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acc 501 case 3 and slp cev

Module 3 - Case ( Writer please write 4 pages for this assignment, that should cover the excel sheet and word document Transfer Pricing and Responsibility Centers Case Assignment Coffee Maker's Incorporated (CMI) Two divisions of a CMI are involved in a dispute. Division A purchases Part 101 and Division B purchases Part 201 from a third division, C. Both divisions need the parts for products that they assemble. The intercompany transactions have remained constant for several years. Recently, outside suppliers have lowered their prices, but Division C is not lowering its prices. In addition, all division managers are feeling the pressure to increase profit. Managers of divisions A and B would like the flexibility to purchase the parts they need from external parties to lower cost and increase profitability. The current pattern is that Division A purchases 3,000 units of product part 101 from Division C (the supplying division) and another 1,000 units from an external supplier. T


I have to do two pages in a group assignment. the assignment is to talk about a company, in this case HBO Now and see how they are doing currently and how they can expand I HAVE TO WRITE 2 PAGES on how THEY CAN IMPLEMENT THOSE CHANGES INTO THE COMPANY AND THE MARKET, AND OR MARKET THEIR NEW IDEAS. ( No 5 in Outline) OUTLINE: 1. Background 2. HBO Now 3. Competitors/Comparison 4. New extension Get on Android ( currently only available on IOS) Go International ( currently only available in the US) Create new content (Ex Game of Thrones interactive content. HBO should create an interactive app for Game of Thrones audience to interact with one another and have a relationship as fans.) 5. Implementation • How to implement the changes in HBO itself • How to market to the consumer 6. Charts


i attached two cases . please answer them separately . (each case has separate title and page ) Write as much as you can and proof and explain your answer. Write assumptions and write your opinions.

Global Engineering Strategy

The chosen company is Hublot, Hublot is a Swiss luxury watchmaker founded in 1980 by Italian Carlo Crocco. The layout of the coursework is provided in the attachment uploaded, each section has what should be mentioned.

The banks are having a bit of trouble with debt at the moment. They have lent lots of money to people who promised to pay it back, and then didn’t. In the future, they would like to avoid lending to the kind of person who won’t pay back the loan, and that

The banks are having a bit of trouble with debt at the moment. They have lent lots of money to people who promised to pay it back, and then didn’t. In the future, they would like to avoid lending to the kind of person who won’t pay back the loan, and that is where you come in. We have got some data from a bank describing 1000 of its loan customers. The data also tells us whether or not each customer repaid the loan (good or bad credit rating). The question is simple – Is there a difference between the people who repay the loans and those who don’t? You should use the Weka data mining package, which is installed in the university computers and also available to download from: https://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~ml/weka/ The data ‘credit-g’ in ARFF format is available on the Blackboard. It is also provided in the Excel format ‘German credit’, which contains the interpretation of variables. You should hand

Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation AND Corporate Finance

I am submitting 2 assignments. One for Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation and one for Corporate Finance. Double spacing at 1.5 lines for each. I would like each of them to be 8 pages, 2200 words long to allow for final editing on my part. For the Corporate Finance assessment, I will require that the spreadsheet for the selected company (Taylor Wimpey) be submitted as well.

Real-World Disasters: H1N1 Pandemic (2009), Earthquake in Haiti (2010)

Module 3 - Case Writer: please write 3 pages for this assignment Real-World Disasters: H1N1 Pandemic (2009), Earthquake in Haiti (2010) Assignment Overview The pandemic influenza of 2009 caused by H1N1 Influenza A was the first pandemic of the 21st century after more than 40 years of occurrence. The last time such a pandemic occurred was in 1968. One of the major public health interventions that the CDC promoted in combating the pandemic was social distancing measures. Case Assignment 1.Describe different social distancing measures that could be taken at homes, schools, and communities to mitigate the impact of a pandemic. 2.Describe the use of personal communication devices with social distancing situations. Read the following materials to assist you in your answers. Glass, R. J., Glass, L. M., Beyeler, W. E., & Min, H. (2006). Targeted social distancing design for Pandemic Influenza. Emerging Infectious Diseases 12(11). Retrieved from https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/12/11/

Transfer Pricing and Responsibility Centers

Transfer Pricing and Responsibility Centers Case Assignment Coffee Maker's Incorporated (CMI) Two divisions of a CMI are involved in a dispute. Division A purchases Part 101 and Division B purchases Part 201 from a third division, C. Both divisions need the parts for products that they assemble. The intercompany transactions have remained constant for several years. Recently, outside suppliers have lowered their prices, but Division C is not lowering its prices. In addition, all division managers are feeling the pressure to increase profit. Managers of divisions A and B would like the flexibility to purchase the parts they need from external parties to lower cost and increase profitability. The current pattern is that Division A purchases 3,000 units of product part 101 from Division C (the supplying division) and another 1,000 units from an external supplier. The market price for Part 101 is $900 per unit. Division B purchases 1,000 units of Part 201 from Division C and another


the assignment require to use the methods which the module teach us to do, therefore, i will send all the necessary documents to you, and also the module guide ''Write a report on the statistical relationship that you find between the stock price of the company that you have been assigned and the following three variables: the FTSE, the US$/GB£ exchange rate and the 10 year Gilt interest rate. The study should be based upon daily data over a 2 year period and a comparison should be made between the results from a similar study based upon month end data. ''

critically evaluating the theoretical approaches to leading organisational change

A literature review critically evaluating the theoretical approaches to leading organisational change that should be covering outcomes 1 and 2: mentioned below 1. Critically evaluate the factors that trigger individual and organisational change and the strategies and approaches available to successfully facilitate and lead a change process 2. Critically assess the role of creative techniques for individual and organisational change facilitation and change leadership. references and some more details will be uploaded. there has been added things. i uploaded the new word document "briefing of assignment." please read it. the teacher basically asked us to write more specifically, since there are many ways of change and instead choose a chapter that we would like and talk about the details of that chapter in regards to change and also relate it to our own experience.( if u have any questions about this part ask me please) so once u choose which chapter u wanna choose email me and ill se