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Archive for the ‘Anthropology’
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Tragedy and the common man – Essay

Time roman,double space, for this essay we need to use Arthur Miller Essay, we need to compare with one of this person that the professor told me to use Richard Nixon, Tiger Woods, Micheal Fox, Whitney Houston or Joe Patterno, please use only one of them. I will upload the Arthur Miller essay. Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Impact of Globalization on American Jobs-Essay

Impact of Globalization on American Jobs Why do the multinational corporations choose to move many jobs to the developing countries? And what does it mean for the American and global economy and for the workers around the world? What role, if any, do cultural differences play in the way these jobs have towards America ? What is globalization's impact on the American job market? What recommendations would you make to solve/address some of these issues? Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Primary differences between Carthage and Rome-Essay

Identify and describe primary differences between Carthage and Rome. Why are the Romans more successful that the Carthaginians? source for it is : this link: { http://cuwhist.wordpress.com/worldviews-hist-103/primary-sources-reader/ ] followed by clicking on the "Classical World", then ( page.62-72 {Polybius, The Histories} ) Second Question is :- 2) How did the developments described in these readings undermine the medieval world and lay the foundations for the modern world? Source is : {http://cuwhist.wordpress.com/worldviews-hist-103/primary-sources-reader/ } in the "Medieval World" [Froissart, Chronicles, P.199-200] and [Boccaccio, The Decameron, P.200-205] Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Communication/interpersonal relations-Essay

Instructions for both assignments. Each paper is to be 1 1/2 pages in length for a total of 3 pages all together. Title the top of each "assignment" with corresponding assignment title. First paper is: Communication Second paper is: Interpersonal Relationships I will up-load as least one article for each paper that must be included in the assignment. You may use all of the articles, but you must use at least one that is provided. You may use your own research material as well; as long as it is from a peer reviewed scholarly journal. *****Justify your responses. This area has been a issue in the past. If it is not common knowledge you must cite and use corresponding reference. Example: Research has shown etc.....(cite. what research, where did you get this information.) Finally, this paper is to be in a question / answer format. Start out by stating the question back then follow up with the answer. Make your answers simple and easy to understand. Paper 1: Communicatio

The relevance of affirmative action in the public- Essay

What issue(s) related to equity and diversity / affirmative action in the public sector is most prevalent today? What, if anything, makes this important?   How has this issue evolved over time? Grading Criteria: a)    Did the student answer the entire question? b) How well did the student utilize assigned readings, case studies, lectures, class discussions, student presentation and other illustrative examples? c) How well organized is the answer?      Did you take a position? e) Did the student go beyond the call of the question and show some level of creativity? Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Sexuality- Research paper

You must interview two people a generation apart (15yrs min) and your research subjects must be outside of your own (either) race, class or gender. It’s up to you to construct a good qualitative interview/set of questions. The objective here is to find out a little bit about their background/lived experiences. You must include probing questions that reveal facts about their sexual pracitces/behavior/orientation and gender identity (race, class, religious identity, --are also welcome). Did they sometimes possess characteristics of an insider/outsider? For example, if you’re interviewing a self-identifying ‘queer Chicana’ – were they accepted in their community as Chicana but simultaneously rejected because of their queer identity---if so, how did they negotiate the complexities of their sexual identity within their community? ---Open ended questions are sometimes a good way to go as it gives the interviewee freedom to voice and identify certain aspects of their own experiences

Universal moral requirements-Essay

In "Some Moral Minima," Lenn Goodman argues that there are certain things that are simply wrong. Do you think Goodman is right? Using specific examples, explore the challenges Goodman presents to relativism. Determine whether you think there are such universal moral requirements, and defend your answer in a well-argued three-page paper. Your paper must be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style. You don't need any sources other than the Goodman paper and the text for our course. However, you must cite all your references proper Place an order with similar or related instructions NOW

Compare and Contrast Los Angeles via Books- Coursework

Description of assignment: Compose an anthology of TEN quotations drawn from the materials assigned for the final four sections of this course. The anthology will consist of a preface, short commentaries on each quotation, and a conclusion. The anthology should be governed by a theme that offers a way to unite together the diverse materials for this course. The best anthologies (those that will receive an A or A- grade) will be ones where the theme enables the student to inquire into the complexities of Los Angeles culture and literature and where both the theme and commentaries manifest democratic thinking (i.e., the checking and balancing of representations and seeing an issue from multiple points of view)

Albert Camus-Essay

Albert Camus , a rebel is a man who says " no" but his "no" also implies a " yes". Explain what Camus means and how rebellion is important to the study of modern and contemporary Europe According to Albert Camus, a rebel is a man who says “no”, but his "no" implies a “yes” as well.  Explain what Camus means and how rebellion is important to the study of modern and contemporary Europe.

Anthropology-Research paper

Answer the two following questions. Each response needs to be a least 100 words. The response to question one should have a number 1 next to it, and the response for question two should have a number 2 next to it. I do not need any sources. Question 1: Go to this website and pick a tribe from the map: http://www.survivalinternational.org/tribes Then answer this following question with a minimum 100 word response: Look at Survival International's website (under Resources tab). Pick one of the groups from the map, and read about their struggles against development. Write here what you found out about them and discuss your opinion about their future. Feel free to do more research on these groups through Google, Youtube, Wikipedia, AmazonWatch, etcetera, and include this information here. Question 2: Answer with a minimum of a 100 word response, This chapter deals with the larger question of who has the power and wealth in the world, and the ability to design and implement economic pol