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Archive for the ‘Business Management’
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Health Insurance and the Labor Market

  • Analyze the implications of adverse selection in insurance markets that contain information asymmetry and community ratings. Justify your response.
  • Analyze the primary ways in which analysts may use a model of the labor market to explain wage and employment figures for healthcare workers. Propose the main ways in which health status affects workers’ compensation overall. Provide at least one (1) example the model in use to support your response.

Propagating National Security Interests

Propagating National Security Interests Purpose: The primary goal of this Assignment is to evaluate how communication of foreign policy interests can be influenced by different theoretical perspectives. Your task is to discuss and assess how effective are realist, liberal, and identity theoretical perspectives at communicating U.S. national interests. Prepare: Read the Conclusion in the course text and the 2015 U.S. National Security Strategy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Reflect: Effective communication is essential in conducting productive foreign affairs. One of the most important forms of communication is letting other states know national security interests. States work diligently to ensure that other states are aware of their national security interests. Conflict can sometimes erupt when national security interests are not received, are misunderstood, or are poorly communicated. As we discussed in Week Two, history is filled with examples of when states

Final Project: Health Care Systems


Managers of healthcare organizations have a lot to learn from the management practices and breakthrough ideas from other industries. Your Final Project Report should identify three “big ideas” that represent great opportunities to improve the performance of healthcare organizations. Your Final Project should define the management practice or breakthrough idea, discuss the expected impact on improved patient outcomes, higher levels of customer satisfaction, lower costs, etc., and identify the critical success factors associated with implementing these programs in a health services organization. You should identify which of these management practices or breakthrough ideas has, in your judgment, the greatest, second greatest, and third greatest potential benefit for healthcare organizations. Clearly explain the rationale for your rankings. You are free to consider any management practices or breakthrough ideas so long as they originated outside the healthcare

Using Earned Value to Determine Status

Jennifer turned in her status report for the newly approved mailing activities. She feels that her pieces are on track with nothing for you to worry about. She reports the following information for the critical path tasks: You review her status report and determine that Jennifer does not have a solid grasp of her status. Ben was unable to provide you with anything more than, "Things are moving along just fine."
  • Using earned value measurements along with the other information and metrics available, determine the true status of Jennifer's portion of the project.
  • Prepare an updated status report (1 page) for Jennifer and share the measurements and your rationale in your determination of the status for the project.
  • Create a 2-3 slide presentation explaining the benefits of using EVM.
  • Be sure to document some instructions (1-page document) for Jennifer and Ben for determining the project status for their next project update to you.
  • Als

Constructing Effective Buisness Messages

Chapter Review and Activities Learning Objectives: Check Your Progress   Objective 1: Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages.   First, the “you” attitude refers to speaking and writing in terms of your audience’s wishes, interests, hopes, and preferences rather than your own. Writing with this attitude is essential to effective communication because it shows your audience that you have their needs in mind, not just your own. Second, good etiquette not only indicates respect for your audience but also helps foster a more successful environment for communication by minimizing negative emotional reaction. Third, sensitive communicators understand the difference between delivering negative news and being negative. Without hiding the negative news, they look for ways to emphasize positive aspects. Fourth, being sensitive includes taking care to avoid biased language that unfairly and even unethically categorizes or s

Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial Approach

Chapter 2: Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial Approach, 2e
ISBN: 9780133506976 Author: Bruce R. Barringer
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc. (2015)
Chapters 2, 3

LivePlan: Opportunity

In this assignment, you will complete portions of the "Opportunity" chapter of your business plan.  Remember that you will be completing your business plan over the next two courses; so be sure to add enough depth, analysis, and research in this specific section to support the overall business plan. Login to your LivePlan account. Select the Plan tab within LivePlan, and then select the "Opportunity" chapter on the left-hand side menu. The arrow to the right of the chapter will expand or contract the sections within the chapter. Complete both parts of the "Problem & Solution" section: Problem Worth Solving and Our Solution. Complete the "Target Market" section: Market Size & Segments. Select the "Executive Summary" chapter on the left-hand side menu. Update the Problem, Solution, and Market parts of the

Developing Persuasive Business Messages

Scenario: In Week 3, you selected a product or service that you believe your organization should invest capital resources to develop the product or service for sale. To speed up the new product investment, you decide to write a memo proposing and advocating for the launch of a new product or service to the company president.    Create a memo proposal using the AIDA model in a Microsoft® Word in a minimum of 1,400 words.  You will add an introduction and conclusion, and your paper will include the following components: INTRO & CONCLUSION REQUIRED NO PLAGIARISM! A minimum of 2 sources included!   ·         Convince your audience to invest capital resources to develo

Employee Development and Performance Appraisal

You are the vice president of a human resources department and Susan has been your executive assistant for one (1) year. She effectively completes her given assignments, sometimes ahead of schedule.  Susan has a welcoming personality and is commended on her willingness to help when asked. As a result of her efficiency, Susan often has spare time on her hands. In several conversations, you have spoken with Susan about taking a proactive stance and involving herself in the business to increase her knowledge base. You have suggested she attend strategic planning meetings, shadow other Business Partners, and take professional development courses geared towards human resources.   Susan has not incorporated any of these suggestions. The organization promotes and encourages employee development and has a requirement of 24 professional development (PD) hours for each employee per annual review cycle.  As VP of the department, you have offered to mentor Susan; yet she has not taken advant

Title ” The Case For Vietnam”

*measure adopted by government from 1990 to transform vietnam in a free market economy with stable prices (fiscal policy, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, international trade and investment policy, etc). * Economic Growth (GDP) from 1990 to 2000 *Tables, graphics   Requirements: *4 Pages *APA Style *No plagirism *SPECIFICALLY THOSE 3 POINTS *No conclusion *No Introduction