

Case Study on Ohio Lottery

Case study:-
Read the case study Ohio Lottery: Innovative Research: Design Drives Winning. Answer the
following questions:
a. What is the main research question the researchers are trying to solve for?
b. Review the overall research design in the Ohio Lottery case (See Exhibit OL-1).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this design? Would you select a different
research design? Why or why not?
c. Evaluate the MET process (Exhibit OL-2). What are some of the strengths and
weaknesses of the MET technique?
d. Review the sample questions provided (Exhibit OL-3) Why might the lottery attitude
and lottery importance questions have presented the most challenge to the professional
e. Evaluate the MET discussion guide for the Ohio Lottery Research.

Case Studies: Prepare a double-spaced paper (2-4 pages without title, references, etc).
Please follow the APA rules for completing this assignment. Be sure to support your answers
with at least 4 references( you must cite our book:
Required Books
Business Research Methods by Donald Cooper, Pamela Schindler. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
11 edition (2010) ISBN:0073373702 ISBN-13:9780073373706 eISBN:9780077550684

Writing Assignments:

There may be writing assignments due each week. Students are to apply critical thinking in
all writing. While content is very important in a writing assignment, students are expected
to check the spelling (do not always rely on the spell check on your computer) and to use
correct grammar in all assignments. All papers should follow APA Guidelines (ex:
Introduction, Body, Conclusion, use headers, references, etc) 75% of the grade will be
based on content. 25% of the grade will be based on style and format including such items
as clarity of communication, sentence and paragraph construction, punctuation, spelling,
and grammar. In order to receive all points for the weekly assignments, be sure to answer
ALL of the questions in the assignment, from the syllabus. Outstanding papers should make a
strong argument. All written assignments must utilize and site at least three different
texts or articles. Assignments missing 3 references will have point reductions. Please see
Appendix A for my Grading Criteria and Rubric. Be sure to review academic standards and
referencing guidelines from APA. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism:
Academic dishonesty includes such actions as cheating on examinations or assignments,
turning someone else’s work in as if it were your own, and plagiarism. Plagiarism includes
failing to adequately cite sources of information, using someone’s ideas, information, or
words as if they were your own, etc.

Academic dishonesty also includes turning in work submitted for a grade in another course.
For example, it would be considered academic dishonesty to turn in a paper that you wrote
for English 101 as if you had written it for Philosophy 202. In addition, turning in a
paper that you constructed by simply cutting and pasting sections from a paper you wrote
previously, is also considered academic dishonesty. Although the consequences of plagiarism
and/or academic dishonesty may vary, depending on the nature of the violation, the Student
Handbook states, “The penalty for plagiarism or any other form of academic dishonesty will
be failure in the course in which the academic dishonesty occurred”.
75% Content and Development
? All key elements of the assignments are covered in a substantive way
? Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive
? Major points are stated clearly; supported by details, examples, or analysis; and
organized clearly
? Where appropriate, the paper supports major points with theory relevant to
development of the ideas, and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly
? There is integration of theory and practice whereby the writer is able to link
theoretical information to practical experience
? Research is adequate and relevant for the topic
? The context and purpose of the writing is clear

10% Organization, Readability, and Style
? The structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow
? The paper’s organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose, and is directed
toward the appropriate audience
? Sentences are complete, clear, and concise
? Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied structure
? Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought
? Words used are precise and unambiguous
? The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major
? Paragraph transitions are present and logical, and maintain the flow of thought
throughout the paper
? Ideas flow in a logical sequence
? The conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper
? The conclusion reviews the major points of the paper
? The tone of the paper is appropriate to the content and assignment

15% Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Format
? Rules of grammar, word usage, and punctuation are followed
? Third person is used unless otherwise specified
? Spelling is generally correct, and there’s evidence that the paper has been
? Sentences and paragraphs are constructed in accordance with accepted rules of
? Colloquial or slang expressions and *buzz* words are not used
? Writing of numbers is appropriate (“eight” v. “47”)
? Contractions are constructed and used appropriately
? Parallel construction, subject/verb agreement, unambiguous and congruent pronouns,
and appropriate use of plurals are evident
? Title includes: student name, date of submission, name of the course, and faculty
? Pages are numbered starting with the first page of the paper, and including the
last name of the student in page header format
? One inch margins are utilized throughout the paper
? 11 or 12 point font on all pages – please use Times New Roman (or Times in some
programs) or Arial only
? The paper, including citations and reference page, follows APA format
? The paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aids (sections,
summaries, table of content, appendices) when appropriate. Assignments that have fewer than
eight pages do not require either an abstract or table of contents.
? Source material is cited appropriately and included on the reference page
? References are utilized appropriately and cited within the body of the paper
? Headings are used as specified in APA Guidelines
? The paper is neat, with attention given to appropriate format requirements
? The student’s original work is evident
Important APA Requirements
Most universities require that all major papers be written in American Psychological
Association (APA) writing style. While you are not required to master all of the details of
APA style writing, there are basic elements that you are required to use. Hopefully, you
have kept The Bedford handbook (Hacker, 2005; 2006) or A Writer’s Reference (Hacker, 2007)
from Proseminar or Seminar I, as you will need it to guide you in writing course papers.
Writing “Voice”
While APA style writing now permits use of first person pronouns (e.g., I, we), some
instructors prefer that papers be written in third person, or research, voice. Ask your
instructor which “voice” he or she prefers. If the instructor prefers third person voice,
if you need to refer to yourself, do so as “this writer,” “this author,” this
“investigator,” or “this researcher.”
Double Spacing
Double-space the entire paper. This includes everything from the title page through the
reference page. Set the word processor up for double spacing with no additional points
before or after paragraphs. There will be no need to change this setting, even for the
reference page.
Page Numbers and Running Head
Place page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of every page, starting with the title
page as page one (1). The page number is accompanied by the running head, which appears on
the same line, at the left margin and in all capital letters. The running head consists of
two or three major words from the title of the paper. For example, if the title is
“Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling,” the running head could be Glass Ceiling.
Title Page
The first page of the paper is the title page. It should consist of at least the following:
title of paper, type of assignment, student name, course number and name, instructor name,
and date. See the sample APA paper in The Bedford handbook or A Writer’s Reference for how
to format this page.
Main headings (e.g., Introduction) should be centered on the page. Capitalize the first
letter of each major word in the heading. Headings are in boldface, but do not underline.
Second-level headings should be flush with the left-hand margin and bold—not italicized. In
all likelihood, you will not need a third-level heading. If you do, indent the heading five
spaces, use boldface, use lowercase for all words other than the first word, and end it
with a period(.).
Sections of the Paper
The exact titles of the sections of the paper will vary, depending on the particular
course, nature of the paper, and the individual instructor’s preference. Some of the common
titles of sections are: Introduction, Review of the Literature, Findings (if you are doing
original research), Discussion, Conclusion and Implications, and References (as a separate
page). Papers that are less formal may be divided into sections that make sense for the
particular topic of the paper.
Citing Sources of Information
One thing that distinguishes an academic research paper from other papers is the citation
of sources used in the development of the paper. Failure to cite one’s sources is
considered plagiarism. According to Aaron (2005), “Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s
words and/or ideas as if they were your own” (p. 459). In other words, if all of the
information in a paragraph is not your own thinking, ideas, opinions, or research, then
credit needs to be given to the source(s) of the information. Make conscious and deliberate
attempts to distinguish others’ work and words from your own. Plagiarism can result in
serious consequences—anything from an “F” on the paper, to an “F” in the course, to
expulsion from college. Cite your sources when:
1. You are using someone else’s words, ideas, and/or research. Even when
paraphrasing, the source needs to be cited.
2. Cite the source when writing about a controversial statement or using a unique idea
from something you read. The citation should include the author(s) and year of publication.
3. You are using a direct quotation, in which case you indicate the author(s), year of
publication, and the page number(s). For short quotations, use quotation marks. For longer
quotations (over 40 words long), indent the entire quotation five spaces. Regardless of the
length of the quotation, the page number(s) should be indicated.
4. You are citing specific statistics, dates, or numbers. The page number(s) need to
be included.
5. If you find the same information in several sources, it is reasonable to assume
that the information is “common knowledge in the profession.” If this is the case, you
probably don’t need to cite the source(s).
The particular mechanics of citing sources are explained in The Bedford handbook or A
Writer’s Reference
Examples of Citing Sources Using APA Style
According to Rice and Dolgin (2005), “Computer games first appeared in the 1970s, and since
then, their use has skyrocketed as they have incorporated more complex themes and better
graphics” (p. 17). As computer games have become increasingly available and popular, many
parents, psychologists, and educators have raised concerns about whether the violence
portrayed in the video games leads to more aggressive or violent behavior in children.
Buchman and Funk (1996) found that almost half of the games played by children, ages nine
to twelve, involved aggression (p. 24). Another study concluded that a significant
percentage of the violence was directed toward women (Dietz, 1998).
Anderson and Dill (2000) suggested three reasons that playing violent games might be even
worse than watching violence on television or in movies. First, video games “actively
reward a player’s aggressive actions. By killing, the player earns points and moves closer
to succeeding at his or her goal” (p. 17). Second, the authors point out that video games
require active participation, which “promotes the development of aggressive scripts and
develops the habit of selecting violent responses” (p. 18). Third, “When playing a violent
computer game, the player takes on the role of the hero, who succeeds by killing ‘the bad
guys’ . . . the more a television viewer identifies with an aggressive hero, the more
deleterious the effects of televised violence” (p. 19).
Constructing an APA-style Reference Page
The last page(s) of a paper is(are) the reference page(s). The main heading for this
section is simply References. The following are some basic requirements for listing
1. List only those references that you actually cited within the text of the paper.
2. Alphabetize the entries by the last name of the first author.
3. Use only the initials of the first and middle names of authors (not full names).
4. If the same author has published more than one work, cite the oldest entry first.
5. If the “author” is an organization, use the name of the organization as the author
(e.g., American Red Cross).
6. If there is no author, the title of the work moves to the author position.
7. Indent (use a hanging indent) the second and subsequent lines of each reference.
8. Consult The Bedford handbook or A Writer’s Reference for more details (e.g., what
information is italicized, placement of periods, commas, etc.).
Aaron, J. E. (2005). The little brief brown handbook (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Anderson, B. J., & Dill, P. A. (2000). Mass media and violence in children. New York,
NY: Norton.
Buchman, R. R., & Funk, C. (1996). Children’s video games: A content analysis of the
ten top-
selling video games. Journal of Personality and Abnormal Psychology, 36, 24-27.
Dietz, M. B. (1998, July). Videogames likely to demean women. Telehealth News, 2(2).
Retrieved from https://www.telehealth.net
Hacker, D. (2007). A writer’s reference (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Hacker, D. (2005; 2006). The Bedford handbook (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Rice, C. F., & Dolgin, P. S. (2005). Are video games hazardous to your child’s health?
[Electronic version]. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychology, 5, 17-19.

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