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Archive for the ‘biology’
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Which of the following glial cells work to synthesize myelin?

Which of the following glial cells work to synthesize myelin?

Human Reproduction

BIO 1100, Non-Majors Biology 3 Unit VII Homework Human Reproduction PowerPoint Presentation Introduction: Well, it is that time—yes, time for that talk. For this activity, you will develop a PowerPoint Presentation about human reproduction. You are to pretend that the presentation is what you will use to give your son or daughter “the talk” about human reproduction. Make sure you use correct terminology. If you have never created a PowerPoint Presentation, make sure you view the CSU Success Center videos suggested in the unit learning activity. Your presentation must include the following:  the overall purpose of the reproductive systems;  information about the male and female systems including: o at least two visual aids illustrating the two systems, and o structure and function of the major organs of both male and females systems;  methods of practicing “safe sex” and preventing pregnancy; and  STDs. Be sure to follow the formatting guidelines provid


Using the Wine/Food Pairing link below, create 5 pairings from Italian wines.  State why you are choosing each wine and food in the pairing.

Cancer and Genetics

Introduction In order for organisms to grow, repair, maintain, and reproduce, cells undergo cell division. Sometimes, cells uncontrollably divide, resulting in cancer. In the first part of the Cancer and Cell Division Lab, you will learn about normal cell division and will compare it to cell division that occurs in cancer cells. You will then visit a website to find out more information about cancer. You will learn why it occurs, why it kills, and new treatments that are being tested and used to treat cancer. Objectives Explain the process of cancer, the effects on the human body, the various types, and the risk factors involved. Explain various treatments for cancer. Explain the various stages of mitosis.       Materials No extra materials will be required to complete this lab other than internet service. Directions Go to the following website:http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/genbio/virtual_labs/BL_23.html_ Follow the steps under the PROCEDURE section. Type all answ

NS 305 Unit 5 Assignment

NS305-3: Describe the flow of food through the food service establishment.   Detailed instructions and rubric attached. I need 100% grade

Genetics and Inheritance

Review information on genetic disorders on the National Human Genome Research Institute Site: http://www.genome.gov/. Choose a genetic disorder that can be inherited from a parent. Write a 525- to 700-word paper on the genetic disorder. Include the following in your paper: Summarize the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance and how chromosomal abnormalities can lead to genetic disorders. Describe the relationship between chromosomes and DNA. Identify an example of a genetic disorder and describe the genetic disorder including symptoms, impact on quality of life, and life expectancy. How common is this disorder? Does it run in specific ethnic bloodlines? Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Review the Academic Writing Guidelines video and the Center for Writing Excellence for additional guidance on academic writing and APA style. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Pseudoephedrine Restrictions in the Community Pharmacy

Pseudoephedrine is a nasal decongestant that is sold only behind the pharmacy counter (limited quantity per month) with a valid identification. What is your opinion on this OTC drug sales being so restrictive? How does this affect patient care and how does it positively affect drug abuse?


Do some credible research and create a quality post between 300-400 words describing the pathogen and the disease it causes. Be sure to include what type of pathogen it is, how the pathogen is transmitted, how it enters the body, the course of disease, how many people are affected by this pathogen, where in the world it occurs, how the pathogen is diagnosed by the physician and identified in the lab (eg: gram stain or other pertinent staining, lab media used for isolation etc.), treatment, and anything else interesting about your disease agent. This post should be well written, paraphrased, well referenced. (Will be checked for plagerism)

Nutrition Project – BIOLOGY

Essay including Food Chart , Exercise tracking   Format: Headings appropriately used. Cover/title page correct format: title of paper, your name, course number, date submitted. The cover page and reference/citations page do not count as pages of your report! Times New Roman 12 point font ,1 inch margins Page numbering with correct format Double spaced

Biology and Technology in the Real World

Addresses course outcomes 1-4:
  • recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems
  • make observations and discriminate between scientific and pseudoscientific explanations
  • weigh evidence and make decisions based on strengths and limitations of scientific knowledge and the scientific method
  • use knowledge of biological principles, the scientific method, and appropriate technologies to ask relevant questions, develop hypotheses, design and conduct experiments, interpret results, and draw conclusions
1. Select one of the topics listed below. 2. Find at least three information sources related to the topic. You can find assistance with searching for articles at the UMUC Library Subject Guides at http://libguides.umuc.edu/science. 3. Write a 750-1500 word paper, excluding references and title page. You must read the information sources that you find and