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Archive for the ‘Business Management’
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WK 7 Faith & Integration

Answer question: Visit  Global Partners in Peacce and Development ministry at their website: www.gpartners.org and answer the 4 aspect : 1. Provide a brief overview about the organization. 2. Identify and briefly describe the different global mission ministries and projects they are involved with and support. 3. Is their focus in one or multiple countries 4. What type of mode(s) of entry as described in the chapter do they most closely engaged and resemble? 200 word minimum  Chapter 7 -Exercise Biblical Worldview Application

Source - Cross Border Commerce - 2nd edition ISBN13: 978-1934748121

The invisible sponsor – case study

THE INVISIBLE SPONSOR 1 Background Some executives prefer to micromanage projects whereas other executives are fearful of making a decision because, if they were to make the wrong decision, it could impact their career. In this case study, the president of the company assigned one of the vice presidents to act as the project sponsor on a project designed to build tooling for a client. The sponsor, however, was reluctant to make any decisions. Assigning the VP Moreland Company was well-respected as a tooling design-and-build company. Moreland was project-driven because all of its income came from projects. Moreland was also reasonably mature in project management. When the previous VP for engineering retired, Moreland hired an executive from a manufacturing company to replace him. The new VP for engineering, Al Zink, had excellent engineering knowledge about tooling but had worked for companies that were not project-driven. Al had very little knowledge about project management and had

Capital Budgeting

View the Capital Budgeting Lecture (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video, which provides some factors that should be considered in capital budgeting considerations. Imagine the producers of this video ask you to appear in the video to offer two additional considerations in capital budgeting decisions. One consideration must be quantitative (numeric). The other must be qualitative (non-numeric). Write a script to describe capital budgeting considerations that you think are important for managers to consider. Your script should be 200 to 250 words.

Business 599 week 4 assignment

Financial Summary Report

  Write a three- to four-page financial summary report (not including the title page) that presents the financial health of the Lemonade Stand Business. As part of your report, include both an Income statement and Balance Sheet. Also include all appropriate ratios. At this point you should have two accounting periods of data. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Focus of the Summary Project The report should focus on the interpretation of the accounting information (see Week Two), financial analysis (see Week Four), or economic opportunities (see Week Six).  Each report should include an updated income statement and balance sheet (plus other financial statements as appropriate).  The financial statements should be prepared in Excel and copied and pasted either into the main text of the report or into an appendix.  Your financial r

Hospitality Extraordinaire Case Study

Resource: Hospitality Extraordinaire Case Study in Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry, Ch. 2 Read the Hospitality Extraordinaire Case Study at the end of Technology Strategies for the Hospitality Industry, Ch. 2. Answer the following questions in a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper: Define Hospitality Extraordinaire's strategy. How does IT factor into this strategy to support or enable it? Identify the core technologies used by Hospitality Extraordinaire. Discuss the value each contributes and any competitive advantage derived. If you worked for a competing hotel company, what traits would you find most admirable in Hospitality Extraordinaire and why/what would you do to compete? If you worked for Hospitality Extraordinaire's IT department, what challenges might you face? What recommendations would you have for new technology initiatives or directions? What are the key teaching points in this case? Why are they important, and how will you apply them in your professional

MGT 434 Week 1 Employees versus Independent Contractors- Employment Law for Business, Ch. 4

First Message One - What are the differences between employees and independent contractors? Is it possible for an employer to reclassify all of his/her employees as independent contractors? Why or why not?

MGT 434 Week 2 Retaliatory Discharge and Remedies- Employment Law for Business, Ch. 13

This chapter touched a little bit on employers who retaliate against employees who file discrimination claims. There is often retaliation against the HR manager who supports or agrees with the claim. Every employer has their own interpretation of what they think a disability is but the laws are very clear. HR managers are often involved in lawsuits of various kinds. I know personally that most of them at my job are discrimination complaints. However, HR managers have to be careful with their findings and how they report after an investigation to an owner because that retaliation can extend to them. An organization can feel as if losing one discrimination claim could open the door to many more and view that HR manager as not on their team.   "HR directors must therefore ensure that the members of their team who handle employees' legal complaints to not face retaliation for their efforts to prevent or correct discrimination."

Assignment 4: The Perfect Manager

Write a one to two (1–2) page paper in which you describe the characteristics of the perfect manager to see a company through all stages of organizational growth. The format of the paper is to be as follows:
  • Typed, double-spaced, New Times Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides. APA format.
  • In addition to the one to two (1–2) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.
Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

MGT 434 Week 2 Americans with Disabilities Act- Employment Law for Business, Ch. 13

This Act prohibits any type of discrimination against people who have disabilties. This law came into effect in1990 and is the civil rights acts for those who have disabilities.  This discrimination act covers areas such as accessing public buildings, pulbic transportation, employment, and even communications. Regarding employers, they do have to offer reasonable accomodations on the job. And other agencies like the Department of Labor assist in enforcing these regulatons. Basically they are there to ensure that people with disabilties are treated fairly, they are accomodated, and have the same rights as anyone else.

MGT 434 Week 2 Re- Section 503 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act- Employment Law for Business, Ch. 13

Section 503 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 was created to help people with disabilities get a government job. It specifies under the affirmative action that any company using federal agencies look to hiring employees with a disability. They are also mandated to recruit, and then train those individuals with disabilities to perform the required job function. This act works on getting those individuals that cannot perform certain functions removed, so they will qualify for those positions. These positions are also subject to promotions, you cannot discriminate because of a disability any type of promotion that might be offered to all employees.