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sensory systems

sensory systems Identify which is the most important sensory system for human survival. B.    Identify a peer-reviewed, research study published within the last five years, and focuses on elucidating the cause or a new treatment for insomnia. Be sure to include a discussion of theories surrounding this disorder and how this research interacts with current theories

ancient india and ancient china

ancient india and ancient china name 1 ancient society from china descirbe 2 or 3 contributions and why they are important

Bible Vs Science

Bible Vs Science discuss the relationship between the subject you have chosen and the Bible.  Possible issues to be addresses include the following: •    How has the Bible and the biblical worldview impacted the subject in question? •    What are the origins of the movement? •    Where and how is the issue dealt with in the Bible? •    How has the issue or social movement changed over time? •    How has the culture, across time, changed things?  In your opinion, is this a positive or negative change?


  I.        John Jacobs is a 17-year-old high school senior.  Most of his friends on Facebook have expensive cars.  Although he has never seen these cars, they must exist because his friends have posted pictures of them on Facebook.  John believes everything he reads and sees on Facebook.  John considers a new car to be a necessity. He decides to ride his bicycle to the local Chevrolet dealer.  Once there, he decides to buy a 2010 Corvette.  The salesman is reluctant to sell the car to John until John says that his father will co-sign the loan.  The salesman is still reluctant so he calls John’s father.   John’s father refuses to co-sign the loan.  John convinces the salesman that he can make the payments without his father’s help.  The dealer then agrees to sell the car to John, who signs a contract agreeing to buy the car and make 60 monthly payments.  John also makes a $500 down payment. John misses the first three monthly payments because he spends al

Hydraulic Fracturing

Hydraulic Fracturing What are the legal issues raised by hydraulic fracturing? The environmental issues? What part does  hydraulic fracturing play in meeting U.S. energy needs?

the Copernican revolution, chemical revolution, Darwinian revolution, revolutions in physics

Choose an episode in the history of science that Khun would classify as a scientific revolution (the Copernican revolution, chemical revolution, Darwinian revolution, revolutions in physics, etc.) and evaluate the evidence more carefully to determine how well these episodes support Kuhn’s model. Do you find that this episode provides evidence for Kuhn’s theory of the development of science? Does this episode support a firm distinction between normal science and revolutionary science? Are there really universally accepted theories (paradigms)? Could it be that Kuhn has imposed a structure on the development of science that isn’t really there?

Suicide is an important theme in Hamlet

Suicide is an important theme in Hamlet. Discuss how the play treats the idea of suicide morally, religiously, and aesthetically, with particular attention to Hamlet's two important statements about suicide: the "O, that this too solid flesh would melt" solilquy and the “to be or not to be" soliloquy. Why does Hamlet believe that although capable of suicide most human beings choose to live despite the cruelty! Pain, and injustice of the world?  

Role of budgeting in economic recession period

  Role of budgeting in economic recession period discuss the role that budgeting can play in the strategic planning  role of  businesses during a recession and after emergence from the recessionary period

Cellular prion protein PrPc

  drug discovery and development Cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a high affinity receptor for soluble oligomeric AB42 (see Figure 2, Strittmater et al., 2010), mediating toxic effects on synaptic plasticity. PrPc represents a target in Alzheimer?s disease (AD) directly disrupting the signaling pathway of soluble A?42. write an essay about the following two questions : 1) Describe an in vivo experiment that would validate this target as a disease modifying therapy for AD using a specific monoclonal anti-PrPc antibody. In your answer justify and describe your chosen disease animal model of AD, treatment groups and chosen endpoints to measure disease modification. Discuss the validity of your chosen disease animal model. 2) Define the term pharmacodynamic (PD) marker. Describe why PD markers are essential to any drug development programme. Propose a possible PD marker for an anti-PrPc antibody.

Calculate the payback period

  Laura Corporation is considering the purchase of new equipment with a cost of $41,000.  The expected cash inflow from the use of this equipment is $10,000 per year of the next five years.  The required rate of return is 10 percent. 1. Calculate the payback period (4 points). 2. Calculate the Net Present Value (6 points). 3. Calculate the Internal Rate of Return (6 points). 4. Would you advise Laura Corporation to purchase the equipment?  Explain your answer