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Archive for the ‘business’
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Assignment 2: Course Project, Part V: Evaluation, Final

Assignment 2: Course Project, Part V: Evaluation, Final This assignment has two parts. Part 1: Write a 2–3 page evaluation of the quality improvement program that you have created. This should be the annual summary of the hypothetical data. Make sure your hypothetical data are credible. Part 2: Course Project was to prepare a total quality improvement program, with a focus on one high-risk area. Continuous quality improvement covers many areas. Throughout the course, you have learned about the attributes that constitute a quality improvement team and what questions this team attempts to answer. The assignments toward this project that you completed each week can now be assembled into a single instructional document. Make necessary adjustments to your document so that

BUS 308 Week 2 Discussion 1

What is a hypothesis test?  Why do we need to use them to make decisions about relating sample results to the population; why can’t we just make our decisions by the sample value?   Good morning class!  The classic definition of a hypothesis that I learned when taking biology is that it’s an educated guess about how things work.  However in statistics, a hypothesis test is a way to make assumptions, or interpretations using the data from the study.  When performing hypothesis testing we have two outcomes that can occur – a result that is significant

BUS 308 Week 4_Quiz

Week4 quiz Grade Details - All Questions   Question 1. Question : Confidence intervals provide an indication of how much variation exists in the data set.   Student Answer: True   False   Instructor Explanation: Answer found in section 11, introduction, in Statistics for Managers   Points Received: 1 of 1   Comments:   Question 2. Question : In confidence intervals, the width of the interval depends only on the variation within the data set.   Student Answer: True   False   Instructor Explanation: Answer found in section 11.2, in Statistics for Managers   Points Received: 1 of 1  

Are current labor laws capable of dealing with labor-management problems

v Please read chapters three and four of the textbook. Upon completion, respond to the questions below: Are current labor laws capable of dealing with labor-management problems, or should they be abolished? If they should be abolished, with what should they be replaced (if anything)?   Submission Instructions: Any papers/assignments should at a minimum contain 500-750 words of content (double spaced), include a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional), and a reference listing page with at least three (3) NEW references properly listed at the end of your work. Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.   Textbook access will be supplied upon assignment confirmation.

Analyze the case study, “Frank Smith Plumbing.” Analyze the

Analyze the case study, "Frank Smith Plumbing." (Attached) Analyze the "Frank Smith Plumbing's Financial Statement" spreadsheet. (Attached) Compare the cost of the truck to the cash flow records Compile your calculations in a Microsoft® Excel® document Develop a 1,050-word analysis and include the following:
  • Explain why limited leverage is good for business.Show the profitability of the project so that Stephanie can convince her father to purchase the truck by borrowing money.
  • Explain how Stephanie should convince her mother that it is inappropriate to call the bank manager and his wife for assistance in getting the loan approval?
  • Analyze whether the investment in th

750 words Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group

750 words   Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday, and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time. Key Assignment First Draft Content from Week 2 should be edited to take into account any instructor feedback Transformational Change Management Plan You will create an entire Transformational Change Management Plan for a medium-sized public company that has lost business to a competitor that has chosen to outsource much of its production operations. The company has been based in a small Midwestern town, it is one of the largest employers, and it has an excellent reputat

Capstone Project Preliminary Ideas – Individual Resources

Capstone Project Preliminary Ideas – IndividualResources
  • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
  • MBA6028 Course Alignment Map.
  • Paragraphing With the MEAL Plan.
  • MBA Capstone Project Guidelines.
  Activity Context This discussion helps you develop the skills to master the following course competency:
  • Integrate and apply core knowledge, skills, and attitudes to plan for resolution of key business challenges.
Revisit the MBA6028 Course Alignment Map to review how all activities assist you in achieving the course competencies and overall program outcomes. Activity Instructions Read the MBA Capstone Project Guidelines document, paying careful attention to the template

: Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points,

Assignment 2: Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Due Week 3 and worth 120 points Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you:
  1. Identify the topic you selected and explain two (2) reasons for using it.
  2. Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph.
  3. Describe three (3) major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision-making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic).
  4. Describe the paper’s scope and outline the major sections.
  5. Identify and explain the questions to be answered.
  6. Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research.
  7. Document at least three (3) primary sources and three (3) secondary sources. Use credible, academic sources available

Sustainable competitive advantage is the “holy grail”

1. Sustainable competitive advantage is the "holy grail" of corporate strategy, but it is elusive. Using all you have learned to date about Harley-Davidson, analyze whether or not Harley-Davidson has a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Defend your answer using examples from your readings, the annual report, and other sources.     2.  Synergy is an often-used word in business, but as the popular press and the textbook suggest, many efforts at diversification do not provide value to customers or shareholders. Based on your analysis of Harley-Davidson to date and its merger, describe how it has done or could do the following:
  • Find economies of scope. Provide examples of specific actions Harley-Davidson's managers could take to reduce expenses or share activities through horizontal relationships acro

Social Media paper

Social media is one's of the most primary source of new, entertainment, and communication tools for most of the people in today's generation.  In this paper, I will go over some of the advantages and disadvantages of easily obtainable information on social media.  I will also provide some of the advantages and disadvantages of social media.  This paper will explain how might know these advantages and disadvantages alter how a person might use social media, and what credibility issues can arise from information on the Internet.