


Assignment Requirements


Typical Structure of the Final Project Report


The structure and contents of the Final Report may/will vary due to the nature of your project – see your supervisor.

Word Count – 10 000 words average, 8000 – 1200 acceptable.


Title and Declaration sheets (2) – available in appendix


Contents page

Introduction– including the academic question, aims and objectives, background to the project. Introduce the structure of the report.

Literature Review

Research/investigation from which the remainder of the report is based upon. Include all key literature you have found. You are not trying to answer the academic question in this section. It is the basis to answering the academic question. Compare, contrast and evaluate what is found – show understanding.

Main body of the report in sections

To include :

Full details of the Artefact

Development of the artefact, use of the development cycle, justification of tools and techniques, testing at all stages,

Supporting information (if required)

Answering the academic question.

Should not be a simple statement but a section(s) where all issues from the research, results from the artefact are considered.

Justification for the answer from your research, artefact and supporting information.


Conclusions – including reference to the initial aims of the project and academic question.

Critical evaluation of the product – final report, software, findings, etc and process – planning, management, quality of sources found, etc. You should also include a section on Self reflection.

References and Bibliography

Appendices to the Final Report

Do not forget you also need to submit your project management details – see assessment details.

Appendix–SUPERVISORS’ Project Final Report and Project Management Marking/Feedback Sheet (45%).


Student: Summative assessment submitted via Wolf topic.

See assessment details for what to submit. See Appendix for typical structure.

Supervisor: You should indicate your marks and add comments for each section electronically on the marking/feedback sheet. In order to pass the module the Final Report and Management mark must be at least a pass.

Very Important 1. Upload the marking sheet back to Wolf for student feedback

Important 2. If the project overall mark is not a pass then you must complete the resit/resubmit section of the form. This information will be available to the student.

Important 3. If a student has failed to pass the project management section, it is recommended to set resit details to ‘complete all log book entries and project plans retrospectively and to write a 2* A4 page on the topic of project management’ .This may be in addition to other resit details.

Module Leader: Check all marking and uploads, Add all marks to evision, Sample for moderation.


Student No Students Name



Project Title



Supervisors’ name



You must complete the following Table

  Percentage Awarded  
Project Proposal Mark (20%)


  Previously submitted, available on Wolf
Final Project Poster Mark (10%)


  Available as a separate submission
Turnitin(TTI) Report Score


Score= If the score is >20% you must add comments to section A below.
Project and Management Mark (45%)

Please note the percentage mark is derived from the marking sheet below. It is not mechanically calculated from the marking sheet, it is a matter of academic judgement.

Must pass this section to pass the module

  This is the mark derived from the marking sheet below.

Marks must be within 2 grade points (equi) of second marker and both be a pass/fail.

Project Viva completed Yes/No No mark should be entered until a viva has taken place.


SUPERVISORS’ Project Report and Project Management Marking/Feedback Sheet (45%).

 Section A.

If the Turnitin score is greater than 20% you must investigate the TII report and add comments to the box below. A high score not necessary imply plagiarism (academic misconduct), further investigation of the TII report by the supervisor will be required.

Support:    http://www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=27457


 Supervisor TTI commets.

If academic misconduct is suspected then please contact the module leader and Reader of the project. A mark of 0AM (or equivalent) should be entered.

  Section B

In order to pass the Project and Management ALL projects must meet the requirements of the check list below. If the check list is failed then a Failed mark should be entered for the Project and Management. Detailed resit feedback should also be provided


Check List to cover the British Computer Society (BCS) – The Chartered Institute for IT

The project must be practical and problem solving in nature.


Typical Artefacts:

Software/hardware/system(s) development to produce a fully working or prototype based system OR

The implementation of a suitable algorithm OR

The development of a testable design of suitable complexity?





Is the project related to the course of study?


Does the project include testing at all relevant stages of development?


Does the project make use of the development life cycle?



Supervisors’ general feedback/comments. (Resit feedback below)


SUPERVISORS’ Project Report and Project Management Marking/Feedback Sheet (45%) AND FINAL MARK.


Section C

To be completed by the Supervisor Only


Resit/Resubmit Details – Compulsory for failed projects


Note. It is important to complete the form below if a student has failed to obtain a minimum pass mark for the project.


Please complete this section in detail and with care.

Please add clear and full details of what the student must do in terms of the project in order to gain a pass mark. This information MUST be made available to the student by uploading to Wolf.


Students who has been awarded a resit opportunity must resubmit their work during the University resit week or at the next available opportunity.

Project Resubmission Details.

Supervisor only



Section D. 6CS007 Professionalism and Project (40 Credit)

SUPERVISORS’ Project Report and Project Management Marking/Feedback Sheet (45%)

Note. Marks are not mechanically calculated but are a matter of academic judgement based on the University Performance Descriptors FINAL which can be found in the appendix


Ass Criteria
Percentage – based upon University Performance Descriptors Comments
Level of Challenge.


Consider: Difficulty/depth/breadth


Information readily available

Literature Search and Review



Range, quality and relevance of research.


Comparison, evaluation, synthesis of information, discussion based, etc.


Shown understanding of literature produced

Report Specific Contents.



Artefact & answering the Academic Question


Complete and relevant. Quality of Artefact.


Analysis, Design and Testing of the Artefact


Academic question answered?

. .
Conclusions and

Critical Evaluation.



To include addressing Aim and objectives of the project.


Evaluation of Artefact and process. Strengths and weaknesses. Balanced argument.

Supporting information used

Report Structure.



Completeness, clear and well structured. Logical.



contents page,


Appendices, etc.


Enhances the reader’s understanding

Report Presentation



Thoughts & ideas clearly expressed.


Grammar & spelling accurate.


Fluent writing style.

References and Bibliography



References consistent and accurate.


Harvard system correctly used.

Logbook / Project




Management skills demonstrated.


Detailed log book.


Evidence of planning.


Attendance at meetings.



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