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Archive for the ‘business’
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the proposal and the project idea will be attached and the report should be completed in the same file, and I will attach the guide line sheet all points should be covered in the project my deadline is after 30 days and I need the report to be updated and presented every Sunday so the 1st draft should be ready in 5 days

Strayer BUS 100 – As a Category Manager, part of your role

As a Category Manager, part of your role is to analyze data and information about how well a product is selling to help the maker of that product improve the product and consider introducing new products. Rochelle and her team at Alikay Naturals have asked you, the Beauty Products Category Manager, to review one of their products and determine where it lies in the product life cycle. Additionally, they have asked you to recommend ways to improve the product in order to increase sales.  

Virginia MGT 1004 – Innovation is one factor used

1) Innovation is one factor used to measure a society's quality of life. True False 2) Higher degrees of wealth are always generated by high-end businesses such as jewelers and lush seaside resorts: True False 3) Businesses in the high-tech sector have no need for natural resource factors of production. True False 4) Which of the following elements of business does NOT contribute directly to improving quality of life? A) profits B) goods C) services D) paychecks E) research 5) Entrepreneurs invest time and money in a business in spite of the fact that it may not make a profit. In business terminology, what is this situation known as? A) uncertainty B) risk C) venture D) liability E) jeopardy 6) Attitudes about ethical behaviors and practices are universal across cultures. True False 7) A situation in which people have to decide whether to pursue an action that may benefit them or their organization but which is unethical or illegal is called double jeopardy. True False 8) A whistleblow

Strayer BUS 319 – Examine key methods of marketing

Thread: Week 3 Discussion 2 – MKT310009VA016-1168-001 Examine key methods of marketing for retailing that will target all customers without exclusion. Select one (1) of these methods and apply it to a retail business in which you are interested. Provide justification for your selection. From the second e-Activity, examine the fundamental reasons why Build-A-Bear is successful at using technology and nontraditional forms of retailing to increase its image and therefore increase sales. Select another retail area, and propose two (2) ways that you could apply Build-A-Bear’s practices to that area.  

Business information system

forget to tell writer an important message, my assignment topic is :immigration department(public service department) please write a system about immigration department,do it in the template,u can read through the example that i uploaded,buy dont copy it,may involve plagiarism,and also the assignment outline have assist you how to start it please read and follow the assignment outline carefully,and do it in the template i provided,i will upload the example of assignment too,to let you know how the complete assignment looks like

Project Defense Questions

I have attached the expected questions that may the committee members ask during my project defense. Please, answer these questions in few sentences. Also, I have attached the project research.

YUXUAN LIU – PDB Assignment 4

This is the same assignment with the one I have ordered yesterday but another student's. So I need this to be different with the one I ordered yesterday due to different information provided, and... maybe make a bit different in structure? if you can. Thanks. The subject of this assignment is Professional Development in Business. There are 4 parts in total, but you only need to do entry 1 (a speech for me to read in my video presentation, approx. 200 words), entry 2, and entry 4. Entry 3 is done by myself and is attached (Entry 3.docx), you can use entry 3 as a reference to write the speech for entry 1, entry 2, and entry 4. The following are the instructions (the original document of the instructions are attached(Ass 4 SP5 2016.docx), you can find the feedback sheet for marking this assignment in the bottom of the document): BUSS 1060: Assignment, Portfolio, 40% IMPORTANT NOTE: Late submissions will NOT be accepted. In a real life situation, presenting your application for a real j

Week 3 Discussions

This first one requires a written Response to the post while using a reference and adding a question: "Job Analysis and Work / Life Balance" Please respond to the following:
  • From the e-Activity, examine two (2) methods of job analysis described in the video. Then, determine the purpose and the expected outcome for each method. Justify your response.
Response: Observation and Interview. Observation Method: A job analyst observes an employee and records all his performed and non-performed task, fulfilled and un-fulfilled responsibilities and duties, methods, ways and skills used by him or her to perform various duties and his or her mental or emotional ability to handle challenges and risks. It is due to the fact that every person has his own way of observing things. Different people think different and interpret the findings in different ways. Therefore, the process may involve personal biases or likes and dislikes and may not produce genuin

Week 7 Discussion Question 2 Lou

Part 1."A well-thought-out orientation program is essential for all new employees, whether they have experience or not."  Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.
Part 2. Do you think job rotation is a good method to use for developing management trainees?  Why or why not?

Discussion 1: Enhancing Performance

Determine which is more effective at improving employee performance: training and development or job redesign. Explain your reasoning. Referring back to the Bright Horizon—Total Reward video, determine three (3) different ways to manage and enhance employee performance and how those ways could be leveraged at your current (or future) place of employment. Video: http://www.cengage.com/management/webtutor/denisi_hr/video/ch14.html