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Archive for the ‘biology’
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Protozoal pathogens trick the immune system; the life cycle of a protist or fungal pathogen is tricky to learn; infections by eukaryotic pathogens are tricky to treat and raising funds for vaccine development is tricky to accomplish! It should be clear from your review of the learning materials in this module that this theme of multiplicity is apt for eukaryotic microbes! In this discussion you apply what you have learned in the readings and, together with your classmates, are given the opportunity to examine diseases caused by eukaryotic microbes in more detail. Please respond to the following: Vaccine development for diseases caused by protists (e.g. malaria, Chagas’ disease) has been much less successful than for bacterial or viral diseases. Discuss at least one biological AND one geopolitical reason for this fact. Initial Discussion Post Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings from the module with proper APA style fo

BIO 550 Week 5 Asthma Study – Measures of Occurrence and Association

Asthma is a chronic lung disease caused by inflammation of the lower airways and episodes of airflow obstruction. Asthma episodes or attacks can vary from mild to life-threatening. In 2007, about 7% percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with asthma and there have been a growing number of new cases since that time. There are several known risk factors identified as triggers of asthma symptoms and episodes, including inhalation of allergens or pollutants, infection, cold air, vigorous exercise, and emotional upsets. There is also growing evidence relating body-mass index to asthma in both children and adults. Design a study to investigate whether there is such an association.   Choose a study design and justify the reasons you chose the design over others.   Select a statistical measure you would use to describe the association (if there is one) between body mass index and asthma.

Immuno suppressive Therapy

  1. Give a good background regarding your topic.
  2. Explain the (if there are) current issues connected with the topic.
  3. Explain in detail the topic
  4. What are your thoughts?
  5. Discuss the pros and cons.
  6. Any personal experience?
  7. Political issues connected with the topic?
  8. Controversies?
  9. Further research?
  10. References
  • Do not include the information from the internet if it is not from an authentic scientific research paper or journal or from a newspaper.
  • Give a list of references including the web pages used for your paper.
  • You can include pictures, tables and graphs; but acknowledge the original author.
  • Remember NOT to copy and paste from the original article!
  • The length of your paper should be of minimum 5 pages long. If you have to explain with graphs, figures and tables, the paper will exceed 5 pages. That is p

evolutionary biology

Your assignment is to find an article in the popular media (published in the year 2016) that contains either an example of blatant ignorance of evolutionary theory or merely a single statement that reveals a misconception of evolutionary thinking or about how evolution works. Make a copy of this article (at least the first page showing the date and name of the publication and the relevant sections if it is long) and underline, highlight, or otherwise point out the problem piece of text you will discuss and turn this in with your paper. In your paper, explain why what you found is wrong then explain the correct way that this could have been stated and/or explain the correct evolutionary thinking and theory behind the concept in question. INSTRUCTIONS (follow them!) Your paper must be in your own words, typed, using a font size of 12 and font style of Helvetica (Times New Roman is acceptable if your computer does not have Helvetica), and 1-inch margins for top, bottom, and sides. Use 1

Structural Chromosomal Rearrangements Require Nucleotide-Level Resolution

Structural Chromosomal Rearrangements Require Nucleotide-Level Resolution


Things to note: - to ONLY write sections for results, discussion and include appendix - data and figures must be included in the report and placed under appendix - label all the data and pictures with a DETAILED legend each -ONLY the graph can be place in the result section - refer to the files uploaded for the data and detailed instruction on how to write the report - please present the results of the Standard Curve and the PSA concentrations of your patient samples in a table format


Things to note: - to ONLY write sections for results, discussion and include appendix - data and figures must be included in the report and placed under appendix - label all the data and pictures with a DETAILED legend each -ONLY the graph can be place in the result section - refer to the files uploaded for the data and detailed instruction on how to write the report - please present the results of the Standard Curve and the PSA concentrations of your patient samples in a table format

Structural Chromosomal Rearrangements Require Nucleotide-Level Resolution

Structural Chromosomal Rearrangements Require Nucleotide-Level Resolution

Assignment 2

coenocytic organisms

Some fungi can be viewed as coenocytic organisms that exhibit little differentiation. When differentiation does occur, such as in the formation of reproductive structures, it is preceded by septum formation. Why does this occur?