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Archive for the ‘business’
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Potential Technology :Home automation technology

Task With your team of no more than five members prepare a full Opportunity Assessment and Feasibility Report that outlines the potential of a technology or business concept of your team’s choice to form a new venture. IMPORTANT: This is not a business plan but a comprehensive analysis of a business idea/concept that recommends whether the idea provides an arguable business opportunity before proceeding with full business planning and business start up activity   Potential Technology :Home automation technology My part in the report   Methodology: discussion on method of analysis for feasibility study Return on Investment (ROI) analysis for comparing overall profitability ROI = Estimated lifetime benefits - Estimated lifetime costs Estimated lifetime costs or ROI = Net Present value / Estimated lifetime costs  SWOT Analysis

What factors have contributed to making shared economy companies such a significant focus of investment compared to more traditional alternatives

What factors have contributed to making shared economy companies such a significant focus of investment compared to more traditional alternatives

Ways to evaluate stress and stress management for the business professional.(causes and what can be done to solve stress in the work place.)

5 pages of research, the 6th page for sources. I don't need a introduction or conclusion for paper.no blogs and no personal opinions. Paper must be in Times New Romans 12 font with one-inch top, bottom,and side margins.EndNote or footnote. sources can emanate from Internet unless you have accessed a known and reputable source 9 such as professional Journals, Books, Articles, and government sources, and documented and printed research with publication name, volume, page number, and specific authors. there must be an exact author with his or her credentials listed


ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED! THANK YOU :) Course Paper Guidelines Principles of Management (MAN 2021) One of the required aspects of this course is to complete a Course Project. This project is to be a comprehensive written assignment. BE SURE TO USE APA STYLE. You may use your text book and/or other resources to complete the questions listed below. Think of a small company you would like to start. Using this company, include the following components in your finalized submittal and use them as Section Headings for formatting your submittal. Put the Section Headings in BOLD. Then your responses in normal 12 point type size and write in complete sentences. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED! THANK YOU :)

Assignment 1: Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership

Assignment 1: Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership Due Week 4 and worth 220 points According to the article “Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership”, one of the most important constructs in leadership today is the concept and application of emotional intelligence (EI) (Batool, 2013). Imagine that you are an internal consultant to an organization of your choosing. The CEO has tasked you with preparing a presentation for the Board of Directors on what emotional intelligence is, and its influence on leadership and the people within the organization. You can submit this assignment as a PowerPoint or other equivalent visual software, OR as a written assignment. Please see each description below. Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

work place and Diversity

Determine which class protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 had the greatest impact on the workforce of the 20th century and determine which class might have the greatest impact on the workforce of the 21st century. Support your positions. Slect the single most significant European work / life balance practice that U.S. companies could most easily implement with a specific scenario or example to support your response.

What factors have contributed to making shared economy companies such a significant focus of investment compared to more traditional alternatives

What factors have contributed to making shared economy companies such a significant focus of investment compared to more traditional alternatives

Research Paper "Statistic"

I need a research paper (statistical) about the waiting time in emergency unit in hospital ( any hospital ) using published data The project should use statistical terms and methods and the then discuss and analyses the results, the research need to have also mistograme charts Please find the attached file its an old paper research to show you what we need exactly and please follow the same structure of this paper

Public Relation

  • Some organizations try to shape the perception that key groups have about them by using almost any methods that are available to them. Why shouldn't they do this? What harm is it if an organization in your community used spin to influence your opinion?
  • Imagine yourself as the Public Relations Director for a large non-profit that relies on donations for financing. It comes to your attention that a popular blogger posted an inaccurate story about extremely high salaries that you and other top managers receive. The story has been re-posted on at least 40 other sites by the time you become aware of it. What could you do to protect the organization's reputation?

The Cost Connundrum

This module looks at who the stakeholders are in the U.S. health care system and how and why their wants and needs vary. This module also explores the incentives and disincentives to lower costs and improve quality of care in the US, and it illustrates the fragmentation and lack of centralized oversight of the system. Particular attention is paid to regional variation. Gawande, A. (2009). The cost conundrum. New Yorker, 85(16), 36. Shi, Ch. 12: Cost, Access, and Quality Bohmer & Knoop, 2006, "The Challenge Facing the U.S. Healthcare Delivery System" (606096) Questions
  • 1. What are the three reasons why United States expenditures on health differ from other OECD countries?
  • 2. What factors explain why the United States has a health disadvantage compared to other wealthy nations?