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Archive for the ‘Accounting’
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Purchase Point Media Corporation (PPMC) INTRODUCTION This case is based on

Case 1: Purchase Point Media Corporation (PPMC) INTRODUCTION This case is based on actual financial projections developed and provided by a publicly traded firm, Purchase Point Media Corporation (PPMC). Carefully examine the PPMC projections, which are presented in a sequence and format suitable for break-even calculation and analysis. After you calculate the break-even point, use additional, publicly available information to come to a decision with respect to market potential. The increase in the price per share of PPMC stock suggests that, over time, the market may have reacted to their results and analyses, using a comparable methodology. CASE BACKGROUND Purchase Point Media Corporation (Pink Sheets: PPMC) is what some refer to as a thinly traded “corporate shell.” The firm held patents in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Germany for a shopping-cart display device, but was a nonreporting and nonoperating entity. On March 18, 2002, PPMC reported its intention to sel

The newspaper industry and Springfield Publishing

Springfield PuBLISHING SETTING THE STAGE – BACKGROUND: The newspaper industry and Springfield Publishing Newspaper publishing is a classic example of an industry that evolved within a changing set of economic conditions. Many say the demise of the daily paper is just a matter of time – and not much time at that. Circulation is dropping, display and classified ad revenue is drying up, and the industry in recent years has experienced an unprecedented wave of layoffs. The future of journalism is in the digital world of websites and apps, not newsprint, some say.   The financial ratios below paint a bleak picture of Springfield’s financial health. It is apparent that Springfield has been facing the same economic pressures as its competitors: declining margins and sales. Sales increased substantially in 2013, but quickly fell below 2012 levels. Assets have been shrinking as Springfield closed down publishing facilities and reduced new investments in order to conserve cash. B

You will analyze the government wide financial statements for the City of Arborland

You will analyze the government wide financial statements for the City of Arborland for a 3 year period. Use Exercise 10-20 on page 436 in your textbook as a guide. You will find the Statements of Net Position and Statements of Activities for FY 2015, 2016, and 2017 on pages 437-440. You will complete parts a & b of Exercise 10-20 using the Excel template found above. Parts a & b require you to calculate financial ratios for FY 2015, 2016, and 2017. Prepare your ratios in a presentable spreadsheet that will be included with your paper in week 3 and in your presentation in week 4. Reck, J. &Lowensohn,S. (2016). Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities, 17thed + Connect*. York, NY: Mc-Graw Hill Comparative Ratios. The government-wide financial statements for the City of Arborland for a three-year period are presented on the following pages. Additional information follows: Population: Year 2017: 30,420, Year 2016: 28,291, Year 2015: 26,374. Debt limit remained

Target Corporation

Target Corporation Assignment Overview   At this point you have examined three years of financial statements for your firm and produced a proforma statement. You have also determined their sustainable growth rate as well. You have also learned about various financial ratios. In a comprehensive summary of your firm, analyze following financial information for your firm for the last three years. Revenue Net Income Profitability Ratios Gross Profit Margin Net Profit Margin Return on Assets Liquidity Ratios Current Ratio Market Ratios Earnings per Share Price to Earnings Ratio Debt measures Debt to Asset Ratio Explain what each ratio and piece of financial data means and explain the trends in each; are they increasing or decreasing and is this trend positive or negative for the firm and why? Analyze this financial data! Using the information from IP4, explain the Sustainable Growth Rate for your firm and what it means for your company (do NOT copy and pas

Choose a leader from history whom you admire

Essay Choose a leader from history whom you admire. Similarly to the Barnes, Humphreys, Oyler, Pane Haden, and Novicevic (2013) article that profiles Jerry Garcia, discuss which leadership style discussed in this unit was employed by your admired leader. Begin with a summary of the approaches and theories discussed in this unit.   Be sure to include the following in your essay:   Summarize Bass’ leadership approaches. Summarize the follower-focused leadership theories: servant leadership, authentic leadership, and leadermember exchange (LMX). Discuss the concept of leadership and the importance of leadership, and explain why you selected the style you chose for your leader. Discuss the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the style exhibited by the leader you selected.   Be sure to follow the guidelines below: Writing should include proper grammar, sentence structure, and writing mechanics. Organization should be logical. Your paper should be at least t

Government and Non for Profit Accounting

Government and Non for Profit Accounting 1. The city of Bowie handed you the accountant , the following information for one of its township on January 1st 2016. Budget Information Inflows Estimated property tax 10,500,000 Estimated fines and taxes 500,000 Bond Issuance 4,000,000 Total 15,000,000 Outflows Estimated operating cost 1,500,000 Outlay for Infrastructure 12,000,000 Bond and Interest repayment 375,000 Transfer out 500,000 Total 14,375,000 Through out the year, the township had the following transactions in general, capital project and debt service funds: 1/15/2016 : the capital project fund levied property taxes in the amount of $10,600,000 with expectation that $100,000 will be collectible. 2/15/2016 : The Capital project fund collected $5,100,000 of the taxes levied on 1/15/2016. 2/15/2016 The general fund paid salaries and other admin cost totaling $475,000. 2/18/2016 :Capital project fund signed a contract to construct a small bridge, the bridge is expected to cost $11,500

SEC 10K Fedex

Principles Of Accounting.com Books

Accounting – Multi national enterprise annual report

Pick a NON-US Multinational Corporation and find their recent company's annual report Please locate the most recent annual report for your firm and find two risk factors that are mentioned regarding global operations. Most companies have this early on in their report (item 1 Risk Factors) and will talk about the economic environment in global markets, exchange rate challenges, foreign legal uncertainties, and international taxation. If you firm also files reports in the US, the report will be called 20-‐F (the equivalent to a 10-‐K for foreign filers) andyou can find it on the sec.gov website. If your firm doesn’t file in the US, you can find their report on the company website. You need to be able to discuss the risk factors, e.g. what impact can they have on your firms operations, how can you minimize their impact, etc.? 2.Next, please find your firm’s conference call. Firms will discuss their financial information with investors, and I would like you to look

Principles Of Accounting.com Books

Principles Of Accounting.com Books  


Identify three (3) problems below and in 1-2 sentences explain solutions that are outlined in the case study. Some of these difficulties are: very long lead times, large number of unfulfilled orders and/or they are executed with much extra effort (overtimes), high level of unnecessary inventories and/or lack of relevant inventories, wrong materials orders, large number of emergency orders and expedition levels, high levels of devolution, lack of key customers engagement, frequent changes and/ or absence of control related to priority orders, which implies on schedule conflicts of the resources, among many others