

The report is a technical report so all aspects should have a focus and the expected audience should be for computer scientists (not the general public). Avoid using broad introductory paragraphs that take the long way to introduce a topic (e.g., in 1970s TCP did not exist but let’s discuss for a paragraph its early days in the 80s during the ARPANET years, now let’s discuss about forensic tools for TCP).

As a template (for stylistic purposes on structuring headings and bullet points) you can view this technical report: http://www.ieee802.org/16/liaison/docs/L80216-04_10.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Use of tables is encouraged wherever it makes sense. Do not use figures unless they efficiently can describe something that cannot otherwise be described with words (e.g., an odd topology, a complex looped flowchart).


100% – technical report

Scientific Report Rubric (adapted from San Diego State University) (1)
Scientific Report Rubric (adapted from San Diego State University) (1)
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
8.75 pts
Presents a concise lead-in to the report
7.0 pts
Gives too much information–more like a summary.
4.0 pts
Gives very little information.
1.0 pts
Does not give any information about what to expect in the report.
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch
8.75 pts
Answers most questions and includes many other interesting facts.
7.0 pts
Answers some questions and includes a few other interesting facts.
4.0 pts
Answers some questions.
1.0 pts
Does not answer any questions suggested in the template.
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose/Problem
8.75 pts
Addresses a real issue directly related to research findings
7.0 pts
Addresses an issue somewhat related to research.
4.0 pts
Addresses a topic or issue that is unrelated to research.
1.0 pts
Does not address an issue related to course topic
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProcedure
8.75 pts
Presents easy-to follow steps that are logical and adequately detailed
7.0 pts
Most of the steps are understandable; some lack detail or are confusing.
4.0 pts
Some of the steps are understandable; most are confusing and lack detail.
1.0 pts
Not sequential, most steps are missing or are confusing.
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData & Results
8.75 pts
Data table and graph neatly completed and very accurate.
7.0 pts
Both accurate, some ill-formed characters
4.0 pts
Both complete, minor inaccuracies and/or illegible characters.
1.0 pts
Data table and/or graph missing information and are inaccurate.
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
8.75 pts
Presents a logical explanation for findings and addresses most of the questions
7.0 pts
Presents a logical explanation for findings and addresses some of the questions
4.0 pts
Presents an illogical explanation for findings and addresses few questions.
1.0 pts
Presents an illogical explanation for findings and does not address any of the questions suggested in the template.
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar & Spelling
8.75 pts
All grammar and spelling are correct
7.0 pts
Only one or two errors.
4.0 pts
More than two errors
1.0 pts
Very frequent grammar and/or spelling errors.
8.75 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttractiveness
8.75 pts
Printed, clean and neatly bound in a report cover, illustrations provided.
7.0 pts
Legible writing, wellformed characters, clean and neatly bound in a report cover, illustrations provided.
4.0 pts
Legible writing, some ill-formed letters, print is too small or too large, papers stapled together.
1.0 pts
Illegible writing, loose pages.
8.75 pts
Total Points: 70.0


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