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Question Question 1 What are the essential and effective components of customer empowerment? 1) A customer relationship management program that ensures needs of MVC's are being met better than other customers 2) Encouraging customers to complain about products to online customer communities and the company 3) Referring customers to competitors in order to price compare 4) Enabling customers to participate in the design of current and future products and provide feedback View Feedback Question 2 What is the purpose of influencer marketing? 1) Posting signs in a store to influence purchase decisions at the point of sale 2) Key corporate officers infuencing the daily management of frontline employees 3) Targeting people known to influence others who may be potential customers 4) Using influencial

Question Question 1 Why is it important for marketers to understand consumer behavior theories? 1) Because in addition to marketing stimuli, the consumer has other stimuli they bring to their decision-making processes 2) Because marketers need to develop strategies for each of the consumer behavior factors 3) Because they may be able to manipulate consumers into purchasing their products 4) Because consumers are all different and need different products and services View Feedback Question 2 Which of the following stimuli can a marketer control? 1) The price of an offering. 2) A consumer's relationship with a brand 3) When a consumer purchases a product or service offering 4) The consumer's social class View Feedback Question 3 How can a marketer influence the decision of a consumer who

Question Question 1 Target marketing may also be considered as ________. 1) wide blasts of media messages 2) shotgun marketing 3) undifferentiated marketing 4) differentiated marketing View Feedback Question 2 If you were describing a market for farm equipment, which segmentation basis would be the primary descriptor of the market segment? 1) demographic 2) behavioral 3) psychographic 4) geographic View Feedback Question 3 What kind of information would be considered in demographic segmentation? 1) nationality, social class, job title 2) location, longevity, language 3) age, income, gender 4) intelligence, maturity, stability View Feedback Question 4 What are the common characteristics of a family life cycle? 1) A family's transportation preferences 2) The ups and downs a family faces over the cousre of a single year 3) The age range of a family 4) The stages a family goes through over time and the effects

Question Question 1 There are four levels of a product: core, tangible, augmented, and promised Which of the following represents an intangible product? 1) A new projector screen TV for teens to share with their friends 2) An outdoor kitchen to improve the value and appearance of a home 3) Life insurance with a high premium and high cash value after 20 years 4) A new Range Rover for its unique styling and brand name View Feedback Question 2 What is the advantage of a service-dominated approach to products? 1) Because everything today is essentially a service 2) Because it integrates the product, price, and service dimensions of an offering 3) Because you don't have to be concerned with tangible benefits 4) Because services are more dominant today that pure goods. View Feedback Question 3

Question Question 1 Most shippers have track and trace systems to track their product loads in the supply chain. Having the capacity to track products helps shippers anticipate events that could disrupt the supply chain. Which of the following could disrupt the supply chain? 1) employees taking sick days 2) shipping mistakes as a result of improper information inputted into the system 3) hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean 4) customers changing their minds View Feedback Question 2 The definition of demand planning is _______. 1) process of demanding channel members to provide value added if they want to be included in the supply chain. 2) process for estimating how much product customers will buy. 3) process of anticipating demand prior to production. 4) process of det

ACC 205 Guidance Report Week 4 Ashford University complete solutions correct answers key Chapter 7, Exercise 2 2. Accrued liability: current portion of long-term debt. On July 1, 20X1, Hall Com­pany borrowed $225,000 via a long-term loan. Terms of the loan require that Hall pay interest and $75,000 of principal on July 1, 20X2, 20X3, and 20X4. The unpaid balance of the loan accrues interest at the rate of 10% per year. Hall has a December 31 year-end. a. Compute Hall’s accrued interest as of December 31, 20X1. b. Present the appropriate balance sheet disclosure for the accrued interest and the current and long-term portion of the outstanding debt as of December 31, 20X1. c. Repeat parts (a) and (b) using a date of December 31, 20X2, rather than December 31, 20X1. Assume that Hall is in compliance with the terms of the loan agree­ment.   Chapter 7, Exerc

Vertical analysis is a technique that expresses each item in a financial statement: • in dollars and cents. • as a percent of the item in the previous year. • starting with the highest value down to the lowest value. • as a percent of a base amount. Under the accrual basis of accounting: • cash must be received before revenue is recognized. • net income is calculated by matching cash outflows against cash inflows. • events that change a company's financial statements are recognized in the period they occur rather than in the period in which cash is paid or received. • the ledger accounts must be adjusted to reflect a cash basis of accounting before financial statements are prepared under generally accepted accounting principles. The manager of Weiser is given a bonus based on net income before tax

1.     In the managerial function of __________, managers encourage and motivate workers to work toward organizational goals. A. organizing B. planning C. controlling D. leading 2.     eBay.com is a vast auction site that is similar to a competitive market in some ways but differs from it in others. Which of the following describes how eBay resembles a competitive market? A. On eBay the large sellers dominate the market. B. Sellers sometimes do not describe the products accurately on eBay. C. There is a great variety of different products sold on eBay. D. It is easy to enter and easy to leave eBay. 3.     From the point of view of consumer surplus and producer surplus, what problem was created when Thailand subsidized the cost of energy to consumers to help alleviate the burden of higher energy costs? A. It encouraged the consumption of too much fuel at the expense of other goods. B. It has no effect; consumers gained consumer surplus, but taxpayers lost the sa

MGMT640 1121 Final Exam Spring 2016 Name: __________________________    Date: ___________________ The Final Exam is individual work. All work on the exam should be from your own efforts, with no assistance from classmates, family, friends or others.  By proceeding with this exam, you are agreeing not to share the exam content or your responses with anyone, including future students of MGMT640.  Your completed exam is due by 7:00 PM on Sunday, April 24, 2016 (upload to your Final Exam folder under Assignments). Please refer to the Syllabus for the policy regarding late submissions.  There will be no make-up exams except for documented emergencies. You are not required to submit your working.  However, complete working showing formulas and calculations may be considered for partial credit for incorrect answers.

Description     This course contains a Course Project, where you will be required to submit one draft of the project at the end of Week 5, and the final completed project at the end of Week 7. Using the financial statements for Nike, Inc. and Under Armour, Inc.,respectively, you will calculate and compare the financial ratios listed further down this document for the fiscal year ending 2014, and prepare your comments about the two companies’ performances based on your ratio calculations. The entire project will be graded by the instructor at the end of the final submission in Week 7, and one grade will be assigned for the entire project.       Overall Requirements     For the Final Submission:   Your final Excel workbook submission should contain the following. You cannot use any other software but Excel to complete this project. 1.     A Completed Wo