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Archive for the ‘business’
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Contractual Remedies Business Law

Haply Inc. contracts with Barksdale LLC to have an engine repaired. After much negotiation, the parties agree that the engine will be repaired and reinstalled at Haply’s facilities in 5 days. Haply plans on losing $40,000 a day for each day the engine is not delivered after the five-day window (this is the cost for a replacement engine). Haply tells Barksdale’s representatives that if the engine is not repaired on time that bad press will cause Haply to lose a client’s business totaling $3,000,000. Barksdale does not complete the contract until day 7. It cost Haply $500 to secure the delivery of a replacement engine. The actual rental of the replacement engine cost $40,000 a day. And Haply lost the business of a client totaling $3,000,000. Haply sues Barksdale for incidental, consequential and compensatory damages. The court finds that there is a breach of contract. What are the consequential, incidental, and compensatory damages that Barksdale is liable for in this case? Be su

Bussiness 121 Unit 3 Discussion: The Hiring Process

Unit 3 Discussion: The Hiring Process Staffing is probably the most important process that a business must manage. We want a qualified and competent labor force. This means hiring the very best people to work for the business. The first step in the staffing process usually consists of having an applicant complete an application. The application gathers information about the candidate's work history, education, and other such demographic information. "Applications are seldom used for upper level jobs" and most applications are now prepared electronically and are submitted through the company's web site (Ebert & Griffin, 2011, p.152). After the application is submitted, many employers require candidates to take a series of tests as part of the hiring process; i.e., skills, personality, intelligence, screenings for drugs, background checks, etc. These tests may be administered before or after the interview. In the final stages of the hiring process, benefits and on-the-job training

The Open Offer Business Law

Jimmy, an art dealer and merchant, is running out of funds. Luckily, he owns a priceless Van Gogh painting. He writes his friend Tommy. The letter says “Tommy you remember that Van Gogh painting you were interested in buying? I will offer it to you for $500,000. I will give you one month to accept this offer.” Jimmy signs the letter. Tommy receives the letter, and he is very excited. He writes back two weeks later saying that he accepts, and Tommy encloses a check for $500,000. Unfortunately, Jimmy received a better offer for the painting, and Jimmy accepts that one.
  • Is there a breach of contract?
  • If so, what remedies may Tommy get?

multi-source feedback

Read the chapter then use the 3 articles and discuss the benefits & challenges of using “360 degree" or multi-source feedback systems. What data exist to support the strategic value of this approach in organizations? Include APA citations including page numbers.

performance management

Design a performance management system for a marriage counselor and a convenience store clerk. Use Exhibit 10.3 as a guideline. Highlight the important features of your performance management system. Use the text and 2 of the attached related journal articles as references in APA style with citations including page numbers. If an outside source is used I will need to have access to it. If you cannot answer for the $5 posted, please don't answer.

part 1 boomer and millenial motivations for jobs

Read Chapter then conduct brief interviews to Compare and contrast what motivates workers in different generations (don’t forget to ask the older interviewees about their motivations earlier in their careers), and suggest a compensation system that might be most motivating for each generation to promote high performance. Use one interview with an employee (or a family member, friend, or colleague) in his or her 20s or 30s. and a second interview with someone in his or her 50s, 60s, or 70s (Millennials vs baby boomers) Use the text and two attached references in APA citations including page numbers. If you cannot do for $5, please don't answer

Labor Unions and Employers

Visit the websites for the Teamsters union (http://www.teamsters.com ) AND the website for the National Labor Relations Board (http://www.nlrb.gov). Compare and contrast what information is emphasized and the way information is presented on the labor organization site vs. the government site. What are the main issues that the union appears to be pursuing? Do these issues appear well-matched to the needs of the workforce describe three ways these websites are valuable for employers and three ways of how this site is valuable to union leaders. Then Contrast the style of labor unions in the United States to that found in other countries. Use APA format and citations including page numbers. Use two peer journal articles in your analysis. If you cannot answer for the specified price, then please don't respond.

costs for replacement of a Training & Development Professional

Calculate the turnover costs of a Training & Development Professional (non-profit child welfare trainer in the US) assuming the voluntary resignation of a long-term employee in the position. Consider the economic and non-economic costs in your analyses. Describe any difficulty you have coming to an accurate accounting of these costs. What recommendations could you make to the organization to manage these costs? Use at least 2 peer reviewed journal articles to support your analysis. (Ones that I can access) in APA style. If you cannot answer for the specified amount then please don't bother answering.

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions & the US & Mexico

Reading Ch 14 and then incorporate & answer the following: Consider Exhibit 14.1 illustrating examples of Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions across cultures. Look at the U.S. and Mexico & discuss how would you set up HR programs and practices differently for the same organization operating in these two different nations? Where would you place your priorities in terms of meeting cultural and national expectations? Suppose you had 5 minutes to give a strategic HR briefing to a high-level executive with years of experience in one country, but none in the other. What would you tell him or her? Use 2 peer reviewed articles in addition to the text (that I can also access). Use APA style and cite including page numbers. If you can't answer for $5, don't answer.

final public relation

  • Are PR professionals required to be more ethical than other professionals due to the nature of their job? Explain your answer.
  • List and explain two innovative uses of technology in a PR campaign.