

Business Case Report for your e-commerce strategy

Assignment Requirements


Sir actually my assignment is to built an ecommerce website on joomla 2.5 and than write a report on it.
My website Name is MALIK FLOWERMART.
as suggested its about flowers.
So you have to consider my website and than write accordingly.
This assignment is my assignment 4.
I will also attach my assigbnmnt 2 so that you will get an idea what I wrote in Assignmnt 2.
Because when you check the assignment specfications it has some questions about assignment 2.
Text book is : Laudon, K & Traver, C 2013, Electronic commerce 2013: Business, Technology and Society, 9th edn, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Supplementary texts

Summers, J & Smith, B 2010, Communication skills handbook: how to succeed in written and oral communication, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane.

When preparing your assignments you will also be expected to comply with the guidelines set out in this book.

Recommended references

Schneider, G 2010, Electronic Commerce 9th Edn, Cengage, ISBN 9780538469241.

The web sormat which I am working on is Cloudaccess 2.0 , Joomla 2.5

Learning objectives and graduate skills tested

This assignment relates to all of the course objectives but more specifically to your practical understanding and evaluation of the key issues in relation to the development of the infrastructure and functionality for an e-commerce enterprise.

Assignment 4 specifications

This Assignment 4 builds on the research and analysis conducted for your proposed e-commerce strategy and preliminary prototype e-commerce built in Assignment 2. Assignment 4 consists of THREE tasks.




TASK 3 – Business Case Report for your e-commerce strategy

You are required to provide a business case for the e-commerce strategy you have adopted for your organization and reflect on your experiences and insight arising from the development of the accompanying e-commerce website in terms of the following:


  1. Describe the e-commerce website features and functionality that have been implemented in Task 2. (200 words approx.)
  2. List any additional features incorporated in your website over and above the specified requirements (100 words approx.)
  3. Provide a site map of your e-commerce website in the form of a tree diagram that shows hierarchical structure of your e-commerce website.
  4. List any essential features not implemented in your e-commerce website and describe any major deviations from your original plans outlined in Assignment 2 (200 words approx.)
  5. Describe the features that are likely to be implemented in your e-commerce website in the next phase of the development process to further enhance the usability and functionality of your e-commerce site, and how you would use the Joomla CMS to facilitate this (400 words approx.)
  6. Briefly describe and reflect on the challenges encountered in using Joomla! as the development environment for your e-commerce website (200 words approx.)
  7. Describe how you will address security and privacy issues in your e-commerce website (400 words approx.)
  8. Describe how you will address backend integration and legacy system issues associated with your e-commerce website (300 words approx.)
  9. List and briefly describe the hardware and software required to establish your e-commerce website as a live and fully functional entity, and provide a table of the estimated costs (hardware, software, human resources, ongoing maintenance, etc.) (300 words approx.)
  10. Provide and justify a plan for a live implementation of your proposed e-commerce web site including a prioritised timeline in a table (300 words approx.)
  11. Identify and describe the expected benefits that will arise from implementing your e-commerce website (300 words approx.)
  12. List and briefly describe how you used any links and resources to research and build your e-commerce site for this assignment (300 words approx.)

(40 marks)



Submission Requirements


Your solution

Your solution should conform to the guidelines laid out in Summers, J & Smith, B 2010, Communication skills handbook, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Queensland.



Originality of submission


This assignment must be the expression of your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to assignment questions must be done on your own. This also means that it is not sufficient to merely paraphrase the entire assignment content from a textbook or other source. Your assignment answers need be a reflection and synthesis of your research of the associated topics. This should be evident from the use of the references listed in your report in the body of your report to support argument and discussion presented for Task 3 Business Case report.


You need to demonstrate your understanding of associated topics for each assignment. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in Academic Regulation 5.10 of the USQ Handbook. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the Faculty of Business policy for further details.


An indiscriminate overuse of incorrectly referenced or cited web pages in your assignment will result in poor marks.



Late submission of assignment work


Late assignments will be penalised unless permission has been granted by the course leader BEFORE the assignment due date. Late assignments may be penalised by reducing the allocated mark by 5% per day late.



Other submission requirements


1)      Formatting

  1. Page size should be A4. Allow for TOP MARGIN – 2.5 cm; BOTTOM MARGIN – 2.5 cm; SIDE MARGINS – 2.5 cm
  2. Major headings should be in upper case, 14 point Times New Roman Bold
  3. Minor headings should be in lower case, 12 point Times New Roman Bold
  4. Body text should be formatted to 12 point, Times New Roman
  5. Use single or one and half line spacing
  6. Assignments should be in one of the following formats:

i.      Microsoft Word (2010)

ii.      Microsoft Word (2007)

iii.      Rich Text Format (RTF)

iv.      Portable Document Format (PDF)



2)      BEFORE submitting your FINAL version of the assignment to the online submission system (EASE) you must upload your draft copies to the online TURNITIN system (see the course StudyDesk for details on accessing and using the TURNITIN system).

  1. TURNITIN produces an Originality Report that shows your overall similarity index. If the index is less than 25 percent, your assignment is considered to be plagiarism-free. If not, you will have to rework your assignment, using the feedback in the Originality Report as a guide, and then resubmit it to TURNITIN for another round of checks until you are satisfied that it meets the requirements.

3)      The file naming guidelines are as follows:

  1. It is important that you use this convention to ensure that assignments can be tracked: Familyname_studentnumber_CIS8100_A2_XXXXXXXXX
  2. Replace ‘familyname’ with YOUR family or surname
  3. Replace ‘studentnumber’ with YOUR student number (which starts with ‘00’)
  4. Replace ‘XXXXXXXXXX’ with

i.      Task 1

ii.      Task 2

iii.      Task 3

iv.      TURNITIN


4)      Once you have obtained a plagiarism-free assignment you should submit the Originality Report (in pdf format) along with your FINAL assignment (in WORD or pdf format) electronically through the online assignment submission system (EASE). No hardcopy submissions will be accepted. See the course StudyDesk for instructions on uploading your assignment.


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