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Archive for the ‘business’
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Various Measurement Scales Worksheet

Various Measurement Scales Worksheet

Business Law in the work place

Consider how the world of business interacts with the legal realm. What skills does a non-legal person need as an employee? What legal training do you feel a businessperson needs in order to make good decisions? Please refer to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. What (non-legal) positions there require a more than average understanding of legal issues?
  • What are the average salaries of those personnel?
  • Do you think you would enjoy liaising with legal personnel for a business?
  • Feel free to enliven this paper with personal experience

Business Law in the work place

Consider how the world of business interacts with the legal realm. What skills does a non-legal person need as an employee? What legal training do you feel a businessperson needs in order to make good decisions? Please refer to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. What (non-legal) positions there require a more than average understanding of legal issues?
  • What are the average salaries of those personnel?
  • Do you think you would enjoy liaising with legal personnel for a business?
  • Feel free to enliven this paper with personal experience.

Research Design 2

Write a 250- to 300-word paper in which you examine the applicability of different marketing research tools to the scenario that you selected
  • ( scenario ) An organization is considering introducing a service.
  •  CVS as the organization and Minute Clinic as a new service
  1. Explain secondary market search considerations and apply them to the selected scenario.
  2. No introduction needed just answer the question with in text citation 

Week 3 Discussion Topic

  1. Describe a time when you completed a survey of some importance.  What was the nature of the survey in the way the questions were asked (e.g. Likert Scale, rating, open ended, etc.)  Explain how effective you think the method of asking the questions was effective or ineffective.
  2. This year's presidential election appears to have featured a very significant failure of market research.
  • What do you think went wrong.
*Note: Please avoid making hurtful political opinions and stick to the research implications of this issue.

Using Descriptive Statistics In Marketing

Scenario: An oil change company is looking for ways to increase customer flow and revenue for the business. The company leaders have hired you to the company's market research consultant. Using raw data, determine two descriptive statistics regarding the oil change company that can be used to attract customers. Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you:
  • Explain the descriptive statistics determined and their direct use in attracting customers.
  • Analyze additional information needed to develop a better marketing strategy.
  • Assess how you would collect this additional information.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

acc 501 thread 4 and reflective

Writer: Please write 1 page for this assignment Management Approaches Actions for 'Management Approaches' Subscribe Hide Description Corporate citizenship, lean manufacturing, TQM, activity based management, benchmarking, and Goldratt’s Theory of Constrains are concepts used by many corporations to streamline operations, meet demands of stakeholders, and ultimately to improve profitability. Required: Use Internet to research at least one of the above concepts. How are these relevant to managerial accounting? Please be specific and provide an example or a corporate story as an illustration in your original posting. Writer: This is a reflective assignment, please write 1 page for this assignment Managerial Accounting Is an Interdisciplinary Topic Actions for 'Managerial Accounting Is an Interdisciplinary Topic' Subscribe Hide Description You have worked your way through four managerial-accounting-related Cases and a Session Long Project. Provide three specific examples about how you

Explain the role of DCAA. Explain a contractor's estimating and accounting systems.

Topic: Explain the role of DCAA. Explain a contractor's estimating and accounting systems. Review and research Learning Objective Two. For this paper you will need to find an article that relates to Learning Objective Two, and summarize and discuss the article in the required paper. Remember to include a link to the article if possible. Also, you may use your textbook, internet, or other reputable sources to complete this assignment. Write a two page paper, plus the title page and a reference page on the topic. Instructions: •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. •APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting. •Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than a two page paper. •Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. APA GUIDELINES University of California Berkeley Library APA Style Citation

Funding report for plot T3

Scenario The King’s Cross site is 26 hectares of brownfield land north of King’s Cross and St Pancras stations (see attached plan). The London Borough of Camden has granted outline planning consent on the site to enable a major mixed?use development which includes offices, retail, restaurants, leisure, residential and university buildings. The largest single use is offices which are being built in blocks on various plots across the site. Momentum has established itself at King’s Cross (www.kingscross.co.uk) where The University of the Arts, London campus is now occupied and leading companies such as Google are going to move in. Some of the office blocks have been completed and are occupied, others are at various stages of construction while a start has not yet been made on some plots. One of the un?developed plots is T3 which will be the focus of the project. The developer is King’s Cross Central Limited Partnership wh

Business Proposal- Final Pitch

Overview Present your business opportunity pitch to an audience of potential business angel or venture capital investors. The objective is to convince the panel to invest in your opportunity. The video presentation will be 15 minutes. Videos with accompanying PPT and visuals for the presentation Assignment Instructions Present your business opportunity. Assume the audience is made up of potential investors. Your presentation should be 15 minutes in length. You may use the attached PPT to help structure your presentation. Upload a video file of your presentation with the accompanying PPT slides in a zipped folder, labelled with your student number and name. Marks are allocated for the presentation of your information, clarity of and congruency between verbal and nonverbal communication, persuasive techniques, and visual aids. Note: See attached as PPT sample