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Archive for the ‘Business and Economics’
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Business Start-Up

I want a 2,000 word Business Plan. I would to have a diet restaurant in my country (qatar). so you can write the business plan as opening my new diet restaurant. please carefully read this : ***I want academic references (Books, journals and articles only) ***I prefer the references to be from the UK and US ***Introduction to the product or service (5%) ***Overview of your organisation Structure (10%) ***SWOT analysis (10%) ***Sales and Marketing plan (10%) ***Manufacturing, Distribution and/or Operations (10%) ***Finance (Cash Flow and start-up funding needs) (10%) ***Risk Management (10%) ***Measuring success (SMART Targets) (10%) ***Summary and Recommendations (5%) ***Use of resources and research (10%) ***Structure, style, language and presentation of work (10%) use 3 to 5 reference

Week 4 – Coursework

Read the case "Tactus Tackles Fund-Raising" %u0412 Answer the following questions and/or statements in detail: %u0412 1. Craig Ciesla and Micah Yairi eventually turned to friends and family for funding.%u0412 Should they have done that first?%u0412 What are the risks with raising money from such individuals? Explain in detail using sources and research.%u0412 Use credible sources to support and explain. %u0412 2. What are the risks and benefits of waiting until they had been granted patents to ask for customer feedback? Explain in detail using sources and research.%u0412 Use credible sources to support and explain. %u0412 3. The partners gave up equity in their company %u0432%u0402%u201C part of the ownership -- to get help they needed.%u0412 Was this a good idea?%u0412 Why or why not? Explain in detail using sources and research.%u0412 Use credible sources to support and explain. %u0412 4. Why do you think Ciesla and Yairi stuck it out, even with such bad luck?%u0412 What would it tak

Logistics Challenge Scenario Reflection

Requirements: The paper is an assignment of my logistics class.One source is required. I will attach the source, a word document. Please do not use other sources except for what I provide. Context Looking back at the course will help you to identify what you've learned, how you've grown, and how you look at logistics differently now. In this short reflective essay follow the instructions below to reflect on the course and logistics as a whole. Instructions In your reflective essay of 750-1000 words, answer the following questions: 1. Look back at the Gamers Helping Gamers (Business Idea) scenario you examined in the Introduction Discussion Forum. Knowing what you know now, how would you solve the same scenario? 2. How did you get to this answer? 3. How is the way you would solve this scenario different now than it was in your first week of the course? 4. What lingering questions or areas of confusion do you still have?

Personal Business Plan Assignment 2

Please find the attachment and the business should be here in UAE  

Business Start-Up

I want a 2,000 word Business Plan. I would to have a diet restaurant in my country (qatar). so you can write the business plan as opening my new diet restaurant. please carefully read this : ***I want academic references (Books, journals and articles only) ***I prefer the references to be from the UK and US ***Introduction to the product or service (5%) ***Overview of your organisation Structure (10%) ***SWOT analysis (10%) ***Sales and Marketing plan (10%) ***Manufacturing, Distribution and/or Operations (10%) ***Finance (Cash Flow and start-up funding needs) (10%) ***Risk Management (10%) ***Measuring success (SMART Targets) (10%) ***Summary and Recommendations (5%) ***Use of resources and research (10%) ***Structure, style, language and presentation of work (10%)  

Evaluate whether rationalisation provides the ‘one best way’ to manage and control contemporary organisations.

1,000-word formative assessment 1. Describe the main features of rational organisation and explain how one particular technique of rationalisation helps to increase efficiency and control in organisations (approx. 300 words) Here you need to describe the main features of early rational organisation as developed around the Industrial Revolution. You should give a brief overview of rational organisational design (bureaucracy) rational work design (Taylorism and Fordism) and then concentrate on an aspect within one of these to explain how they increase efficiency and control (for example Taylorism or organisational structure). In order to make a coherently structured final essay, the area that you choose to focus on here should be the area that you apply to Junction Hotel later on - don’t write about Taylorism here then apply bureaucracy to the case study, make sure that they link up. NB: A good essay structure will discuss these early forms of rationalisation before going on to disc

Unit IV Scholarly Activity – Project Management

Using disciplinary resources, research how quantitative research is used in your discipline. Using this information, write an essay that describes how quantitative research tools can be used to aid in decision making within your field (project management). Be sure your essay addresses the following questions/topics: 1. Describe specific quantitative methods and tools that could be used within your discipline to gather data. Include your rationale. 2. Evaluate their effectiveness with respect to certain areas within your discipline. 3. Include company or organizational examples within your essay, as relevant. 4. In your opinion, what is the future of quantitative research both within your discipline and in general? Your APA-formatted response must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title page and the reference page) and must include an introduction, a thesis statement (concise summary of the main point of the paper), and a clear discussion of the questions/topics above. Your

Sustainable Talent Management

With the same talent management strategy in mind from Assignment 3, write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Determine which performance management process you will employ to measure employee talent. Analyze the key concepts related to the talent pools and the talent review process. Develop appropriate talent management objectives to measure functional expertise. Assess the key elements of global talent management as they apply to your organization. Recommend a process that optimizes a sustainable talent management process. Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of t

Business Plan

I need you to make a business plan about (manufacturing and distributing classic automobile parts, both body and mechanical parts). For this assignment you need to the text book: Rodwell, J. F. Essentials of Aviation Management: A guide for aviation service business(7th ed.) I also need you to make a PowerPoint presentation slides. I attached the instructions.

Evaluate whether rationalisation provides the ‘one best way’ to manage and control contemporary organisations.

1. Describe the main features of rational organisation and explain how one particular technique of rationalisation helps to increase efficiency and control in organisations (approx. 300 words) Here you need to describe the main features of early rational organisation as developed around the Industrial Revolution. You should give a brief overview of rational organisational design (bureaucracy) rational work design (Taylorism and Fordism) and then concentrate on an aspect within one of these to explain how they increase efficiency and control (for example Taylorism or organisational structure). In order to make a coherently structured final essay, the area that you choose to focus on here should be the area that you apply to Junction Hotel later on - don’t write about Taylorism here then apply bureaucracy to the case study, make sure that they link up. NB: A good essay structure will discuss these early forms of rationalisation before going on to discuss McDonaldisation and other exa