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Archive for the ‘Applied Sciences’
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Study of Drugs and Alcohol

Answer these Q:
  1. Define a drink- specifically identify the amount of ethanol in each form of common social drinks.(beer, wine, liquor)
  2. Define Binge Drinking: for men, for women
  3. How long does it take for a full dose of alcohol to get into the bloodstream? Why does it take so long?
  4. Define and explain blackouts.(Not the same as passing out/ unconscious)
  5. If two people drinking alcohol both reached the BAC of 0.1, why could one be “tipsy” (impaired) and the other seem normal (not impaired)?
  6. How does a person die from alcohol overdose?
  7. True / False : Alcohol is metabolized from the body at a steady continuous rate, coffee, cold showers or food will not speed up sobriety.
  8. Explain Disinhibition. How does this explain drunken behavior?
  9. Define hangover. Why are people so thirsty the next day after binge drinking?
10.Explain Co-dependency (Alcoholics and the family)

Write a one page essay on the causes of facial fracture

Write a one page essay on the causes of facial fracture

Perspectives and Obligations paper

Healthcare stakeholders disagree about the impact of legal risks, medical malpractice claims, tort reform, and defensive medicine on the cost of care and the cost of health insurance in the United States, as well as the importance of such impact. How do legal risks, medical malpractice claims, tort reform, and defensive medicine impact the relationship between healthcare providers and patients? How should they impact the relationship? Make three suggestions to improve existing healthcare policy based on your analysis of impacts on the provider-patient relationship. For additional details, please refer to the Brief Analysis Paper Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.   ******************************************************************************   12 pt font 1" margins times new roman 4 scholarly resources one being by book

Crime Mapping/Crime Analyst Paper

3-4 Pages, APA paper, on crime mapping techniques/crime analyst. Detailed instructions attached.

" Identify elements"

Define, describe and identify the elements of (a) good Data Backup Planning, (b) good Disaster Recovery Planning, and (c) good Business Continuity Planning. Be sure to identify and describe any interdependencies in the planning. The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, three scholarly references, three to four pages of content, and a reference page. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the SafeAssign originality-checking tool.

Practicum Proposal on Lung Cancer

Philsophy Reflection 6

Explain what Kant meant by "categorical imperative." Explain why you do or do not agree with this idea. Describe the relationship between Kant's idea of the categorical imperative and his search for morality. Why does Kant think morality is a duty for all humans? Use complete sentences and correct academic writing with 250 words minimum

Management and Organization for Healthcare

Instructions: You are working for a community-based patient advocacy group. Your boss sends you an email asking for publicly available information that your organization can compile for consumers. Your boss wants to know about accrediting agencies and provider report cards that exist for various types of public and private healthcare institutions (hospitals, managed care plans, long term care facilities, etc.). Reply to your boss with a one page email that describes the types of accrediting agencies and provider report cards that currently exist. Be sure to include examples and hot links so that your boss can readily follow up on this information if she so chooses. No Plagiarism! Provide references and cite in text where used. suggested outline:
  • Start with a greeting. This can be something as simple as “Good morning”. You can use a fictional name or leave this out since you were not provided with one.

Case Study 1: GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets

  Read the case study titled “GE Healthcare (A): Innovating for Emerging Markets” located in the XanEdu case pack (see attachment for article)   Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:  
  1. Determine two (2) emerging trends in the external environment that prompted General Electric (GE) Healthcare to develop a new strategy for the production and marketing of a low costElectroencephalography (EEG) machine in bottom of the pyramid markets (BOP).
  2. Examine two (2) internal barriers GE Healthcare faced when developing its BOP market in India and determine the manner in which they hindered GE Healthcare’s growth in this market segment.
  3. Analyze two (2) of the significant external barriers that GE Healthcare faced when trying to meet its marketing goals in the Indian market. Propose two (2) ways to address these barriers.
  4. Analyze the specific steps GE took in developing its strategy to grow its BOP market. Determine

Write a 1–2-page explanation of the Cartesian Method and identify some of the potential problems with, and appeal of, this approach. Try to illustrate key aspects of this method with your own examples.

Write a 1–2-page explanation of the Cartesian Method and identify some of the potential problems with, and appeal of, this approach. Try to illustrate key aspects of this method with your own examples.