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Archive for the ‘Case Study’
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Assignment Requirements Answer all 5 questions (275 words per answer) 1) In Tomlinson�s view, what is the relationship between complex connectivity, culture and globalization? ( link to the reading: https://www.pacificdiscovery.org/credit/SEAreadings/Globilization%20and%20Culture%20-%20Tomlinson,%20John.pdf ) 2) What, according to George Ritzer, is "McDonaldization" and what are the four principles by which it operates?(Ritzer) To what extent do you agree with Ritzer's argument that "most contemporary phenomena" are affected "directly or indirectly" by McDonaldization? Give at least TWO examples to support your answer. 3) Pieterse argues that there are three main perspectives on cultural difference: the 'clash of civilisations' theory that focuses on difference, the cultural convergence theory that focuses on sameness and the theory of cultural hybridization that focuses on mixing. Which of these three do you find the most convincing, and why? 4) How does Martin Wolf�s argument in

Case Study

Assignment Requirements PHAR 1000 Assignment Hints Please do not write your answers in paragraph form. Point form is fine. Do the questions in order. Answer all parts of each question. For example, question # 1, asks you why the medications are ordered for the client and the therapeutic effect of the medication. To get full marks, list the first medication, state why it is ordered for this patient (1 mark), and its therapeutic effect. (1 mark). For example, a patient might be on Lasix for high blood pressure. The therapeutic effect of Lasix is that it lowers blood pressure by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium and increases the excretion of water. That same patient might also be on Captopril to reduce high blood pressure. The therapeutic effect of Captopril is that it blocks the conversion of angiotension I to angiotension II thereby preventing vasoconstriction from occurring. The dilated vessels decrease resistance to blood flow and lower blood pressure. Repeat for all of the med

Case Study: Vodafone: Developing a total communication strategy in the UK Market

Based on the case study and assignment structure, the introduction(1.0) and the external analysis(2.0) is done. Now i need the internal analysis (3.0) which is 25 marks. This includes how i approach the analyisis , why this is a valid approach, justify the tools,summary of the findings(value chain analysis) and implication. There can also be diagrams to explain the case study. Next is the SWOT(4.0) which is 15 marks, This includes explanation of SWOT and a diagram based on the overall summary if swot analysis. The next part is the conclusion(5.0) which is 10 marks. Based on SWOT,discuss possible options/ strategic options under corporate level, Business Unit and functional level. there can be recommendations in here.Please refer to the Assignment structure and case study.Also take note: some references should include books or articles from the year 2010-14 if possible.Other years are okay to but would prefer to also include latest ones.

Important Trivialities in Your Dissertation Format

Academicians are a ruthless group. They take research so seriously and the only way is to do so if you want or need to be in their good books. Your dissertation format has the following which should not be ignored at all.

Appendices It is tempting to dump all the raw data and peripheral information in the appendix. True, data, figures as well as calculations should be included here. However, most scientists will jump through your work and the details therein, straight to the results. This is the reason why data in the appendix should be well structured. Grammatical and Spelling Errors Proofread your work because much as the dissertation format may be correct, mistakes will not be taken kindly. Since spotting your own mistakes can be hard, get another person to go through it. It is vital to the dissertation format that your work be free of grammatical

Custom Dissertation 101

From the outset, you should note the following; a custom dissertation is not a sample that you acquire. It is one that is written according to the instructions and requirements you give to your service provider. Some writing services have live chat assistance and/or placement forms through which you submit what you need for your dissertation.

A dissertation should showcase the results of your years of academic undertaking. It is in essence, the culmination. Plagiarized work is very embarrassing considering that you want to be recognized as an authority in your field. With new technology, there are computer applications that make it very easy for one to be caught. This is why custom dissertation is preferred by most people. People go for custom dissertation because of a number of reasons:
  • Lack of experience in dissertation writing might make the process a nightm

All About Online Dissertation writing service

Students across the board from Masters to doctorates struggle with their dissertation projects and time is always against them, this is where a dissertation writing service can assist the candidate. Academic advisors have their own hectic timetables that is why the candidate must seek dissertation samples since the immediately require professional help. This can be very helpful to candidates, especially first timers that are not versed in the process of writing and structuring of dissertation assignment papers. They act as good reference for the students.

Writing a dissertation is not as easy as writing an essay, it serves as the last ditch that must be jumped over to get your degree, masters or doctoral degree. The thesis will elaborate the thought process, imaginations and investigative abilities of the candidate. Despite having an academic advisor to study their dissertation it is also

How To Write Dissertation Proposals

Dissertation proposals are the entry to the writing stage of your doctorate degree. Small documents have a tendency of taking longer than expected. This is a frustrating time for some students because their proposal keeps getting bounced back again and again. This can prove to be a very demoralizing and frustrating process for the student. These are some of the guidelines that can assist you in writing your proposal.

    Minimize your topic area There are programs that include this in the process of earning your degree. This should have been done at the topical proposal stage however if you haven’t done this you should. When writing dissertation proposals, it’s important that you narrow down on the subcategory of your field or zone of study. The desired topic area should be small but also take stork that the limited research shou

Proper Dissertation Editing

There is more expectation on graduate-level students than there is on students doing an undergraduate degree. The process of editing a dissertation can take from up to four to eight weeks. One of the core reasons as to why there is dissertation disapproval is because of dissertation editing. There is more emphasis on writing, research and editing skills. In order for a student doing a master’s or doctorate degree you must write a thesis or dissertation paper in order for them to graduate. It is therefore important to know the proper method of dissertation editing. Composing this papers is not easy, the work involves, dedication, long hours, extensive reading, focus and several edits. Below are some of the guidelines that you should follow when you are writing a good dissertation:

  • The language that you choose when in the proce

Focus On Case Study Methodology

In the digital age it is necessary for you to adopt a business focused case study methodology. Case studies are great marketing tools that can assist your business online by increasing patronage. There is an effective way of developing case studies known as PAR formula.

The abbreviations stand for Problem-Action-Result. When it comes to this marketing strategy this formula states that first you need to solve a problem. The problem must be defined otherwise there is no case history. Then you get to the action phase which must be undertaken by the person experiencing the problem. After the action is completed there must be a result which might be either negative or positive but still there must be a result. That is known as a tracking methodology that will allow you to know whether it needs to be improved or scraped. Many universities such Yale, Harvard, Stanford and Wharton use this formul

Information On Case Study Design

Case studies are used in professional and academic settings as one of the many methods of doing research. When you create a case study design, there are four things that should be considered as the backbone of your entire layout. These are headline, subhead, text and photo. Every single case study is designed differently, so it is up to you to see how creative you can get in making one. The case study should be about a subject and the relevance. Case studies are designed to target a specific small group, a particular population or an individual case. One of the main advantages of case studies are that they can be very detailed compared to other mediums such surveys. If for example one was to do a case study on the high birthrates in Africa, the case study design should be centered on one or two countries and it should concentrate on the econo