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Archive for the ‘Business Management’
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Business Psychology

Discussion Question
Leslie Snow manages a team of five help desk operators. The cubicles of the operators are located a floor below Leslie's office. Each operator is required to log help desk calls into a team database. This database tracks the nature of a problem, the length of the call, and whether the problem was fixed or sent to the engineering department for further investigation. Leslie has a busy schedule, and it is not possible for her to monitor the performance of her team members sitting on a different floor. Therefore she decides to assess their performance solely on the basis of reports queried from the database. What five personality traits does differential psychology focus on identifying? Is it important for managers to understand their employees' differences? Why or why not? Explain your viewpoint by giving a minimum of two s

Assignment: Globalization and the Performance Management Process

One of the most important things an employee can do for him or herself, is to create a PDP or IDP, and to keep it up to date while working and building a career. A PDP is a way to set a goal for skill building, promotions, and career planning, to ensure that continuous improvement occurs. Working with a manager or coach on a PDP can also signal to that manager that an employee cares about doing well, and wants to move up in the organization. Your plan should include, at a minimum: For this assignment, you will create your own personal development plan. You will use either the form found in the textbook (p. 202), which you can type into Word, or you can find one online and use it (be sure to include the reference). Your plan should include, at a minimum:
  1. Current job and desired future job (in one year, 3 years, 5 years).
  2. Current list of knowledge, skills, and abilities (at least 3 each).
  3. Development Plan Objectives (at least 3 defined and described).<

BUS 485 Assignment – Environmental Analysis and Industry Analysis for the Capstone Project

Using the Segments of the General Environment, write the environmental analysis for your organization developed in Topic 1 (a minimum of 500 words). Refer to Chapters 2 and 8 in the textbook for additional information. Include the following in your draft:  
  1. Incorporate the Five Forces of Competition to help write the industry analysis for your organization (Chapter 2, Figure 2.2 The Five Forces of Competition Model).
  2. Describe your sources of competitive advantage.
  3. Using the Modes of Entry and their Characteristics (Chapter 8, Figure 8.5), describe which mode(s) of entry you would use to expand globally and why you selected it (even if expansion is hypothetical at this time). Select one country, such as Canada, and discuss relevant cultural, political, and economic factors, and any language barriers that could impact your entry.
  4. Using the Parts of the External Environmental Analysis (Chapter 2, Figure 2.1 and Table 2.2

Case Manager Interview Presentation

Create a 13 to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation about your interview with a case manager.
Interview a case manager about his or her role in coordinating services for clients. At a minimum, include answers to the following questions in your presentation:
Interviewee&apos;s agency or ogranization
Identify and describe population served.
How important is it to network and collaborate with other providers?
How do case managers engage in collaboration with other providers to help clients receive services?
How do case managers find and select resources?
What is the role of the case manager in the referral process?
What are the responsibilities of the client in the referral process?
Monitoring protocol (if any)
This assignment is a report of information derived from an interview, not a duplication of a conversation. Do not dev

BUS 485 Week 3 Assignment – Marketing Plan for the Capstone Project

Details:   This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.   Write the Marketing Plan for your organization (a minimum of 500 words). Your plan should:  
  1. Describe the target market.
  2. Identify the size of your potential target market.
  3. Include a SWOT analysis (use a two by two table in Word).
  4. Describe the 4Ps of marketing in your organization (product/positioning, pricing, promotion, and placement). If you have a service organization, in addition you may consider describing the 4Is (intangibility, inconsistency, inseperabilty, and inventory).
  Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.   This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

BUS 485 Strategic Management Week 4 Assignment

Organizational Plan   Write the Organizational Plan for your organization (a minimum of 500 words). Refer to chapters 4 and 6 in the textbook for additional information.  
  1. Describe who will comprise your management team and what talents or skills each of the team members will bring to the organization. Include a simple organizational chart.
  2. Outline a McKinsey 7-S Assessment/Model (strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff, skills) as it applies to your business. Review the McKinsey 7-S Resources in the topic materials for additional information on completing this section.
  3. Describe your business-level strategy (chapter 4 – cost leadership or differentiated) and explain how it fits with the corporate-level strategy (chapter 6 – low, medium, or high differentiation plus value creating, value neutral, or value reducing) for your organization.
  Operational Plan

BUS 485 Strategic Management Week 5 DQ

Topic 5 DQ 1   What are the different levels of diversification firms can pursue by using different corporate level strategies and what are the advantages to diversifying their operations?   Topic 5 DQ 2   What do you think are the criteria a firm should use to evaluate targets for acquisition and how should a company plan and undertake its merger acquisition strategic initiatives?

BUS 485 Week 5 Assignment CLC – Financial Plan for the Capstone Project

Details: This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Write the Financial Plan for your organization (a minimum of 500 words). Create the accompanying spreadsheet(s) and address the following in your plan:

  1. Using Excel, create a three-year pro forma income statement for your organization (or product/service). Review the resources in the topic materials for additional information.
  2. Calculate your financial break-even point: BEP= Fixed Costs/ (unit price – variable unit costs).
  3. Identify possible sources for investment capital if required (friends, family, banks, USSBA, etc.).
  4. Explain how you will use financial information to help you craft your business strategy.
  5. Identify the key financial ratios you will use to measure the performance of your organization to determine success.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, lo

ATTN: Lady Taylor PhD (Training and Development Strategy Presentation) power point

Purpose of Assignment  The purpose of this assignment is to give learners experience creating a training and development Presentation for operations managers that addresses methods for two processes. Please refer to the resources below to assist with the assignment.  Assignment Steps  Resources: Human Resource Management: Ch. 8; Supplemental Resources. Choose your own organization or one you know well to use for this assignment. Concentrate on processes in the organization that, if improved, would make the organization operate more efficiently. You may use the same organization you used Week 1.

Develop a 5- to 7-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint®

Discussion – Decisions, Decisions

Assume that you work for a company as a VP of operations. You are tasked to look at the possibility of expanding into one of two countries with both manufacturing and distribution centers located in this country.
  • Country A is classified as a high income country with 250 million people in it. The technology base is solid but natural resources (wood, farming, iron, etc.) are somewhat limited.
  • Country B has 800 million people and is classified as middle-income. Resources in this country are favorable, but the government is somewhat hesitant on letting foreign companies in to operate.
Which country would you recommend expansion into and why?