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Wal-Mart: But we do give them a 10 percent employee discount

Assignment Requirements   - Summarize the overall viewpoint of the author. - discuss ethical issues facing Wal-Mart dealing with off the clock work, sexual discrimination, health benefits, the role of unions, the use of undocumented workers, as well as issues relation to child and labor laws. answer the four questions for thought on page 419.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Competitive Analysis

Assignment Requirements   Competitive table between starbucks, caribou , Dunkin donuts and Macdonald's cafe in price, products,places, promotion, customers and profits   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

International business 2

Assignment Requirements This order link tomy previous order 81182268 just there is change with crateria in that must be including in 1. Purpose of report 2. how u did your research? speake as team this is group project 3. significant finding- that link to the reseerch itself pick attractive one to the readers 4. recommondations-2-3 points   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

“The future of the retail store”.

Assignment Requirements   Process Read the article “The future of the retail store”. Select a retail store to be the focus of this assignment. Briefly describe the current operation of this store. You will search in the peer reviewed recent journal articles in ProQuest to find at least two articles relevant to the assignment. The ideas from these articles will be incorporated into the discussion in the main assignment. An attachment to the assignment will list the correct Harvard referencing of each of the journal articles and a brief outline of the key points in the journal article that are relevant to the assignment. Do not summarise the journal article. Identify the key points and briefly describe them and their relevance to the assignment. You should review and refine your refinement and polishing of the ideas and the communication of ideas, prior to the submission of the report. Your report must lead to recommendations on how this retail store can become more effective

Strategic Management 2

Assignment Requirements: Case Study   Important Notes: 1- The writing level is master level for International student. 2- Assignments are 700 words for each. 3- The percentage band that I want for my assignment is between 60% - 69% or Better. 4- The writer should be Specialist in strategic management. 5- I prefer to choice two companies for task 3 than I need to approved from my tutor before starting this task. 6- I prefer to choice a company for task 4 than I need to approved from my tutor before starting this task. 7- I prefer to contact me by phone from 6 -11 pm GMT and email me in any time. 8- There are one file attached.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

LED 601 Wk1 DQ2

Assignment Requirements Select a contemporary leader and identify the leadership skills they demonstrate. Provide specific examples to support your position.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

LED 601 Wk1 Assignment

Assignment Requirements   Select someone you believe exemplifies effective leadership (known or unknown). Write a 2-3 page paper that examines both the nature of the individual’s leadership role as well as what might contribute to their effectiveness. Be sure to cite specific examples that link with the concepts and theories   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

The Use of Social Media Sites in SME

Assignment Requirements   I have a paper to publish and written most of it I will upload the file and please follow the instruction on the file it will be red .   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Evaluate the recent decision by Facebook to acquire WhatsApp for US$19 billion

Assignment Requirements: Case Study   Facebook: Evaluate the recent decision by Facebook to acquire WhatsApp for US$19 billion. What were the reasons for the decision? Is the purchase of and the price paid for WhatsApp in line with Facebook's strategic goals? Use your own research into this topic and your knowledge of the analytical tools and business concepts to assess whether this was a good investment decision or a poor one. the structure of this report: >Introduction ›Case study summary ›The body of the report: create your own headings. Try to keep your headings short and relevant to your critical evaluation. ›Conclusion ›Reference listless main focus: you must make judgement about this business decision, and using research to support your argument.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Checkpoint Coffee

Assignment Requirements   This is a research paper discussing a hypothetical company named Checkpoint Coffee, where a primary data is provided regarding its processes. The company is looking to improve its processes, and this research paper is meant to analyse the data given (along with explaining in detail the significance of this research and providing specific research questions) and give advice to the company management regarding these processes. The initial primary data collected was hypothetically collected over the course of 25 days, where the waiting time for coffee is measured for a sample of 4 times per day. The company is opened 7 days per week. I was first asked to add an additional 25 days of data (Which I did, as you will see in attached excel sheet). Please use the attached excel sheet as the data for the research paper. Please conduct the necessary research, analysis and provide advice for the company Checkpoint Coffee's management.   Order Now