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Archive for the ‘Communications and Media’
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Campaign Report

Assignment Requirements   I need a 1000 word report based on a campaign that my group developed. I will upload what's the campaign is about. So my part of the report is talking about the SMART objective, the aim and the channel that is chosen to disseminate the message. So probably just write 400, 300, and 300 words for each part. Please READ through my uploads. I will upload reading about channel. So for the channel part not only talk about channel that we use but also talk why the channel is chosen (e.g. Facebook: because in india they have the 3rd largest Facebook user) and also how using different channel might raise awareness more as it would have the ability to reach a wider target audience. Information statistic about the Facebook one can be found in the ppt reference. Don't forget to use in-text citation and out of text reference. Don't use personal pronoun such as I. you, they, we   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.c

Data set & Method of Analysis, Finding

Assignment Requirements   I would like to revise my Data set & Method of Analysis and Findings for my report, I will upload my report and also give you a example, you can read it, Here is my instructor commends below, please write like this: Sources and methods: If you collected primary data by conducting interviews, surveys, or focus groups, outline the procedures you followed and any related details: who your subjects were; how you chose those subjects; what the surveysample size was; when the collection of data took place; and whether the data you collected is open to dispute. You can also describe your secondary sources. Check out: Domestic Violence page 3 (Current Study); p.4 - top of 11 (Findings) NOTE: Everything should be written in past tense! OK to use I & you - remember active voice? Use active voice. Use of bias words is NOT OK. Words that slant the readers perception toward a certain attitude, especially one the prejudices them towards a certain answer


Assignment Requirements   Formal footnotes aren't required, but references to the texts (which are a good idea!) should include author and page number in parentheses. Write a 4 page essay on the following topic. 1. In introducing his history of the media, Paul Starr talks about the "constitutive choices" that shape the development of a media system and affect how it serves the public. Explain what he means by this, and give two examples of what he sees as key constitutive choices in the formation of US media and their consequences. Siva Vaidhyanathan, discussing the newest developments in media history, argues that there are important problems we should worry about with the way the Internet is becoming organized. Drawing on his analysis of "Googlization," and our other discussion of the development of the Internet, what constitutive choices do you think we currently face about this new form of communication? Write 2 pages essays for both question 2 and 3 2. Are communication

Units reflection

Assignment Requirements   Reference numbers are flexible (you may reduce or increase as long as it more than 6 academic references.). Please choose three different incidents to discuss. One from readings, another from lecture notes or may be another one from own experience. THE INCIDENTS HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT. readings as reference list has been uploaded.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

How Practices Of Branding And Commodification Communicate Particular Stories And Histories About Cities And The Economic And Cultural Implications Of These Stories

Assignment Requirements   Critically examine the phenomena of the global, post-industrial city using at least one case study. In your response you must consider at least one of the following: To understand and critically engage with the following concepts: industrialisation; urbanisation; governance; biopolitics and neoliberalism. • To explain how economic, colonial and ideological forces influence the material structure of cities; and how the city is produced as a semiotic and metaphorical space. • To critically reflect on your own and others’ experiences of cities as spaces of governance, commerce and leisure. • To respond creatively to the urban and demographic changes in cities bought about by communication technologies and practices. • To situate the city as an object of analysis in communication, media and film studies. • To read and discuss new ideas and ways of thinking! The final section of the paper examines the city as a global commodity. We examine how

Culture and Internet

Assignment Requirements   They are exam questions. Do not use dot points , short sentences essay style Do use the the Author in-text citation like Chapters, Quote ,,,, Must use : Green, L. (2010) The Internet: An introduction to new media. Oxford, UK: Berg. This a book we studied during semester.   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/

Application project (would be determined in the instruction)

Assignment Requirements   I will upload all the instructions later. Please choose one topic as soon as possible, and I will send you the course material to finish this order. Between those two topic you could choose, I highly recommend you to choose the second one. Application project 2: Units 4-5   Included in this document are:
  1. Project directions
  2. Topic choices
  3. Evaluation Rubric
  4. Sample debate (not the topic for this application project, just for format reference)
A.  Please script a debate between yourself and an imaginary opponent based on the topics listed in section B.  In crafting your debate:
  • We ask that you specifically quote from at least one of the course readings.
  • Aim for a minimum of 1375 words (note that this is relatively short, as we are seeking quality rather than quantity).
  • You are encouraged to research the topic, but of course, the final

To Investigate the HRM of Apple Inc at China Foxconn Factories and the Increased Employees Strikes

Assignment Requirements   Hello, This assignment is the Major one. please make sure to understand and give the fully attention to this assignment because it is important for me. First, I want you to write an essay (2000 words) depending on the Outline which I will upload after. Second, there is a Rubric for this assignment I strongly asking you to follow the highest criteria because I need to get full mark. Third, The instruction paper will be uploaded but please read it carefully I do not want you rushing it. Lastly, Please use proper sources and reliable from the link below (UOIT). Also, this assignment requires "Turnitin.com" so make sure you use ur own idea and word. Thanks http://guides.library.uoit.ca/citation COMM 1050U – Spring 2014       Formal Analytical Report       Develop a formal analysis of a particular technology or technical process. Your report should

Mass Communication

Assignment Requirements   I need a outline on a company in advertising. topic to include: introduction industry profession conclusion   Order Now http://zelessaywritings.com/order/


Assignment Requirements: Article Critique   So for this final , we have part A and B , for A , just like the picture I updated, we have to not only answer , also need to go into detail to talk about it . I know you maybe never read this book, so I will provide summary explain what is " constitutive choice" and take a pic of the reading so you can have a look . (For this part it showe be around 4 pages ) Part b we can choose 2 out of 3 question to answer , I choose 2 and 3 . I will provide the pics of the reading that you can take a look . Just don't summary what the reading is about , go in detail to talk about it . ( this part should be 1 to 2 page ) This are the summary about the concept Constitutive Choices about Communications: General legal and normative rules concerning issues as: free expression, privacy, access to information. Specific design of communications media, structure of networks, and organization of industries Institutions related to the creation of intangi