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Archive for the ‘Business and Economics’
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In Weeks #8 & 9 we will be studying different theories of leadership and motivation. You have the opportunity to choose 3 current business leaders from a list of 10 posted on the assignment Canvas page; and then analyze and compare leadership qualities of each 3 you choose. You will have 2 steps/deadlines for this assignment. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION ON YOUR PAPER (No names or UO ID.) If your paper is not submitted by the deadline, you will receive zero points for this assignment.  Citing in-text, and a list of sources on a Works Cited page are required. Assignment steps: 1) Original paper (worth 100 points): a) Research: Search out at least 6 articles and videos (i.e., ~2 sources for each leader) to use as your source materials – you may use more than 6, and a combination of both articles and videos is advised. These should be a mix of primary and secondary sources. For instance, you can find videos of interviews with the leader you are researching, wh

Vodafone Company

a. Do a due diligence of this business plan in groups of 2 persons - due diligence = strengths and weaknesses b. Evaluate the business plan from your perspective: - as an investor: how would you like to see it changed to fit your needs – make assumptions f. Report on : - Due Diligence - Evaluation of the business plan from your perspective (as Investor) The company's name is Vodafone.

Vodafone Company

a. Do a due diligence of this business plan in groups of 2 persons - due diligence = strengths and weaknesses b. Evaluate the business plan from your perspective: - as an investor: how would you like to see it changed to fit your needs – make assumptions f. Report on : - Due Diligence - Evaluation of the business plan from your perspective (as Investor) The company's name is Vodafone. Everything required is in here no need for internet unless necessary.

Design and develop templates and standard text

Design and develop templates and standard text  

The Civil Engineer/ Albert Flink

Project requirements: No specific length or number of pages. Paper should be as long or as short as it takes to tell the story. Use 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font, 1.15 line spacing, I” margins all around. Include cover page and illustrations if possible. More important than strictly personal biographical information is a discussion of the individual’s contributions to the civil/structural engineering profession. Why is he/she considered important in engineering history? What are his/her legacies and notable achievements? In determining project grade, appearance, neatness, spelling, grammar and logical, well thought out writing style will be considered, in addition to factual content and thoroughness. The paper should contain a bibliography and list of references used (including Web sites, with date accessed).

Global Connection through Technology

no references just solve questions if references required, get from internet only, no books

Global Connection through Technology

no references just solve questions if references required, get from internet only, no books

Global Connections through Technology – IT 6210

Final individual Assessment (40%):   You have been appointed as a “Lead Digital Consultant”to Etihad Airways to help them become a Digital Master in digital-rich and competitive world.  
  • (10%) Sketch Etihad Airways Business Model as discussed in class. You must identify all the actors, resources, infrastructures, and at least four transactions informational flows. You may select transactions such as “make a reservation”, “modify a reservation”, “signup for a vacation package”, “shop on-line by redeeming your air miles”, etc.
  • (10%) Now, sketch Etihad Airways “Unification Business Operating Model”, which similar to Delta Airlines.
  • (10%) Using the diagram below, place Etihad on one of the below quadrants. You must choose one and only one quadrant. Your answer must assess Etihad’s Digital Capabilities and Leadership Capabilities as detailed in each quadrant.
  • (10%) Dependin

Service Learning Reflection

Did Community service at the Houston Food Bank. The Project I was working on was Backpack Buddy. Which we filled sacks with nutritious food for at-risk school children to take home for the weekend. At the end of 3 and a half hours, we were able to finish one order which was 3840 total food. So there were 120 bags finished on 32 palettes. 120 x 32 = 3840 The rest of the instructions at attached in the file.

Business and Economics

Final Paper The paper should ne the foundation for your how to / leaning managerial analytic Vide (5 to 10 mis) Select any topic what you want Example of final project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGmaVtfqz-c&feature=youtu.be