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Internal Public Relations

  • Consider an organization you are familiar with. What PR tools would be most effective in building long-term relationships with the organization's publics? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these tools? Which PR communications tool do you feel is the most effective?
  • Why is it critical to specifically define your organization's internal publics? Why is it important to keep internal publics informed? How does corporate culture affect an organization's internal communications?

Disney Strategic Plan & HR Evaluation

10 page APA format with four citations (that I can access): What is Disney's Global business strategy & what is their  major (three) strategic goals? What are the major types of HR practices Disney engages in (three minimum) how much & how often are they engaging in these HR activities? What are the estimated costs (three) of these HR pactices and what are the (three) benefits to Disney? How do these HR activities match the global strategy & goals of Disney? Are there any that don't match the strategic goals of the company? What would your recommendations be on how Disney could better match its HR activities with its strategic objectives to improve performance and quality? What might the costs be and what are the estimated future benefits?

Disney Strategic Plan & HR Evaluation

10 page APA format with four citations (that I can access): What is Disney's Global business strategy & what is their  major (three) strategic goals? What are the major types of HR practices Disney engages in (three minimum) how much & how often are they engaging in these HR activities? What are the estimated costs (three) of these HR pactices and what are the (three) benefits to Disney? How do these HR activities match the global strategy & goals of Disney? Are there any that don't match the strategic goals of the company? What would your recommendations be on how Disney could better match its HR activities with its strategic objectives to improve performance and quality? What might the costs be and what are the estimated future benefits?

Disney Strategic Plan & HR Evaluation

10 page APA format with four citations (that I can access): What is Disney's Global business strategy & what is their  major (three) strategic goals? What are the major types of HR practices Disney engages in (three minimum) how much & how often are they engaging in these HR activities? What are the estimated costs (three) of these HR pactices and what are the (three) benefits to Disney? How do these HR activities match the global strategy & goals of Disney? Are there any that don't match the strategic goals of the company? What would your recommendations be on how Disney could better match its HR activities with its strategic objectives to improve performance and quality? What might the costs be and what are the estimated future benefits?

Unit 2 Business Application Bussiness 121 Assignment: Strategy and Management

Unit 2 Business Application Assignment: Strategy and Management In this Application Assignment, we will build upon what we did last week in the first Application Assignment. It is definitely best to use the same business or company that you used in that first application assignment. But, if your instructor approves, you can change and select another company for this report. Again, do some research on this business and prepare a 1-2 page report. Your report should cover the following points. Use your research to develop your own opinions, interpretations and conclusions about this business.
  • As an introduction to your report, identify the business and provide a very brief description of the business.
  • What is the company’s mission statement?
    • What do you think this mission statement means?
  • Identify and describe at least one strategic goal for this business.

Business 121 Unit 2 Discussion: Effective Managers and Leaders

You've probably learned by now that all leaders are not managers and all managers are not leaders. While managers are concerned with the day to day operations and with meeting a firm's goals and objectives, leaders are concerned with long term vision. Managers plan, organize, staff, budget and solve problems. Leaders inspire and motivate to produce change, change that meets long term strategies. Leaders influence the thoughts, emotions and actions of other people. Leaders can come from any position or level in a business or company - from senior level management all the way to the lowest level employee. We often think that people are "born leaders." While there are some charismatic people who have natural abilities and powers to motivate and inspire, leadership skills can be learned! While we might not be able to change basic personality, we all can learn certain skill sets that help us to be leaders.
  • Let's assume you own and operate your own business. You are hiring a pote

Targeting Risks

  • How is the effectiveness of public relations best measured? Explain your answer. What are three types of evaluation techniques used in PR? Provide examples of each.
  • What are some risks involved in targeting specific groups in a PR campaign? What could go wrong?

Business Strategy

  1. Did you develop a cohesive business strategy before embarking on completing the entries for your first two decision rounds?  How well developed was that strategy? (Note:  Don't give away the details of your strategy if you plan to use that for future decision rounds).
  2. Did you focus on ensuring your decisions would position your business in five key goals for your firm (EPS, ROE, Credit Rating, Image Rating, Stock Price)? How did these goals impact your strategy decisions? If you didn't attempt to achieve meeting or exceeding in all 5 metrics, which ones did you knowingly sacrifice on and why?
  3. How well did you actually implement your strategies?  What do you think will end up being your best move so far to position you for success?
  • Requirement
  • 4 to 5 reference
  • Check  plagiarism 0%

Public Relations part 2

  • Organization - BAYADA Home Health Care
  • Develop a tactical plan utilizing at least five of the following public relations tools and identify which tool(s) will be used to communicate to which publics and why. This section can be submitted as a chart
    • Event planning
    • Open house
    • Press conference
    • Community event
    • Sponsorship
    • Corporate newsletter--internal or external
    • Direct mail
    • Internet or intranet
    • Promotional items
    • Promotions--sweepstakes
    • Spokesperson

Organizational and Societal Functions

Select an organization ( Marshalls Department store ), and identify an issue within that organization that would have both organizational (internal) and societal (external) implications. Part I: Prepare a 7- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation in which the following is addressed:
  • Explain the organizational and societal functions of PR.
  • Compare and contrast the organizational and societal implications in the issue you have chosen.
  • Use speaker notes section of PowerPoint slides to add discussion.
Part II: Write a 525- to 700-word paper that answers the following question:
  • For the organization and the issue you have chosen, explain how Public Relations should address both the organizational and societal audiences and what public relations tools can be used to do so.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.