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Please note attached files for reference. Assessment 1 The portfolio assessment will examine the body of knowledge derived from a range of learning outcomes covered early on in the module and allows students to undertake research and investigations and make conclusions on business cases. Portfolio contents include 3 ITEMS WHICH ARE: (1) a simulation game report relating to an operation�s business performance; (2) a 500 word written personal reflection on operational business decisions made within the game; (3) and a 500 word written case review, BASED ON A SEPARATE ALLOCATED CASE. Note that the result of the game will not be used to determine your mark for Assessment 1; it is pertinent though that the outcome is used to inform the personal reflection and to enable you to show what they have learned from the simulation experience. Link for game:

Week 4 Paper

Assignment 1: Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership Due Week 4 and worth 220 points According to the article “Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership”, one of the most important constructs in leadership today is the concept and application of emotional intelligence (EI) (Batool, 2013). Imagine that you are an internal consultant to an organization of your choosing. The CEO has tasked you with preparing a presentation for the Board of Directors on what emotional intelligence is, and its influence on leadership and the people within the organization. You can submit this assignment as a PowerPoint or other equivalent visual software, OR as a written assignment. Please see each description below. Note: You may create and / or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Project Baseline “Weall, Suthem and Wynn” Law Firm IT installation Project

Project Plan assignment and should include: 1. Scope Statement and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 2. Schedule section including a narrative as to how you developed your schedule as well as a schedule tool such as one or more of a Milestone chart or Table. and /or a Gantt chart 3. A Cost section including a narrative on how you developed your cost estimates and a detailed spreadsheet containing sections for each of labour and other resources (e. hardware, software, net work cabling purchases). The cost detail should also be tied to the schedule so the customer can see the planned spending by period. 4. A Cumulative cost table and "S curve" graphic Excel spreadsheet has been posted to the content section of e.centennial for this course and attached here for your reference. You may adapt it as you see fit to provide an integrated view of scope, time and cost also knows a "Project Baseline"

Fanny and Freeman’s Business Operations and Systems

(2200 words needed) B&M was formed in 1978 and they are variety retailers in the UK. B&M operate 450 stores across UK and employs 20,000 workers (http://www.bandmretail.com/). You should outline the essential components for ‘effective business operations management’ for B&M stores (B&M) in the UK. Use a soft systems methodology to evaluate the issues B&M might face if they decide to introduce facilities to enable their customers to order goods online and have them delivered to the door. Support your discussion with appropriate business operations models (i.e. operation strategy performance (priorities) model, customer value, the service gap model, four v’s profile etc.). TIPS: 1. You should start with what B&M are doing well compare to the

One of the few surviving on-line grocers,

One of the few surviving on-line grocers, Fresh Direct uses 150 trucks to generate delivery within 2 hours. Currently Fresh Direct sells $200 million worth of food per year representing 2 million orders and comprising 60 million items. A major part of the operation depends on how well workers in the warehouse assemble orders. An error caught before a shipment leaves the warehouse costs $0.50 per item, while every error found after shipping costs $6.00 per item. After years of effort, Fresh Direct achieved a level of accuracy in assembly so that 99.6% of its items were correctly filled and shipped (that is, only 0.4% items were not shipped correctly). Recently a software firm offered Fresh Direct a RFID product that would check the items in an order after it was assembled and before it left the warehouse and would catch 75% of the incorrect items, thus improving overall order accuracy to 99.9%. What is the maximum that Fresh Direct should be willing to pay to purchase the new system if


Writing a Business Report/Memo   Complete Problem 7 in Chapter 3 in the text. Develop a two to three-page business memorandum (not including the title and reference pages, and formatted as outlined on pages 30 through 32) to detail your answers and recommendations. To receive full credit for this assignment you must address the following: (a through d):   Determine the optimal weekly production schedule for MVC. What is the optimal weekly profit? What is the minimum price that would justify producing the Plus Model? Explain. If MVC could purchase additional 17 inch monitors for $15 more than what they are currently paying for them, should they do this? Explain. Suppose an additional worker could be hired for $1000 per week over the existing weekly worker salary. (Recall that workers average 30 hours per week.) Analyze why MVC should do this. Submit to your instructor your two- to three-page paper (not including title and reference pages). Your paper should be formatte

Acme Manufacturing

You’ve been in your role as Human Resources Manager of Acme Manufacturing for six months now. The employee hostilities that existed when you started your job have resolved and the shift workers are back on track, so much so that there hasn’t been a single news article written about the company since your arrival. Leadership of the company has noticed this, too, and the CEO has called you to her office for a meeting. The CEO explained that the company does not have a compensation structure for the non-represented management employees and needs to have the full gamut of HR activities performed to get this developed and approved by the board during it’s upcoming meeting in two months. She handed you a report from an external consultant to the Board’s Compensation Committee outlining the elements needed:
  • Develop, analyze, and explain requirements that could be used in the personnel selection process for management positions in the company
  • Determine and explai

Principles of Micro Economics

Homework problems for chapter 1 are: Problem 1 on page 22 Problem 3 on Page 22   Homework problems for chapter 2 are: Problem 1 on page 51 Problem 2 on page 51   Required Materials Textbook:       Microeconomics Author            McConnell, Brue & Flynn Publisher        McGraw Hill Edition            20th                 Copyright       2015

HCS 465 Influences of Health Care research

Identify one innovation that has been developed in the last 20 years that has influenced the health care industry.  Choose from the list below:
  • Tele-Medicine/Tele-Health
  • EMR
  • Organ Transplants
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Camera carrying pills
  • 3D Printing
Write a 900- to 1,250-word paper that discusses the following:
  • Inform the reader of your chosen innovation and provide background information/history about it.
  • Explain how evidence-based research influences the healthcare industry.
  • Applying that information, how has/does evidence-based research influence your chosen innovation?
  • What are some external influences that affect healthcare research?
  • Applying that information, what are some external influences that affect your chosen innovation?

Assignment 1 Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies – Ford Motor Company*****A++ Rated Tutorial Already***** Use as a Guide Paper*****