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Archive for the ‘business’
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Human Resource Management

Employee motivation is often seen as one of the key challenges in the modern workforce (see http://guides.wsj.com/management/managing-your-people/how-to-motivate-employees/ ). Based on your experience, what combination of motivating programs for employees works best? How would this likely vary in a different industry? Support your proposals with examples and/or references.

BUS 121 Unit 4 Business Application Assignment: The Language of Business

As you will often hear, "Accounting is the language of business." Accounting and finance may be a new area of learning for many of us. Accounting and finance are important to the success of every company and individual. It is important to familiarize yourself with some of the accounting and finance terms and concepts that you may see and hear about every day. The more you learn about how business, accounting and finance work, the better! Choose one topic from the list below. Using the internet or the library, find an article or website that relates to your topic and respond to the following points:
  • Identify your topic and explain why you selected this topic.
  • Summarize the article or website. Avoid plagiarizing; do NOT copy/paste from this website.
  • What did you learn? How will you use the information? Why is this site valuable?
  • Include your opinions, interpretations and conclusions. How will you apply this information to your personal and pro

The Importance of Market Research

Select a Fortune 500 company in which you are interested. (APPLE INC) Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you describe the importance of marketing research to your selected company's management team. Address the following in your paper:
  • Define market research.
  • If your selected company uses marketing research, identify the different types of marketing research it uses and describe the importance of that research to the company using the provided template.
  • If your selected company does not currently use marketing research, describe the different types of marketing research that would be beneficial to the company.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. In text Citation

Compare the US and Australian Healthcare Systems

I have dug up some facts already. I need someone to come up with any things that may be missing to do a good job and: Compare and contrast between the US and Australian Healthacare systems What are some innovations in the US Healthcare system that can be "marketed" to the Australians and what are some innovations in Australian Healthcare systems that can be marketed to the United states. Please reference the paper very well. You can use references from the document that I attached and also other references that you can list.  

Business Acc 402

Must be done on Tax ACT software (if possible).  It will be much easier to do this assignment on Tax ACT software.  As I have previously mentioned, the software can be downloaded from Tax ACT’s website.  Based on the following information prepare the 2015 tax return for Jack and Jill Hill.  Jack is 49 years old, and Jill is 47 years old.  Makeup any Social Security Numbers you need. Jack is a salesman, and Jill is a self-employed writer. You are to prepare only Jack and Jill’s 2015 federal income tax return. You are not required to prepare a tax return for Bill and Hope. Bill and Hope’s income information is only for purposes of determining if they qualify as dependents. *****, Please look at the file for the requirement.

Explain the difference between hedging and speculating

Thread: Discuss the following question: Commercials suggesting that “buying gold” would be a wise decision are commonly aired. Explain the difference between “hedging” and “speculating” by explaining why someone who wishes to “hedge” against inflation might choose to purchase gold. Explain why someone who wishes to “speculate” might also choose to purchase gold. Relate the motivations of “hedging” and “speculating” to the topic of Christianity. You must submit 1 thread of at least 250 words and cite at least 1 source in addition to any Scripture verses cited.

business law Negotiability

On a piece of paper, Joelle writes, “I promise to pay Rio $1000 on demand.” Joelle signs the note.
  • What type of instrument is this?
  • Is it negotiable?
  • If not,why not?

Business Law in the work place

Consider how the world of business interacts with the legal realm. What skills does a non-legal person need as an employee? What legal training do you feel a businessperson needs in order to make good decisions? Please refer to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. What (non-legal) positions there require a more than average understanding of legal issues?
  • What are the average salaries of those personnel?
  • Do you think you would enjoy liaising with legal personnel for a business?
  • Feel free to enliven this paper with personal experience.

Week 3 Discussion Topic

  1. Describe a time when you completed a survey of some importance.  What was the nature of the survey in the way the questions were asked (e.g. Likert Scale, rating, open ended, etc.)  Explain how effective you think the method of asking the questions was effective or ineffective.
  2. This year's presidential election appears to have featured a very significant failure of market research.
  • What do you think went wrong.
*Note: Please avoid making hurtful political opinions and stick to the research implications of this issue.

Using Descriptive Statistics In Marketing

Scenario: An oil change company is looking for ways to increase customer flow and revenue for the business. The company leaders have hired you to the company's market research consultant. Using raw data, determine two descriptive statistics regarding the oil change company that can be used to attract customers. Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:
  • Explain the descriptive statistics determined and their direct use in attracting customers.
  • Analyze additional information needed to develop a better marketing strategy.
  • Assess how you would collect this additional information.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.